22. Broken Hopes

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Costanzo was watching Adele worriedly and silently. She had laid down on the bed as Francesco had instructed. She was still in shock and sobbing hard.

Costanzo was leaning on the wall next to her bed feeling sorry for this poor girl who was condemned to a life with his brother. The brother he no longer could recognise due to the changes that he had gone through when he had been trained by Paulo Rosario.

Adele's sobs died down as she whispered "Why don't you sit down Costanzo. There is a chair here."

Costanzo smiled weakly " Francesco didn't ask me to sit. He told me to watch you. But if you promise to try to stop crying I will sit. Will you stop?"

Adele nodded weakly " I can't help it. I can't believe how Francesco is so cold. He has turned into an egoistic and heartless monster."

Costanzo spoke " Correction. He was turned into a monster. My father is to blame the most. In the past ten years, Francesco had no choice but to be cruel. He had no choice but to do everything that was asked of him with no resistance. Our father destroyed his soul by forcing Francesco do the most despicable things that would make your stomach turn. Torturing and killing people in the most agonising ways has been part of his daily routine ever since you said goodbye to him. So don't ever say that Francesco is a monster. Say that he was turned into a monster."

Adele spoke " But how come you are not a monster? How come you have some kindness in you."

Costanzo spoke " How do you know I am not a monster. Maybe I am."

Adele sat up on her bed and looked into Costanzo's eyes " You saved My brother. I can't thank you enough. I think that gesture showed you are not like Francesco."

Costanzo spoke " I am definitely nothing like Francesco. It's all because I had a different upbringing to him. I was raised by my uncle....."

Adele spoke " That's the question. You were raised by someone who is as bad as your father. But you turned out to be a better man than Francesco. How come you resisted becoming a monster?"

Costanzo sighed " I didn't have to resist anything at all. My uncle was not as hard on me as my father was on Francesco. At the beginning he was but then .... Antonio showed interest in his fathers business. That's when my uncle stopped pushing me too hard. He concentrated mostly on molding his own son in his own image and left me alone most of the time but still I was expected to do some training. That did some damage for sure."

Adele spoke " I can't believe how your uncle forced his own son into his business. I thought he wanted him to become a lawyer or an accountant. I feel bad for him"

Costanzo spoke " Actually he became a lawyer just like me. We both went to law school but our training continued. But before you sympathise with Antonio let me tell you about his background. He was so willing to do as his father said. He wasn't forced. Antonio is my age in case you didn't know. My mother and his mother became pregnant around the same time. We were born weeks apart but he is very different to me. He hated living alone with his mother so much before he was found by my uncle in England. Their neighbours taunted him and his mother quite alot for years and years. A single woman with a child gave everyone around them something to gossip about. He still hates his mother to this day for leaving his father and making his childhood miserable. He despised her from a young age to the point that anything she said he opposed to get satisfaction out of it. When uncle Piero brought his wife and son to his mansion it was like world war three. They fought non stop every night for weeks but that was my uncle Piero and his son versus his wife. She had enough of it. She ran away again and this time my uncle didn't pursue her. Instead he invested all his time in molding his son in his image. His son resembles his mother alot in many ways so my uncle is now more content that he has a reminder of his wife in his life, even if she is on the run. So yes, when you look at Antonio, you can see what I would have become if my uncle forced me into his lifestyle."

Adele was curious " But how come you still work for the Rosarios? How do you do whatever it is you do if you are not as bad as Antonio and Francesco."

Costanzo spoke " Good point. I control a very small part of the illegal business. About 20% of the illegal Rosario assets and investments is under my control and 40% is under Antonio's and 40% under Francesco's control. Francesco of course is the big boss and Antonio and I answer to him . I managed to convince Francesco to minimise my role by some miracle for now. I don't want any part of it but he has given me most of the paper work to do with his businesses and my main line of work is loans amongst other things. I lend money illegally with high interest. Collecting the money is also what my men do. Francesco may increase my share of the business soon and I am trying so hard to avoid it. If anything, I want to leave this business. I want to marry a woman and have kids in a peaceful country house away from anything illegal. But of course, it's not possible to get out unless Francesco wishes it."

Adele nodded " I am so sorry Costanzo. But have you met any girl yet that you want to marry?"

Costanzo spoke " I did go out with this girl once who i really adored, She was a senator's daughter. Francesco went crazy when he found out. He told me to break it off with her or he would hurt her. I had no choice. I had to say goodbye to her. Sadly Francesco hates anyone who is a law maker or is in law enforcement. What can I say. He is prejudiced. So I have hopes he spares your ...... ex-boyfriend. Michael. Since Francesco has nothing against doctors, it makes things easier to get him off the hook."

Adele trembled as she spoke "Can you help him? I have given up on all hopes to save him. Francesco told me if I mention Michael's name one more time he would kill him."

Costanzo spoke in a sad tone " I honestly don't know. I just was informed about the fact my brother abducted him and wants him to pay very briefly when I saw Antonio earlier. It all depends on what Francesco has planned for him. I can't promise anything but I will try my best."

Adele spoke " Francesco said he won't kill him since his uncle is father Rowan. You remember that priest."

Costanzo spoke " That's good news then. It seems like Francesco still does grant some favours from my uncle. Over the past few years he has done so much for my uncle mainly by saving Antonio's backside in missions. But I can't believe he still favours our uncle. We are now really made it even with him for saving our mother really. We both have done more than enough helping his son in his training and watching out for him. He could have died years ago. He wasn't as fit as Francesco and I all those years ago to undergo the same physically demanding training and dangerous missions and Francesco and I helped him alot especially in our joint missions. But needless to say, Antonio has made up for it now. He is now the most feared man in all the states he operates."

Adele wasn't sure if she was supposed to ask her next question. She hesitated abit but then she spoke " I hope you don't mind me asking but how is your .... Mother?"

Costanzo's expression hardened " I don't know. I have no idea. My uncle is protecting her with a new identity. We only see a picture of her every Christmas alongside a Christmas card which our uncle sends us. She normally takes the picture next to the television so we know the picture is recent. But no matter how much we negotiate, our uncle refuses to tell us where she is still. I don't blame him. He fears Francesco would kill him and my father the minute he finds our mother. Both my uncle and my father fear Francesco more than you know. He has become so powerful that they would not dare leave their Las Vegas hotels and their security protection and even come here for thanksgiving. Francesco hates both of them with a passion for separating you from him for a decade. I wouldn't be surprised at all when my mother is found, the very next day they would be both dead. Our uncle has made it clear to Francesco time and time again, if our father or him die by at his hands our mother dies too by his special forces. Its a threat that he never needed to make. Francesco knew that already. I know you may think your life was at stake in exchange for Francesco's loyalty and commitment all these years but my uncle and my father always knew if you were harmed in any way, Francesco was going to take revenge on them when he became powerful. Now Francesco is untouchable. He can eliminate everyone he hates but there is only one thing stopping him from killing our father and our uncle and that's the lack of knowledge on our mothers location. I think he is searching hard for her and when he finds her, Piero and Paulo Rosario would be no more."

Adele spoke " I can't believe how this family works. How can members of any family treat each other this way. I wish by some miracle your family could become normal. I wish .... Francesco could become a good man. I wish I could turn back time and get the old Francesco back."

Costanzo spoke urgently " Adele, look I may not get many chances to speak with you so freely this long. I really want you to listen to my words I am about to say. Please take my advice this first time. Please be strong. You have to find the strength that I know you have within you and cope with whatever Francesco throws at you in this life. Francesco fell in love with a strong girl and that's you. I know it. Trust me, if any other girl was in your position and seeing what you saw at such young age, they would have fallen into a deep depression drowning themselves in alcohol all these years. But you didn't allow the experience of your family nearly getting killed in a mob boss's house or meeting two cold blooded murderers scare you off. You fought to have a life. You went to medical school despite the prejudiced selection process of your college that favoured men the most. You were the only girl in your class back there. You worked hard. You made it as an independent woman. I know everything. My uncle had people checking on you and I have read all his reports. You are one of the most admirable women I have met. Please Adele, you have to have faith. Please don't ever give up on Francesco. Try to love him back. When you love him as much as he loves you, then there maybe hope to reverse some of the damage my father has done to him. Right now he has no soul. I know it's hard to love a man who is heartless but please try. If Francesco was born into a family like yours he wouldn't have turned out this way. I know him. He is my brother. I know how much love and compassion he used to be capable of. My father burned his humanity but you can help him restore part of it at least. Please promise me you will try to love him and won't give up on him. You are my only hope."

Adele wanted to look away from the most agonising look she had seen Costanzo give her ever. He looked truly devastated.

She spoke weakly " But that's not easy. How can I love a man who has my brother and my ex-boyfriend in his grasp and wouldn't hesitate to hurt them with no consideration to how I feel. If he loved me he wouldn't even consider hurting them to satisfy himself."

Costanzo spoke " Fair enough. But that's how his mind works right now. I understand it is hard but I will help you in any way that I can. I cant do very much but I promise you that I will try my best to protect those you care about from my brother. I convinced my brother to reduce the punishment of your brother. I could try do the same for that guy Michael. I maybe able to find a way to reduce Michael's agony at my brothers hands but I can't do it without you. You can start helping me by giving me this necklace you are wearing first."

Adele spoke " What? Why do you need it? Michael gave it to me as my anniversary present."

Costanzo spoke " I just noticed actually. I just spotted the letters M.O for Michael O'Connor on the locket you are wearing. How long do you think will take before Francesco will spot it and he would go after Michael's blood because the woman he loves and cares so much about is spotted wearing the guy's necklace. That's a death sentence. Even my uncle can't save that guy's backside with all his negotiating skills that I know are second to no one. If Francesco gives him a death sentence which I know he will for sure if he sees you wearing the guys necklace, that's the end of it. Please hand if to me."

Adele spoke " Can I take it off and keep it. He gave it to me. It's my only reminder of him. Can I at least have it back one day?"

Costanzo shook his head " I can't expect you to understand any of this. You are so innocent. You don't know how dangerous jealousy is. A jealous Francesco is not something you want to see. Trust me. But I am sorry to say you can't have it back. This necklace is part of my plan. I will find a way to convince Francesco to let me see this guy in the cellar or wherever he is held and will give Michael this necklace back. I would make sure to do it in front of Francesco. I will tell the guy, that you have asked me to give him a message that you hate him and love Francesco now and he can keep his necklace for the next girl he wants to hook up with. I may put it less politely though. I will play my part well. That would help that guys case alot. Believe me. If Francesco is sure you don't hold any feelings for him then that would reduce the guys agony. Why do you think Francesco has warned you he will kill this Michael guy if you mention his name. You stab him in the heart whenever you mention another man's name. Francesco wants you to only show consideration and love for him. If you keep defending your brother or Michael, it would fuel his jealousy that you love others but you don't love him. Also another thing Adele, pleading never works with my brother. It works with any one else but not him. It goes back to how my father raised him. The word please never went down well with my father. Neither does it sit well with Francesco. If you want something from Francesco don't ever beg him. He would do much worse when you do that just like how my father did. This is not just my advice. It's Antonio's too. He joked how your life would be hell since you kept pleading with him to let Michael go in that restaurant. He said " If this girl does half the crying and pleading she did back in that restaurant in front of Francesco, I really want to see how many Francesco would kill in one night today." So be careful. Don't try to push my brother. Find a way to indirectly ask him for things and don't cry. I beg you. If anyone upsets you enough to cry, they are dead. I have no doubt if you had said the name of Angelo today when Francesco asked you what is wrong, he would have been a dead man by now. I am very serious with this last request. Do you remember when once you cried in one hospital you worked at when the pressure of training as a new doctor was getting too much. Your boss had unreasonable demands about you working over time? Francesco was given the report about it....."

Adele gasped " But I never cried because of the work. If I recall, the only time I cried in a hospital was because I was upset because my mother was very unwell. She nearly died of a car accident. Being upset about the pressures of my work was an excuse."

Costanzo spoke " But do you think Francesco would have taken that into account even if he knew? The doctor who was your boss is dead and he had an agonising death. His screams haunted this mansion as Francesco killed him personally. I was here that day since it was during spring break holiday. That has sent a message out to everyone in this mansion. You may not believe this and think Francesco's possessiveness and protectiveness of you may not go that far but I hate to say it but it does. It has. Anyone who upsets you, would suffer the same death that doctor suffered. They probably told you at work he got a promotion at another hospital and he left for another town. There was no promotion for him. There was just death. Everyone who works at this mansion knows about it. So don't be surprised if no one even dares to say hi to you around here. Try not to talk to anyone especially the maids. They are most innocent in this mansion. You don't want anyone to accidentally upset you even. The only ones you should not worry about are me and Antonio. We are Francesco's blood relatives and we can handle whatever he does to us but others are fair game."

Adele was shaking her head "What kind of nightmare is this? I wish it was all a dream and someone could wake me up from it."

Costanzo spoke "I know.... but ... remember what I told you years ago. Fall in love with him. Once you fall in love with him, you can find places in his heart others can't. Get to know Francesco. Please give him a chance to show you his love. He may change. I haven't lost hope yet. He loves no one like how he loves you.....".

Adele and Costanzo were startled as Francesco entered the room. They didn't have time to react. Costanzo was sitting on his chair frozen in his spot and Adele was sitting on her bed facing Costanzo. Both were holding their breaths waiting to see what Francesco thought of them being so close.

Francesco stopped as he entered and raised an eyebrow. He turned to Costanzo. "I am glad she has stopped crying and looks better now. You were an expert in making her cry years back when I used to leave her with you. What can I say, you are not all that useless." He then walked to Adele "Sweetheart how are you feeling. Can I make you feel better?

Adele got up and walked to Francesco "Can I see him? Can I see Angelo? Would you take me to him?"

Francesco spoke "I don't see why not. His verdict is done now. I will grant your wish this time even though I don't like you to look at his traitorous face. I would get him for you though. You don't have to go to him." He then walked to the door and shouted orders "Get Angelo here now." He then walked back with a smile and spoke "I like how you look better now. I guess, now that drugs from last night are wearing off slowly, you are feeling more lively. I love your red cheeks sweetheart. Looks healthy for once." he then leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

As Francesco pulled away, Adele got a glimpse of her brother who looked as pale as a chalk. His body was shaking as two men brought him inside holding him from each side and he collapsed on the floor as they let go of his hands as though his body couldn't support his weight. His eye were down cast and he was pressing his lips as though he was in pain.

Adele covered her mouth as she side stepped Francesco and walked to her brother "Angelo? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Francesco spoke in a rough voice "You two are dismissed." The two men who had brought Angelo inside, left the room and closed the door behind them."

Adele hugged her brother that made him groan in pain. Adele pulled away and ran her hands down his chest and pulled his shirt up slowly noticing some bandages wrapped around his torso. She turned around to speak to Francesco and to her horror. she noticed he was at the other side of the room poring himself some wine into a glass. She couldn't believe how he was so ignorant of her pain. She looked at Costanzo who was looking at her with concern as he had turned towards her in his chair watching her comforting her brother.

Adele forced the words out "What is wrong with him? Why doesn't he talk?"

Francesco took a sip from his glass of wine and walked to the bed and sat down facing Adele "He is not allowed to talk unless I allow him to. He has learnt that speaking out of turn to his boss has painful consequences. And nothing is wrong with him sweetheart. I did punch his stomach for a while when I questioned him as he was hung from the ceiling. He is fine now though. The doctor bandaged him up. He is just acting this way to get attention."

Adele closed her eyes trying to remember Costanzo's words. Francesco was too dangerous. She couldn't argue with him. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes "But there is more. He collapsed. he cant even walk with out help. His body is very cold too."

Francesco laughed and took another sip from his wine "He is fine. He was left in the freezer room for a while. Once he warms up, it would be fine. As for not walking properly is because I think I kicked him too hard and made his knee dislocate. My doctor may not have fixed that since I didn't tell him to. Your brother really doesn't need full medical attention. He is a doctor. Why cant he relocate his own knee. It cant be that hard. But you are a doctor like him. If you want, you can fix his knee for your lazy brother who cant be asked to treat his own knee. Let me ask him which knee it was." he then walked to Angelo and to Adele's horror he kicked one of his knees and he groaned. Adele gritted her teeth "No. Stop."

Francesco rolled his eyes "Sweetheart. I am only trying to help you." Then he kicked his other knee and he screamed. Francesco turned to Adele "Here you go. This is his bad knee. Fix it if you like." He then walked back to sitting on the bed drinking his wine.

Adele was too shocked to even react. All she knew was her brother was in great agony and she had to fix it quick. So she tried to ignore the indifferent Francesco who was watching her silently while sipping his wine. She took a deep breath and held Angelo's knee and whispered "I am so sorry. It may hurt a bit." When she was sure of where the dislocation was as she examined Angelo's knee, she twisted his knee back in place. That made Angelo scream one more time and he was in tears from pain.

Adele whispered "I am sorry. I had no choice. Your knee had to be put back in place" She then looked up to Francesco wondering what he was going to do next.

Francesco frowned "Not even a thank you Angelo? Say thank you to your sister. Now."

Angelo whispered "Thank you Adele."

Francesco stood up "Louder. I didn't hear you. Say it again". He put down his glass of wine on a table and walked to the siblings

Adele didn't like how Francesco was looking at her brother like a prey. She was afraid he was going to attack him again like how he had kicked him earlier. So she got up and blocked Francesco putting her hands on his chest.

Angelo spoke again much louder "Thank you Adele."

Francesco sighed "He is so ungrateful. He doesn't deserve you as his sister. I wish he wasn't your brother so I didn't have to go easy on him like this. I am now going to send him to his cabin by the lake. You can visit him once a day if you like. But if he becomes ungrateful I wouldn't stand aside and let him get away with it."

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