The Tomoki Goes to Alola (but leaves) AU Still Has A Happy Ending

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AU Bio: 

An AU where Tomoki is transferred to Alola due to budget cuts in the school. However, while he does fall in love with Satoshi, he ends up leaving to join HyTS. He still finds his way back to Satoshi, though, when he goes to Galar on an investigation of Rose Tower when the Darkest Day Arc happened, and they reunite to fight against Rose.


Tomoki x Satoshi x Gou (BrokenbyLifeShipping), Satoshi x Gou (FirstFriendShipping), Past Tomoki x Satoshi (BlazingIceShipping), Koharu x Hikari (BloomingBubbleShipping), Mao x Suiren x Lillie, Mamane x Luke Triton


1. Himi Tomoki

After moving to Alola, Tomoki becomes more energetic and happy, only to drop when he's forced to move to Odaiba by Mitsuo Yamaki to join HyTS. He grows a lot more grumpy and moody as a result. He doesn't tolerate mistakes in a mission, especially from himself, so when he meets Satoshi again, he gets mad easily and has a short fuse. He scolds Gou for taking so long to get there, too, saying that a Trainer shouldn't be weak. It gets to the point that Gou yells at Tomoki for being so stuck-up, and Tomoki realises his mistake. After the crisis is over, Tomoki is about to leave when Satoshi catches up with him and asks if he could stay. Tomoki wants to say no, since Yamaki would have his head if he didn't head back, but he decides to take a break for a few days, uncaring as he spent time with the two. The love is rekindled, and parts of the Tomoki Satoshi knew in Alola started coming back. But then Yamaki shows up and tries to get Tomoki to come back, only for Gou to yell at him for destroying his happiness. This inspires Tomoki to quit HyTS, and he ends up joining the other two as Research Fellows, helping them through their fights as they strive to achieve their dreams. Tomoki's own dream ends up returning to the mysteries, as he tries to figure out the truth about HyTS' dark secrets; how they knew about Pokemon and why the regions were isolated.

2. Satoshi 

After Tomoki left, Satoshi's cheerful personality becomes more realistic as he struggles to handle the heartbreak of Tomoki leaving. He tries to cover it up with a smile, but there are days when it's too much and he breaks down. Through this, he grows closer to Gou and they begin dating. Upon meeting up with Tomoki in Galar, Satoshi is shocked by just how much he's changed, and is angry at Yamaki, but holds himself back. When Gou shouts at Tomoki he is surprised, but as he sees his Tomoki return, he grows happier, and his smiles are much more genuine. When Tomoki announces that he's moving with them to the Sakuragi lab, Satoshi is ecstatic and helps him get used to life there while easing him into the relationship with Gou.

3. Gou

When Gou meets Satoshi, he is struck by how heartbroken his eyes seem. After Satoshi breaks down and tells him the truth about his breakup with Tomoki, Gou and Satoshi grow a lot closer.  Because of this, they begin dating. Gou recognises Tomoki due to the stories and the pictures, and is shocked by how different he is from Satoshi's descriptions. He eventually falls in love with Tomoki as he slowly sees his warmer side, and shouts at Yamaki for his selfishness by forcing Tomoki away from his loved ones, and it's what makes Tomoki fall for him. After he joins them, they begin to ease him into the relationship as well.

4. Koharu

When she met Satoshi, she noticed how pained his eyes were, and the two form a bond of sorts after the truth of the heartbreak came out. After Tomoki joins the lab, she is wary of him at first, to the point that she could be downright salty at times. However, she slowly grows to understand Tomoki, and they become the ones who have to stop their friends from rushing into danger. Tomoki is the one who convinces her to talk more to Hikari, eventually ending with them dating each other. 

5. Professor Sakuragi

He welcomes Tomoki with open arms and is there for any of them if they have problems, mainly Tomoki whose own thoughts tend to crowd him often, and also has a degree in psychology, which is how he can counsel his "adopted" kids. He tries hard to support them all in their dreams, providing information for Tomoki on the history of the Pokemon world to allow him to figure out how to reintroduce Pokemon to his home.

6. Dande 

He thanks Tomoki for his help, and helps him slowly break the habits that he picked up in HyTS, be it over bonding or chatting through the phone. He has (unofficially) adopted the three, and hopes that they will get married (a notion seconded by everyone). Despite everything, he has a horrible sense of direction and will often get lost if not for his Lizardon.

7. Sonia

She's now a Regional Professor for Galar, and she tries her best to live up to it, although she has her own problems with self-esteem. This allows her to bond with Tomoki, who is sent her way to help in the investigation of the problems in Galar. When they meet Gou, she notices the tension between the two, and tries to alleviate it, although it doesn't really do much and causes a fight. However, they do reconcile and Sonia is happy for them. They do chat a lot each night, though.

8. Rose

He was the former CEO of Macro Cosmos, and the main antagonist in the Black Night Arc. He antagonises Gou and Tomoki, calling Tomoki an abomination for being able to transform into Digimon, and has gone crazy because of his thirst for power, although he pretends that it's for a nonexistent energy crisis. He doesn't care about the consequences his actions may have on the world; all he cares about is the power. He does care for Olive, though, and wishes she had gotten away instead. 

9. Olive

She was Rose's former secretary, and a recurring antagonist in the Black Night Arc as she has people try to stop Gou, Tomoki and Sonia from getting to Mugendaina. She may seem graceful, but truth is she is just as psychotic as Rose, twisted by her broken childhood. She is fiercely loyal to Rose, and will do whatever to stop the "rebels".

10. Mao

She was one of Satoshi and Tomoki's classmates, and she knows the true reason why Tomoki left, though he told her to keep it a secret, because he knew that if Satoshi knew about it, he would be so mad, thus why she doesn't tell others aside from Suiren. She is glad that Tomoki is finally back, and teases him for falling for Gou so quickly. She is also the "mom" of the group, chiding the others for their childish pranks from time to time. 

11. Lillie

She was one of the duo's classmates and is currently dating Mao and Suiren despite traveling far and wide to search for her father. She returns to Alola shortly after Tomoki rejoins Satoshi, and is glad that he's back to normal, although she knows that their level of intimacy would take time to reach how it had been before the breakup. 

12. Suiren

She was one of their classmates, having gotten along with Satoshi due to their chaotic nature. However, she could also see the brokenness in him, and tried to help out, although Tomoki's breakup was what changed everything. When Satoshi comes back with Gou she is happy for him and is glad he's finally moving on, getting more relieved when the announcement comes that Tomoki's back. 

14. Mamane

He was one of their classmates, closer to Tomoki in particular due to their similarities, and he understands why Tomoki did what he did, although he didn't tell anyone, and it ate away at him until he met Luke Triton and began dating him, finally finding happiness in the small things in life. He slightly resents Tomoki for making him feel so pained, but after he finally takes the time to explain, he understands and the two rekindle their friendship.

15. Kaki

He was one of their classmates, and at first he was cold to Gou because he thought that Gou would break Satoshi's heart all over again. However, Gou proves himself worthy, and once Tomoki comes back the misunderstanding is cleared up. Kaki apologises for it, although Tomoki waves it off, saying it's natural for him to feel that way. The two eventually spend time together and grow closer. 

Why the Regions were Isolated (RPed with XenoSaiyan)

Mythical creatures called Pokemon came into play during the first and second world wars.

An unnamed Ranger in military uniform shuddered a bit as he asked his commander, "Are you sure about this..?" at the mouth of a cave that would lead to Manaphy. It wasn't exactly Fiore's (which would later be called Italy) first choice for their secret weapon, but Mythical Pokémon held similar power to their Legendary counterparts, and they needed something to show for their efforts.

"We have to. If not... We may as well be dead to the world," the commander scowled.

The Ranger sighed and nodded, getting a device ready as he said, "Then I hope this device is able to make it listen."

They weren't the only ones making that very stupid choice, though. In Galar, a few Trainers were trying to find Eternatus to use its power against the other side of this war.

And, of course, the other side had to go poking around, too.

One wanted Eternatus, the other wanted Manaphy.

And then there were ordinary Pokémon already being involved! They were willing to stick by their companions, but for those whose human friends died, they mostly just went wild on the battlefield and then left to head back to their friend's family if they weren't knocked out.

However, every attempt to capture a Myth or Legend ended up backfiring horribly. Which led to more Trainers and Rangers needing to use their own or wild Pokémon on the battlefield.

Which, of course, led to both sides slowly losing their inhibitions about just shooting the weaker targets that couldn't take bullets like raindrops.

Kindness seemed to leave their minds.

It left one side much faster, but it still did leave a lot of Pokemon dying on the battlefield.

And by that point, with no Trainers left, something weird happened. Pokémon started disappearing en masse.

The world didn't know why.

And then some regions began to protest, beginning with some places in the Kanto region...

Luckily, by that point, the war was close to ending.

Unluckily, though, Pokémon had entirely vanished at that point. Aside from a few times, where kinder-minded people would occasionally spot one or secretly get helped by one. But otherwise, it was like, aside from the technology associated with them, they'd practically stopped existing.

Humans were selfish though. Self-centered as they were, they isolated the regions completely and wiped them off the face of the earth.

However, that had been the plan all along; to get them to isolate the regions so Pokemon could thrive once more.

And since pretty much ignoring whole Regions left the world map.. more changed than people liked to admit, the countries started changing their names. If only to indicate a sort of acceptance that Pokémon likely weren't coming back to human society.

And so, history erased Pokemon, and the world moved on. 

I wish my braincells could accommodate these AUs, but I've been feeling so drained- So yeah, whoever wants to help expand can do it. 

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