Chapter 22- A captured princess

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Marinette's POV

 After the talk with Luka I sit on the bed still trying to process the past events. I forgave him but it's going to be difficult to forget how he acted just then. I was really afraid at the moment but I knew that he was hurting and couldn't control his actions. Everyone need a second chance right? "Marinette are you alright?" Tikki ask me worried I frowned and replied "I don't know Tikki ever since I woke up this morning I have had the feeling that something bad was going to happen but then when Adrien asked me on a date I thought I could be wrong. Then this happens and even though we were able to work it out I still have the feeling something worse is yet to come."

"Marinette you just went through a lot and you are probably still a bit shaken up but don't worry things will turn around soon I mean you do have a date in a few hours." Tikki adds a cute giggle towards the end. The reminder of her date makes her jump out of bed and she now begins to mumble "OMG yes Tikki I have to get ready. I can't believe I got a date with my long time crush Adrien. Then we can get married and have three kids and a hamster..." Marinette is interrupted "Marinette... Just get ready" Tikki giggles once again.

As Marinette walks towards the closet to get an outfit her smiles is replaced and now she holds a long face. She returns to her bed and covers her face with her hands as she lets out tears. "Marinette, what happened?" Tikki grows concern at the sudden change of attitude from her holder. "Tikki what about Chat? Last night he kissed me, I think I love him too. I don't want to hurt him. What if me going out with Adrien hurts him, what if he starts to hate me? Tikki I am sure I love Adrien but I think I love Chat just as much. What should I do?"

"Listen to your heart, you have wanted to be with Adrien for a long time and I know Chat will understand I'm sure life has a surprise in store for you." Tikki replies with a smile making me wonder what she means but I nod and go back to my closet to pick an outfit for the date.

She decided to wear a beautiful black and red ballerina style dress that flows from her mid-calf to her ankles. The top had exquisite rose like patterns that stopped at her waist. She has been working on this dress for a while but never had a reason to wear it. She then applies a small amount of make-up only enough to show a difference but also look natural and decided on leaving her hair down curling only the ends. As she finishes she turns to look at the clock to see that Adrien would arrive only in 5 minutes. She decided to sit on her bed and wait.

After 10 minutes thoughts begin to fill her mind "Where is he? Adrien is normally not late; I wonder if he is ok. Wait, did he change his mind? Was this a prank? Am I not good enough? NO! He is probably just running late." She then decides to give him a call but gets no answer. She begins to feel depressed as thoughts of him changing his mind fill her head. That's when she decides to call Alya to see if she heard anything.

Alya-"Hey girl why are you calling me I thought you had a hot date?


Alya- "Marinette girl are you ok?" Alya begins to worry

Mari- "He hasn't shown up. Do you think he stood me up?" Alya hears pain in her voice

Alya- "What?? That's impossible he was so excited I mean we even helped him set up." Now I'm confused.

Mari- "Really? Do you think he is ok?"

Alya- "Yeah we would've know if he wasn't hold on let me see if Nino knows something I'll call you back in a minute."

Mari- "ok"

As the call ends a loud thump is heard from Marinette's balcony followed by three taps on her window.

*Tap, Tap, Tap* "Oh no Chat is here I am not ready to let him know about the date. I guess I have no other choice now" Marinette thinks. She then slowly walks towards her window and opens it but as she looks outside she sees no one. As she is about to close the window she is approached by the unexpected. What she saw made her turn cold, fear spreads through her veins, the blood draining from her faces turning her pail.

"Well hello there my Purrincess you are looking absolutely stunning. Are you going somewhere?" Marinette takes a step back as her heart begins to racing. With a shaky voice she replies "Chat Noir? W-what h-happened? What a-are you d-doing here?" As she takes in his appearance she knows it only means one thing Chat was Akumatized. His green eyes were now blue, his black leather is now white and his beautiful face now holds a cold evil glare. She felt horrified at that moment she knew it was most likely the end.

"Sorry to disappoint but I am not Chat Noir anymore I am Chat Blanc." He said with a malicious tone.

"No! Chat this isn't you, please come back to me. Why are you doing this, what happened?" Marinette tries to bring him back but is being hold back by fear. Chat looks at his princess who is now in tears and shakes his head trying to fight the obvious pain it brings him "You lied to me princess!" he begins to fill anger and his tone gets louder and deeper "you broke my heart but I will make you mine and I will make you love me." Marinette begins to tremble as Chat Blanc gets closer to her "Chat you are wrong please stop let me explain." She manages to say but her voice still cracking. With every step he gave forward Marinette took a step back in fear until she had no more space to move and her back was against the wall.

"Is my princess afraid of me?" Chat Blanc asks with a hint of pain in his voice. "You don't have to be afraid I love you I would never hurt you." He adds speaking very low he can see she is afraid of him and this wounds him deeply. "Chat Noir I know you are there please come back to me" Marinette manages to say but her tears interfere making it sound like a whisper. At the sound of her words Chat Blanc begins to get upset. "No! Chat Noir is dead I am Chat Blanc now. I will take Luka out of our way and you will be mine" Chat yells. "L-Luka?"

Marinette asks confused. Chat Blanc now smirks and furrows his brows before answering "Why so surprised princess, you didn't really think I wouldn't see you two together now?" Even with the angry tone of his voice Marinette could still see evident pain in his eyes. Marinette wasn't sure how to respond so she began to beg "No Chat is not what you think please let me explain? Don't do this just let me explain." "ENOUGH!" Chat Blanc yelled as she froze of fear. He then proceeded to pick her up bridal style and later jumping off her balcony.

Chat Blanc had now kidnapped Marinette Dupain Cheng. "Chat stop please let me go where are you taking me?" Marinette yelled as he leaped though the night sky she was afraid she knew she couldn't transform, she had to find a way to escape. "We are going where no one can find us, we will finally be happy." He replies but Marinette begins to fight his hold and pushes herself off of him causing her to begin to drop from the high distance.

"Marinette!!" Chat yells he reacts quickly letting go and landing on the ground just in time to catch her. "What were you thinking you could've died, don't you want to be happy, be with me?" Chat Blanc yells at her "No not like this" she replies. Marinette jumps off him and tries to run to find a place to transform but her already injured wrist is now on the tight hold of Chat Blanc making her wince in pain.

"LET HER GO!" a growl is heard from behind them.

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