SSV-mas Day 6: Personality Swap (Dance of the Backyard Weeds)

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A new friend, things heat up a lil, where can the expert be found?

ANANSI: I'd never thought I'd be happy to see you again, Crazy Dave, but man, am I glad right now. 

CRAZY DAVE: Why, hey, hey, there! Have ya seen my sandwich? *grins, walks over*

ANANSI: *snorts, sidesteps to put space in between them* Nah, not this time. Anyhow, *looks around* how's Nature's Eden going along? 

CRAZY DAVE: Been quite calm since Zomboss' defeat! Ya really knocked them out of the park!

ANANSI: *blushes* I just did my best—

CRAZY DAVE: No no, don't be modest! *slaps his back, makes him wince, he's oblivious* Anyway, what brings you here?!

ANANSI: R-Right. I heard reports from Wall-Nut and Tall-Nut about a new species of Mystica trunkeria. They said their name was Calmadium?

CRAZY DAVE: Ah! So you found out, huh? Quite the specimen, this one! I expected nothing less from the top supernatural biologist! *chuckles, begins walking away* 

ANANSI: *follows him* The others have had their personalities swapped so I'd like to find a way to restore them. That's how I got the tip-off. *curious* What can Calmadium do?

CRAZY DAVE: Y'know them zombies that get angered at night? The grandpa and grandma ones? 

ANANSI: Don't remind me. They were a **** to deal with when they attacked. 

CRAZY DAVE: Well, this one here can calm them down! Plus, they can also slow down any zombies that try to rise from the graves. This one is pretty much a night owl. 

ANANSI: Fair enough. Does Calmadium have restoration properties?

CRAZY DAVE: Eh, pretty much, keeps em zombies on the low. *snorts* But enough about that, I wanna hear about your new friends! Have ya brought them here yet?

ANANSI: "No, cause you still creep the **** out of me and I still don't know if I can trust you..." *smiles warily* They're fine, even if they're a bit... eccentric. "Especially Schrik, Chiro and MK. How those three managed to find each other confuses me to no end."

CRAZY DAVE: *chuckles* Oh, I know you don't trust me, Anansi, but let's just say that you need to keep trusting me... or else... *glint in his eye, then he stops* Oh, there she is!

ANANSI: *looks over, it's a green leaf plant with purple veins growing brightly by the riverbank* Similar to elephant ear plants, huh? Makes sense, even if they ARE actually dangerous. *walks over slowly, careful*

CALMADIUM: *blinks, turns around* O-Oh, hi! Who're you? 

ANANSI: *smiles* Hi, I'm Anansi Memengwa. I'm here cause... Cause I need your help. My friends back home, they're mystical plants such as yourself, something's happened and switched their personalities. I don't know what to do so I came here for help. 

CALMADIUM: *pauses* "They seem sincere, but..." *looks at Crazy Dave, frowns* "I don't trust him..." Are you with him?

ANANSI: We just happened to work together to stop the zombies in my world. I don't really trust him myself, per se, but I need to do it so that the others can stay alive in my place. 

CALMADIUM: I... see... *smiles a bit* Well, you have my interest, Anansi. *a seed plops into his hands* I am in your care now, then. 

ANANSI: *Smiles* Thank you, Calmadium. "Alright, time to get back to the others now!"


ANANSI: *planting the seed, but barely avoids a blast of fire* TORCHWOOD, STOP BLASTING FIRE ALL OVER THE PLACE! *groans, why, oh why did he have to exchange personalities with CHERRY BOMB OF ALL PEOPLE?!*

GRAVEBUSTER: *clinging onto him, has switched with Sunflower* How is it going? 

ANANSI: I'm almost done... There! *closes the hole* Phew, we just need to wait for it to grow. 

GRAVEBUSTER: ... won't that take some days...?

ANANSI: *Pauses* .... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

As of today, PvZ and Nature's Eden are no longer part of SSV, but they're in a world cluster of their own! 

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