Chapter 8- A visit from the black cat

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Adrien's POV

After a long talk with Alya and Nino and a tiresome photoshoot, I sat in my bed exhausted. Alya had come up with a plan and I honestly hope it works. I sighed loudly and Plagg flies up to me "what's wrong kid are you still thinking about pigtails?" I place my hands in my face and then pull my golden locks "Yeah Plagg, I can't help it, It kills me to know that she is on a date with Luka" I say distressed. "I keep telling you to forget girls and just love cheese" I groaned why did I think Plagg would care? "I'm kidding kid come on let's get you some fresh air." 

"That sounds great Plagg thanks Plagg claws out". After transforming I jump out of the window it was a few minutes past nine so I decided to check on Mari. I leaped from the roof to roof until I landed in one across the bakery. But there she was holding hands with Luka. My heart began to ache then it completely broke. I saw them in the front door and Marinette kissed his cheek. *She kissed him, it was on the cheek but she kissed him!* Tears began to fill my eyes I try to hold them back but failed miserably. I soon fall to my knees heavy-hearted. After I calm down I head to the Eiffel tower for patrol.

Marinette's POV

I go to my room and lay on my bed still smiling. "Marinette I'm so happy the date turned out amazing but we should get going you are late for patrol." "Oh no Tikki I forgot, I am so late. Tikki spots on!" I then swing towards the Eiffel tower and as I land I can hear sniffling and see Chat in tears. "Chat are you ok?" As he hears my voice he jumps up wiped his tears and turns around to face me. "Hey Ladybug shall we begin our patrol" he replies trying to switch the subject. 

"Actually Chat No not until you tell me what's wrong. I know you were crying and earlier you didn't use any puns or flirt whatsoever not that I mind but it's not you. Please talk to me Chat I am your partner and friend you can tell me anything." I add.

 "Oh does M'Lady miss my purrfect puns?" He smirks pretending that he is ok. "Chat talk to me!" he frowns and replies "Look Ladybug I'm ok as for the flirting well I have a girlfriend now and I don't want her to feel bad if she ever finds out beside you never liked it before" He then sighs. "I don't and I am really happy that you have a girlfriend but I feel like you are still keeping something from me." He smiles at my response and adds "you know me well but I'm sorry I can't talk about it not unless you are ready to know who I am since it's about my civilian life." I put my head down he is right we can't talk it's not safe to reveal our identities.

 He takes my silence as an answer "Exactly, look I'm fine really but let's skip patrol" I nod and he disappears into the night. I sight and swing back to my room and detransform. I lay in my bed upset that I can't help him. Shortly after there is a tap on my window.

Chat's POV

As I jumped off the Eiffel tower all I thought was about Marinette and Luka. Then an idea popped into my head, she might not want to talk to Adrien but I'm sure she wouldn't mind a visit from Paris hero. I land on her balcony and tap three times on her window. I see her run to open the window; she is still wearing the beautiful pink dress she had earlier. She does look beautiful, like a princess. I think I love this girl no I'm sure I love her even more than Ladybug.

 "Chat Noir, what are you doing here?" she asks me with a look of surprise. "Hello princess how are you? I thought I can check up on you after that nasty Akuma." I tell her *please tell me I didn't just call her princess*. "Princess?" she asked "sorry it's just that you look like a princess in that dress but I'll stop if it makes you feel uncomfortable" I nervously said. "No it's ok I actually like it," she says with a smile. "Well then purrincess care to let this stray cat in?" I smirk. "Oh, puns really?" she asks while giving me an eye roll. "You love them" I simper and she walks away leaving space for me to jump in. She looks back at me and frowns "Chat were you crying?" 

I look at her but right as she asked me that all the feeling came flying back and the tears begin again. I lower my head in embarrassment *she probably thinks I'm useless and weak now* but instead, she pulls me into a hug. I freeze at her sudden reaction but then return the hug. We continue to hug for a while as she whispers in my ear "It's ok Chat, I'm here for you, let it out, it will be ok." Somehow her words place me at ease and I release the hug quickly regretting it due to the lack of warmth.

 "I'm sorry purrincess I didn't mean to cry, you must think I'm weak." I tell her but she quickly replies "nonsense Chat I would never think that of you and don't apologize you did anything wrong, I'm here for you anytime you need me please know you can talk to me." *she is so amazing* I think to myself. "Will you like to talk about it?" she questions. I nod my head and we both sit on her bed. 

I take a deep breath and begin to speak "It's just that I am so confused princess. My life is a mess; my father is always so cold sometimes I feel like he doesn't care about me. We have a huge house but since my mother's death, it hasn't felt like home. I have a girlfriend you know but I recently found out that I really only see her as a friend. I want to break up with her but I don't want to hurt her and my father seems happy that I am with her. I actually started dating her to get over Ladybug and I know that it was wrong of me but at that moment I thought that I liked her as more than a friend. I realized I was wrong, don't get me wrong she is beautiful and fearless but my heart just sees her as a friend." I can tell she was shocked at my words but did not interrupt me and allowed me to continue listening closely. 

"The crazy thing is that I feel like I am getting over Ladybug. I realized that we would never work out like I hoped and she was never going to feel the same way about it anyways. The thing is that there is this other girl, she has been a friend for a while now but I was blindly chasing ladybug around I never noticed her before but she is so amazing and kind not to add really smart, and astoundingly beautiful. I began to fall for her deeply but I am afraid I might be too late which really hurts." I am now fully sobbing and once again she pulls me in for a tight hug and rubs circles in my back. I hold her tight as she tells me to let it out, that she will always be here for me. She then pulls back and places a finger under my chin lifting my head up as our eyes meet. "Chat breath it will be ok I promise. I might not be the best at giving advice but is it ok if I tell you what I think?" she asks me. 

I nod as an answer and she starts to speak gently "Ok well I believe you did the right thing by moving on from Ladybug a relationship with her could impact your partnership and it is also extremely dangerous for both of you. As for your girlfriend, I believe you should break up. I understand that you don't want to hurt her but if you keep this charade with her when she finds out it will only hurt worse. Let her know the truth I'm sure she would understand. I can tell you care deeply for her and by being honest she will too. As for your father, I'm sure he loves you in his own way and he will be proud of you either way. Lastly, I think you should confess to the girl who has your heart. It is never too late Chat, you are an amazing, caring, strong, fearless, and handsome kitty and any girl would be lucky to have you." She then shows me that beautiful smile of hers and I blush lightly. "Thanks purrincess I really needed that" and that's when my miraculous beeped I sigh "I have to run purrincess goodnight" with that I take my leave. 

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