16. Life Changing Moments

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It had been one week now since Adele had arrived in New York. Every day went by in exactly the same way. She slept in Francesco's room and Francesco was woken up by his alarm before dawn and left Adele at the window. He then made his way to the Mansion's grounds with Costanzo for their morning exercise. It put Francesco at ease to see his beloved safe in the balcony as she watched him as he did the usual push ups, sit ups and lifted some weights with Costanzo beside him which always ended with him doing his one hour run. He was truly fit in every way.

Adele's favourite part of the morning was breakfast in bed time. Luckily Francesco's father was not strict with meal times and she wasn't obliged to see him at the breakfast table if she didn't wish it which she was very grateful for. She was truly afraid of him. After breakfast she started the day by visiting her parents in one of the cabins where they were accommodated in before they were accompanied by Paulo Rosario's guards to a private hospital to stand by the Piero Rosario's side for the whole day. They were the family doctors in Paulo's eyes afterall.

The rest of Adele's day was of course spent in one of the game rooms in the mansion alongside Francesco, Costanzo and Angelo until dinner time and then bed time. The lucky part was Adele didn't see much of Paulo Rosario during the day either. He was either in his office or out in his business headquarters in centre of New York. He was the scariest man she had met beside none other than Piero Rosario.

That day Adele and Angelo were playing cards while sitting on sofas around a coffee table while Francesco and Costanzo were playing billiard on the biggest billiard table Adele had ever seen in the middle of the game room.

Adele sighed " I can't wait to go back to school. I can't believe how we are forced to spend our days waiting here hoping Piero Rosario would recover soon so we can go home again. I am so bored."

Angelo looked at his sister with disapproval " Adele. I don't see why you are complaining. It could be much worse. At least our family will be allowed to live. Awhile ago I thought I was going to die because of what our father had done. Remember how they took our parents and I to that cellar. I thought that cellar was going to be our grave but we were spared. They even let you see us for crying out loud. I think Piero Rosario didn't tell his brother everything about what our father has done completely. I think he made him out to be some doctor who was tricked by the FBI and voluntarily co-operated with him to catch traitors in his hospital's organisation. We both know that father was not tricked. He knew exactly what he was doing. He would have co-operated too if they hadn't asked for a one year long commitment since he was thinking of relocating us back to Los Angeles if things didn't work out after six months but no one knows that but us. So as you can see, Francesco's father does not look at our family like prisoners at all. Now you are sitting here complaining that you can't wait just a little bit longer for us to go back to our normal lives. There is not long left now. Now that Piero Rosario has woken up from his coma, all they have to keep him abit longer to make sure all is well with him. Mum and dad reckon he will be discharged either today or tomorrow and we will be leaving this mansion within days so stop complaining sister."

Adele spoke "I am not complaining. Its just that there is nothing here to do but wait. Sometimes I wish our parents had never moved our family from Los Angeles. We were much happier there. We didn't have to deal with any criminals and mob bosses. Also if we hadn't moved, then you didn't have to give your word to serve the Rosarios."

Angelo smiled "That is a small price. Besides I find it a blessing. I don't mind that at all. Piero Rosario told me I could choose who I worked for in this family when I became of legal age and I said Francesco. So I think if you trust Francesco, you wouldn't worry about this promise I have made. I would be taking orders from your future husband." He then winked at her.

Adele cringed as she heard this "Don't say such things. No one knows what happens in future. For all I know Francesco may find himself another girl in a few years time. He may move on. So you would be on your own. I don't think you would be working for my future husband's organisation."

Angelo laughed "Keep telling yourself that. He is not going to let you go. Ever."

Adele narrowed her eyes, stood up and raised her voice "You are wrong. I don't want to hear any more." She then looked up at a surprised looking Francesco who had heard her shouting and spoke " Can I go back to my room? I want to be alone."

Francesco dropped his billiard stick and spoke firmly " Angelo. What did you do? Adele was fine a minute ago. How did you upset her?"

Adele just realised Francesco looked serious and ready to strike. Adele spoke quickly " No. He didn't. We were just talking."

Francesco walked slowly towards the siblings " Angelo. Stand up and Face me now. What did you say to Adele?"

Angelo's stood up and turned to Francesco "I didn't mean to upset her. I am sorry."

Costanzo stood between Francesco and Angelo " Look. You are over reacting...."

Francesco ignored his brother and spoke in a threatening tone " I didn't ask you to say sorry. I don't like repeating any questions. Tell me. What did you say to her? Answer me or I will make you wish you were never born."

Adele was shocked. Where was this over-reaction coming from. She walked to Francesco and grabbed his arm " Francesco, please let it go. You are scaring me again".

Costanzo spoke " I think Angelo was just leaving anyways. It's time he goes to his cabin for dinner. His parents are going to be back any minute." He then walked to Angelo and gave him a shove and whispered "Run for it and don't look back."

As Angelo sprinted to the door, Francesco shouted "I will drop by later Angelo. This is not over." He then turned to Adele and his expression turned soft "If anyone upsets you they need to answer to me. Why does it bother you when I try to deal with anything that hurts you....".

Adele spoke "He didn't upset me though. Honestly. Just drop it. Can we go back to my room now?"

Francesco spoke "Actually I think we can't. My father told me that my uncle could be discharged today and we must greet him at the door when he enters. This is almost dinner time so he could be back any time now at the same time that your parents return. Lets go for a walk in the yard. Maybe some fresh air can cheer you up. I hate to see you all locked up in this mansion but we don't have a choice. I wouldn't dare take you around New York since I am worried that the minute I walk out of this mansion , our mothers faith maybe decided. What if we leave, she is returned and then we cant do anything. So I am so sorry you have to stay indoors with us. Once my mothers situation is resolved then we can have some fun and go out. Now lets go outside for our walk." He then grabbed Adele's hand and was about to lead her to the door but Costanzo blocked his path.

Costanzo spoke "Francesco... Wait. Can we discuss this now? Like you said, our uncle could come home any minute. We need to think about a plan. Lets consider everything. Do you think uncle is going to keep his word about ... our mother? Should we trust him to take care of everything? What if he breaks his word and doesn't protect her. What if he hands her over to our father once he gets all the information he wants outs of her? What are we going to do? Are we really going to take on our father in his own mansion? I think we need to find out urgently what our uncle's true intentions are so we can maybe save our mother from uncle's head quarters. That maybe less risky. Don't you think? At least if we get caught our uncle wont hand us over to our father and wont blow our cover or I hope he won't."

Francesco laughed bitterly "Good luck with finding out our uncle's intentions. Getting any truth out of our uncle would be like cutting up a stone and getting water out. Its impossible. We just have to take a chance on him. I don't think it makes a difference where we try to break into to save our mother. Its a suicidal mission either way. So i say let's just wait and see."

Suddenly the youngsters heard the sound of a car engine and many guards shouting out orders from outside.

Francesco spoke "Look. We don't have to wait long it seems. Lets find out." He then pulled Adele's hand and lead her out the door and through many corridors to the exit. Unlike the Rosario mansion in Oklahoma, most of this mansion's guards kept their distance and were mainly stationed around the compound in their cabins and across the fields surrounding the house. So the house was mainly empty of the watchful eyes of any stranger guards except for entrance of some of the rooms. Adele was so grateful that she didn't have to see too many of those horrid men since she found the stare of Rosario guards very intimidating.

The front door of the mansion was half open and as they reached the door and stood in a line waiting behind it, they heard Piero Rosario's voice "Thank you for offering Paulo but I think I can walk by myself. I don't need to use a wheelchair."

Paulo spoke "You may suffer from dizziness and seizure. That's what the side effects could be. You would walk yourself into an early grave if you don't follow what the doctors say. You must use a wheelchair for the next few weeks so you can avoid falling and getting yourself killed if you black out."

Piero spoke "What does it matter if I die since I know Francesco can take over from me. When you have an heir you don't fear death."

Paulo spoke "About that. We need to discuss that. Now as you know, things have changed since you are holding my ex-wife...."

Piero corrected "Wife. Not ex-wife. I don't believe in divorce. I couldn't care less what the law says. That woman is still your wife to me. You married her and vowed to care for her through sickness and in health."

Paulo spoke through gritted teeth "She married another man. She broke the vows."

Piero laughed "What was she supposed to do? You blocked her from getting any jobs. You sent letters to all the top law firms in the country to stop them from hiring her. Its a miracle how an illegal firm by the Russian Mafia came to her rescue and allowed her to survive for so long. You should be ashamed of yourself. You did all this so you could force her to get back to you. Instead of contacting her and woe her and try to get her back, you tried to make her come back to you by making her feel miserable. You hurt her first. You broke your vows to the woman you loved first. You didn't fight fair. So she was forced to marry a man to provide for herself after you blackmailed that Russian illegal firm too. Don't you dare try to turn it around on her. She broke her vows and married again since you left her no other choice."

Paulo spoke "It seems like you have been interrogating her well and your lawyer has filled you in about whatever she knows. What else has she said?"

Piero spoke "Nothing relevant about my wife yet. She is afraid I am going to find her sister and hurt her if she reveals anything about her location to me. Who can blame her? She thinks all Rosarios treat their women like how you treat her."

Paulo and Piero were now entering through the door and as Paulo was about to respond he noticed the youngsters standing behind the door "Why are you standing here? How much did you hear?" The three youngsters stood frozen in their spot to shocked to speak.

Piero spoke "Paulo there is no need to attack these kids. The boys must have missed their uncle Piero and have come to see that I am well and alive."

Paulo spoke "I asked you a question. Francesco answer me."

Francesco spoke quickly "Father, you told us to come greet our uncle. We just arrived at the door now. I am sorry if you think we were trying to listen to your conversation..... None of us would dream of that. We didn't hear anything."

Paulo narrowed his eyes and spoke "Very well. Now. I am taking your uncle to my meeting room. Be ready at the dinner table in half an hour and don't be late. All three of you."

The three youngsters gave out a breath they were holding as they watched Paulo leading Piero away up the stairs to his meeting room.

Costanzo whispered "Its too risky to eavesdrop this time. What if he catches us?"

Francesco shrugged "We have to risk it or our mother's life may be in danger. Don't fear. He would never suspect anyone eavesdropping." Follow me slowly. He then grabbed Adele's hand and lead her upstairs to a room and Costanzo followed. As they closed the door, Adele recognised the room. It was the same one with a set of stairs that lead to Costanzo's room.

They walked to the direction of the voices and put their ears to the door that lead to Paulo's meeting room.

Paulo was heard complaining "I would appreciate it if you don't talk about our affairs in the open. I don't want my sons to know about our arrangements."

Piero spoke "And why not? Francesco and Costanzo are both near adulthood. Why not tell them whats going on? They would find out everything one day. Give your sons more credit."

Paulo sighed "You don't have sons so you don't understand my concerns. The less they know the better. Since they are too young to make the right judgements and they would take the wrong side if they know too much. I have decided for them to keep out of it. Afterall you have turned them soft by taking them to church and making them say meal time prayers. I don't think I should punish them for showing compassion to their mother when its is all your fault. So I would rather they keep out of this rather than me being forced to punish them if they do anything stupid to try to stop me."

Piero spoke "Exactly what have you planned to do to your wife if I hand her back to you?"

Paulo spoke "Correction Piero. Not if. When you return her to me I would make her pay for her sins. This is overdue revenge for all these years I have been watching her from far and chasing her hoping for her to return to me. I can forgive her for many things but marrying that cop and carrying his child was the last straw."

Piero spoke with disbelief "She is pregnant? I didn't know that? My lawyer failed to tell me that."

Paulo spoke bitterly "She is no longer carrying no child."

Piero sounded outrage "You .... You made her have an abortion. I would disown you from this day if it is proven you forced her to kill her child. How could you?...."

Paulo spoke "Hold it. I am no baby killer. It wasnt me. Her dead husband did it. She miscarried due to stress of going to court. She is taking depression pills because of it."

Piero spoke with venom "Why don't I believe you? You are telling me you are going to make her pay for her so called sins. What makes you think I would ever believe you had nothing to do with killing her child?"

Paulo spoke impatiently "Get your people to ask her. Or even better go to your headquarters and ask her yourself. She would tell you all about it. I would have allowed her to give birth and put the baby for adoption. But I would have still made her pay for letting another man touch her."

Piero sighed "When are you going to wake up? This woman you yearned for all your life is within your grasp. Why not marry her and allow your sons to spend the rest of their childhood with their mother close by. Your sons must miss their mother as much as she is missing her sons. In all the past week she has been questioned at my headquarters, the only thing that makes tears comes to her eyes is the mention of her sons. Why not marry her and allow her to see her sons."

Paulo laughed bitterly "If she wanted to see her sons, she would have come back to me all these years."

Piero spoke "How could she? You made a restraining order. She wasnt even allowed to come within 10 miles of your mansion or you had the right to report her to authorities and send her to prison. How could she come to you?"

Paulo spoke "If she had come back and had begged me to take her back I would have. Now stop talking about this nonsense of me marrying her. I would never take her back after her betrayal. She married that cop and destroyed all the bridges behind her."

Piero spoke "You are out of your mind. I don't believe in divorce but I still don't blame your wife for marrying again. You were the man in this relationship. It was your role to go after her and beg her to come back. You failed to do that. That woman did the right thing by moving on with her life and marrying another man. But she trusted the wrong man to take care of her. That is all. It seems like history repeated itself."

Paulo spoke "Enough Piero. That woman was unfaithful to me and she would pay for it. That's it. Accept that. This is none of your business. You will interrogate her to help find your wife and then you will hand her back to me. That's all you should concern yourself with."

Piero spoke "Think of your sons. If you hurt her, they wont forgive you. Especially Francesco wont let you live. I assure you."

Paulo spoke "You claim to know my sons better than I do. My sons would understand when they become adults that an unfaithful woman is not worth being called a mother. She stopped being a mother to my sons when she married."

Piero spoke "How can I change your mind Paulo to at least let that woman go free if you don't plan on marrying her ever? Tell me."

Paulo laughed "Why do you try to defend her? She hasnt even given you any information on whereabouts of your wife. What value is she to you alive?"

Piero spoke sadly "My wife's blood runs in her veins. Its my duty to keep her alive. I am going to try my hardest to change your mind."

Paulo spoke "You are actually serious about this. You actually think I would give up the right to punish my unfaithful ex-wife. Nothing would make up for the revenge I have planned for her. Unless you would be crazy enough to offer me my son back, I cant even begin to consider dropping my plan for revenge."

Piero protested "Not a chance Paulo. Anything but that. I cant give up Francesco. I need an heir. Many of our assets are shared so it shouldnt make much difference which one of your sons is trained by you. Francesco would learn my business inside out when the time comes and Costanzo will know yours and then they would join up in future. Don't you think its necessary that I keep one of your sons to keep our family business strong."

Paulo spoke "I don't want nothing else from you. I want my son back. I want Francesco to run my business."

Piero remained silence for seconds and the spoke "Think about it Paulo. If you keep Costanzo alone then you can have more control over him and train him better in your business. Let me take Francesco and consider this offer I have for you. Instead of hurting your wife physically, why not hurt her emotionally. Don't you think you can make your wife suffer by keeping her away from your children? Not being allowed to see your children is punishment enough for any mother. She would suffer much more pain than you can ever inflict on her if you forbid her from seeing her children. She has suffered for the past few years and it has taken a toll on her, i say that must have been punishment enough for her but if you insist to make her suffer then allow her to live away from her sons freely and be satisfied by this revenge."

Paulo took a deep breath "You don't give up. Do you. But I cant see how it satisfies me if she just suffers by loneliness."

Piero spoke "It would work. I would help her get a new identity in a new town living away form your family. Be satisfied by that. Your sons would never be able to locate her and my spies in police departments of that town would monitor her movement so she wont ever be allowed to leave that town and come anywhere near New York. You would be happy with that I am sure."

Paulo spoke "I won't be satisfied fully by just banishing my wife elsewhere to make her suffer loneliness and isolation. That is nowhere near enough to make her pay for her sins. I wont be satisfied by that ever unless ........... you give me Francesco."

Piero spoke " I can't do that."

Paulo spoke " Piero, I want my older son back. How about if I say that you can have Costanzo and we have a deal?"

Piero sighed "You know I want Francesco. What am I supposed to do with Costanzo? I cant say yes. Offer me an alternative deal."

Paulo spoke "Don't underestimate Costanzo. He is my blood. He is stronger than you think. Be tough on him. If he is out of Francesco's shadow he would show his true potential. What is it going to be Piero? Take this deal or leave it. I think I may change my mind after we leave this room since I want to watch my ex-wife suffer to breaking point as I torture her. Giving up the pleasure of hurting her in my cellar in exchange for a banishment punishment is a big sacrifice on my part. Are you going to accept this deal? Yes or No."

Piero spoke "I need time to think. I have had many plans for Francesco. This would mess up everything if I am to take your younger son. It would be harder to train him as my heir."

Paulo spoke "I know Costanzo is more hard work. That is why I am handing him to you. He is reluctant to be as ruthless as I need him to be in my organisation and I don't have time for him when my oldest son is already acting the way he should be, like a true Rosario. Think of it as a challenge. It would be hard to train Costanzo but not impossible. Still I am being generous in offering you this deal. I could offer you neither of my sons as payment to change my mind. Like I said, I might change my mind once we walk out that door. This might be the worst deal of my life. I have no idea what kind of attachment you have to your wife's sister that you are pleading this way to me to change my mind but I have to compromise with you since I feel like I owe you for my wife's role in the escape of your wife from your mansion. Now I am willing to give you until tomorrow morning to decide. Either accept to take Costanzo as your heir to train and I would allow a banishment as punishment for my wife or you have to return my ex-wife to me after your interrogations of her finishes at your headquarters."

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