Rikara in pain...meet ajaya...

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Scene 1

Gauri sit on a chair in Mumbai airport in an isolated place... In her bridal dress... She had a small bag...

She is crying... It's night time... She never ever thought in her dreams that she took this type of decision...

She don't want to leave her family... But she did...
She can't marry that person who destroy her everything..

And now just because of him... She separate from her family...
She again broken... Empty...
And now there is no one for her... Not even her family...
She crying more and more...

"I hate you bloody ommkara... Just because of you I am suffering from 6 years... I lose everything.... And now you again cheat me...I lose my family... You will never be happy in your life"

She is crying too badly... To lose her support system... Her family... Is unbearable for her...

Scene 2

The letter fall on rudy's hand...
All are totally shock to react... There is a pause for few minutes...

Omm is stood there like a rock... He didn't expect this from gauri...
He is silent...

Guests start talking about this...

"OMG... How could she do this with her family"

"May be the groom had some fault.. That's why she left"

"No... I think she ran away with her lover"

"Yes yes... You know today's girls... They didn't care about anything"

"How shameless she is... Disgusting"

"No no... Gauri is not like that... There is must be any other reason"

Guest continue their talking... Rudy come out of sense... He see omm and all are in shock.. He have to handle the situation...

He join hands in front of guests..

"I am sorry... But it's our family matter... I request you all to leave... Please"

The guest started leaving...
Now only oberois and sharmas are left... Omm couldn't react...

"Why you all silent... Please say something"

Rudy shout and all come to their shock...

"Gauri... Meri bacchi"

Shankar is breakdown... Rekha and bhavya hold him...

"How could she do this... She never thought about the family reputation... Such a shameless girl"

Dadi said.... Rekhas blood boil to listen this... She stood up and shout...

"Enough Mrs oberoi... My daughter is innocent... You all know that.. Your force my daughter for this marriage... You grandson is responsible for all this"

She pointed to omm.... Omm go two step back to listen this... Rudy ran and hold omm by his shoulder...

"Please rekha Ji... Don't say this... Omm is also suffering like gauri"

Janhvi said with tear...

"I don't care about anything... I want my daughter... And tell your son to go away in front of my eyes... Otherwise I will do something wrong... He is responsible that I lose my gauri"

Shankar said with anger and hurt...

Tear made their ways from omm's cheek...

"Just shut up shankar"

Dadi shout...

"You shut up mom"


Dadi is shock to see tej shout on her..

"Still I am silent... But now is enough... You are responsible for all this... If you not force gauri for marriage... Then may be today the situation is different"

Tej told with anger...
Now enough for rudy...
He leave omm and come to the elders...

"Stop it you all... It's not the time accuse each other... First we have to find out gauri di"

"Rudy is right... We have to find out didu... I am scared... If..... If she did something wrong with herself... Then"

Bhavya is crying...

All are busy in discussion that no one notice what is omm's condition...omm feel shiver to imagine something wrong happen with gauri...

He is totally broken.... He take off his pagdi and leave it on floor slowly...
Then he walk from there very slowly... He not listen anything what is around him... He just lost somewhere...

Scene 3

Gauri still crying...
Suddenly she listen her flight was postponed for an hour... She wipe her tear and sit there silent...
After few minutes...


She listen someone call her... She up her head...
She saw a middle age man stood in front of her...

He look too weak that he stood with more difficulty... His hair was mess... He had thick Beard... He hardly had some bones... He look like a beggar...

Gauri stood up and see him confusingly...

"You.... Are you gauri"

He ask very weakly...
Gauri nooded...
The man smile brightly... He look so happy that he found something precious...

"I am sorry... I don't know you"

Gauri tell him...
The man chuckle sadly...

"Not only you... No one can recognize me"

The man reply...

"I am ajaya"

Gauri is confuse...

"Which ajaya"

"We met in shimla gauri... You remember"

Gauri's eyes wide to listen this... How can she forget that basterd ajaya... Who talk rubbish about her after tell about omm's challenge...

"Don't worry gauri... I never said to anyone about you and omm"

"What about me... Trust me... I give you more pleaser than omm"

His words still afresh in her mind...

"You... Ajaya?....why you came here.."

Gauri ask furiously...

"Gauri... Please listen to me"

"What should I listen?... Why you not leave me alone... First that omm and now you"

Gauri said while cry....

"I know gauri.... You don't want to see my face after what I said to you at shimla... But... I want to tell you the real truth... "

Gauri is confuse...

"Truth?  Which truth?"

"The real truth of that day"

Gauri confusingly look at him...

"That day... I told you all lies... Omm is innocent gauri... I am responsible for all this"

Gauri just totally confuse...

"What do you mean?"

Scene 4

Omm walk and walk... He is not in his sense... He is totally broken... He think he is a cruse for everyone...

"Don't you dare to touch me"

"I hate you... I hate you to the core of my heart"

"Give me back my dignity"

"Your grand son is responsible for all this"

The words again and again ring in his mind...
He felt same which he feel 6 years ago after leave gauri...
Broken... Empty.... Helpless... Hopeless...

His inner voice blame him for everything...

"You are responsible for everything omm... You destroy gauri's life... You destroy your family's trust... You destroy her dream... And now because of you she leave her family... You have no rights to be alive omm... Kill yourself... It's the only way to solve everything"

He had tears.... He saw a blade on floor... He pick it and see...may be the decorators leave it by MISTAKE..

"Yes... It's the only way to give gauri happiness... If I am not in her life and around her... May be she is happy... May be she come back to her family... At least she not feel disguest and uncomfortable"

He said himself weakly...

Scene 5

Here somehow rudy find out that gauri at airport... He tell to everyone... Everyone go with rudy except dadi..

In this tension.... No one notice that omm is missing..

Scene 6

"What do you mean?"

Gauri ask him confusingly...
Ajaya sadly chuckle...

"You know what gauri... I pray to god since 5 years that he give me one chance to meet you before my death... I want to confess my crime... I see ommkara so many times... But not have courage to face him"

Gauri still confuse...

"Which crime?"

"That crime... Which I did... And you both suffered"

Gauri is confuse plus shock to his statement...

"First listen to me once please"

Gauri nooded...

So... Gauri meet ajaya... But why ajaya want to tell her the real truth... And which truth?....Can gauri trust him... Can ruvya and family reach to gauri before it's too late... What about omm.. Can he kill himself... Lets see..

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