Chapter 20- Luka's Pain

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Luka's POV

I haven't seen Marinette in over 2 weeks and I honestly miss her so much. Last time I spoke to Juleka she told me that she has seen Adrien and Marinette getting extremely close. She said Adrien was hitting on Marinette and it was obvious that he wants a relationship with her. The thought of Adrien around Marinette upsets me, I am tired of him playing with her emotions, and it only ends it up with her hurt and my chances once again ruined. I know that she still loves him and I told her I would wait for her to move on but I am done waiting I will make her mine no matter what it takes.

When I heard that Adrien was trying to steal Marinette away from me again I was filled with rage. The band was proposed making a few more presentations but I denied them knowing if I stayed longer I would most likely loose Marinette and I will not stand for it. I haven't slept; all I wanted was to get back to Marinette so we drove all night after the concert. Today as soon as school is over I will ask her to be my girlfriend. We had agreed on meeting at the bakery but I will not allow Adrien to even say goodbye to Marinette today so I decided to pick her up from school.

I arrive at the school just as the bell rings and I wait for her at the last step in front of the doors. I see her walking out and as her eyes lands on me she stops give me a small smile then walks towards me. Before she can speak I pull her into a tight hug. As I am hugging her I see Adrien walking out the school doors and stares at us so as payback I decided to do something that I know will upset him, I kiss her cheek and begin to whisper in her ear "I missed you so much Mari-berry." I can see Adrien close his fits and his eyes fill with rage and I smile.

As I let her go she replies "I missed you too Luka" I quickly grab her hand and interlock our fingers together as I look back and send Adrien a smirk. I don't know what is going on with me lately but the thought of losing Marinette to the one guy that has hurt her the most fills me with so much rage that I find it hard to control myself.

We arrive at the bakery and go straight to her room after greeting her parents. I can see that she begins to get nervous so I speak before she does anything "Marinette I have something to tell you" I stop for a second to take a breath to ease my nerves and then continued "during my time on tour I realized that I hate being away from you. Marinette you mean everything to me and I know that I said I would wait for you to no longer have feelings for Adrien but I can't. I know that you won't be able to love me like I love you but I don't care I want to be with you. I ask that you give me a chance to let me love you even if you don't feel the same I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. I can't wait any longer, Marinette will you be my girlfriend?" I look up to see her with tears running down her cheeks.

Marinette's POV

"I can't wait any longer, Marinette will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me and I can't help but cry. I really don't want to hurt me but I can't keep hurting us both. My heart is divided in half but they belong to Adrien and Chat and as much as I wish I could give Luka a chance I can't. If I do this I know that neither of us will be happy and it will end up hurting more at the end. I don't even know how to respond, I try to find the words but they all erased from my mind at that second.

It is hard to do this because as soon as I looked into his eyes I know that he meant every single word but I can't keep stringing him along when I know my heart only have eyes for Adrien and Chat. I know it's best to be honest now and stop hurting him. As my silence grows longer I see his eyes fill with pain and fear and it breaks me. I hate seeing him hurt I hate being the reason why. The fact that I have to hurt him now to prevent farther damage in the future still kills me slowly. All suddenly I feel hot and I begin to have trouble breathing so I reply "I need some air can we talk out in the balcony please." He nods and we head out the trap door. I try to steady my breathing and when I am better I begin to speak.

Marinette and Luka's conversation

Marinette- "Luka I don't know what to say"

Luka- "Say that you'll be my girlfriend. Give me a chance to earn your love by giving you all of mine. Let me try to make you happy." Luka begs emotionally

Marinette- Marinette turns around and lets her head drops before speaking quietly with evident pain in her voice "I- I am sorry Luka but I can't"

Luka- "Why not, Why am I not good enough, why can't I be the one to make you happy" Luka begins to fret.

Marinette- Marinette turns to face him a bit startled for the unexpected tone in his voice before trying to calmly reply "Luka that's not it and you know it. Of course you are good enough you are more than enough. You are one of the most amazing guys in the world but..."

Luka- Luka interrupts irritated and raises his voice even more "But what, what is it, why can't you give me a chance? I am not asking you to love me right away I am asking you to let me show you that I love you to let me help you forget and allow my kisses to erase all the memories of him." Luka then takes a grip of her upper arm refraining her form moving.

Marinette- Fear originates inside Marinette as she feels him take ahold of her arm "Luka" she tries to speak but gets stopped by Luka

Luka- Lowering his voice once again he interrupts her words "please Marinette I know deep inside you have feelings for me let me show you, let me proof that we are meant to be."

Luka then tightens his hold on Marinette and harshly pulls her towards him not allowing her to react. He then forcedly smashes his lips or hers and begins to steal a kiss. Marinette freezes.

Marinette's POV

Like a statue! I froze like a statue. I try to move but I can't. Why can't I move? He is kissing me, it's rough almost painful but he shows no signs of stopping. I feel a shiver down my spine and not the good kind but of fear. I am terrified, his voice, his actions they filled me with fear. This is not the Luka I know. I feel my body tremble as if I was in danger. Afraid of what could happen next I force myself to react and gather my strength to push him off of me. Not caring what he could do I try to break the tight hold he has on me. I struggle but finally get free and quickly place my hands on his chest and push him back. At this point the fear is replaced my anger and I slap him as hard as I could making sure of leaving a mark on his cheek.

Marinette and Luka's conversation part 2

Marinette- "What the hell is wrong with you?" she yells with obvious distain in her voice.

Luka-"I was only trying to show you that I love you and the deep inside you care for me too"

Marinette- Trying her best to calm down she inhales deeply and lowers her voice to a normal tone "I am sorry I slapped you Luka but I will not be forced into a kiss."

Luka- His anger rises "You wouldn't think that way if I was Adrien"

Marinette- feeling offended she rapidly replies "Excuse me?"

Luka- "You heard me! That is the reason you are rejecting me isn't it. You are with him aren't you?"

Marinette- "Don't you dare Luka" once again she is interrupted

Luka- "Don't lie to me. I know everything, I know how you two have been getting close and you went behind my back. You didn't even give us a chance you lying bitch." He yells fists closed, and tears of anger spilling out.

Marinette- At this point Marinette feels; insulted, mad, frustrated, hurt, and everything else in between. She lowers her voice but with evident anger "you know what I'm done. Feel free to wait out here until you calm down and then maybe we can talk." She then turns around to walk back to her room but is stopped by an extremely harsh grip on her wrist causing her to wince in pain.

Luka- "NO! YOU WILL NOT LEAVE!" His word spit out like venom. His hold tightening even more with each word causing Marinette to almost drop on her knees from the pain.

Marinette-Teas spill out from the feeling of extreme pain and Marinette struggles to speak but manages to let the words out "you are hurting me"

All suddenly Luka comes to a sudden stop. Something inside him snap back bringing him back to reality. As he realizes what was happening he is overwhelmed with emotions. Suddenly what was once anger is replaced with fear and regret. He swiftly releases the hold and steps back ashamed as he watches Marinette fall on her knees and hold her wrist.

Luka- "Marinette I –I" He then falls on his knees sobbing "I am so sorry Marinette I swear I never meant to hurt you. I swear to my life it wasn't my intention. Please believe me I am so sorry I feel terrible. I understand if you hate me and if you want I will leave and never bother you again but swear I don't know what came over me. I couldn't control myself. The thoughts of losing you to Adrien clouded my mind because I feel like he doesn't deserve you. He doesn't appreciate your love meanwhile I am here wishing that I could be him and have you by my side. I..." He was now cut off by the one thing he least expected to happen at that moment, A hug.

Marinette kneeled down by his side and hugged him. He hesitated for a moment but then returned the hug. "Hey its ok don't cry please don't I don't hate you. It's ok I forgive you." She whispered to his ear. They soon release the hug and he stares at her with confusion.

Luka- "you forgive me? But I hurt you"

Marinette- "I know that you didn't mean to you were upset and that is my fault but look I am ok I'm not hurt."

Luka-"how can you say it's your fault you were only trying to tell me how you felt and I over reacted."

Marinette- "It is my fault I am the one who hurt you."

Luka- "But you didn't. I was the one who hurt me, you always told me how you felt for Adrien and it's not your fault we don't decide who to fall in love for. It's not like the heart asks for our opinion. I knew you loved him, I knew that if the day came and he realized that he loved you too you wouldn't be able to reject him and even then I pushed you. I forced you to try to forget him."

Marinette- "If that is the case then it is not your fault either Luka. I better than anyone know that sometimes we act on feelings. Sometime we do and say things we can't control when we are afraid. Strong feelings tend to cloud our common sense it allows us to lose ourselves. I am ok and I understand why you acted that way. I know you were upset, and you had a right to be. You were right, I know I didn't act appropriately when you were gone.

I should have been honest with you since the beginning. I should have told you I was spending time with Adrien but I promise you it wasn't with the intention to be a couple. After Kagami and him became a couple you were there for me, and I swear I tried so hard to fall for you. I wanted nothing more than to be able to move on and start a relationship with you but I couldn't make my feelings change. Then you became my best friend and I tried to make myself believe that we could be something more. But when you left I noticed that I was still in love with Adrien and I was just lying to myself. I realized I couldn't be your girlfriend because our relationship would be one sided and you deserved to be loved completely.

You need a complete relationship with a girl who will want every single kiss and touch you give her which I knew I couldn't do. That you didn't deserve to be in a relationship with someone who would have another in her head. Yes I started to get closer to Adrien and yes it made me realize I will always love him that's why I had to be honest with you. I swear I never meant to hurt you Luka I do care about you. You mean a lot to me and I love you but I am just not in love with you. I am sorry please don't hate me and I hope we can still be friends. While I am being honest Adrien did show interest in me and asked me on a date which I accepted and it is supposed to happen later on tonight. I really am sorry Luka please forgive me."

Luka-"Marinette there is nothing to be sorry about I always knew there was a big chance this would happen. Adrien would have to be blind not to ever notice how amazing you were and as much as it hurts to know that I can't be with you all I really want is your happiness. You mean a lot to me as well and I promise that I will be ok and you will never lose me. I will always be your friend.

They embrace each other in a hug full of happiness that they could remain friends. As they let go Luka smiles and wishes her luck with her date as he leaves. 

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