Chapter 31- The week after

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Alya's POV

It has been a week since the death of Adrien. Who would have known that he was Paris's own Chat Noir. It has been tough for everyone especially us he was our best friend but Marinette she has had it worse. I understand I mean she lost her partner and love of her life last time I saw her she was broken; in denial she had gone mad. I called her parent and they were on a flight back but when they arrived she was gone. We haven't heard or seen her since and we have all been extremely worried. After the battle with Hawkmoth all of Paris found out that Marinette was Ladybug. We spread the word to help us find her but we have had no luck. I can only hope she is safe.

Nino and I went to the Agreste's mansion last night but Mr. Agreste did not want to see us but from the look in Natalie's face I had a feeling something was up. She looked like she wanted to say something but at the same time I saw fear and pain in her eyes. Odd right? Nino was heartbroken he wanted to visit Adrien's room to say goodbye but wasn't allowed to. He misses him a lot and hardly talks to anyone other than me.

After Adrien/Chat Noir's death was known Chloe returned. She was different now it was like she was a whole new Chloe. She apologized to everyone and was trying to make it up to each person one by one. She told everyone that before she left she had made a promise to Adrien that she would do her best to be a good person and a great friend to everyone and she would keep it. Losing Adrien had affected her greatly as well.

Chloe has not slept well since her return. I have seen her crying under the steps at times. I also know that she goes out every night and walks around Paris looking for Marinette. She is genuinely worried about her. When I asked her why she said Adrien hoped that they could be friends and she needed to let her know how sorry she was for all the things she did to her. But this morning she came to school a bit happier than she had been since she came back I can't help but feel like she is hiding something from us. I know that her feelings are genuine, there was no way she was faking it but I can't trust her fully yet not till I know what it is she is hiding.

Chloe's POV

I arrived Paris a few hours after Adrien's death. I haven't been able to get over it. My heart breaks every time I think of all the times that we argued because of my selfishness. The times I made him upset because I was jealous of Marinette. I knew Adrien all my life and I could see in his eyes he had fallen for Marinette even if he didn't know it so I acted like a brat to her. I am ashamed I should've been there for him as his friend. After Adrien's loss I looked for Marinette for didn't have any luck due to her going missing. Until two days ago that is.

I was walking around Paris late night when looking for Marinette like I have been since the day I returned when I heard voices in a dark alley by daddy's hotel. I walked closer to try to hear better I could have sworn that was Marinette's voice. "Tikki there has got to be something else we are missing. He can't be gone Tikki I can't live without him." *I am sure that's her voice* "Marinette as much as it hurts I don't know what else we could do. I wish I could do something but I don't know what." *Marinette? I knew it but I have to be sure I didn't hear wrong let me get a closer look* I walked closer trying hard not to be heard or seen as they continued to speak. "But I can also say that not in my entire lifetime as Ladybugs' Kwami had the power you used that night happened before or has the cataclysm had ever been used against his chosen holder but I don't know what we can do" Tikki added.

As I got closer it was harder to see and I accidentally bumped into a trash can causing a loud thump to be heard. I then began to walk faster towards them before they were able to run. "Marinette?" I asked and that's when I saw her sitting in the corner with what I assumed was her Kwami. "Marinette! Omg there you are we have been worried sick about you!" She looked at me unamused I could tell she didn't believe me. "Ha-ha that's funny Chloe what do you want!" she asked me as I walked closer to look at her and I couldn't help but gasp at what I saw.

Her skin was pale, her eyes extremely red and puffy making me wonder how she could even see, under her eyes were dark circles making it look like she hadn't slept in weeks, but her body her body was undernourished, she was so skinny you could practically see her bones making me wonder if she had eating. "Omg Marinette are you ok?" I didn't know how to react at what I was seeing but I can tell she was beginning to get upset. "Leave me alone Chloe why are you here? Did you come to bully me again? do it already but there is nothing you can do that will hurt me more than what I already am."

At that second I was a little afraid of her, losing Adrien changed her but I stepped up and said what I needed to say. I had a promise to keep and I would see it through and if I am being honest Marinette never did anything to me it was all me. "Look Marinette I know I have been a horrible person and I honestly have no excuses for all that I have done to you but I can promise you that I am trying to be better. I know that you can't forgive me and let a long trust me but I swear that I really am trying." I looked into her eyes the entire time I spoke; I needed him to know that I was being honest. I saw her expression change and I could see believed me but she said nothing.

Marinette put her head back down and placed it on her hands. She was trying hard to hide the tears but I saw one hit the floor. I knew she needed time and was about to turn around and walk away but deep inside I knew I couldn't leave her, she needed help and this might be the only chance I have to make it right so I stopped half way and began to speak again.

 "I miss him too you know. I am hurting too. I couldn't even say goodbye. He didn't get to see me keep my promise. Before I left I realized I had been wrong and that he was my best friend but I had ruined that. We talked a few times over the phone after I had left, and all he could do was talk about you and how he wished we could be friends. He really did love you. It hurts that he is gone; that he didn't get the chance to get his wish but that doesn't stop me from trying to make it true. I hate Hawkmoth for taking him from us and I will make him pay. I am going to do it for me, for Adrien with or without anyone's help. That is one of the reasons I looked for you not only to ask for help but to make Adriens wish come true. I do understand how you feel Marinette I loved him too maybe not the same way but I did." I am not sure why but I felt like I could be honest and she would understand

Then the unexpected happen, she got up and ran towards me and pulled me in a hug. I immediately hugged back and we stood there hugging like what seemed like hours but were only minutes. When we hugged she said the only words that would lift my spirit. "I forgive you Chloe" and then we hugged again.

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