9. Fears & Hopes at the Ranch

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Costanzo unlocked the door to Francesco's room and slowly entered. He had a tray of omelettes, bread rolls and water with him in his hand. When he entered he found Adele laying on her bed with her back to him. But he could hear her sobbing quietly.

His heart broke as he noticed Adele must be distressed. He spoke softly "Adele. Are you alright? I brought you some omletes in case you are hungry. Tonight, we eat dinner abit later than usual since ..... there are things happening."

Adele sat up on her bed and spoke without turning around "By things happening you mean my family getting hurt in the cellar and more people brought to this mansion blindfolded and tied up in boot of cars? I know all about it. The window in this room has a good view of the front yard. I have lost count of the number of cars pulling in front of this mansion since this lunch time. When does it ever end." She then turned around and screamed. She had stopped sobbing now and was in total shock. "What happened to your face? Who did this." She then stood up and walked up to Costanzo who still had a tray of food in his hand. She looked at him with horror. As she was standing in front of him, she shakily reached her hand up and stroked his cheeks "You need to go to the hospital."

Costanzo spoke "I am so sorry. I forgot I looked so bad. I should have put some plasters on. But trust me this is nothing. I have been in much worse shape. I am a boxer."

Adele gasped "You are a boxer?"

Costanzo nodded "Yes. I am. I will tell you all about it if you sit down and eat something. Francesco told me to bring you food and make sure you eat something. I am not allowed to go downstairs unless you have some omlettes." he then walked to the bed and put the tray down and sat down. He then turned to Adele "Come sit."

Adele slowly walked to bed and sat down facing Costanzo with the tray between them. Adele spoke "Costanzo.... How are my parents? How is Angelo?" Are they ..... still alive?"

Costanzo nodded "They are alive. Don't worry. Now eat something."

Adele shook her head. "I'm not hungry Costanzo. Your uncle's guards are most likely leaving my family down there with no food. How can I eat knowing my family are suffering from pain and most likely are going to be starving?" She then covered her mouth and shook her head and started sobbing again.

Costanzo looked devastated "No. No. Stop. Please don't cry. Francesco would kick my backside for making you cry. i am supposed to come up here and calm you down and convince you to eat something. Come on. Don't do this. But you are wrong. Your family are given food. They aren't getting hurt right now.... not anymore."

Adele stopped crying and brought down her hand and spoke sounding abit hopeful "What is happening to them then. Are they going to be set free? Please tell me the truth."

Costanzo spoke "Well. That is a question I can't answer yet. I wish I could. Lets say it hasn't been decided."

Adele looked at Costanzo with a questioning look "What are you saying? Please tell me anything you know about my family."

Costanzo took a deep breath "This is the question, I was dreading you would ask, yet I knew you would ask me. I am not supposed to tell you this. I shouldn't raise your hopes but ..... Francesco is in a meeting room downstairs right now trying to convince my uncle to spare your family's life. They have been in there for heaven knows how long. Maybe an hour. I don't know of the outcome. I was in there for a while but I am not my uncle's favourite nephew so Francesco at some point sent me out with the excuse to get the chef to prepare something for you and come up here. Please don't ask me any more about your family. I don't know anything else. But Francesco convinced my uncle to call it a day on hurting them for today."

Adele looked saddened "Francesco promised me he will keep my family safe. Do you think he would break his promise."

Costanzo's eyes widened "He has promised you that? Really? Well. If he has made a promise to you he won't break it. He would keep his word at any cost. He has a good chance of convincing my uncle to spare your family since he is his favourite nephew. You should see how my uncle's eyes lights up when Francesco enters the room. he is my father's son apparently. But on the other hand. I am not that popular. So it may help whatever case Francesco is putting on the table for saving your family if I am not down there."

Adele spoke "I don't mean to be persistent. But can you at least tell me what happened to your cheeks. They look so painful. Was it .... your uncle? Did it have anything to do with you taking my family's side? Who did this and why? I really need to know"

Costanzo sighed "Look.... let's not go there. But for the last time, this is nothing. Really. Don't worry about me. I am used to getting my face beaten up. Francesco and I used to box in illegal underground clubs in New York and used to get good money too."

Adele gasped "Oh. No way. That is unbelievable. What did your parents say about all this? How did they let you do something so dangerous?"

Costanzo looked saddened "For the records, back in new York we had one parent only. My father. My parents divorced years ago and my mother handed the custody to my father. I never saw her after she left. Now you asked about parental view. Lets say Francesco and I had no curfew and no rules of discipline back in my fathers house in new York. My father was hardly ever at home anyways to check on us. We were mainly raised by house keepers and my fathers business partners and body guards. They provided everything we needed in our mansion but no one really was in charge of our up bringing. Francesco and I did whatever we wanted but there was one rule that we couldn't break. We were never allowed to go to our fathers business meetings or know anything about his deals with his clients in any way. We tried many times but failed to convince our father to tell us more about what he did. but we put some pieces together by eavesdropping here and there."

Adele spoke "It's all so insane. How is this possible? Your father let you do whatever you wanted. Wasn't he afraid that something could happen to you?"

Costanzo shrugged "Why would he be worried about any dangers to us. He had recruited the best tutors in martial arts and combat skills for us. Francesco and I are good in self defense. Well. Francesco is way better than me but I can hold my own."

Adele asked "Sorry if I am curious but if you were free to do as you pleased how come your father was so strict about not letting you and Francesco learn anything about his line of work? he could as well let you in his world."

Costanzo started laughing and then he started coughing. Adele was looking at him with disbelief "Why are you laughing. Why are you acting so strange? I asked you a real question."

Costanzo stopped laughing "I am sorry. I couldn't help it. My father's business deals are quite worth alot and there are details about them that can't be disclosed to anyone. Not even family members. It's top secret. In the wrong hands any information relating to my fathers affairs could have serious consequences."

As Adele was about to respond. Suddenly there were car engine sounds and that made Adele curious. She got up and walked to the window. She unlocked the window and walked to the balcony as Costanzo protested " Stay inside Adele. You could catch a cold. It's chilly outside." He then followed Adele onto the balcony.

Adele turned to Costanzo " There are more people coming to die here and you are worried about me catching a cold. Seriously Costanzo. Can't you look around you and wake up. Don't you get disturbed by what possibly could be happening to these poor people your uncle's guards are bringing in."

Costanzo spoke " I am used to it. My fathers organisation operates in similar ways to my uncle's. Besides since I know I can't change anything, I try not to think too much about what goes on around me. Only a mob boss can rule. I'm not one and I will never be one. But Francesco was born to become one."

Adele spoke " Costanzo. You are scaring me. Don't talk like this. I hope Francesco would never turn out like your uncle. I am still in shock from how he pointed a gun at my mother. Your uncle is brutal man. I feel so sorry for all these doctors who have crossed him. There have been like twenty cars coming in with tied up people wrapped in rags all over their bodies. There are so many of them. I thought only a few may have attended the FBI meeting. Why are there so many of them?"

Costanzo spoke " Do you really want me to answer that question Adele?"

Adele bit her lip " Yes I do."

Costanzo spoke " My uncle just hasn't brought the doctors. Their families are also included. By family I don't mean just children. I mean brother, sister, parents, uncle, aunt, cousin. My uncle has contacts in police and he likes to gets his revenge in a way that his enemies won't ever dare send any spies to frame him."

Adele suddenly felt sick. The brutality of the Rosarios was just sinking in. She said " This is the most horrific thing I have heard in my life. What is wrong with your uncle. She then rubbed her forehead. "I am feeling sick.."

Costanzo panicked " I told you not to come on the balcony. The bathroom door is right there next to that library if you want to wash your face with cold water."

Adele spoke " No. I am fine. I will live. My family must be feeling much worse." That when she was reminded of the terrifying reality that had befallen her family. She was distracted by Costanzo until then but it all hit her and she started sobbing suddenly.

Costanzo spoke with panic " No. Don't do this. He would kill me for this. I am supposed to calm you and not here to make you cry. How can I help put you at ease now? Damn it."

A voice from behind spoke firmly " You have done enough Costanzo. Aren't you useless."

As Costanzo and Adele turned around, they came face to face with a furious looking Francesco standing behind them on the balcony. He carried on his rant while staring right at his brother " I gave you one job to do. I asked you to keep Adele some company. Make sure she eats something and calm her. You did none of the things I asked you by the looks of it. Next time don't disappoint me. Get the hell out now before I do something I might regret."

Costanzo didn't need to be told twice. He whispered " See you later Adele." He then almost sprinted to the exit door. His brother was not to be messed with when he was angry. It was true that Francesco normally was reluctant to beat him up but it didn't mean he didn't. In fact he kicked his back side quite badly when he had failed to do as he had asked. Luckily Adele was there to save him from another round.

As Costanzo left, Adele looked at Francesco with disbelief " Why were you so harsh with him?"

Francesco's expression turned softer. He reached his hand up and stroked her tear soaked cheeks. " He made you cry. He was supposed to keep you calm and keep you busy while I sorted out this mess your father landed your family into. But of course he was useless it seems."

At the mention of her fathers name and her family Adele's eyes widened " Francesco ..... Please tell me you kept your promise. Please tell me you kept them safe. What is your uncle going to do?"

Francesco sighed. He slowly wrapped his hands around Adele's waist and leaned close. He whispered " I kept them safe but it came at a cost."

Adele reached her hands up and grabbed Francesco's shoulders tightly. She was shaking her head hard. She stuttered " What do you mean? What cost? You are scaring me. Just tell me upfront what is going on."

Francesco spoke " It's not as bad as it could be. You should have heard my uncle when I started talking about your family. He had intent to kill only. But about an hour later, I managed to convince him of a deal. Basically your family is allowed to live but that would be at the cost of .... Angelo's future."

Adele's eyes watered again " What do you mean. Tell me. Would he be able to live?"

Francesco nodded " Yes. Your family can live but ..... Angelo has to ..... work for my uncle's mob in future. Basically, when my uncle or his successor calls upon Angelo to come to join the mob, he can't refuse."

Adele couldn't believe it. She was too shocked to even cry. She felt broken " Why? Why does Angelo have to become a criminal? Couldn't your uncle ask for something else."

Francesco chuckled " No Adele. My uncle asked for nothing but your family's executions through the whole hour I managed to speak to him and halt his actions. The idea of Angelo joining my uncles criminal organisation was one of my ideas. It was my last idea i put forward for exchanging something for your family's life. I had no other means to suggest for saving your family. Luckily my uncle liked the idea. He was convinced when I made him think about the fact that Angelo would be a loyal criminal in his organisation since he would feel gratitude for his family being spared. Also I kept going on about how Angelo is in touch with his Italian heritage. It got my uncles attention just like that. You are welcome."

Adele was breathing heavily " It can't be. I am scared Francesco. Angelo could be in danger. He could get hurt."

Francesco spoke " Don't worry for now. Nothing has happened yet, Angelo is not useful to my uncle at the moment. He is too young to join. When the time comes he will be contacted. Don't compare me and Costanzo to your brother. We chose to be involved in helping out our father and uncle. No one is forcing us. We could sit out of things and keep away if we wished it. Angelo won't be forced to do anything until he is at least eighteen or over."

Adele spoke while swallowing hard " So the time comes when he turns eighteen. Is that when he would he become a criminal?"

Francesco sounded impatient " I don't know exactly when our uncle would call him up but I know it's not anytime soon. But who cares when it happens? You are missing the point here. I kept your family alive with my suggestion. Isn't that what you wanted. Your family and you will be allowed to leave the mansion soon."

Adele spoke with concern " What do you mean? Why can't my family leave immediately?"

Francesco spoke " I wish you weren't asking me that."

Adele whispered " They can't leave because they are hurt. Aren't they?"

Francesco spoke "That is partly true. They need to recover mentally and physically. They aren't in the state to leave yet. But the time is also not right. My uncle wants to wait until all spy doctors are taken care of. Besides your family is supposed to be on vacation based on what my uncles guards have told your school. So it's better to wait. But I assure you that your family would be taken care of. They are not being mistreated anymore. I made sure if it. But I know what you are going to ask me next and the answer is no. You can't see them until the day you are asked to leave the mansion. Don't ask me why."

Adele nodded and suddenly it all hit her. She owed her family's life to Francesco. If it wasn't for him they were most likely dead by now. So she slowly leaned over Francesco and startled him by planting a kiss on Francesco's lips.

Francesco was surprised. Adele had kissed him! He was surely the opportunist so as Adele pulled away he whispered " Was that a thank you? Mm. Let me think. I need a much bigger thank you than this Adele."

Adele narrowed her eyes but she complied and kissed him again. This time Francesco kissed her back with his gentle but possessive kisses and held onto her like there was no tomorrow.

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