SSV-mas Day 14: Hunting & the Hunted (Dance of the Backyard Weeds)

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Run, young child, or things will fall apart. What kind of world have you stepped into?

ANANSI: *pants, hides behind a boulder* I swear, this isn't the best luck I have!

ZOMBOSS: *cackles* You can't win! You're surrounded, Memengwa! 

ANANSI: *eyes narrow* As if I'm giving up! *pulls out some seeds, eyes glow green as he sees the grid show up* I'm not losing here! Our final stand, guys! 


ANANSI: *throws the seeds* Sunflower! *his sun energy levels on his watch drops* Alright, I need to wait a bit. *sun comes out of Sunflower* Alright! Peashooter, let's go! 

PEASHOOTER: *begins shooting at the approaching zombie* 

ANANSI: *collects the suns, plants more Sunflower seeds* Alright, I can't give up now! *plants more Peashooters, looks around* "Final battle, this isn't going to be a walk in the park. But... this is it. If I win this battle... it's over. I can go home!" *eyes narrow* I'm putting you to ruin! 

ZOMBOSS: *smirks, gets into his robot* Even if I tell you that your friends may no longer be able to come over to your world?

ANANSI: *freezes* W-What? 

ZOMBOSS: You heard me right. *smirks* Losing here means no more happy moments with your friends. You'll be ALL alone again, won't you?

ANANSI: *gulps* N-No... I-I... *memories of being all alone, of things being black and white until they moved into the house* No no no... I don't want to... I've gotten so used to them. I can't--


ANANSI: *freezes* Pea?...

PEASHOOTER: Don't listen to him! Remember what I said when we first met?

ANANSI: I-I do... I know it's scary to trust someone you've just met, but it's going to be alright. No matter where the journey takes you, you'll get through it. After all, only the craziest will step into that house.

PEASHOOTER: It still applies here. *grins* Regardless of how this ends, well, you're good at understanding and accepting the unknown, aren't you? Even if you never liked unpredictable situations. 

ANANSI: *eyes widen, but smiles* I gotcha. *looks back front* I'm not going to give up! Let's keep going! *throws more seeds*

SUNFLOWER: Aw yeah! Anansi's back in the game! 

ZOMBOSS: *hisses* You little...! I'LL END YOU RIGHT HERE! 

ANANSI: Bring it! I'm not scared of you! We'll take you down no matter what! 


ZOMBOSS: NOOOOOOOOO!!!! *screams, shrivels up* I WILL BE BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gone*

ANANSI: *sighs in relief* We-


LILY PAD: We did it!!!

WALL-NUT: YES YES YES! *hops up and down happily* We finally took him down! 

ANANSI: *falls down onto the ground, smiles happily* We did it. We... won. It's over. *hugs the others, tears up* "Even if we separate now, these memories will carry me through, so... thank you guys, for everything." 

ANANSI: So yeah, that's how we won the fight. 

CALM-ADIUM: I see. That's quite nice. *smiles* You did great back there. 

ANANSI: *grins* Thankfully they didn't have to leave, so now I'm just chilling. *pats her on the head*

CALM-ADIUM: *chuckles, then a portal opens up* Huh?

ANANSI: What?... 

?: *steps out* Huh, is this another place? 

ANANSI: *gets up, hand moves to grab seeds* Who are you?

?: *looks back, blinks* Oh, hi! You're Anansi Memengwa right?


?: *grins* Nice to meet you. I'm Louis, member of the Xplorers in Malaysia. We... have a little crisis we need your help with as a supernatural biologist. Care to help us out?

ANANSI: *blinks, but gets up* I guess we can. Whatcha think, Calm-adium?

CALM-ADIUM: Sure. *smiles* I'm ready to go. 

ANANSI: *smiles back, turns to Louis* Lead the way, kid. 

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