Chapter 1 Adrien's Confession /Rejection ?

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       The next day, Adrien gets up in a hurry.  He gets ready for school and heads out the door!  He can hardly wait to see his best friend, Marinette who also happens to be his crush.  He figures, what could go wrong with a girl like this!

        "Hey, Nino!  This is it!"  Adrien says.

       "What are you talking about dude?"  Nino asks. His curiosity perks up as his friend Adrien  appears to be all excited about something in particular.  He can not seem to figure out what it could be.

       "Today, is the day I confess my feelings to Marinette!"  Adrien says.

        Meanwhile, Chloe notices Adrien is about to approach them.   Chloe looks at Marinette and says,  "Marinette, do not look now, but that weird guy,  Adrien is headed over here!"  

        "Ew, she is right he is!"  Alya remarks.

     "Chloe, Alya, that is not nice!"  Marinette says, as she thinks, why are those two always so mean?

       "H-Hi, M-Marinette, I have been meaning to ask you something,"  Adrien says, while he thinks, now is my chance.

        "Well, go ahead, Adrien."  Marinette says. She can not help, but notice he looks a bit nervous.

            The school bell rings right then!

           Adrien looks sad.  He knows now he can not tell her until after school.  Ugh, how will he wait this long to say what he wants to say to her?

         Later, after school,  Adrien decides to try to tell her all over again.  He smiles when he sees her head out the door.  He figures, well at least this way the bell will not disrupt me again.

          "M-Marinette, I l-like you!  Will you b-be my g-girlfriend?"  Adrien says.  He smiles.

       Marinette looks at him in surprise.  She thinks, well, I did not expect this from him.  She thinks, what do I do?  If I say, no I might hurt his feelings.  If  I say, yes then I would be dishonest as I do not return his feelings.  

       "Look, Adrien!  You are a nice guy, and all.  I can not return your feelings."  Marinette says.

       Adrien is sad.  He thinks, she hates me now.  Why did I even confess to her.

       "I-I'm sorry, I have to go!"  Adrien runs off.

      Adrien goes home down in the dumps. He still can not understand why she turns him down.

     Meanwhile, unknown to Adrien, right after he left, Max talks to Marinette. He smiles at her.

      "Hey, Marinette!  Will you go out with me?"  Max ask.

      "Sure, I would love to Max!"  Marinette replies.  She  blushes since he is her crush.

      "Great!  I will take you to see a movie this Saturday!  I will pick you up at 7!"  Max responds.

     "O-okay,  s-see you t-then, M-Max!"  Marinette says.  She waves by to him and continues to blush.

     "Chloe, Alya, Nino, guess what?"  Marinette says with excitement in her voice.

     "What is it Marinette?"  Chloe ask.

     "Yes , do tell us girl!"  Alya says while she stands next to Nino.

     "Well, obviously I  did not accept Adrien's  confession.  Good thing too, because Max just asked me out!"  Marinette says. She grins a huge grin.

     "I  told Max, I would happy to date him."  Marinette says.

    "Good, I am so happy for you!"  Chloe says as she hugs her.

    "Me too, girl!" Alya says and hugs her too.

     Nino does not respond right away.  He just gives Marinette a look of annoyance as he thinks about how Adrien must feel right now.  He admits he feels sorry for the guy as he recalls how excited Adrien was earlier that day, and how sad he was after Marinette turns him down. 

     Nino's  POV:  Girls!  Seriously, Marinette has been Adrien's best friend for ages!  Yet today, she breaks his heart!  I can tell he loves her.  It just to bad she can see this, and that she likes someone else.  I  know I can do anything about it though.  No one can.  Marinette appears to have a crush on Max.  What she sees in him, is beyond me!  I  can not change things as much I want too.  It is not anyone can make Marinette love Adrien.  Well, I just hope in time his heart heals from all this and he is okay.

    Marinette wonders, why did Nino not respond to my announcement.  It is like he is out of it or something.  She thinks, it strange he does not hug her, or at least congratulate her on her boyfriend.

    Marinette's  POV:  Hmm, maybe it is just a girl thing!  I suppose that is it!  Alya and Chloe hug me and congratulate me on my good news about Max!  I can not wait til Saturday!  I mean it is the best day of my life!  I get to go out with my crush!  What could be better than this anyway?

      Back to Adrien in his bedroom part of the Agreste mansion. He sits there in dismay.  Plagg is no help either.  He only makes things worse.

     "Let me guess some one turns you down?"  Plagg ask.

     "Yes, only it was not just any girl.  It is the one I really like!  I just never thought she would reject me."   Adrien says.

   "Wow, who did  this?"  Plagg ask.

     "Marinette!" Adrien says sadly.     

     "Adrien, so what if Marinette  rejects you? "  Plagg says.

    "Big deal, she is probably not worth the tears anyway."  Plagg remarks.  He is not that great at these sort of things.  He is just a silly, cat kwami who obseeses over his cheese.

   Adrien sighs.  He says,  "I knew you would not understand."

    "I do not get it.  I mean I thought Marinette and I were best friends." Adrien says with a glum look in his eyes.

    "Marinette might see me as just a friend."  Adrien says.  He is in shock about how wrong he was about her.

    Adrien is so upset and heartbroken, he begins to cry.   "How could Marinette do this to me?  I love her!" Adrien says.

    "I do not know. " Plagg says.  He continues to eat his slice of cheese.

     Adrien's  POV:  Why did I even tell Plagg, about what took place at school anyway?  It is not like it did any good.  All Plagg did was tease me about it and rubs it in my face.  He actually thinks, that it is no big deal.  Like how would he know anyway.  It is not like Plagg has any troubles with girls, he is just into cheese to much to struggle with such things.  Why when it comes to matters of the heart Plagg could care less!  

  to be continued in Chapter 2  Nino is Ticked Off?

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