the scary past(part 1)

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Scene 1

The engagement is over and guests are gone... But some relative is there... tejvi and shankar, rekha busy with them...

Bhavya search for gauri but not found... She not say anything to anyone and go from there to gauri's room...

She ask one of servant and she told gauri ran hurriedly to her room... Now bhavya is tensed... She ran to gauri room..

Here rudy search for omm but he is not there... He ask tejvi but they don't know anything... Now he is scared for his bro...

He call the watchmen of OM... And he tell that omm is here and he look tensed...

Now enough for rudy... He just ran to OM... That incident which had happened in past is scared him now...

Scene 2

Bhavya reach gauri room but it's lock... She bang the door but no on open...

Now she is scared.... She use another key and open the door...
She called gauri but then she listen loud crying of gauri inside the bathroom...

"Didu.... Gauri didu... What happen... Why u crying... Please open the door"

She bang the door... But gauri continuously crying...
She use the key and open the door...
She saw gauri situation and shock..

She lay on floor under the shower and crying badly...


She shout and ran to her... She off the shower and pull gauri made her sit..

"Didu... What happen"

She cup her face and ask... Gauri hug her and crying...

"Bhavya.... Bhavya please save me.  He... He is back... Place save me"

Gauri say this and crying badly hug bhavya...

"Who.... Who is back didu"

Bhavya ask her worried... But gauri is crying... And too scared....

Bhavya didn't understand anything... But now she first calm her didu... Then talk with her..

She make gauri stand and come to the  room... Gauri continuously murmur...

Bhavya make her sit on bed... Gauri again hug her in fear...

"Please save me... He is back.. He... He again destroy my life... Save me please"

Gauri murmur.... Bhavya had tear in her eyes to see her didu situation... She didn't understand what had happen suddenly... Few minutes before she is happy and now...

"No didu... M here... Don't worry relax... No one can touch you"

Bhavya try to calm gauri...

Scene 3

Rudy reach OM...

He quickly go to omm's room but it's empty... He saw the whole room is mess... An unknown fear crept on his face... Some flashes of past come to his mind...

"Omm bhai"

He shout and come downstairs...
He search the whole mention... He saw his room is also mess...
Now he is scared... Omm must be search the sleeping pills which he hide from him...

He search the whole OM... When he cross the kitchen... He saw a hand through the little open door...

He ran to the kitchen... And just shock...
Omm lay on floor lifeless... The pills bottle on his one hand...
Rudy ran and take omms head on his lap and patted his cheek...

"Bhai... Bhai please woke up bhai"

He said it an crying tone... He can't afford to lose his loveable brother...

"Bhai please open your eyes... U... U can't broke your promise... U r not permit to leave me... Please woke up"

He hug ommkara and crying... But then he call the watchman and take ommkara to the room...

Then he call the doctor ....the doctor come and treat ommkara...
Doctor said he is fine now because rudy call him on time...

Rudy request the doctor and watchman to not say anyone about this incident...
They agree and leave...

Rudy sit beside ommkara on bed...

"Why bhai... What is happen suddenly.. Why u broke your promise"

Scene 4

Gauri not in her sense... She is scared... She is sobbing and murmur continuously...
Bhavya change her wet clothes...

Then she sit with her..

'What happen didu... Why u behave like this... U r OK in my engagement... U r OK before u meet ommkara.. Then"

Bhavya ask her but after listen the name ommkara... Gauri eyes wide in fear...

"Ommkara... Rudra"

Gauri cup bhavya's face and worried..

"Bhavya... Please break your engagement with rudra... His elder brother is a bad man.. Please "

Gauri pleaded while bhavya shock...

'What are you saying didu"

"Please bhavya listen to me... His elder brother is a monster.... I don't want his evil eyes on you "

Bhavya could not understand anything... While gauri crying..

"Calm down didu... May be u misunderstood ommkara"

"No... I know him very well...I want to save you... He already destroy my life... I can't let him do this with you"

Gauri shout.... Bhavya just in a mess..

"What are you saying didu... What he had done with you... Just tell me didu... M scared"

Bhavya ask her in fear after listen her word...

"Bhavya... He.... He"

Gauri's voice is choking...

"Yes didu tell me"

"He... He raped me bhavya... He raped me"

Bhavya stood up with a jerk to listen this...

Scene 5

Omm open his eyes and saw rudy sit near him with tearful eyes...

He sit on bed while rudy continuously see him... He know his little bro is hurt.... Because he broke his promise...

"Why bhai... Why u do this... What had happen suddenly"

Rudy ask in much hurt tone...
Omm look down... Unable to face him..

"Rudy... M... M sorry"

"I don't want your sorry... I want the reason"

Rudy told him... But omm is silent...

Rudy cup his face...

"Why u not tell anything.... What is happen in your past... That... That u want to kill yourself...u did it before too... Please tell me"

Rudy pleaded... Omm see his hurt eyes...

"U... U hate me after know about my past "

Ommkara said...

"No bhai"

'Please let me die rudy... I have no rights to live"

Ommkara said while crying...

"Bhai please stop all this... Why u don't want to live... What u had done"

Rudy say him...

"M a monster rudy"

"Bhai please tell me"

"I.... I raped a girl rudy... I destroy her life"

Rudy just shock to listen this...

(The scary past part 2 is left don't worry...
Frndss... I wrote the next part of love means sacrifice but it's not saved and deleted... I irritated to all this.... Why it's happen with me... Now I again write the whole chappy 😭😭😭😭)

Love you all...

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