gauri's conditions..... ommkara in pain

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Scene 1

Rikara come to the hall...
Ommkara behave normal...
While gauri behave also same... Bhavya stood with gauri and rudy stood with omm...

Suddenly rudy remember something..

"Just because of we are engaged.. Which is just a drama... "

Gauri's word... DRAMA...
Rudy is confuse... But decided to talk with omm later...

After sometimes... The party is over... Dadi invite all guest for sangeet and mehendi which is going to happen tomorrow...

All guest leave.... Then the oberois are also leave...
This time also rekha and shankar ignore omm when he took blessing from them... But he is silent...

Bhavya bid by rudy...
Gauri stay silent and look away... Omm is also didn't say anything...

Scene 2

Ommkara sit on bed... Seeing his engagement ring with tearful eyes...

"I know I deserve this pain... But how can I do what you told me gauri"

He tell himself painfully... He think about what she told him at that day...


At garden...

"Tell me gauri... M ready to do anything for my brother"

Ommkara tell her...

"Then leave your family forever"

Gauri told him without turn to him...

Omm just shock to listen this plus confused...

"Wh.... What? "

He asked confuse...
Gauri turn to him...

"I said... Leave your family forever"

Omm just shock and silent... See his condition gauri decided to clear everything...

"U told me at hospital... That you are ready to leave everything for your brother's happiness... And now I want that... I don't want to see you around my sister and her family... I don't want your evil eyes on my sis"

"Stop it gauri... How could you say this... Bhavya is like my sister"

Ommkara reply painfully... He know gauri think that he is a character less person... But he can't tolerate her words.... He always see bhavya as her sister...

"Don't act innocent... I know who are you... And it's just my first condition...  More are left"

Gauri said...

Omm stood there and just silently see her...

"First... You have to leave your family forever... Second... You said yes for our marriage... Third... Make sure that bhavya and rudy's marriage time is one hour earlier than our... Fourth and most leave the mandap before our marriage"

Omm just dump to listen her conditions.... He don't know how to react.... How Can he leave his family... His baby bro...

"If you don't want to marry me... Then why you want to said yes for this"

Omm ask...

"Because if we didn't act like this... Then bhavya and rudy not agree for this marriage... It's the time that show your love towards your brother... If you really want his happiness... Then agree with me"

Gauri reply with anger...

"Gauri... Please... I agree for all this... But... I can't leave my family"

Ommkara said helplessly...

"U have to"

Gauri said with so much anger...

"I don't know what you will do... But after their marriage... I don't want to see you said you are guilty... Then prove it"

Gauri said emotionless... Omm feel so much pain in his heart...
But he have to agree with her.. He want her happiness... His family's happiness...

"But... If I ran away from the mandap... People said rubbish about you and your family"

He said with tear in his eyes... He still care for her...

"You don't worry about all this... I can handle it"

"But "

"Why you care for my respect?..  Which you destroy six years ago... Leave me at the mandap.... Like you leave me helpless in the hotel room six years ago"

Gauri said in anger but tear rolling on her cheeks... She can't handle the pain when she remember the past...

That's it for omm... He lower his head... Feel ashamed...

"M ready"

He reply in weak voice...

Flashback end.....


Omm wipe his tear and stood up...

"U have to do this omm... It's the punishment of your sin"

He said himself painfully... He pull out his phone from his pocket and dial pandit's number...

He tell him that he give a time for their marriage one hour later of rudys marriage...

Scene 3

Inside sharma house...

Gauri sit on bed... Lost in thought...
She saw her engagement ring... Tear rolling on her cheeks...

She harshly try to pull the ring... She want to through this ring away from her... She hate every things which is related to him...

But the ring is tight and she fail to pull it...
At last she cried hugging herself...

Then she layed on bed and crying...

"Why.... Why I meet him that day... Why I trust him.. Why I feel for him"

She said herself sobbing... She lost in the past...


6 years ago....

At shimla....

(Friends... I don't know much about shimla)

Gauri just arrived last evening... And now she enjoy the morning weather with her friends...

They play with snow... Laughing...masti...

When gauri through a snow ball towards her friend.... She escape and the ball hit a boy... The boy stop and see towards her...

The boy wore a hoodi... He take off the cap... Gauri saw a handsome boy... He tied his long hair in a half ponytail...

He come towards gauri... Gauri is scared to see him... He stood in front of her..

"So.... Sorry"

She said him... She think that he scold her...
But for her surprised... He smile to her...

"It's OK"

She also smile...

"Hi....I am ommkara"

He forward his hand for handshake...

Gauri love to make new friends... She shake hand with him..

"I am gauri"

"Gauri... Wow... Such a cute name"

Gauri smile at his compliment...

      ............ Fb end..........


Gauri cry badly..

"That is all his plan.... (Sobbing) all... His plan to meet me"

She murmur again and again...

Ohh no... So gauri want that omm leave his family.... But can omm able to do this.... Can ruvya find out everything... Let's see..

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