Chapter 7

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Out of nowhere, A bright spotlight flashed on above Ladybug's head. she and Chat Noir were enclosed in a glorious circle of light, and all eyes were on them another light shone on Mayor Bourgeois who was standing on a platform.

Chat Noir grasped Ladybug's hand, and for once she didn't resist. She squeezed his hand tightly as they walked towards the platform, smiling and waving. They stepped up, and the spotlight followed them. The moment they turned to face their crowd, everyone applauded.

Ladybug spotted so many people she knew in the vast crowd. Most, if not all, of her classmates were there, along with her parents and teachers. She'd gotten used to thinking of the city as a whole, but now she saw each individual person. All of these people were here to personally thank and honor her and her partner. Each person was here because they cared. Ladybug smiled genuinely. She'd never really thought about the way she might be affecting people.

The mayor began speaking to the crowd again. "People of Paris," he announced. "These two heroes have saved and protected us so many times, and now is our time to thank them." He turned to Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Would you mind?"

Chat took the microphone from Mayor Bourgeois and passed it to Ladybug. "You first, m'lady," he whispered. He let go of her hand and nudged her forward. She looked out at the crowd. She saw Alya filming with Nino's arm around her. Well. This was going on the Ladyblog. It had better be good. She held the mic up near her face.

"Uh, hi!" She winced. That was a weak start. "I wasn't really prepared to give a speech," she admitted. "But I guess I'll try." A few people laughed, and a couple people gave her a thumbs-up. She took a deep breath. "So, when I first took on this responsibility, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't think I was ready for anything like this. I seriously doubted myself. I didn't think I was enough to make a difference." She turned to smile at Chat, then faced the audience again. "I was right. I could never be able to do this all on my own. I have Chat Noir by my side, and I'm so grateful for it. He's so brave and smart and positive, and always stands with me, loyal to the end. I wouldn't be who I am without him. He's..." She smiled at him again. He was grinning from ear to ear, his green eyes glistening with tears. "He's my best friend." The audience gave a collective 'AWWW'. "And he's great to work with!" She turned to Chat again. "And I know I always joke about being the leader and all, but the truth is, we're a team. We work together." She winked at him and then kept speaking. "Anyway, with Chat, it's possible for us to do what we do. We protect you. We stop trouble as best as we can. And I don't doubt myself anymore. I know that things'll turn out in the end. Good will win! It's an honor to help you. I love doing what I do. I love all of you. I'm glad to make a difference. And I guess what I'm trying to say is... Don't doubt yourself. You all have something going for you. Each and every one of you is special. You're all important and powerful and full of potential You can and should follow your dreams!" Ladybug set the mic  back on the stand and curtsied. As the crowd applauded boisterously, a loud and ominous laugh began. It seemed to fill the room.

"Well, well, well," the voice said. "How quaint. Be yourself. You are special." The voice was mocking and cruel. "How sweet. But none of it is true."

"Hawkmoth," Chat whispered.

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