21. Gold Digger & Dinosaur

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Anaya had come to the hotel early today. Pooja had informed her that Gabin would be coming early as he had a morning shift. She adjusted her hair and walked into the kitchen. She looked around and was disappointed when she didn't find him. It was today or never; her parents were pressurizing her to get married. And it was all Maaz's fault. He joked about that night and hence the pressure.

Dejected she turned around and was about to walk away when she spotted Gabin walk in the kitchen. He was dressed in a chef's coat. Anaya felt weak in her knees when he ruffled his hair and gathered his hair tying it in a flowing bun. He doesn't notice Anaya and walked towards the counter. She fixed her expression and wiped the slight drool from the corner of her mouth and hurried to him.

'Gabin.' She called, and he turned. He looked surprised to see her. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

'There is something I need to talk to you.' She spoke urgently. Sensing the urgency, Gabin nodded. He placed his chef's hat on the counter and gestured with his hand. Anaya nodded and together they walked out.

'There is still five minutes for my shift to begin.' Gabin checked his watch. Anaya nodded.

'I will take just a few moments.' She said and lowered her head, then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath and looked up at him. Staring into his eyes, she felt nervous.

'Gabin, I wanted to tell you this since forever but—I couldn't gather the courage, but now it's desperate time—Gabin, I—I,' – She gulped and straightened closing her eyes, - 'I love you.' She blurted out. There was no response for a while and slowly she peeked with one eye. Gabin was blinking at her. Then, she opened both her eyes. Gabin was still blinking. Hesitantly, she extended her hand and touched the back of his palm,

'Gabin.' She called him softly.

Gabin looked away for a moment, then looked back again, - 'Are you serious?' He asked. His tone made Anaya a little hopeful and she nodded. He straightened and sighed.

'I am sorry, Anaya if I gave you wrong signals but,' – Her heart dropped, - 'I don't love you. But I like you that is why I be-friended you. Also,' – He looked slightly guilty, - 'I wanted to be your friend so, you could help me confess my feelings for your friend, Pooja.' He confessed. Anaya felt everything around her shatter, including her dreams. She felt tears prick her eyes. Seeing the tears, Gabin looked guilty.

'I am sorry.' He extended his hand and held her shoulders. Anaya blinked back her tears and licked her lips.

'It—it—is—o—okay.' Her voice wavered as she spoke. Then, before teardrop fell from her eyes. She turned around and clenched the notepad tightly against her chest. Gabin called her but she doesn't turn around and hurried towards her cabin.

Inside her cabin, she fell on the chair and wiped the tears from her cheeks and chin. She clenched the arm-rest tightly and rested her head on the chair. She closed her eyes and took a moment to herself.

It wasn't Gabin's fault. Anaya also felt bad because now Pooja will gloat and boast till she dies of jealously. She sighed and straightened in her seat.

After some time, she picked up her phone and dialed her parents' number. After a few rings, her father picked up the call.

'Hello, Papa.' – she sighed, - 'I am ready for marriage.' She said. It took a moment for her father to realize what he said and then suddenly, he became hyper. Anaya frowned, not understanding the reaction. She also heard her mother's happy shriek.

'Say it again, beta?' Mr. Hussain said excitedly. Anaya sighed massaging her forehead.

'Papa. I agree to marry.' She said slowly. She heard her parents gushing and then they bid her good-bye. She got suspicious. They never bothered so much for her consent but now, suddenly her consent made them so happy. Weren't they going to get her married to Sheeraz anyway?


Anaya wasn't interested but then she can't just walk out of work. Anyway, she was planning an early leave. She was relieved that Gabin didn't bother her, perhaps he was busy with work. She kept feeling sad as she waited for her boss's car. Then, she spotted the car to enter the premise and she straightened. The car stopped but before Sam could climb down, Maaz leaped out from the back seat and hurried towards the entrance.

Anaya faked a smile, - 'Good morning, si-' before she could complete her sentence, Maaz grabbed her elbow and dragged her with him. She winced and protested but he doesn't listen. Few on-lookers gaped at them and Anaya felt embarrassed.

The elevator door opened and Maaz pushed her inside, then he entered.

'What the hell, sir?' Anaya massaged her elbow. Maaz turned around and glared at her. She gulped lowering her raised arm.

'I should be asking you that, Miss Hasan.' He spoke angrily.

'Sir,' – Anaya rolled her eyes, - 'It's Miss Hu-'

'SHUT UP!' Maaz slammed his palm on the elevator wall, only a few inches away from her face. Her eyes- widened and she looked fearfully at him. Annoyed, Maaz took a step back and placed his palms on his hips. He huffed.

'I thought you were decent, but you turned out to be another gold digger.' He said. Anaya frowned. She felt offended by his accusation.

'Excuse me, sir. You have no right to call me a gold digger.' She replied confidently. Maaz scoffed.

'Really? Then why did you say yes to the marriage?' – He paused, Anaya opened her mouth to respond but he interrupted her, - 'You know very well nothing happened between us that night. Still, you said yes?'

Anaya blinked at him. She was confused. How does her marriage to Sheeraz make her a gold digger? – She wondered.

Maaz exhaled deeply, - 'Don't act innocent, Miss. Hasan.' He said.

'Sir, I am genuinely confused.' She said seriously. Maaz sighed. Just then, the elevator door opened, and he held her elbow again. Anaya protested but he doesn't bother and continue to take her with him. Eventually, she stopped speaking. He opened the door and entered his cabin. Finally, he lets go of her hand. She huffed, and he turned around. She was startled by the sudden movement. Then, he narrated everything that happened and what she has done. Anaya's mouth opened.

'What?' Anaya sounded aghast.

'No, no, no. This can't happen. I will marry, Sheeraz—even a dinosaur but not you.' Anaya said seriously.

Maaz frowned, - 'Excuse me? What is wrong with marrying me?' He sounded offended. Anaya looked at him. He placed his hands on his hips and looked at her with a questioning gaze. When she doesn't reply he said, - 'Girls die to marry me. You should be grateful that you are getting this chance.' He puffed his chest with pride. Anaya scoffed and when he looked at her, she shook her head. He looked away.

'I would be thankful if I wasn't going to marry you.' She muttered to herself. Maaz looked sharply at her.

'What are you saying, huh? Miss. Hasan?'

Anaya rolled her eyes, - 'forget all that, Sir. Let us focus on what to do next? How to break this alliance.' She said.

Maaz felt offended because she wasn't interested in marrying him. It was an insult to him. So, he simply waved his hand and walked towards the table.

'You think of a way. And before that,' – He sat on the chair, - 'get me one chilled, very chilled beer.' He loosened his tie. Anaya sighed.

'Okay, sir.'

This was Anaya's worse day ever. Bechari had heartbreak and then a shocker. 

What say, guys? Also, I am getting a feeling that Maaz is going to do something stupid, again.

What are your thoughts, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *happy smile* *lots of hugs and kisses*

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