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Scene 1

Dadi still in SM...

But she is in a room... She not feel well...

But when after hours no one come back... She come out from the room...

Tejvi, gauri and all enter the house...
They see the house empty...
They search omm..


They listen a scream...
They shock and ran towards the sound...

They enter pool side... Dadi stood there like a rock.. Rudy shake her...

"Dadi... What happen... Why you shout"

Dadi pointed towards the pool...
All see... The horrible scene...

Ommkara on pool and the water is red..




All scream.... Rudy, tej and shankar jump in pool...

Gauri stood there shock...

Scene 2


Ommkara is inside...

Others are outside of the room...

Gauri just broke down in tear...
Bhavya try to console her...

Rekha try to console janhvi...

"He is in this condition just because of me... Why I didn't listen him... Why"

Gauri blame herself...

Doctor came...
All rush towards him...

"Doctor... How is bhai"

"Tell me doctor how is my son now"

Doctor sigh...

"He is out of danger... You take him here on time.... He is little weak because of blood lose... But he will be OK soon"

All sigh in relief ...


Doctor said and pause...

Now all again tensed...

"But what doctor"

Tej ask...

"He still unconscious"



"But you said bhai is OK"

Rudy ask..

"Yes... He is OK... But he is not responding... It's like he don't want to wake up... He don't want to be alive"

All feel guilty... Especially gauri.. Omm don't want to live because of her...

"If you want him fine... Then make him believe in life..if he not conscious in two hour then it's not good for him..... Excuse me"

Saying this doctor leave...

All see towards gauri... Even dadi... She realize her mistake... Rudy told her everything...

She feel ashamed to behave with gauri like this..

"Gauri... I am sorry... Please forgive me... I know I behave rudely with you... But... Please save my omm"

Gauri is crying...

"Please gauri... Only you are able to save my omm"

Janhvi pleaded..

"Di please"

Rudy plead...

Gauri wipe her tears...
And go inside the room...

Scene 3

Gauri enter the room...
She see omm...
Layed on bed... Unconscious... Lifeless...

Gauri's heart feel pain... She sit beside him...

Tear rolling on her cheeks...
Their special moment in shimla come in front of her..

She lean and kiss omms forehead...
She caress his hair...

"I.... I am sorry omm... I give you so much pain... You suffer a lot just because of me... I am sorry"

She hold his hand and cry...

"Please omm... Give me one chance... Please wake up... I.... I want to be with you"

She lean on his chest and crying...

Omm slowly open his eyes... He feel the presence of someone...
He know it's gauri....


He call weakly...
Gauri up her head and see in his eyes... Both eyes are red...

(Forget the anger... Imagine it's pain)

Both see each other eyes for few minutes... Gauri is happy to see him fine... While omm is confuse to see her here...

Omm try to sit... Gauri help him...
Omm just shock to see her...

Gauri sit on bed in front of him...


Omm want to say something but gauri place her finger on his lips....

"Don't say anything omm... First listen to me... I am sorry"

Omm just confuse...

"I know omm... You feel guilty... But... There is nothing which made you guilty"

Omm still confuse.. But try to say..

"Gauri... I... I want to say something... Believe me I didn't ran away because I want to talk to you... I didn't leave you at that day"

"I know omm... I know everything"

Omm just shock...

"Wha.... What"

Gauri hold his hand and said him everything what ajaya said...
She said sorry to him and crying..

Omm still not believe in all this..
But see gauri crying... He hug her tight... Gauri reciprocate the hug...

They cryed in each other Reduce the pain...

Omm broke the hug and cup gauri face... He wipe her tears...

"I am sorry gauri... No matter what... I feel guilty for that challenge... And.... I didn't found out ajayas intention.... Because of that you suffer"

"Not me... We suffer omm.... And... That is just A MISTAKE... Forget I... I want to be with you... I want to fulfil my all dreams with you... I....I love you omm.... I love you"

Omm see her in shock... Her confession... Make him smile in tear... He hug her more tight...

"I love you gauri.... More than my life... More than anything... I love you"

Gauri smile and hug him tight...
Both confess their love...

Gauri broke the hug and wipe his tears... Both smile...

"Let's go home"

Gauri said and omm nooded...


Gauri said and pause...
Omm see in confused

"But... What"

"We are going your house... Not my"

Omm still confuse...

"Why you confuse.... After marriage... I have to live with you at your house.... Don't you know"

Gauri said with smile...
Now omm understand... He smile and join his forehead with her...

'' OK... Let's go Mrs oberoi"

Scene 4

After 2 week....

Omm stood on road... See to open bonet of the car...
Try to figure out what is the problem in the car that it stop in the middle road...

Yes... His car is stop on road.. His phone ring... He receive...


"Hello bhai... Where are you and bhabi.. Me and bhavya waiting for you at airport... Don't you want to go for honeymoon"

Rudy shout on other side...

"Our car is stop rudy... But don't worry... We will be there on time"

Saying this he cut the call and again concerntrate on car... Today the driver is on leave and he didn't found any accents here.. So he try to himself to repair the car..

A scooty come and stop near him..
He see... A girl is on scooty... She take off her helmet..

"Hi handsome... Any problem"

Omm is little shock when the girl call him handsome...

"No... Actually my car is stop here and I didn't find any accent so... "

"Ohh.... So do you want lift"

The girl offer him... Omm is little confuse...

"I am anika... Don't worry... I don't mind if you drive... I can adjust in back seat... And... I don't mind if you apply break in between the drive"

Anika said with wink...
Omm's mouth open in shock...

"What happen handsome"

Omm come out of sense... He join his hand in front of her...

"Sister... I don't want any lift... And... I am married... I love my please"

Anika is confuse...

"So what... I just want to help you yaar... Bhaiya"

Omm sigh when she call him bhaiya... But when he turn he found a furious gauri behind him..

"What are you doing with this girl"

Gauri shout... Omm horrified...

"I thought you repair the car... So I take a nap inside... But you... You are flirting with girls"

Gauri again shout...

"No no gauri... You misunderstood... There is nothing... You didn't listen... I call her sis and she call me bro"

Omm try to handle...
Gauri chuckles secretly... She know the truth but she want to trouble omm..

"I don't want to talk to you... Continue your flirting... I am going"

She shout and start walking on road... Omm follow her and call her name...

While anika stood there with open mouth...
After few minutes she come out her sense...

"O bete Ki... He is joru ka gulaam(wife's slave)  ....*laugh* but their Jodi is khidkitod"

She smile... Wore her helmet and gone with her champa...

Scene 5

Gauri walk and walk... Omm follow her...

"Gauri..... Just listen to Me please... I never flirt with any girl'

But gauri hide her smile and walk..
She found a boy stood on road and talk on phone... She have an idea...

She go towards the boy...

"Hi handsome"

She call... Boy turn...


"Will you be my bf for one hour"


The boy confuse... Omm listen it and burn in jealousy...

The boy ask to gauri..

"Who are you"

But before gauri reply... Omm pull her towards him and hug her by side... And said to the boy sternly..

"She is my wife gauri"

Gauri see the jealous kara and chuckle..

"Ohh... I am shivaya... By the way... Why your wife is asking me to be her bf"

"Actually my wife's mental condition is not good... That's why"

Omm reply..... Gauri mouth open in shock... She is angry... She come out from his grip...

"I  am not mad OK"

Shivya understand they argue in something.. But he had no time for all this...

"Actually... I am waiting for my gf anika"

"Anika... I saw her few seconds ago... She went this side''

Omm quickly reply...

"What... Ohh no... Now how can I found her"

Shibaya left from there...
Omm see towards gauri... Who is still furious...
He bite his toungh...


Omm hold his ear... He look so cute... Gauri want to pull his cheek...
But she pretend to be angry..

"Gauri please... Sorry"


"OK... Then tell me what will I do to gain your forgiveness"

Gauri think for sometimes...

"OK... Lift me in your arms and take me to the car"

Omm smile... But.... Gauri had other plan..

"But... You have to sing a song for me"

Omm just dump... Gauri chuckle...

"I know you are a horrible singer... But it's your punishment.. U have to sing my favorite song"

Gauri ordered... Omm sigh and lift her in bridal style...

Gauri lean on his chest... Near his heart...
She listen his heart beat which is beating only for her...

Omm smile and kiss her head...




Omm sigh and started walking and sing her favorite song...

"Baadalon me...
Ghul na jaye...

He Jo lamhe...
Thehre thehre..

Do dilon me...
Just karle....

Sare jazbe...
Gehre gehre...

Kal kya pataaa....
Mile na mile...

O sathiyaa...

Sathiyaaaaaaa...... Sathiyaaaaaa...
Sathiyaaaaaaa.... Sathiyaaaaaaa..

They walk.... Towards happiness... Towards the new future... Which is feel with happiness....

They didn't forget their suffer...
But they try to come out from the past... Think that it's just A MISTAKE...

(Shivika had a guest appearance 😁😁😁)

Happy ending... The story is end here.....
Thank you soooo much guys...
For your support and love...
And forget if there is any mistake.. Ty...
Love you all.. 💖💖💖💖


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