Chapter 2 Help Dispatches and Arrives

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      In the previous chapter, the four friends, Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette, discover two dead bodies on the beach shore.

Now, in the current chapter, they are unsure how to react to this sudden discovery.

     "Adrien, what shall we do?"  Marinette asks.

   "Do not worry, we will figure out something," Adrien says.

    "Guys, why are you just standing there?"  Nino asks.

    "I know what to do," Alya says. She gets out her phone and calls for help.

   *on the other end of the phone the dispatcher, asks  "Is this an emergency?"

   Alya whose on her cell phone answers, "Yes, there has been some accident at the beach."

  *on the other end of the phone line, the dispatcher asks, "What kind of accident?"

"Well, two people are badly injured or dead.  I am not sure which..." Alya says and passes out from shock.

    "Alya, are you okay?"  Nino asks and gets no response.

  Nino picks up her phone, from where she dropped it.  He speaks into the phone, "Hi, send help quick my friend Alya fainted after she saw some bodies lying motionless on the beachfront. The people are either hurt or dead."  

   *on the other end,  "So, there is two dead bodies there with you, and your girl has passed out from shock is that it?"  The dispatcher asks.

    "Yes, that is exactly it, hurry!" Nino says.

  *on the other end, "Try to remain sir, help is on the way!  The police and paramedics should be there soon!" The dispatcher tells him.

    *Sir, what is the evidence of murder other than the bodies?" The dispatcher ask him.

   "There is seashell, book, and knife along with two beach towels that have blood all over them," Nino explains.

   *Be sure not to move or touch anything near the crime scene until the police arrive," The dispatcher tells him.

  "I won't I am too worried about Alya since she passed out. I am afraid the shock was a bit much for here," Nino explains.

   "Oh, and thanks for your help. This situation is just so scary,"  Nino says.

  *On the other end, Tell me when the police and medical professionals arrive," The dispatcher remarks.

  "Ok, I will stay on the phone to give you an update,"  Nino says. 


 A few minutes later the police arrive at the beach, and the medic's are still on their way.

 "Hello, I am officer Roger, Raincomprex."

"What seems to be the trouble?"  He asks.

  "The police are here now," Nino says into the phone.

  *On the other end, "Excellent, I will let you go now so you may talk to them. Oh, and the paramedics should be there shortly,"  He says and hangs up.

"Would someone mind telling me what is going on here?"  Officer Raincomprex asks.

'' Originally, my friends, Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and I just came here for vacation," Nino says.

 "Ok, what about the suspicion of foul play?"  The officer asks. 

   "Yes, you see I saw something rather off around there," Nino says and points in the direction the bodies were found.

"Yes, and?"  Officer Raincomprex asks.

  "Well, sir, my friends and I went to check it out;  that is when we found the bodies and the murder weapons."  Nino answers.   

    Officer Raincomprex goes toward the spot Nino has told him about as the medical professionals pull in an ambulance.

     The ambulance makes a loud sound and it's lights flashes.  As the medic's exit the vehicle, they run towards the sand. "Ok, so where is the young woman who fainted?" One of them asks.

     Nino runs over to them, "I will show you, right this way."  He leads them over to Alya.

     "Is my girlfriend, alright?"  Nino asks.

     "Well, she is awake now, so I will check her vitals." The medic says.  He checks her temperature, blood pressure, and pulse. He smiles.

     "Under the circumstances, she should be fine, but I recommend you keep a close eye on her. Also, here is a bottled water for each of you, in this heat you will need it,"  He says.

      He also gives Alya some pineapple juice to calm her nerves. 

       Meanwhile, Adrien tries to reassure Marinette,  "Marinette, I am sure they are doing all they can to help, Alya."

      "I am glad you are here with me," Marinette says.


      The police officer inspects the crime scene. He shakes his head at how horrid it is to him. He thinks, such a pity for two young ladies to have their lives taken from them so early in life. He notices there is a sign of a struggle for both. He can also see that the girls were both murdered alright. 

    Officer Raincomprex can not figure out which one died first. He needs help from a medical examiner to determine the cause of each one's death, and when they died. He scribbles some notes on his notepad and calls for back up.

   "This looks serious, but I need back up now,"  Raincomprex says.

    "It looks like one was reading when they were attacked. The other one I am not sure what she was up too, but I can tell you this she looks terrified," He says.

    *on the phone, " I will be there soon with my K-9 unit," Lydia Jefferson, says.

      * on the other phone line,  "I will help whatever way I can, that is Butch and I will," Lydia Jefferson remarks.

     "Well, both girls are unseemingly to look at since they are covered in blood," Officer Raincomprex says.

      *on the phone line, "Sounds like a simple case of murder, I will know more when I get there,"  Lydia Jefferson tells them.

     "Ten, four got it!  See you soon, bye!'' Officer Roger Raincomprex hangs up. He sits down to wait for back up.

      Lydia packs her K-9 unit Butch and herself inside her squad car, and drives to the beach. 


    The paramedic Jason takes Alya to the hospital to make sure she does not have a concussion.


   Marinette hears a rustling noise behind some close by palm trees.

       Marinette panics again,  "Adrien, what is all that noise?"

   "Marinette calm down,"  Adrien says.

   "Hi, guys!  Sorry, I did not mean to scare you," Luka says.





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