It Rains Every Day in the Noticing What Others Don't (Voice Haikyuu) AU

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AU Bio: 

An AU where Kita Shinsuke is the head of a Special Investigative Force to rescue and solve cases before the Golden Time is up. He has the ability to notice what the others don't, such as sounds, items, and the like. He is aided by Sawamura Daichi at first, but soon Daichi leaves for Hyougo and is replaced by Ojiro Aran. Omimi Ren joins them briefly to help them fight against a new threat with a special ability like Shinsuke's.


Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi, Kita Shinsuke x Ojiro Aran, Sawamura Daichi & Azumane Asahi, Akagi Michinari x Omimi Ren, Azumane Asahi x Nishinoya Yuu, Suna Rintarou x Miya Osamu, eventual Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu


1. Kita Shinsuke 

=> After losing his grandmother to the mysterious killer who leaves scenes clean, he decided to utilise his gifts in order to hunt down this killer. He is the leader of the Golden Time Emergency Center, and works together with the leader of the Dispatch Team, Daichi, and eventually Aran and Ren, to solve cases in a race against the clock. He looks cold on the outside, but he's actually a really caring person. He's very passionate about helping others, and does his best to lead well. 

2. Sawamura Daichi

=> After losing his husband, Sugawara Koushi, to the same killer who killed Shinsuke's grandmother, he grew desperate to track down the killer in order to kill him and get revenge. He is skeptical of Shinsuke's ability at first, but he eventually accepts it and helps him the best he can. He's a bit brash and unable to think too far into the future, but he has a strong sense of justice and does his best, even if the methods could be a bit morally grey at times. He's also very funny and is an awkward mess around those he loves.

3. Ojiro Aran

=> He is designated as the new leader of the Dispatch Team after Daichi leaves to spend time with his kids in Hyougo. He's a literal comedian, but he can get serious when he wants to. He grows close to Shinsuke, but keeps his distance due to worrying that he could be prying too much. At some point, he grows feelings for the other, and confesses to Shinsuke, who is surprised but says he reciprocates the feelings. They end up marrying and Aran is promoted to official leader.  

4. Sugawara Koushi

=> He was Daichi's husband who was murdered, and the one who got him involved in the case of Kita Yumie's murder. Daichi describes him as "over-excitable, caring, and a bumbling idiot who would throw himself in front of a bullet for someone". He worked as a kindergarten teacher in an orphanage where Yumie volunteered, and died protecting Yumie; a vain death, since she still died. 

5. Kita Yumie

=> She was Shinsuke's grandmother who had always taken care of him after his parents died in an accident. However, she ended up dying while on the phone with Shinsuke, which shocked him and broke his heart. When the body was found later, he decided to nurture his talents to find out the truth about the murderer. Shinsuke describes her as "kind, loving, and downright the best person ya could ever meet."

6. Azumane Asahi

=> He's been working with Daichi for a long time, and despite his soft nature, he is actually a great asset to the team. When the killer approached him to make him a spy, he was tempted to accept since they were threatening his husband, Nishinoya Yuu, but after realising Yuu would hate it, he said no, and helps the Golden Time team fight them and many other threats in the future. He seems intimidating at first, but once one gets to know him, he's a really kind person. 

7. Omimi Ren

=> He worked in Hyougo until a case led him to Tokyo, where he meets Shinsuke again since they're childhood friends. He lost his husband, Akagi Michinari, to a new killer challenging Shinsuke, and joined him in fighting this new threat. Together, they take down the killer, only for Shinsuke to disappear afterward in order to find the truth of his ability. He's strict and unwavering, but he's also very understanding and cares for the people he loves. 

8. Sakusa Kiyoomi

=> He grew up learning bad things, and as a result, started killing people off to "clean the world". However, due to his fear of germs and such, he ends up cleaning up the crime scene, only leaving the body there, which became his trademark call sign. He's very antisocial, and only talks to Motoya, who is his cousin. But he eventually is snapped out of it by Shinsuke and Daichi, and he goes to jail to repent, with Motoya by his side. He cares a lot for his family despite everything they taught him, and he has a soft spot for Motoya. 

9. Suna Rintarou

=> He's actually Aran's childhood friend from Aichi, and is proven to be lazy and always finding the shortcuts in life. He begins killing people who he considers obstacles in life, with the help of his husband and his twin, the Miya twins. At first, Atsumu is caught and everyone thought it was over, but then Osamu and Rintarou showed themselves. Both are eventually captured, but at the near expense of Aran. Despite his cold exterior, he is smart and actually cares deeply for his loved ones. 

10. Shishio Aritaka

=> He knows Shinsuke from the hospital where he got his abilities in Hyougo. After going through so much abuse, he snapped and decided to make them pay. Anyone who hurt him was killed, and once he ran out of people to kill, he went after innocents to satisfy the bloodlust he had, like Michinari. He has the ability to hide in the shadows, lying in wait for his next victim. However, he is eventually arrested. He looks friendly, but deep down he's completely crazy. 

11. Komori Motoya

=> He's Kiyoomi's cousin, and the only person he can tolerate. While he doesn't approve of Kiyoomi's killings, he has no choice but to help him clean up because of his own family. He's released from custody earlier than Kiyoomi, and works hard to ensure the two of them can have a future. He's an energetic person who loves his cousin and would do his best to care for him.

12. Miya Osamu

=> He's Rintarou's husband who runs an onigiri store. While considered the "nicer" twin at first, once someone gets to know him they will consider Atsumu the nicer one because he's just as twisted as his husband. He and Atsumu are identical twins, despite their contrasting personalities, and he manages to convince Atsumu to take the blame for his crimes without remorse. 

13. Miya Atsumu

=> He's Osamu's identical twin who works with them briefly before being convinced by Osamu to take the blame for their works. He eventually realizes that he was just used, and cuts off ties with Osamu after he gets out of jail with Kiyoomi, falling in love with him despite their original clashes. He considers Osamu an idiot, but still wishes he could see the truth. 

14. Shiramine Itaru

=> He helps Aritaka in his murders because he owes Aritaka for saving him from his less than emotionally healthy home. However, eventually, he figures out that it's wrong and turns himself in. In the beginning, he is fiercely loyal, but after looking at the others, he slowly understands that there are faults in Aritaka's logic. 

Oneshot Written in the Universe: 

Hope Carries Us Through the Rain

"Yer quite the person, Sawamura."

Sawamura Daichi raised an eyebrow at his friend Kita Shinsuke as the white-haired male joined him in leaning on the railings, looking out onto Tokyo coming to life, saying, "You're not a slacker, either, Kita."

The two stared at each other, before they burst out laughing, and Shinsuke said, "Yer an amazing person, Daichi-kun. Don't ever forget that."

He scoffed, "I have nothing on you and you know it, Shinsuke-kun."

"Nah, yer still cool," Shinsuke chuckled. "Sad yer leaving for Hyougo, honestly. I would love to come over and play with the kids again."

"You're welcome every time," Daichi snorted. "The kids love you, Shinsuke-kun."

"Yer exaggerating," he rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I'm perfectly on point. I..." he trailed off, his ink-black eyes looking out, before he continued, "I haven't been the best father to them. So I need to start caring for them. Shouyou, Tobio, Kei, Tadashi, Hitoka, Kiyoko, Ryunosuke, Chikara, Hisashi and Kazuhito, I want to be a better person for them. If not, Koushi would curse me for years to come."

"And that's why yer a good person," Shinsuke laughed softly as he placed his hand on his teammate's shoulder. "If ya weren't, would ya feel bad for yer kids and realise that?"

"I guess you have a point," Daichi rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face. "I'm going to miss you and Asahi, Shinsuke-kun."

"Likewise, Sawamura. Stay safe, okay?" he laughed.

"You got it," Daichi promised and the two fist-bumped before looking out to the scenery, the day closing with a promising end to their story of seeking justice for their loved ones, Shinsuke's grandma and Daichi's husband. 

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