42. Painful Love

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Adele was lying on her bed in her pyjamas accompanied with her night gown. She was reading a fashion catalogue that the Hollywood designers had left with her to look at after their pitch. She sighed as she thought back to that long meeting. There was so much they could do but she really wasn't interested in wearing the latest Hollywood fashion. But Francesco was obviously keen about her picking clothes from the latest fashion so she had tried hard to look interested at their pitch. It wasn't an easy task at all. When they had pitched wedding dress designs and children's clothing, she had cringed at times that hadn't gone unnoticed by Francesco. He had whispered to her that they would talk about this later. She wasn't looking forward to talking about how she felt for the pitch at all.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. It was Costanzo's voice " Can I come in Adele?"

Adele spoke " Come in."

As Costanzo entered and closed the door behind him, Adele questioned " So what are you doing up here? Francesco made it clear you had to remain by his side for the rest of the meeting. How come you are up here before him?"

Costanzo smiled and walked to her "The meeting is finished now. Antonio stayed behind to discuss business with Francesco. I am sure he meant to give me some time to come up here and fill you in details of what will happen to Michael before you go to sleep."

Adele's eyes widened and she got up from the bed and stood in front of Costanzo looking at him worriedly " Is it bad news or good news?"

Costanzo spoke "Both. Good news is that Francesco informed the guards at the end of the meeting that they need to take Michael to the compounds doctor to be patched up and treated to an extent that he can be taken to Oklahoma by car..... to Antonio's manor. Antonio is responsible to speak to Michael about some ground rules before releasing him to his family and have him under surveillance from now on. He would arrange that. His men will know what to do. But I am sure he will be calling his father to ask for assistance. My uncle Piero knows well how to deal with such matters and get Michael back to his normal life after this shocking ordeal he had."

Adele took a deep breath " So Michael lives for now and will be se free. That's good news. Now tell me the bad news."

Costanzo spoke " It's nothing to worry about for now. But you must be careful Adele. As you can remember, Antonio refused to share details of how he managed to convince Francesco to consider his proposal to set Michael free. I kept asking him every chance I got when I had him alone and away from earshot ever since but he doesn't tell me. He refuses. He doesn't trust me on not sharing the information with you. He thinks I would tell you everything and then you would let it slip to Francesco one day and then him and I will be done for. But it's abit worrying. It's not just about keeping his secret safe. It's more than that. I am sure. He has offered Francesco something that has made him change his mind. Francesco wants Michael to suffer more than anything in this world. Antonio must have put something on the table to convince him and I am very afraid what it might have been. All I can say is that you should be careful when you are around Francesco. Try to forget all about Michael and focus on your relationship with Francesco. Hopefully if you keep Francesco content, the danger would be less. Now I would leave you to think about what I said. I will see you in the morning. Actually i will see you late in the morning. I have to go out to a bar tonight alongside Antonio and some of his friends. Francesco's orders. My brother knows how to torment me." He then smiled sadly and walked to the door.

Adele whispered "Good night. I am sorry Costanzo about your past relationships."

As Costanzo opened the door he whispered back "Me too Adele. Me too. Good night." He then closed the door behind him and walked downstairs. He went outside and was lead towards a car with tinted windows. He sat inside the car and waited for Antonio as instructed. After about fifteen minutes Antonio appeared at the front of the mansion and got in the car. He sat next to Costanzo and instructed the driver "We are ready to hit the city. Drive away."

Costanzo looked around "Seriously. Do we need all these cars chasing us. I don't think we need any security. Who in their right mind would attack us out there. With the reputation Francesco has built we don't need any guards."

Antonio shrugged "Its just routine. It doesn't hurt to be careful."

After about ten minutes, Antonio instructed the car to park in front of a bar- restaurant. He turned to Costanzo "Don't look so worried. We are just going to have a few friendly drinks and then return. You look like, I am about to throw you to a bunch of hungry lions to rip you apart. My lady friends are very friendly."

Costanzo whispered "I would take the hungry lions any day. Why cant Francesco understand that I am not ready to start any relationships."

Antonio sighed "No one is forcing you to start a relationship. At least you must meet some women. Have a drink with them. You might like someone. Come on. Make an effort. I have Georgina but I don't trust her to settle down with me. Time is running out. I need a woman in my life. I don't know about you but I don't want to live and die alone. Never mind Francesco's rules about us having male heirs soon. Every man needs a woman in their life. Lets go."

Costanzo followed Antonio reluctantly inside. They were greeted by the terrified looking waiter at the door who stuttered "Mr Rosario..... what an honour." He then leaned over and kissed Antonio's hand and then moved to Costanzo and spoke "I am so glad you picked our restaurant." He then leaned over and kissed Costanzo's hand too and spoke "We have a table available close to the stage where we will have entertainment starting shortly. Hollywood dancers would be coming in minutes."

Antonio nodded "We know. That's why we picked your bar. Get us some vodka and whiskey. We also expect women to mingle with us so get us some empty chairs and extra alcohol too."

The waiter nodded "Yes sir. Please follow me." He then lead Costanzo and Antonio to a table. As usual the table was surrounded by guards and Costanzo was hoping for the guards to scare off women from coming over to their table. But of course, Antonio knew half the room so like every time, women ranging from heiresses to Wall street billionaires and famous actresses dropped by immediately and within minutes all seats were full. Then the entertainment started and the place became full of noise. Costanzo was feeling suffocated at that bar. He was surrounded by people but still he felt lonely. When it became unbearable to listen to conversations at the table he got up and spoke "Excuse me. I need some fresh air. I will step outside and then will be back in a few minutes."

Antonio looked at Costanzo "Really? Would you like some company outside?"

Costanzo shook his head "No. I will be fine." He then stepped away and made his way to the door. Guards followed him as he made his way outside. He gave out a frustrated sigh and turned to the guards "I will be fine. I just need to hang out outside for a few minutes." But of course they followed him.

Costanzo rolled his eyes and instead of walking through the door, he turned to the side and went to the gentleman's bathroom. To his relief they didn't follow him inside. He found the rest room empty so he used the opportunity and found a window and climbed outside. He was desperate for some time alone and he was going to have it. As he jumped outside the window he smiled in victory and he walked away. He took a turn into an alley way but as he was walking he felt someone behind him. He turned around and found about five people with their guns pointed at him.

Before he could react, his mouth was covered by a cloth from behind and he felt weak in his knees. It smelled like something similar to chloroform . Costanzo wasnt sure. He then was immersed into darkness.

When Costanzo opened his eyes, he was confused to find himself laying on a bed. He was in a nicely decoarted room with a library and a desk. But the room had no windows. But still it looked too comfortable if he was caught by enemies of Francesco. He had no idea who had brought him there. Who could care about his comfort enough to put a plate of sandwiches and fruits with a bottle of water next to his bed.

He quickly got up and looked around trying to find out what was going on. He walked to the door and turned the handle and it was of course locked. He groaned in frustration. He banged on the door and shouted "Get me out now." But there was no response. Costanzo was frustrated. He turned around and walked around the room looking for something to throw at the door or sharp enough to try and open the lock with. As he explored the room, he froze at seeing a small framed picture on a table top. It was her. His beloved. Sancia Giovanni. She was wearing her graduation gown standing in front of a British style building. Next to her was a man that Costanzo hated with a passion. The man who had taken her away from him.

Costanzo felt weak in his knees as he realised where he was standing. He was at the O'Neil's mansion that Sancia shared with her husband who had been dead for almost a week now. He had died in a plane crash in Canada last week and Costanzo felt nothing for his death at all. He was a monster who was the head of one of the Irish mobs that he hated with a passion for their brutality. He had stolen the love of his life when she had been sent by her father to study in England. He had met her at college and Costanzo was certain Sancia had agreed to go out with him to hurt Costanzo. Sancia herself was from an Italian mob family and her family were brutal too but not as the O'Neil family.

Costanzo heard a key turning in the door's lock behind him but he didn't react. He didn't turn around. He just looked at the framed picture and reached over and lifted it off the table.

The door closed and he heard her musical voice. "Costanzo....."

Costanzo laughed bitterly and without turning around kept his stare at the framed picture in his hand. He whispered "Why have you brought me here Sancia. Do you want to twist the knife further in my heart. Do you want me to see what I have lost? Well you succeeded. I look at this picture and can imagine all the moments we lost when your father transferred you from our college to England to study. I can imagine you had a good time with your boyfriend. Of all the people you had to pick one of my most hated human beings on earth to date and then go on to marry. Tell me one thing. How was it? How was your life without me?"

Sancia spoke firmly "Don't you dare Costanzo. Don't you dare. I am not to blame for our relationship falling apart. We both know it was your father and his old feud with the Giovanni family that broke us apart. I still feel hurt looking back to that day when you took me , my parents and my brother Sergio to meet your uncle in Oklahoma. Too bad you hadn't foreseen your father being there too. You couldn't foresee the fighting that happened and how it ignited the hate between the Giovannis and the Rosarios that went back to from decades ago. What happened that day convinced my father to get a transfer for me to a college in London. You remember your father's words. He said over his dead body he would allow a reunion between us. My father was willing to make peace with the Rosarios and your uncle Piero was willing to sign a treaty with the Giovannis but your father shelved everything. Now here we are after years apart."

Costanzo turned around slowly and his tearful eyes made Sancia's hard expression to soften. Costanzo whispered "I am so sorry for my father ruining everything. You are right. I shouldn't blame you. But why didn't you reply to any of my letters I sent to your house in New York? You could at least tell me where you were and how you were getting on. The next thing I know four years has gone by and a wedding invitation came along and then came your husbands initiation ceremony as the head of his fathers mob when his father finally retired. Now tell me Sancia what do you want from me? Why have you brought me here?"

Sancia walked slowly towards Costanzo "Isn't it obvious Costanzo. Look at us. I am a widow mourning my husband and you are fooling around in bars with your womaniser cousin. I couldn't believe it when the manager of the bar in town that works for me phoned me and said you are there. I couldn't believe it. I expected you to come to me a week ago when my husband died. But no. You pretended like I didn't exist. You didn't come to my wedding to stop it and you didn't come to my husbands funeral either to comfort me and ..... you work it out what I am trying to say. All I can say is you didn't fight hard enough for me. You fought for that woman Elize harder than you did for me. In a way I didn't mind you longing after her since I knew Francesco wasn't going to let you have her because of his prejudice against families of law makers. I also didn't think there was much love between you and Elize. You wanted her since she looked like me. She had the same hair colour and eye colour. You cant deny the resemblance between me and Elize. You went after her since you wanted me but couldn't have me."

Costanzo looked into Sancia's eyes and spoke "I really don't know what you want me to do. You are a widow of an O'Neil. We both know there is no hope for us. Your husband was the only child and now that he is dead and this family has no other heirs then based on the code of O'Neils you as his wife are running this organisation. From what I have heard you have built yourself a reputation too with how many people you killed after your husband died. You slaughtered the entire families of the pilot and the co-pilot. You are not stopping there and you know it. I heard everything about what you did to all those employees who refused to serve you. It seems like you are as brutal as your brother Sergio and extreme as your dead husband in methods of murdering innocents. Now tell me what do you need me for. You want me to be witness to what I lost or you want to torture me the same way you helped ypur husband torture enemies of your husband and those who failed him back when he was alive. He changed you and he introduced you to life of crime and you accepted his way of life and embraced it even with open arms. You have spies and so do I. You broke my heart Sancia. You want this life and I don't. Where do we go from here? Now tell me what you want from me?"

Sancia narrowed her eyes "You seem to have forgotten what we meant to each other. Maybe I should remind you. She then approached Costanzo and wrapped her arms around his neck and spoke "I love you Costanzo and you love me too. Don't deny it. I brought you here so we could catch up alittle bit out of sight of your controlling brother. Let me show you what we can have. We can be married as soon as I sort out all the mess after my husbands death in this organisation. We can have a family. Isn't that what you wanted. Tell me I am wrong." She then leaned closer and touched her lips to Costanzo's and kissed him deeply and passionately.

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