4. Town Hall Gathering

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The intense gaze of Francesco on her was really bothering Adele. It made no sense. He had been staring at her silently while she was eating her apple pie with out saying a word the whole time. she had caught him staring a few times and smiling at her even as she had glanced upwards. Not that it ever made any difference. He kept looking at her with his piercing blue eyes even as he was biting his pie.

At last Adele gave out a frustrated sigh and looked up " Francesco. Is there a reason you are looking at me. is something wrong? Is there something wrong with my hair or my dress."

The question caught the attention of Angelo and Costanzo too. They both looked up with raised eyebrows. Costanzo was really worried how this conversation was going to end. Francesco didn't like people who questioned him. But before Costanzo could say anything to improve the situation, Angelo beat him to it.

Angelo turned to his sister and spoke " Adele. Don't be impolite. Looking at people is not a crime. These guys are Italian-Americans just like us. Do you have any idea how lucky we are to meet some people who are from our culture? They have Italian blood that has nothing but honour and respect. Don't be rude to these two, ever. Now apologise to Francesco for speaking to him like that."

Adele was looking at Angelo with surprise. "I didn't mean any disrespect. I just was asking why he was looking at me non-stop." She then turned to Francesco " I don't apologise for asking questions."

Angelo sounded furious " Enough Adele. Say sorry now. How dare you insult an honourable Italian?"

Francesco smirked " That is alright Angelo. I forgive your sister. She didn't mean to imply that I am not honourable I am sure of it. Were you trying to imply that?"

Adele sounded bewildered " What? Of course not.... I just wanted to know why you were staring."

Francesco spoke "I believe you. Don't let it bother you. Don't mind me. I just like to make eye contact when I socilaise and meet people. I have never heard of anyone complaining to me though. You don't need to take offense girl."

Angelo turned to Adele " " You think these guys are like the Americans who were in our school back in Los Angeles. Don't you?" He then turned to Francesco "The boys back where we lived just flirted with Adele so openly it was crazy. I think the fact that she had no boyfriend when entering high school was baffling to them. They couldn't understand why a girl wouldn't date. Italian women only show interest to one man only in their lives and that would be of course their future husband. In our school boys just dated girls on weekly basis and then dumped them for another. Where is the respect for women here that we Italians have? I say it's the movies that makes these people think that a girl has to jump into the arms of every guy who gives her flowers or chocolates or any fancy gift they manage to hand the girls. Our house was like a green house when it was time to ask girls to charity dance events and junior proms. Seriously I am so glad we are done with LA. I couldn't stand guys chasing my sister every day."

Francesco's expression was now hardened "I have a feeling you wont have this problem in this town. trust me. We wont let it happen."

Adele sighed "For heavens sake. This is the 1950s. We are in the second half of the 20th century. This is not the medieval times. Girls can date who they want when they want and then can dump the guy every time if they don't get along. What is wrong with that? I just never dated since I just wasn't interested in anyone I met. That is all. I hate it when you talk like this. What is your problem with Americans Angelo?"

Angelo spoke "I have a problem since most Americans always want something in return." He then turned to Francesco and Costanzo "Our grandparents came here during the 1900s and they have told us many tales of Americans trying to cheat them. I say I would rather die than trust an American. This may be the 1950s but nothing much has changed. What do you guys think? Do you think any Italian can trust an American?"

Costanzo didn't like where this conversation was going. He had nothing against Americans at all. He thought Angelo was too prejudiced and negative so he spoke " Well. I don't know man. It all depends. My fathers business clients are sometimes Americans....."

Angelo nodded " Exactly. These Americans have your back as long as you give them money. They pretend to be nice and then sell their friendship with you. My grand parents have told us all about it. Not only that, I was just trying to make friends with these Americans before you came. They kept asking me what my parents do for a living and how much they earn at the hospital. I mean why should they care? When you make friends with someone, you don't ask questions. You have their back no matter what. Don't get me wrong it's ok sometimes to ask your friends some questions. Maybe they dont know how else to communicate. You can't blame them. They dont get it that its rude to ask an Italian about something as sacred as their family. If someone feels comfortable enough then they give those details themselves."

Adele turned to Angelo and spoke in an annoyed tone " I hate it when you talk about Americans so disrespectfully. You know what. I hope one day an American does something so wonderful for you and then you would shamefully look back at your words. There are bad people and good people everywhere in this world. There are bad guys in Italy too you know just as there are bad guys in America. But there are also good people in Italy just like there are so many kind hearted and generous Americans here. As you said it yourself, our grand parents came over in 1900s and Americans welcomed them here. Don't listen to our grandparents. Not every American is after getting an Italian's money. I really need to take a breather. I am getting myself some orange juice from that table now. When I come back I don't want to hear another unkind word from you towards anyone. I have heard enough of your hate speech for one day. Tomorrow you can start all over as you do." She then got up and left the table and walked up to the far end of the marquee to get a drink.

Francesco spoke " Don't worry Angelo. I understand your protectiveness totally. Your sister hasn't met any bad guys yet since you are looking out for her surely. I just want to say that my brother and I have your back."

Angelo smiled "Thanks. I am glad some one agrees with me on this. I am so worried about my sister you know. I dont know why she is such a magnet for guys. When we stepped foot at the town hall, these guys who entered with us kept whistling and then when I was on this table before you came this guy told me how the whole school's male population is going to go crazy over asking my sister to the Spring Dance that is coming up. He had the nerve to call my sister hot in front of me. He was in the football team and he said all his buddies agree."

Francesco gritted his teeth "Tell me what was the name of that kid who called your sister hot. I want to know his identity. He has disrespected your sister."

Costanzo swallowed hard and turned to his brother " Francesco. I think we should keep out of this. Angelo obviously has everything in control."

Angelo nodded and spoke " Sure. Costanzo is correct. But yeah I can take care of my sister. Don't worry man. But thanks for asking."

Francesco spoke coldly " I wasn't asking Angelo. I was telling you to give me that guys name. I don't normally ask again though. Most of the time when I tell someone to give me an answer and I don't get a response, I beat the answer out of whoever is crazy enough to refuse me. But of course I know you meant no disrespect. Next time I tell you to give me something. Do it without question. Now. His name."

To Costanzo's surprise, Angelo smiled even though Francesco was so rude to him. Angelo spoke enthusiastically " You are honourable. I respect you so much. I am sorry for my hesitation. I just don't want to bother a friend with my issues. That guy is my family's problem. I don't want to bother you. But his name is Quentin. Look behind you. He is chatting up my sister, it seems like. The nerve of the guy. Don't worry. My sister would tell him where to go. She may sound like a peaceful girl but she doesn't put up with nonsense especially from boys who want only one thing from girls. She can handle him. We are keeping an eye on her anyway. Seriously Francesco you look like you are ready to kill. Don't worry man. They are just talking."

Francesco ignored Angelo and stood up. He walked to where Adele was standing and he just stared at Quentin with murder in his eyes. Quentin had noticed who was looking at him and he was standing like a statue as though he had seen a ghost. Adele hadnt noticed he was standing behind her and she just was talking non stop "Look. I am not interested. I dont date. full-stop. Ask someone else to this dance. Now if you excuse me I have to go get a drink." Then she turned and suddenly hit a hard chest and was about to stumble backwards but Francesco quickly caught her and helped her straighten up by holding her waist.

Adele was looking up at Francesco with her mouth open "Thanks so much for stopping me from falling. But what is your chest made of. Its like a rock. Seriously how many weights do you lift every day."

Francesco hadnt removed his hand from her waist "Never mind that. Are you okay. Was this guy bothering you. Where is your drink? He didn't let you reach the drinks fountain even from the looks of it. See. This is the kind of guy your brother despises. Not all Americans are bad. You are right.... but some of them are opportunists like this guy that you should keep away from. But dont worry. Him and his kind wont bother you again, ever. I would make sure of it. Now go get your drink while I watch out here so Quentin does not bother you." As Adele walked away, Francesco turned to Quentin and gestured for him to come forward.

Quentin walked slowly to Francesco trembling from fear. Francesco gave him his most menacing smile and spoke in a low tone only for Questin to hear "I have a job for you to do Quentin. You will go around and find every boy that goes to the town's high school and tell them that Adele, the girl you just hit on belongs to Francesco Rosario and is not to be spoken to or glanced at by any of them. Do you think you can you do that? I hope you can for their sake. Because I am not in the habit of giving anyone my warnings twice. I dont like repeating myself."

Quentin nodded quickly " I would do that. I swear. So ... so the rumours are true. You are related to Piero Rosario.

Francesco spoke harshly " Yes you heard right. My brother, Costanzo and I are his nephews. Now beat it. Get out of my sight." Quentin didn't need to be told twice and ran to his table.

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