Ability Recap/Switches

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Pixl Riffs
Year: 1
Ability: Architectus

A combination of abilities that come from a tattoo of a combination of Roman clock and a compass on his hand allowing him to constantly know the exact time and which way North, South, East, and West are; as well as letting him travel through time at his will. However, time traveling takes a lot of energy, which is needed for him to keep Borealis at bay, who is a former part of the Gods of Ruin that was accidentally placed inside of Pix's body instead of being banished to Tartarus. If Pix loses control over Borealis, it becomes easier for her to influence his emotions and actions.


Katherine Elizabeth
Year: 1
Ability: Super Strength

The heightened ability to to lift, manipulate, and move objects. Her emotions have a huge impact on her control over her strength. Strong feelings of confidence, anger, or happiness can heavily increase her strength. But strong feelings of self-doubt, nervousness, or sadness. Strong levels of fear can have either effect.


Shelby Evermore
Year: 2
Ability: Witchcraft

The ability to use magic via casting spells. Her spells are strongest when read from her grimoire, and she requires to have a wand to cast spells.


Jimmy Solidarity
Year: 2
Ability: Sheriff

The ability to detect lies and wrongdoings. He owns a lasso that is helpful in catching villains and forcing the truth out of anyone caught in it. However, the lasso tends to have a mind of its own and sometimes does what it wants instead of what Jimmy wants.

Scott Smajor
Year: 2
Ability: Flora

The ability to grow any kind of vegetation at will. His powers thrive in warm, spring-like temperatures, and each plant grown is a physical representation of his current emotions.

Gemini Tay
Year: 2
Ability: Visual Illusion

The ability to bend light at her will to create visual illusions of any kind. The illusions she creates are the most convincing the brighter it is. The sun's light gives her the most to work with. However, she can only use her ability to trick up to three people at a time, and they must be in the same general area. Her target must have their eyes open for her illusions to work.

Joel Smallishbeans
Year: 3
Ability: Gift of Stratos

A combination of abilities granted by the Honos, or the Gods of the Heavens, including lightning channeling, summoning thunderstorms, omniscience, and flight. He's much stronger in the sky, especially during thunderstorms. Lightning bolt tattoos on his arms indicate how much powed he can use at once, and being indoors limits his abilities of lightning channeling and flight.

Lizzie Shadowlady
Year: 3
Ability: Animalia

The ability to shift between animal forms. She's also able to only gain certain parts of an animal if she wills. Each form is stronger when in its natural habitat, but she gains the weakness of each animal she shifts into, which makes it difficult sometimes for her to keep each form.

Fwhip Tay
Year: 3
Ability: Goblin

The ability to shrink to any desired size. This power comes with incredible agility. He's strongest in wider, darker, and damper spaces, like swamps and deep caves. He can only shrink, and his natural height is 4 feet.

Year: 3
Ability: Sanctuary

The ability to emit a translucent mist that, depending on his intent, can either put his target to sleep, or simply calm them. This ability is strongest when Sausage is surrounded in nature and calm. When Sausage gets excited in any way, he tends to lose control of his power and accidentally puts his teammates, and sometimes himself, to sleep.

Joey Graceffa
Year: 4
Ability: Wayfinder

The ability to summon a map of whatever area he is in. He's also able to find his way to wherever he wants using his power. His wayfinding ability is strongest when at sea, which is useless information considering he lives in the middle of a city and the nearest ocean is hundreds of miles away.

F.A.L.S.E. Symmetry
[Feeling Acting Looking Speaking Engaging Human Symmetry AI]

False is a human-like android who behaves like a human teenager. She has the ability to manipulate any electronic machine, current, or AI as she pleases without much effort. When connected to WiFi, she can expand her AI globally, though she is rarely permitted by the dean to do so. False runs on battery, and if that battery runs out completely she will have to charge to full percent before being able to turn back on again.

*°•☆ ● ☆•°*


Pix: Architectus → Gift of Stratos
Joel: Gift of Stratos → Super Strength
Katherine: Super Strength → Goblin
Fwhip: Goblin → Animalia
Lizzie: Animalia → Wayfinder
Joey: Wayfinder → Sanctuary

Sausage: Sanctuary → Visual Illusion
Gem: Visual Illusion → Architectus
Shelby: Witchcraft → Sheriff
Jimmy: Sheriff → Flora
Scott: Flora → N/A
False: N/A

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I just wanted to put this here so nobody would have to reread the entire prologue if they forgot what a person's ability is, and also to make sure you guys know who has whose ability after the switch!

Also!! It's my birthday today! :DD /gen

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