24. Walking About Town

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As Adele and Costanzo entered the cabin's bedroom, they were greeted by a terrified looking Angelo who was laying on his bed looking at them with wide eyes swallowing hard. He looked petrified. He slowly sat up and stuttered " Hello there."

Adele walked to him "Angelo. Are you alright? Does your knee hurt? Do you need painkillers?"

Costanzo leaned to the door and spoke " I wish we could meet in better circumstances. I am so sorry my brother hurt you."

Angelo whispered " Is he here? Is Francesco here?" He was looking between Adele and Costanzo with worry.

Adele spoke "No he isn't. He gave me ten minutes to see you and then he will pick me up from here to take me to the city. Don't worry once he gets here, he won't be staying. He needs to take me out on a date."

Angelo sighed in relief and laid back down looking at Adele " I can't believe what has become of him. Your man is a blood thirsty criminal."

Adele spoke " I am so sorry Angelo. I wish I could stop him. I wish he hadn't hurt you."

Angelo laughed bitterly " I am not talking about what he did to me Adele. This is nothing. He went very easy on me as he mentioned. This is what his men don't even call warm up. I am here in one piece at least. When he threw me in that freezer, I saw the most horrific scenes in my life. There was just blood .... everywhere. He tortures people with no remorse. He kills them like its nothing. "

Adele spoke sadly " I know. He is a monster. I hope he leaves you in peace from now on. I am speechless at what has become of Francesco...."

Costanzo spoke " Adele. Do you mind making him a cup of tea while you are here. Or bring him something to eat while I have a quick chat with him. I was told his kitchen has everything he needs. It gives you a chance to check if its true."

Adele spoke "Sure. Angelo. Do you want Milk and sugar with your tea"

Angelo nodded " Yes please."

As Adele walked out, Costanzo walked to Angelo " Please if you know anything about what my brother has done to Michael, keep it from Adele. I don't want her to feel guilty. I know you must have seen him when they threw you in that freezer."

Angelo spoke in a whisper " I saw him. He was on deaths door. He was covered in blood. I don't know exactly what they had done to him but he was in much Worse shape than me. My injuries were nothing compared to what he had been through. He hadn't been just getting a few punches like me. oh no. He was broken up. Don't worry I won't tell Adele. It would be a miracle if he lives. He couldn't open his eyes. But he could move his limbs painfully. I think he had some broken bones for sure. When they took him out of the freezer room, the doctor examined him and said, he would give him a few shots and get him ready for getting tortured again. They are true monsters. I think they have tortured him non stop and from what I worked out from what I heard Francesco's men whispering, Michael won't be even allowed to sleep. They beat him until he can't take it. Then doctor treats him and they beat him some more. This is unbelievable brutality. Please Costanzo, do something about Michael. Do something while Michael still can be treated. What if they cripple him or kill him?"

Costanzo spoke " I will do anything I can to convince Francesco to reduce the length of time he has condemned Michael to those horrific tortures. But please keep your word and don't tell Adele what you know about the tortures Francesco is doing to Michael. Adele would be devastated."

Angelo sighed " Trust me. I don't want my sister to know about the horrors Francesco is capable of either. I don't want her to confront Francesco and then get hurt in the process. That man has no heart. That's all I know. I wish I could protect her from him." His eyes then widened and stared at Costanzo hopefully " Can you perhaps help get her out of here? Can you save my sister from Francesco?"

Costanzo shook his head " I am sorry Angelo. I can't do anything. It would be impossible to take Adele away from him but I am sure he won't hurt your sister. He loves Adele. As long as she doesn't cheat on Francesco with another man he won't hurt her."

Adele entered with a tray containing a sandwich on a plate and a cup of tea. She put the tray at the bedside table and looked between Costanzo and Angelo " What did you talk about while I was gone?"

As Angelo was about to speak he froze at hearing the door shut and Francesco's voice echoing through the walls " Sweetheart. Your time is up. It's time to go." He then entered the bedroom turned to Adele and held his hand for her to take " Lets go sweetheart."

As Adele took Francesco's hand, Francesco turned to Angelo looking at him with an accusing stare "Why are you looking up like this. I am your boss. You can glance at me but can't hold my stare. You work for me. Show me respect. Do you want me to teach you my rules again in my way" He let go of Adele's hand and took steps to Angelo's bed. Angelo spoke "I am sorry,... I forgot"

Adele knew she had to risk interfering. it could back fire but she couldn't watch. She blocked Francesco and put her hands on his chest.

Francesco raised an eyebrow "Adele. Get out of my way."

Adele spoke "I need you to ....." she looked around and thought of something quickly. She swallowed and spoke "I need you to help me put my necklace on. I forgot to put it on and brought your present with me here by mistake. I love what you got me. I want to put it on now." She pointed at the box that was sitting on Angelo's bed.

Francesco's expression suddenly softened "Do you mean it? Did you love my present?" He then leaned over and kissed Adele's forehead.

Costanzo quickly grabbed the box and handed it to Francesco. Francesco opened the box and turned Adele around to put the necklace around her neck. He paused and looked at Angelo and spoke in a rough voice "Good. At least you are looking down now Angelo. Don't forget next time. I don't like anyone making eye contact with me unless they have to do it for their job." He then fastened the lock of the necklace and put the earrings in Adele's hand "Put these on too sweetheart and we can go."

He then turned to Angelo and warned "Enjoy your recovery time while it lasts. You are to start work for me here in three days time or earlier depending on when my head doctor thinks you are well enough."

Adele sighed and turned around giving Francesco a forced smile "I am ready to go. I can't wait to spend time with you." She then took Francesco's hand.

Francesco smiled, took her hand and turned to Angelo one last time "I almost forgot. You must get married and I don't want you to take longer than a year to choose a woman to take as wife. I don't care who she is and what she does. As long as the girl or her family do not work for the police or the government I couldn't care less. I want you to have sons soon after so it can seal our deal. And just to warn you, that girl, Megan you dated back in that town is out of question. You are going to call her today and break up with her. Her brother is apparently an FBI investigator. So you chose the worst kind of woman to date. You are a very bad judge of character for sure. Good day Angelo. Enjoy your short holiday." He then without another word pulled Adele towards the door.

As Adele turned to her brother one last time, her heart broke at seeing his devastated expression. He really loved Megan. Francesco had just ripped his heart to pieces by forbidding him to marry Megan. As Francesco opened the door he shouted back "Costanzo. Don't take too long here. When I come back I want you to have proof-read all your reports for the last three months." He then lead Adele outside towards a black Limousine with dark tinted windows which was surrounded by five other cars with tinted black windows.

Adele turned to Francesco "Do you really want to go out with all these cars to guard us?"

Francesco spoke "They would spread out. They would be following us but won't be stuck to us. It wouldn't be too obvious if an enemy wants to attack us. But this Limousine is perfectly safe. Its bullet proof."

Adele spoke sarcastically "That's reassuring. Are we expected to be attacked by bullets anywhere?"

Francesco frowned "Of course not. In this area we are safe but its routine to go out with maximum security. I own alot of businesses in this region and many businesses and service providers owe me for different reasons. I provide their security and give them loans. They pay me back by spying on the neighbourhood and report any suspicious individuals in their community."

As they reached the car, Francesco held the door open for Adele to enter "After you sweetheart."

Adele entered and sat down. She had never seen a big limousine like this before. Inside it was truly spacious and comfortable. Francesco entered and sat next to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and made her lean towards him. He then made a hand gesture to his driver and the limousine moved.

As they left the mansion's grounds, Adele was attracted to the beautiful scenery. The mansion's neighbouring houses and businesses were beautiful. As she was busy admiring the view of New York City from the top of the hill, she was surprised which massive building the car was headed to. The car stopped. They were now at the gate of a private hospital. A branch of the Rosario Private Hospitals.

Adele looked at Francesco qith questioning eyes "Why are we at a hospital?"

Francesco spoke "You will find out. I will tell you once we are inside."

The car went all around the hospital to the very back of the massive building. Francesco got off and spoke "Quick. Get off sweetheart. We don't want to spend too long here."

Adele got off and was lead inside the building and they went up about twenty odd levels by an elevator. Francesco lead them to a door and ordered his men to wait outside. She opened the door and Adele followed him. Adele was baffled at what was going on. They were in a hospital room that was ten times the size of her living room. The room was nicely decorated and it was like a mini suite. It had a working area. It had an open kitchen that looked luxurious. It had sofas and television and even a bed.

Francesco spoke "I wasn't sure what you would need when you want to spend time here. So I just made this office look like a house. We can add anything you want to it."

Adele turned to him "I don't understand. What is this place for?"

Francesco sighed "This is your work place. This is your private office."

Adele's face lit up "You mean I can work here? I would love to. But I don't need this massive room."

Francesco spoke "What? You mean you don't like this office? I employed the top designers in New York to decorate this. Tell me sweetheart, what do you want me to add to your office?"

Adele spoke quickly "I like this room. its not that but this hospital is hardly a few blocks away from your mansion. This is too much. I don't need a room so equipped. I will be running around the building treating patients so I wont even have time to stay in this room."

Francesco shook his head "Sweetheart, you wont have to do any running around. Haven't you seen the golden name plate on that desk. it says, Hospital Manager Mrs Rosario. you wont be treating patients. I don't want you to have any bosses to answer to. You will be the top manager of this place."

Adele walked to the desk and couldn't help herself and started laughing. "You can't be serious."

Francesco walked to her and turned her towards him resting his hands on her waist "Sweetheart. I am very serious. I want you to be the manager here. That's of course if you want to do this. The acting manager can introduce you to the work. Then you can replace her later when you feel like it or you can manage this place jointly with her if this is too much."

Adele spoke "I am a doctor. I am not a manager. I can't do this."

Francesco spoke "I am sorry sweetheart to pressure you this way. Of course you don't have to do this. You don't have to work. Its not like we need the money. I just thought you might like to have some part time work related to your degree. I know you worked hard to train. But, if you don't like this job, then forget I said anything then. Lets go have lunch".

As he was about to pull away Adele protested "I didnt say I wont work. I want to work in this hospital. I love my job. But I can't be a manager. I can work as a doctor."

Francesco spoke "No. You either work as a manager in one of my business head quarters like this hospital or you don't work at all. I don't want anyone to order you around sweetheart. So choose Adele. Do you want this job or I should demolish this office. You can choose another business to manage of course or have no job at all. "

Adele sighed. She didnt like how Francesco was making career choices for her. But it could be alot worse. He could be locking her in that mansion all day for all she knew. She whispered "I take it. I will try my best here."

Francesco nodded "Good girl. Now lets go." He then lead her to the elevator again and they made the trip down, as Francesco's men followed her.

When they got into the Limousine and left the hospital Adele spoke "When I work here, would these men be following me like they did just now with us when we entered the hospital."

Francesco spoke "No. There would be tighter security. I would get you some personal body guards. This hospital only works by appointment. I have employed the top 100 doctors in the world. So only the wealthy and people with connections who are well known can make appointments. Still there are lots of people on the waiting list. Especially for operations. We have customers from around the world but they are mainly descent and they are expected at the gate beforehand and any outsiders who wants to enter must be searched by my men. So the chances of anyone trying to hurt you is low but still, it doesnt hurt to get body guards."

The next stop was at the bottom of the hill in front of a multi-storey clothes shop. Adele turned to Francesco as they were abut to enter "It says "closed" at the door. We should come another day."

Francesco spoke "No sweetheart. I asked them this morning to close down just for us." he then rang a bell and a young man wearing an expensive looking suite made of silk opened the door. He looked down the whole time as he kept the door open silently. Francesco lead Adele inside silently and waited meters away from the door.

Once all Francesco's guards came inside and scattered, the young man locked the door again and pulled the curtains down and approached Francesco and bowed, kissing Francesco's hand that was offered to him. He stood up, still looking down "Its an honour that you have come to our shop sir."

Adele cringed as he saw how this young man was forced to show Francesco respect by kissing his hand. The first time she had seen Costanzo do it, she had been shocked but this second time made her as shocked. She could never get used to this treatment that Francesco demanded.

Francesco spoke firmly "Where is your father? I expected him to be greeting me. He is the owner of this shop."

The young man swallowed hard "He is unwell sir. He sends his apologies for not being present today."

Francesco spoke in a threatening tone "I am not going to forget this disrespect. If he insults me again this way and does not greet me at the door next time I am getting an appointment, he will pay the price. make sure you pass on the message to him. You are dismissed now. I know my way around. I don't need your services. Just wait at the door and wait for me to leave."

The young man nodded and whispered "Thank you sir" and he almost sprinted to the door.

Francesco turned to Adele "Right sweetheart. Go around and pick as many clothes as you want. I have already paid enough credit to this store that would be enough for you to pick every dress in this room. Basically I pay in advance. The credit with this store may last a year for you so don't worry about the price tags. Just take as many clothes as you want. I would follow silently and watch you. Imagine I am not here. But I would tell you to put down anything if I don't like it."

Minutes later, Adele was getting impatient with Francesco. So much for him demanding for her to imagine he wasn't there. It was one long hour for Adele that she didnt enjoy at all. Francesco chose all her clothes basically by admiring any clothes he liked and grabbing any clothes he hated and threw it on the floor.

When they left the store, it made Adele relieved. She felt very uncomfortable being the only customer in that shop.

To Adele's surprise, they didnt walk back to the car and Francesco lead her across the street as his guards followed. Francesco explained "We are eating at that restaurant."

Adele asked "Did you ask them to close down for the day too?"

Francesco spoke "No. They have a private room upstairs with tinted glass that lets you whats going on at the ground floor. They have music all the time playing at the ground floor. We can enjoy our Pizza on the top floor without anyone disturbing us."

Francesco lead Adele all the way round the restaurant and again rang a bell. This time a middle aged man came to the door, opening door and standing in the same manner as the young man in the clothes shop waiting for Francesco coming inside, before closing the door.

Francesco lead Adele up a set of stairs and Adele sighed at the sight of the empty room. The empty chairs and tables made Adele feel depressed. Francesco pulled out a chair next to the tinted glass with a good view of the singing group who were performing on the ground floor of the massive restaurant. The customers seemed quite wealthy with suites and expensive dresses. This was a posh place.

Adele again cringed as the man who had greeted them at the door walked to Francesco and bowed and kissed his hand. he straightened up "Sir. What a glorious day for us. Thank you for gracing our restaurant this way. Please let us know if you require assistance in any way."

Francesco spoke "No. i don't need you for now. Leave us. My men know what they should do. Dismissed."

As Francesco said this, the men quickly left. Adele was baffled "Francesco. Aren't we going to any menu or order anything."

Francesco spoke "We don't need to. Half my men just went to the kitchens to get us Pizza."

Adele looked around and noticed the number of guards who were watching them in the room had halved indeed. She spoke "What? So your men just take over the kitchen? But what kind of toppings did you ask them to get?"

Francesco spoke "If you don't mind, I ordered every type of pizza they make to be brought up here. So they would bring up about 12 Pizza dishes. Try anyone of them you like. But if you don't like pizza, you can order their spaghetti. Don't you like Pizza?" He then frowned "But you ordered Pizza with O'Connor when you went out last night so you can't hate pizza right? or did he force you to order food you didnt like? Tell me sweetheart."

Adele spoke "No. I like pizza. Its just 12 pizzas are too many."

Francesco spoke "There is never too many or too much of anything when it comes to you sweetheart. I want you to be comfortable and have anything you want."

Adele knew she could get into trouble for her question but she couldn't keep it in so she spoke hesitantly "You mean it. Do you want me to have anything I want? But how come ...... when I asked you to let my brother go, you said no."

Suddenly they were interrupted as one of Francesco's guards came to the table with two glasses and a bottle of wine with a wine opener and left silently.

Francesco stood up and opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses. He looked down at her lovingly "Do you like red wine or I should ask for something else?"

Adele spoke impatiently "Red wine is fine."

Francesco smiled "I like red wine too. I was hoping you like it."

He sat down and lifted his wine glass and spoke" Lets do a toast sweetheart to our first date."

Adele lifted her glass and touched Francesco's "To our first date". She whispered.

Adele tried to think back to Costanzo's words. She had to speak to Francesco in a way not to show her true intentions to change his mind. She spoke in a whisper " Francesco. you didnt answer my question. You say you will get me anything i want but what about what I just mentioned."

Francesco spoke "Sweetheart. This is our first date. Don't ruin it. We can discuss this later. I want us to enjoy our time here."

Adele spoke "I can't wait that long. Please answer my question."

Francesco reached his hand towards Adele's hand on the table. He held it gently from across the table. He spoke "I would give you anything you want. But this only applies to anything outside of my business."

Adele spoke carefully "But, what I just mentioned is outside your business."

Francesco spoke "What i mean by my business doesnt just mean my job or what I do to make money. No. My business also means my personal affairs. If I want to take my revenge on my love rival. its my business. If I want to teach your brother a lesson for putting you in danger, that is my business. You can't expect me to say yes to you if you ask to interfere in my business. Its the same thing if you ask to interfere in my line of work or personal interests."

As Francesco was drinking he narrowed his eyes. He put down his glass, "Sweetheart, why aren't you drinking? Do you want something else. Its no trouble. they can bring anything you want. Even if they don't have it in storage in the restaurant, they can quickly get it from a shop near them. They are fast at deliveries. They have some good, fast drivers."

Adele shook her head "The wine is fine." She then took a sip to please Francesco. Then she cleared her throat and spoke slowly and carefully "What if something I asked of you was to do with your business and was to do with my happiness. What if I ever asked you to .... set my brother free."

Francesco sighed "But I have already done that. I did let him off the hook for his crimes by making him agree to give up a son to work for my business when he retires."

Adele bit her lip "What I mean is for you to set him free completely. To let him leave. So he wont have to work for you ever and he wont ever have to give up a son to you."

What happened next really horrified Adele. She saw the change in Francesco. His eyes widened and he stood up. He gritted his teeth and spoke in a low and threatening tone "Did he put you up to this? Did he ask you to ask me to let him go." He walked to Adele and tilted her chin upwards with his hand making her look up into his murderous eyes.

Adele was now visibly shaking "No. I swear. He hardly spoke to me at all today."

Francesco leaned closer to Adele and spoke "Are you sure about that sweetheart? I am going to interrogate him personally when we get back and will question Costanzo too. So, tell me now if Angelo asked you to make a request from his boss that shouldn't even cross his mind. If you confess to me now Adele, I would reduce his punishment if I find out he did ask you for such outrage."

Adele spoke "He didnt ask me anything. I swear it."

Francesco spoke with menace in his voice "Then where does this question come from?" Realisation then crossed his face. He let go off her chin and spoke "I think your brother is not likely to have done this. To be fair, I taught him some good lessons today. He wouldn't have dared. So it only leaves ....... Costanzo. He must have said something to trigger this conversation whether intentionally or unintentionally. It doesn't matter what his intentions might have been. Don't worry sweetheart. I would have a talk with him today when we get back and trust me he will watch what he says and does around you from now on."

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