Rikara's engagement (part 1)

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Scene 1

Rikara reach their respective house.... They talk with ruvya and force them to marry each other...

Ruvya accept this because they plan something...

Scene 2

Next morning...
Today is engagement...

All started preparations...

At Om..

Rudy talk with bhavya and said her to do something with gauri..he also plan something for omm...

"Rudra... What are you doing here.. Go and help omm to get ready... We are leaving for SM in an hour"

Dadi told Rudy... Rudy nooded and go...

Scene 3

Rudy enter the room... He saw omm stood in front of mirror... He is totally upset.. Rudy see his dull face and feel bad...


Omm see towards him...

Rudy smile and come to him.. Omm give him a fake smile which rudra notice...

Rudy adjust omm's collar and talk...

"Bhai... You look handsome"

Omm just smile...

"Bhai... I want to ask you something"

"Hmm... Tell"

"We both are going to get married in three days... So.... I was thinking to invite our old friends too for this marriage"

Omm turn and smile...

"Do what you want... M happy in your happiness"

"Then tell me your old friends name... I also want to invite them"

Omm frown...

"Ohhoo bhai... U also have friends na...collage friends... Tell me quickly"

Omm look uncomfortable to hear this...

"Aarrmm...I didn't touch with them since years... Let it be rudy"

He try to divert the topic...
Rudy notice it...

"No bhai... Tell me na"

"Rudy please"

"OK... I find some of your friends name... One of is aahan"

Omm smile and look at the mirror...

"He is my buddy at collage"

Now rudys expression change and he deeply observe omm and said..

"Another name is... Ajaya"

Suddenly omm's smile vanished... His face fell... A scary expression come to his face... He turn to rudy quickly with wide eyes...

''Aa.... Ajaya"

Rudy clearly saw his changes of expression... Why he is shock to listen ajaya's name while he smile to listen aahan's name...

"How..... How you find his name"

Ommkara ask... Try to hide his fear.... But rudy is already catch it... Now he is confirmed that ajaya is deeply related to this incident.. And omm know everything..

"It means you know everything about that incident... Just tell me the whole truth bhai... Why u hide it..why you silent... Just tell me who is the real criminal"

Omm turn other side tensed...

"What.... are ....you... Saying rudy"

He stammer...
Rudy hold his shoulder and turn him..

"Just tell me the real truth bhai"

"I already told you everything... And I.... I don't know who is ajaya"

"No... You tell me half truth... You are not a coward... Who ran after did all this.. Please bhai tell me"

Rudy pleaded... But omm

"I told you na... I am responsible for all this"

"No... You are lying"

"Rudy please"

Before rudy say something ...servant call them...

"We are getting late... Let's go"

Saying this... Omm leave... But rudy...

"I know bhai... You hide something... I don't know why.. But I found out it soon"

Scene 4

At SM...

Bhavya help gauri to get ready... Bhavya clearly saw the sadness on gauri's face...

Gauri get ready...

Bhavya kiss gauri cheeks..

"Didu... You look gorgeous"

Gauri turn and smile...
Bhavya think something... And ask..

"Didu.... Can I ask you something"


"Don't angry on me"

Gauri smile... And nooded...

"Who.... Armm... Who told you about ommkara's challenge... I mean what is his name"

Gauri see her shockingly... She turn and avoid her question..


"No bhavya... I don't want to recall that incident... Please"

Gauri don't want to remember that horrible night... That disgusting peoples... With the more difficulty she made herself strong... Now she don't want to weak again..

"I know didu... But m just asking his friend name who said you"

"I told you na bhavya... Stop it"

"Didu please"

Gauri see bhavya in confusion..

"Why? "

"Didu... Just tell me"

Gauri sigh...

"I didn't remember his name"

Gauri sit on bed... Lost in thought... She shiver all the time when she remember everything..

Bhavya sit beside her and hold her shoulder... Gauri look at her..

"Didu... I know your conditions... But please tell me"

"Why u want to know his name"

"Just tell me"

Gauri sigh and try to remember his name...

"May be.... May be his name is ajaya"

Bhavya calmly listen it... Just then some girls enter there... They congratulate gauri... Bhavya see gauri is busy in talking with the girls.... She leave from there...

Scene 5

Bhavya call rudy and told everything... Rudy also told about omm's behavior in ajaya's name...

On call...

"It means... Ajaya is related to all this"

Rudy ask..

"Yes rudy... But can we are not able to stop this engagement"

Bhavya ask in a sad tone..
Rudy sigh...

"Right now... We are helpless bhavya... But I promise... I find the truth before marriage"

Scene 6

At SM...

Oberois arrived there ...
Sharma welcome them.. But no one happy except dadi...

All guest talk about this marriage.. Some are jealous and some are happy...

Rudy come and took blessing from rekha and Shankar... They bless him with smile..

But when omm bend to took blessing from them... They go back and ignore...

"It's OK"

They said and go from there...

Omm is hurt... But he knows they not accept him...

Tej was really angry on dadi and omm... But he can't say anything in front of dadi...

Janhvi also upset.. But she want her son's happiness... She also want gauri happiness...

Rudra stood with omm all the time to support him... Omm smile fakely...

Ohh... So ruvya find out that ajaya is reletate to this... And omm know everything... But why omm don't want to tell anything... Can bhavya find out the truth before marriage... What is gauri conditions..

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