6. Someone Special

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It's Friday!!!! That means another update *WOOHOO* 

Gabin stopped the car in front of a building. Anaya unbuckled her seat belt and looked at him when he sighed. For a split second, she thought she saw a disappointed look on his face but brushed it off thinking it to be a figment of her imagination.

'Okay, then.' – He clenched the steering wheel and looked at her, - 'goodbye.' He smiled. Anaya smiled back.

'Goodbye.' She replied. Though she didn't want to, she stepped down the car. Then, she turned around and closed the door. Gabin hunched little and peeped from inside. He waved at her and she bit her smile while waving back. After he had driven out of sight, Anaya smiled widely.

Her first car ride with Gabin, her ultimate crush....

She walked into her building and climbed the stairs to the second floor. The lobby was narrow and carpeted with green carpet. While walking Anaya always admires the golden work done over it. She stopped in front of a green-painted wooden door and took out keys. She unlocked the door and entered her home.

She switched on the lights of the small passageway that led into the living room. She was still smiling as she removed her heels and placed them on the shoe rack. Stepping out of the closed heels made her feel so heavenly. She wriggled her toes and felt relaxed.

Dropping her bag on the sofa, she sat next to it. For a moment she mindlessly caressed her feet, a dreamy look in her eyes as the thought of Gabin and his gorgeous smile, the pearly whites. Unable to control herself, she took out her phone and called Pooja. A few rings later, she frowned and disconnected the call.

'No, I won't tell her. She doesn't tell half the things about Gabin.' Anaya said and twisted her lips. Then, she sighed and dropped against the sofa. She covered her face with her palm and took deep breaths until she felt calm.

After she changed into her cotton night PJs and settled in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn. She scratched her head looking for the remote and finally found it under the sofa cushion. Anaya's small one-bedroom apartment was cozy and well organized except for the remote, it keeps getting lost. She relaxed on the sofa and switched on the TV.

Few minutes of flipping through channels her phone rang. She popped a pop-corn into her mouth and picked up her phone from beside and glanced at the phone.

Sheeraz Calling!

She sighed rolling her eyes. She felt her irritated seeing his name flash on the screen, and so she decided to not answer. She put her phone on silent and continued watching TV.


Rashid sat at the dining table and looked up, he found Zainab standing next to him and glancing nervously towards the staircase. He pressed his lips, shaking his head. After a moment, he felt Zainab shift excitedly and he turned to look at the stair-case, he found Maaz climbing down. He was dressed in a simple Tee and white knee-length pants. Rashid looked away. He doesn't notice Zainab gesturing Maaz with her eyes. Annoyed, he blinked at his mother, silently asking her to calm down.

'Hi, Dad.' He greeted his father as he pulled out his chair. Rashid looked up and nodded while chewing food. Maaz frowned when Zainab nudged him. He looked annoyed and nodded his head then looked at Rashid, who was oblivious to the mother-son's secret eye-talk.

'Dad, there is something I want to talk to you?' – Maaz looked intently at him, Rashid nodded, - 'Dad, I—I,' – He licked his lips and shifted closer, Rashid looked at him, - 'I was thinking of--of accompanying you to work tomorrow.' He said. Rashid paused whilst chewing his food and his eyes widened. Maaz looked on with a straight face. Rashid swallowed the morsel and looked up at his wife. Zainab was beaming, she nodded. He looked at his son, again and eyed him. Inwardly, Maaz was hating that look but outwardly he kept a straight face.

'Are you serious?' Rashid eyed him suspiciously.

Maaz nodded, - 'Very serious, Dad.' He replied. Rashid looked at Zainab, she placed her palm on his shoulder and blinked slowly at him. He looked back at Maaz and reluctantly nodded.

'Be ready by 8.' He informed him. Maaz groaned but fixed his expressions when his mother stamped on his feet. Rashid looked up, his eyes darted from his wife to his son. The mother-son forced a smile at him. Rashid eyed them until they were interrupted by a butler who got food for Maaz.

Later in the night, Maaz was standing in the balcony and leaning against the steel railing with his palms dangling out.

'I think you should wear this, tomorrow.' His mother's voice floated from inside the room. Maaz clicked his tongue and looked away.

'Beta, what you think?' She called from inside.

'Whatever, Mom.' Maaz replied waving his hand then he looked up at the starry night. He stared at the half-moon. It was not that he was nervous or excited, he was feeling nothing. And that was the problem. Why wasn't he feeling anything? Shouldn't he be excited? Nervous? Maaz knew he wasn't least interested in his father's business. But had agreed only to please him. He scoffed recollecting his mother's words, "You will start liking it." When you don't like something, you don't like it, no matter what. Many times, Maaz contemplated running away from everything but always dropped the idea because he had nowhere to go. 

He sighed and straightened. He patted the railing. He wished he had someone with whom he could talk his heart out. Of course, Rukhsar was there but she was his friend. He wanted someone special to listen to him, to comfort him. Also, he knew being the son of a billionaire he will get mostly gold diggers. He smiled recollecting Rukhsar's words, "Not all girls are same, duffer." Perhaps she was right but Maaz hasn't yet encountered anyone like that.  

Anaya is really smitten by our chef-man. Ah-ha

And who is this mystery man calling Anaya? 

And do you guys think, Zainab's idea will bring Maaz and Rashid closer? Will Maaz start to like being in his father's shoes? Will, he find the special someone *winks*

Well, stay tuned to find out *smiles* *blow kisses*

Please drop your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote and share *kisses*

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