10. When Boy Meets Girl

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Anaya sat at the dressing table with a sad face and stared at her reflection. Her mother was busy dolling her up. She watched her mother comb her hair and curl them neatly. Mrs. Hussain passed her a red lipstick and urged her to put it on. Anaya sighed and slowly moved her hand up. She applied the lipstick and then she was passed kohl. She wanted to protest but kept quiet. What was the point to stretch the argument?

After her mother was done with the hair, she patted her shoulder and smiled. Then, she left. Anaya watched her walk out and looked away. Her eyes began pooling with tears.

Slowly, she brought the Kohl to her eyes.

You had said that engagement meant nothing. So, your father has decided that we will have you two engaged once again. A private affair, just us.

Anaya closed her eyes letting tears fall from her eyes. She was getting engaged to someone she barely knew; someone she had been engaged to when she was a kid. Neither did she remember that day nor she remembered the person she was engaged to. As Anaya applied Kohl more tears fell. She couldn't stop her tears. Here she was planning her future as a successful working woman and probably getting into a relationship with Gabin. But in reality, she was getting engaged to someone whom she hadn't seen in person for ages and would probably end up as a housewife.

Just as she finished applying Kohl there was the sound of the door-bell. Her heart jumped to her throat. She clenched her fists tightly and when she heard her father's voice, she closed her eyes tightly.

'Arey, Sheeraz Beta.' She heard her mother's cheery voice. A teardrop leaked from her left eye. Within minutes, she heard her mother's footsteps and quickly, she wiped her tears and inhaled deeply. She leaned back and placed her hands on her thigh.

Mrs. Hussain came and began gushing how beautiful her daughter looked. She admired Anaya in the mirror and slowly placed her dupatta over her head. She smiled, scooped little of kohl from the rim of her eye and put a small dot behind her daughter's ear. Then, she kissed her head. Anaya closed her eyes as she struggled to fight back her tears. Mrs. Hussain held her shoulders and made her stand and then whispered into her ear telling her to lower her head. Anaya doesn't protest and does as she was said.

She heard her father and Sheeraz's voice and took a deep breath but doesn't raise her head. She walked slowly into the living room. Also, she doesn't look up as her mother made her sit on a single sofa. She sat and shifted little. She could feel everyone's gaze on her. Cautiously, she moved her head up and right in front of her was Sheeraz. He grinned at her.

Anaya cringed looking at him. He was dressed in blue, white, and black checked shirt, and black trousers. Her gaze lingered on his little pouch belly before she looked up. His thick jet-black hair was trembly oily and stuck to his scalp. Though he had no glasses he looked nerdy. Anaya looked away and his smile dropped.

She was dreaming of Gabin, who according to her was the most handsome man in the world. Anaya looked up at the ceiling and sighed shaking her head.

Mrs. Hussain got snacks and Anaya was relieved as finally, Sheeraz was looking at something else. Mr. Hussain informed everyone that Sheeraz has bagged a job as an intern in one of the MNC's in Paris. Also, he will be living in their home until he finds his own residence. Anaya was thankful she doesn't live with her parents anymore. She looked at Sheeraz, he kept beaming with pride. Mr. and Mrs. Hussain looked smitten by him. She pressed her lips tightly and looked towards the door. She found Azlaan standing there with his arms folded across his chest. The brother-sister looked at each other and shook their heads. Both were not happy with this find of their parents.


The next day, Rashid was all smiling. He was very happy with Maaz's reaction. He had looked so excited and awed with the hotel. The only problem was the meetings which he found boring, but Rashid was positive that few more visits to the hotel and Maaz will begin to like them too and a few months later he will be ready to take over the business.

 Sam opened the back door of the car and Rashid stepped out. He took out his briefcase and looked front. He noted Anaya's fallen face, she wasn't smiling as usual. She greeted him, and he greeted her back, then he noticed her voice wasn't as chirpy as before. Together they began walking towards the entrance. As Anaya briefed him about his scheduled for the day, Rashid couldn't stop himself and asked her,

'What happened, Anaya? Something is bothering you?' His tone was very formal. Anaya looked dazed for a moment, she composed herself and shook her head.

'Nothing, sir.' She said in a small voice. Rashid eyed her for a moment.

'Are you unwell?' He inquired.

'I am fine, sir.' Anaya replied and forced a smile. She gestured towards the elevator. Rashid nodded and entered first, Anaya followed him.

After Anaya took leave from Rashid, she walked into the main kitchen to get his green tea. Throughout she maintained a gloomy face. She passed by Pooja, who frowned when her friend doesn't respond to her greetings. Pooja eyed her back for a while before looking away.

Anaya walked up to the rack and quickly got the tea-bag. After she had got the tea, she turned around and just then out of nowhere Gabin appeared and she dropped the teacup.

'Oh, Shit!'


Gabin and Anaya said in unison. Then, they looked at each other. Gabin smiled at her but Anaya doesn't. And his smile was replaced by a frown as she tugged her hair behind her ear and bend down. She began picking up the pieces, Gabin also bends down and held her hand. She paused.

Slowly, she looked up into his deep green eyes. He smiled little and made her drop the piece of the broken cup.

'Leave it, the cleaning staff will take care of this.' He said softly. Anaya nodded and her hand relaxed in his grip. Slowly, they got up. Anaya couldn't avert her gaze from his eyes. She felt disappointed when Gabin lets go of her hand. He offered to get her fresh tea. Hesitantly, Anaya agreed.

After he got the tea he passed the cup to Anaya, she muttered "thanks" and turned but before she left, Gabin called her. She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. He tilted his head little and looked intently at her.

'What happened? Is there something you need to talk about?' He asked softly. Anaya looked away momentarily. She wanted to confess everything but instead, she remained quiet and bit her lip. She shook her head and looked at him with a forced smile.

'I am fine. Just a little headache.' She said placing her fingertips on the side of her forehead. And before Gabin could ask anything further she walked away. Once out of the kitchen, she exhaled deeply and clenched the tea-cup tightly. Sure, she likes Gabin, but they are not even friends and she felt it was inappropriate to share her family problems with him. Besides, she doesn't want him to get a negative impression of her and her family.

Anaya walked into Rashid's cabin and placed the tea-cup on the table next to the laptop. He looked up and smiled formally at her. Politely, Anaya smiled back. She arranged a few papers and took her leave

She had taken a few steps towards the door when Rashid interrupted her, - 'Anaya, yesterday you did a wonderful job with Maaz.' He complimented. Anaya simply nodded.

Rashid smiled to himself and then looked back at Anaya, - 'Handling Maaz for so long and still being sane.' He joked and laughed. Anaya still had a forced smile plastered on her face. Even though, she completely agreed with him and found it funny as well. Right now, she wasn't in a mental state to laugh. Rashid frowned but before he could point out, Anaya turned around and walked out of the cabin.

Anaya entered her cabin and sat on the chair. She held her forehead and composed herself before taking out her phone from the pocket of her grey trousers. She checked her inbox and rolled her eyes on seeing Sheeraz's message. She doesn't even bother reading it and straight away checks Pooja's message.

Pooja: Dude, you look off. Wanna talk about it?

Anaya smiled little. Even though, she and Pooja are rivals over Gabin she felt grateful to have a friend like Pooja.

She licked her lips and leaned back, nodding her head as she typed a message.

Anaya: Yes, please.

She tugged her hair behind her ears and placed her mobile down. She sighed leaning in her chair and began tapping her fingers on the wooden table. She looked up hoping to get a glimpse of Gabin. Five minutes later, she gave up and looked down. She sighed opening her notepad. She flipped to the last page and began mindlessly drawing doodles. It was something she always does when she feels restless and disturbed.


Pooja was to work late in the kitchen, but she managed to find half an hour to spend with Anaya and listen to her. Once again, Anaya felt thankful to her friend. When it was time for them to meet, Anaya hurriedly left her cabin and rushed to the café on the ground floor. She found a table and quickly took place. Then, she began waiting for her friend. Twenty minutes later, Pooja arrived. She apologized and took her seat opposite Anaya. As Anaya called for a waiter, Pooja removed her chef's coat and neatly placed it on her lap. She pushed aside strands from hair from her face and sighed. Anaya got two coffees for them. After the waiter left, Pooja leaned forward and grabbed a bottle. She poured some water into a glass. Anaya watched her gulp down water. She waited until she relaxed.

Pooja's eyes widened as Anaya narrated everything. After speaking, Anaya fell against the chair and held her forehead.

'*_*_*_*' Pooja cussed slowly. Anaya moved her palm from her head and looked at her. The two looked at each and smiled. Just then, the waiter also got them their orders.

Pooja leaned forward and held the handle of the cup, - 'Now what?' she asked leaning back. Anaya sighed shrugging. She took a sip of the coffee and looked up. She shuddered imagining getting engaged to Sheeraz.

She looked back at Pooja. Her friend observed her. Anaya pressed her lips tightly and exhaled deeply and shook her head.

'I don't know what I will do, Pooja. But I will never marry Sheeraz. Not even in a million years.' She said and looked at her friend.

Pooja nodded taking a sip of the coffee, - 'You will talk to your parents?' She asked seriously. Anaya shook her head. That was not even an option. Her mother was helpless while her father will skin her alive if she dared to speak against him. She opened her mouth to speak when she saw someone familiar entering through the main entrance. She blinked at the man and realized he was Maaz, Rashid's son. She shifted in her seat and looked at Pooja.

'Dude, I must go.' She said placing the cup on the table. Her gaze fixed on Maaz.

'Why?' Pooja asked, perplexed.

'Maaz sir is here.' Anaya said standing up. Suddenly, Pooja's eyes lit up.

'Where?' She looked towards the entrance and smiled watching Maaz walking towards the elevator. Anaya quickly combed her hair with her fingers and tugged her white shirt neatly into her grey trousers. Pooja looked on as Anaya hurried towards the elevator.

Bechari Anaya, she can't openly talk to her parents *sigh* Hopefully, Sheeraz doesn't become a chipko nuisance for her *double sigh*

What do you guys think Anaya should do? Talk with Sheeraz? Talk sense to her parents?

Oooo la la la, Maaz is here

Wasn't there enough troubles for Anaya, already 

How was the chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *flying kisses*

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