Chapter 9 Another Chance Meeting in the Park?

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        A week later, Marinette runs in the park, but does not watch where she goes.  She bumps into someone else.  She falls down and feels awkward about the whole thing as he falls on top of her.

    Both Adrien and Marinette blush.  Adrien, thinks, you are so beautiful! 

    "M-Marinette, so s-sorry!"  Adrien says, as he helps her back up.

   "A-Adrien, it was my fault really!  I should be more careful and watch where I go."  Marinette says.

     Adrien just looks at her in wonder.   He thinks, I almost kissed her again.  He blushes. 

     "Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette ask.

     "I -I... do not worry about me."  Adrien says.

     Marinette looks at him and thinks, but I love you!  I really do.  How can you not see this?

   Adrien  says,  "I -I want bother you anymore. "  He  sighs as he  starts to  walks away.  He thinks, this is just to hard my love.

     Marinette sees him walk off.   She chases after him.

     "A-Adrien, wait, D- Do not g-go!"  Marinette says as she catches up to him.  She reaches out and grabs his hand.  

    Adrien sighs and just looks at her.  "Mari, what is it?"  Adrien says softly.

     Marinette does not say another word.  She just hugs him.  Adrien hugs her back. He even smiles just a little.

      Marinette whispers, in his ear, "Please, let me love you, back!  Adrien, my love, please!"

     "Wh-what did you just say, M-Marinette?"  Adrien ask.  He looks at her in surprise.  He thinks, is this real, or only a cruel  joke, or dream?

     " I- I  l-love y-you, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.  She  sighs, blushes, leans in, sees Adrien close his eyes, and she closes the gap between them.  She kisses him on the mouth.  She closes her eyes too.

    Adrien sighs and thinks, Marinette please, do not leave me.  I  love you!  I can not stop no matter what, I  just love you!  You are the only one I have ever loved, and ever will for that matter.    

   Adrien's  POV:  Marinette is kissing me.  I  do not want her to hate me.  I can not understand this.  How can she love me?  She is the one who rejects me not once, but twice.  First in the past for Max, and later in the hospital.  Now, she confesses love for me and presses her lips on mine.  Wow, if this is only a dream, then let me sleep forever!  It is to  wonderful to be real.  This can not true, Marinette in love with me?  How?  Since when, I love her, but there is no way she can love me, is there?   I  think about all sorts of crazy things as the love of my life kisses me.  I hear her sigh, and I can not stand it.  I  wrap one arm around her waist, the other hand I place gently around her face as she makes me feel like I might melt at any moment.   

     Adrien does not open his eyes.  Not even for a moment.  He just enjoys the kiss.  He feels confusion, but just decides to enjoy it.  He slowly returns the kiss.  He can only hope she is real, that they really are close together with their lips in touch with the other.  He is afraid to open his eyes and find out this is all his imagination, or just some dream.

     Adrien finally opens his eyes, and breaks the kiss.  He looks at her in amazement.  

    "M-Marinette, blueberry gal, do you m-mean it?"  Adrien ask.  He thinks, please do not play with my feelings, my love.

      "Adrien, I d-do l-love you!  I have ever since the hospital when I say how much you care for me and you brought me my favorite flowers!"  Marinette responds.  She thinks, wow, I finally told him

    "How long how you known?" Adrien says.  He looks into her eyes, and holds her hand.  He squeezes it. 

    "I would have said so sooner, but I did not think you would believe me."  Marinette responds.

    "Blueberry Gal, is this is a dream?"  Adrien ask still happy and unsure what to think.

    "No, this is real, Adrien!  As real as ever, my love!"  Marinette says.

    "Please be my girl.  Will you be my girlfriend, Marinette?"  Adrien says.  He winks at her again.  He is so happy.

    "Yes, I will!"  Marinette answers.

    Adrien kisses her again.  She kisses him back.  Adrien thinks, I never thought she would love me.

     Adrien walks her home, and  Marinette  holds his hand the entire way back. Once on her porch, he smirks.   "What?"  Marinette says.

      "You are beautiful! "  Adrien says.

      "I am not.  I am just a stupid girl who breaks your heart twice, yet you love me!"  Marinette says.

     "Sweetheart, it is all good!  I already forgave you for all this.  Besides, you love me too!"  Adrien says.

     "Oh, whatever gave you this idea?"  Marinette says to tease him.

     "You told me, silly girl! " Adrien says.

     Adrien tickles her.  She tickles him back.   Adrien picks her up and carries in his arms.  He holds onto her until they are inside her room.  He sets her down gently on the bed.

     "Adrien, what are you doing?"  Marinette says.

     "Loving you!"  Adrien says.

    "Awe, you are so sweet!  To sweet for me!"  Marinette says.

     "What?  Do not tell me, you are breaking up with me already?"  Adrien says.  He puts his hand over his heart and pretends to be hurt.

     "Do not be silly.  I love you!  Besides, we just go together, silly goose!"  Marinette remarks.

      "I know, just making sure!"  Adrien says.

      Adrien cups her face in his own. He leans in and kisses her.  She kisses him back.

       "Well, see you soon, my blueberry gal!" Adrien says.

      "Yeah, see you soon, my Adri!"  Marinette says.

        "Adri, I like that way better than Adrikin's!"  Adrien says.

     "I am glad!  "   Marinette says.

      Adrien leaves with  a happiness in his heart at long last.  He loves a girl who goes by Marinette and now she loves him back.  He thinks, whose knows maybe in a few years, she will be mine forever!

     to be continued in  Epilogue :  Adrienette No Longer Broken! 




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