the real truth (part 2) feelings

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Scene 1

After talk with ajaya omm go to his room...
Thinking about gauri..

Here ajaya search a chance to teach a lesson to omm..

Scene 2

As they plan... Rikara go out with each other...
Gauri's friends notice it...
But didn't say anything because they don't want to interfere in her life...

Omm take her to various places... She is enjoy a lot... Omm treat her well... She is totally impress to his gentle behavior... She started liking him...

Meanwhile omm started feeling bad... Because of that challenge... After spend time with her... He about to know that she is different from others... He started liking her truly... The fun loving boy start taking things seriously...

The day passed quickly and rikara return to hotel... They bid by to each other and go to their room..

Scene 3

Omm go to his room with wide smile...

Rishav, karan and ahan notice it..

"Ahem... Ahem... What happen lover boy.. You smile"

Rishav tease omm...
Omm just smile and lean on sofa...
Ahan come and sit near him..

"What happen omm.. And where are you the whole day"

Ahan ask but omm was busy of thinking about gauri...

Ahan and rishav confuse to his behavior...
But karan knows everything..

"He is went with gauri for whole day... Wow... Great omm... I think you win the challenge to make her fall for you soon"

Karan said teasing...
Listen this challenge word...
Omm's smile vanished...
He see towards karan in a serious look...

"Omm... I think this is going so far... It start with a challenge.. I hope you are not going to break her heart"

Aahan said in tension...
Omm look at ahan and think of his words... He didn't say anything and go to washroom..

Trio are confused to his behavior..

Ajaya stood in outside of the door and listen everything....
He smirk...

"Challenge.... May be it's give me benefits"

Scene 4

Gauri enter the room with smile...

"Aaye haaye... Smiling smiling"

Her friend tease her...
Gauri sit on bed and blushing..

"Oye... Say to us... How was your day with that handsome boy... Did he propose you"

Neha ask teasing...
Gauri was shock...

"What... Propose?...  Just shut up... He is my friend OK.. Not boyfriend"

Gauri try to reply sternly but she can't hide her blush...

"O really... Then why you blush"

Niky tease her...

"Just shut up you all"

Saying this she ran to the bathroom... While her friends laughing...

Scene 5

Day had passed and rikara's feelings devlop for each other... They spend time with each other...
Omm had guilt that he challenge...
But now he truly fall for her...
While gauri unaware of it and imagine her life with him...

Meanwhile ajaya observed everything... He think something evil...

One fine night...
It's only 3 days are left of their trip..

Omm is restless to imagine her leaving him... And he can't understand why he feel it...
Meanwhile gauri want to express her feelings before leave...

Gauri not feel sleepy so she come to the garden for some time... The weather is too cold... She wore a shawl...

She find omm at the garden... Sit on bench and lost somewhere...


She call him and he turn.. He stood...

"You are here"

She ask him... Omm just smile...

"No.. I not feel sleepy so... "

"Me too"

Gauri sit on bench and gesture him to sit with her... Omm sit... Gauri notice his sadness..

"What happen omm... Is everything all right... You look tensed"

She said with concern...
Omm was happy that she notice his sadness...

"No... Nothing"

He reply... Gauri nooded... They talk for few minutes and omm feel better... But the guilt still not reduce... He want to tell her everything but scared for her hate..

Omm notice gauri feel cold...
He stood up and go from there..
Gauri is confuse...
After few minutes omm come with a box full wood...
He apply fire on it and take it to near gauri...

Gauri smile...



"You are so good... That girl is lucky who have you as her husband"

Gauri said with smile.... He is so caring...

Omm too smile... He want to said her that she is the lucky girl..
Both see in each other eyes deeply...

This rikara moment seen by a pair of evil eyes... Ajaya

Scene 6

Next day..

Rikara didn't meet whole day because omm start ignoring her because of his guilt... He never feel guilty for his any of challenge...
But he feel it now...

But gauri think he must be busy with his friends...
So she enjoy the day with her friends...


Omm return hotel with his friends...
They saw gauri friends stood there with tensed face...

Neha come to omm...

"Omm... Did you see gauri somewhere... She is missing"

(Note:rikara already introduce their friends with each other)

Omm is shock...

"What... But how"

Omm ask..

"An hour ago.. When we play with snow... She want to go other side of the field which is full with snow.. But the guide not allow us to say that side is dangerous"

Niky reply...
Now omm and all hell tensed...

"Which side you went"

Aahan ask..

"Abc field"

Neha reply...

"Ohh no... That place is really dangerous... If gauri went there than it's possible that she trap under the snow hole.."

Omm's heart beating faster in fear... Imagining something happen with her... Take his breath away..

He started running from there... All try to stop him but fail...

He quickly get a taxi and go to that place...
He scold himself that why he is not with her...

Scene 7

Omm reach that place... It's getting dark now and that area is too chill...

The taxi driver warn him about the place but he don't care... He only want her safty...

He walk and walk on the snow field... Screaming her name with shaking tone...
The weather is too cold that it's really difficult to walk and talk... But... He did it...

"Gauri.... Where are you"

He screaming again and again... He on the mobile torch and search on snow with shaking hands...

"God please save her"

He pray again and again... He feel crying... Like he lose something precious... There is no house in 1km distance where he stood...

At last he fall on knees and start crying...
He feel helpless...

"God... Please help me....please give me my gauri back"

Suddenly he see something on snow... He wipe his tear and ran there... He saw a hand... He hold it and feel the person buried with snow...

He quickly try to wipe the snow... Tough it's difficult but finally he success to pull that person from snow whole...

When he turn that person.. It's gauri... He is shock...

Gauri is unconscious and her body freez due to cold...

"Gauri... Gauri open your eyes"

He patted her cheeks but no use...
He pick her up in bridal style and started running for help..

But there is no one...
But he never give up... He still running... he saw some small houses...

He knock to a house... And tell them everything... The house owner is a kind man... He take them inside...

Oweners wife change gauri dress...
They give her medicine and massage her feet, palm with hot oil...

Omm had tears to see her situation...
The owners wife said she is OK now..
But omm not leave her for a second... They leave from there..

Whole night he sit beside gauri and hold her hand..

Today he realize that he love her... The mere thought of losing her scared him like hell.. He kiss her hand...

"I love you gauri... Please forgive me... Today I ignore you... I am really sorry... I love you so much"

He said with tear...

Scene 8

When gauri wake up she found omm sleep beside her hold her hand...
She smile... He is looking so cute...


She call her softly... He open his eyes...
Both had  cute eye lock...
Omm got up..

"Gauri... You OK?"

Gauri sit on bed weakly...
She nooded... Omm ask her how she go there... Gauri only remember she go to that area to click pictures but she slip...

After few minutes... They bid by to the owner and his wife and return hotel...

Scene 9

They reach hotel... Omm drop her in her room... All sigh in relief to see gauri... All thanks to omm.. Gauri too thanks him...

Omm return to room...
His friends ask him and he narrated everything how he found gauri..

"Wow yaar... You like filmy hero"

Rishav said...

"Thank god omm she is fine... I am proud of you"

Ahan said with smile...

"Hmm... It seems like you won the challenge omm"

Karan said... Omm smile...

"No karan I already lose the challenge... You won"

Ommkara said.. All confuse..

"What... How"

"Because I lose my heart... I really love her"

It's a shocking news for all..
But when omm tell them everything about his feelings..

They happy and karan said the challenge does not matter for him...
They said him to propose gauri soon.. Omm said yes... He go washroom..

After omm leave trio talk about ahans bday which is today... Ahan through a party in the evening in a club... They decided to say omm later...

Their talk listen ajaya... And he plan something...

Scene 10

Gauri was so happy that omm take care of her... He save her life...
She sit near window and smile...

"Omm... *blush* I think I am in love with you"

She said herself and smile...

So omm realize he love her.. Gauri too realize... But what is in ajayas mind... Let's see...

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