Super 10 Season 2 AU, Familial Revelations

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AU Premise: What if Gangsan and Mikado Yuga were twins?


Uju's son and his wife were not expecting twins, so when they found out, they were at a loss. They had told others that they would have just one kid, not two! Paruko, who had known them for a while due to her work as an investigative journalist looking into the Superions at one point, was struggling with her infertility, which lined up nicely for them once they found out. Paruko didn't want Gao to find out, and they didn't want an extra kid to be found out. Uju did not approve of it, yet he could do nothing as they did it, forced to stay silent for the sake of his grandson, although he did hope that the twins would be reunited someday. 

Main Characters:

- Yuga/Gangju

Mikado Yuga is currently the Buddy Contract Checker, an official title given by the Card Office due to his proficiency in detecting toxic Contracts, and also currently one of the strongest Buddyfighters in the world aside from his "father", Mikado Gao, and various others. At first, he is portrayed as a happy-go-lucky but overworked 14-year-old. However, following the vision the Super Stones gave him, his attitude begins shifting. He becomes much more antagonistic, especially towards Ranma and Kei, and even mistreats Garga at one point, causing Gangsan to step up against him. Following the revelation that his entire life and identity were a lie thanks to an alternate world where the two had grown up together, Yuga struggles to cope with that. Thankfully his dad was not involved in it; he genuinely thought that Yuga was from an actual orphanage. Still, it takes a small interaction with Gangsan to begin the small healing, and as the fight continues, Yuga, or rather Gangju, would finally accept himself and even use Buddyfight to bring their corrupted friend back. Following the fight, he would confront his family and finally get the truth out. He cut off ties with his mom, but took Haru with him to Gangsan's family while also keeping ties with Gao (a fact he is really happy about). His main deck is a Dragon World deck called Fiery Dragod Dance, which evolved into Super Dragod Finishing following his major character growth.

- Gangsan

Gangsan is one of the three original Super Stone guardians. While originally brash and a bit arrogant, Gangsan, better known as Aiden, is a kind and determined individual, also carefree like Yuga. He is physically fit and an adventurer with a reckless streak. At the beginning of the season, Gangsan struggles to adapt to the three new members of the team, not to mention the new responsibility he has to protect his friends from danger with his new Dragon Watch. Yuga's antagonistic nature only serves to get on his nerves. The two have bashed heads multiple times over their adventures, but only after the alternate world did he finally understand why  Yuga was the way he was. After initiating a conversation with Yuga, their relationship begins to better itself, with Yuga finally telling them about the vision the Super Stones had given him. Gangsan guessed that the Super Stones had been playing with his mind, explaining how he, too, had nearly fallen prey to the Super Stones. This eventually leads to the realisation that the true evil is the Super Stones, which can also act like Core Deck Gadgets. Because of this, Gangsan is taught to build up his own deck and he now has a Superion deck with Double Dragon as his Buddy named Crossfire Tirade which he uses to defeat Omega and the Stones. Once it's over, Gangsan brings Yuga and Haru home and they begin to live together. 

- Areum

She is the information center of the original trio, and she is cool, calm, and collected although she can be annoyed by the boys at times. She is also a fan of classical music and will do her best to support her friends, even if it doesn't seem like much at first. Just before the Superions left, she and Daun saved Gangsan from falling victim to the Super Stones, which he remains very grateful for. Because of this, Areum, rather, Skyla decided to be more proactive in helping the cause of protecting the Earth from Omega. She has reservations about the other three, though, thinking that they had just been there at the right time, but as she gets to know them more, she comes to see how much they contribute to the team as a whole and warms up to Ranma and Kei. Bonding with Yuga only comes afterwards, but it's enough to make her call him a friend instead of someone she only tolerated. After the battle, she too begins taking an interest in Buddyfight, so she now has a Legend World deck named Time Melody with Whitehorn as her Buddy.

- Da-un

He's the youngest of the trio, and while Da-un may be easily startled, he is a smart and kind inventor who tries his best to help his friends. Because of this, he has contributed a good amount as well to the team. Having helped save Gangsan from the Super Stones, Da-un or Benji has decided to give his best when fighting Omega. This is shown by how much he's worked to create useful inventions in such short time spans. His friends always remind him to pace himself, though, which Kei, Ranma and Da-un bond over; the beginning of new bonds being formed between the two groups. Da-un even slaps Yuga to get him back to his senses during the climax, which Yuga is eternally grateful for. He ends up being a deck builder for his friends and is learning under Ranma to join the Youth Division with his friends eventually. 

- Kei

Formerly a villain before Yuga set him straight, Jinguuji Kei is calm, coolheaded and logical, but this tends to come across as patronising and standoffish, especially to Yuga fresh from a vision the Super Stones gave him. This makes Kei question whether he's truly changed from the vengeful, arrogant man he had been before being defeated. Thankfully, as he interacts more with the others, he comes to find his self-worth, even gaining the confidence to Buddyfight Yuga to make him open up about his feelings. By the end of the fight, Kei has become a stronger and more self-confident person. His main deck is a Legend World deck named Time Turner, but following the growth, it becomes Timeless Promise.

- Ranma

Kakogawa Ranma is Yuga's best friend who had gone dark for a while due to being envious of Yuga. He's still pretty shaken up by his negative emotions back then, and it shows when he's faced with his dream self who not only won against Yuga, but also created a monster in him by mocking him about his family, which triggered a darker Yuga who unlocked the darker Garga cards. Ranma is brought back to his sense following Gangsan punching him in the face and yelling at him to stop blaming himself, which Ranma realises applies to him and allows him and Destroyer to reach a new level. Because of this, his original Lost World deck, Mirrored Fire, turns into a new one named Funhouse Justice, while his Dragon World deck became Destructive Chaos. 


1. Travelling Dimensions, Shocking Secrets!

A sudden attack by an unknown alien has Yuga, Ranma and Kei sent out to investigate. But when they enter the Time Realm, what awaits them? Or rather, what awaits Yuga?

The first episode of Familial Revelations! Travelling Dimensions, Shocking Secrets!

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