33. Honesty

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Eden was carrying a bag of medication to a new address. There was no one else available to do a delivery that night and apparently the customer who had placed the order was a well known businessman who was a man who did charity wlork for the public hospitals. One of the hospitals that were on his list for consideration for his next month's charity donations was the hospital where Eden's mother worked as a nurse. Eden's parents had met up with him personally at some point asking him to consider donating to the children's ward that was struggling. Eden's father wanted to keep this customer happy so they wanted to make this delivery that night.

Eden reached the destination and looked at the building. It was a nice looking new building which obviously housed various offices of some kind. She rang the door bell and a man opened the door who seemed like the security guard by the look of his uniform. He said "How may I help you lady?"

Eden said "I am here to deliver medication to a client."

The guard opened the door fully and said "Come in. You are expected. Go upstairs. Second floor. Turn right. Knock on the second door."

Eden nodded and walked away. She walked up the stairs and reached the correct door. She knocked and when she heard a "come inside" she opened the door. She saw a man sitting behind a desk.

He said "Who are you?"

Eden came in "I am from the Carter's chemist. I have brought your medication."

The man nodded "Come in. Place it on the desk." He then took some money from a box and placed it in an envelope.

As Eden placed the medication bag on the table, the man pushed the envelope towards here "Here is your money. Keep the change."

Eden said "Thank you." As she was about to walk away, the man said "Tell your parents I have decided where to write my next month's charity donation check to. It will write it for the hospital where your mother works as a nurse."

Eden was happy to hear that. She said "That is great. I am sure they appreciate that very much. I appreciate it too. It would mean so much to that hospital. Every dollar can make a difference."

The man replied "It would be my pleasure. Eden Carter."

Eden was surprised he knew her name "You know my name?"

The man nodded "Yes. I do. You look a lot like your aunt Eleanor by the way."

Eden felt uneasy suddenly. Did this man know her aunt? How? Her aunt was the most private woman. She did not let anyone in. She did not even answer her phone. She called their family always when she wanted to talk to them and no uninvited guests could arrive at her home. She did not even talk to her neighbours let alone some stranger. Maybe she knew him through the work at her law firm. That must have been it. She said "Oh. You know my aunt? Are you one of the current client or former clients of the law firm she works for?"

The man said "You could say that. Yes. But I do business mostly with her father in law, Ferdinando Fontana."

Eden gasped in shock.

The man said "I must say, your aunt Eleanor is a phenomenal woman. I am glad her father in law agreed to let her marry Fabrizio."

Eden shook her head in disbelief. "What are you talking about? My aunt is single... She has no husband... This must be an identity mix up of some kind."

The man said "Oh. So you do not know about this yet? I am sorry. I thought you must have been told about her secret marriage. Eleanor's father in law lifted the rules for her recently. They fully trust her not to betray the Fontanas and have done enough background check on your family to know you are not the type to cause trouble. Your parents and your uncle were let into the secret. They were told over the weekend. Your uncle has agreed to work for the Fontanas indefinitely from now on. Your father also will give priority to suppliers and consumers working with the Fontanas. I thought you were told too. But you will be told soon. I wonder if your brother Ethan know. I guess they will tell you later. Perhaps when you meet your cousin."

Eden gasped "Cousin?" Her head was spinning. How was this possible? Her aunt was married and had a kid? Why had she kept this secret? Was this man even telling the truth?"

The man said "Yes. You do have a cousin. One boy."

Eden took step backwards "I think I should go. Goodbye." She then turned around and walked quickly to the door. She opened the door soundly and then closed it with a loud bang.

Eden quickly walked outside and made her way home as her head was filled with so many questions, she wanted to ask her parents.

It was early morning and Gianluca was in the Italian School's Football Captain office. He was sitting behind his desk just looking through some of his notes that he had written his tactics on. The door suddenly opened and Luigi came in.

Luigi said "Hi."

Gianluca spoke "Hi."

Luigi walked to the desk and put a few pages of notes on the desk "Here are my notes on the tactics. I changed some details since when we last spoke about this."

Gianluca said "Take a seat. Let me have a look."

Luigi sat down on a chair opposite his desk.

Gianluca took a few minutes looking through his notes. He was nodding as he was reading.

Luigi asked "What do you think?"

Gianluca looked up "It is perfect. We will brief the team today on the new tactics. I like that you have personalised a few tactics for some of the new recruits too..."

Luigi said "A couple of them seem very promising already despite just joining us. The future is bright for this football team..."

Gianluca nodded. He put away the papers on his desk and stood up "I agree. The future is bright for our football team... But I am not sure that I can say the same about our team work." He walked around the desk.

Luigi said "We can work on team work. The new recruits will eventually blend in with the more experienced members of the team..."

Gianluca stood towering over Luigi's seated from. He looked down at him "I was talking about you and me. Not the rest of the team."

Luigi said "We are trying. Aren't we?"

Gianluca said "I am definitely trying. I cant say the same about you."

Luigi stood up and stared into Gianluca's eyes "Gianluca. I have given you everything I have. I am trying hard here. I have not held back anything from this team as their new vice captain... What do you exactly want from me?"

Gianluca said "Honesty."

Luigi said "What? I have been honest with you. I am sharing tactics and knowledge that I have with you..."

Gianluca said "Luigi. You do not get it. Do you? I am talking about you not being honest with me on personal level. I am not talking about sports here..."

Luigi said "I have never lied to you..."

Gianluca said "But you have hidden information from me..."

Luigi said "Are you talking about the Nick's incident? I told you I did not think Nick was going to put Lena in any danger. I thought it was enough that I was keeping an eye on everything... I thought you might get Lena in trouble with my parents. That is why I did not tell you..."

Gianluca said "How about now? After what happened with Nick, don't you think I deserve to know everything relating to Lena when it comes to any admirers she has or she has had in the past... In Sicily perhaps?"

At the mention of the word "Sicily", Gianluca got the reaction he was expecting to get. Luigi's expression changed. His eyes widened and then he looked away. He looked around the room silently as he looked thoughtful. He then closed his eyes and then opened them. He turned to Gianluca and stared into his eyes.

Gianluca said "Well. Talk Luigi. I want honesty here..."

Luigi asked carefully and slowly   "Do you know about Salvatorio?"

Gianluca said "My grandfather told me about him last night... He also told me that you know about his interest in Lena even though Lena does not know... You have hidden this from me and did not even tell me about him after what happened with Nick..."

Luigi said "Hold on here... I know how it looks Gianluca... But I was not trying to hide this from you..."

Gianluca said "You have hidden it from me... I told you I need to know about any boy who is admiring Lena. I am now her boyfriend..."

Luigi said "It was not my choice Gianluca. My father told me not to tell you..."

Gianluca asked "ReallY? Why?"

Luigi said "He told me not to tell you unless it is necessary. Salvatorio lives in Italy. We live in America... He can't get close to Lena without our knowledge on this land... We have the upper hand here... For now... I have heard from my father, says they are investing in the United States too. They are expanding their power but the fight has not reached our door step yet..."

Gianluca said "I am glad you admit it yourself here Luigi. That upper hand that you say we have may not apply for much longer Luigi. My grandfather also told me that the Romanos are expanding their business and the market in this country is within reach for them... When were you planning to tell me exactly?"

Luigi said "My father told me that protecting Lena should be his duty... He does not want to burden you with the knowledge unless you ever have to deal with Salvatorio..."

Gianluca said "I do not think it is relevant when I deal with Salvatorio or what your father ordered you to do... I know that if our situations were reversed I would have told you everything I knew about my sister's admirers if you loved Gabriela... This is between you and me... I would not keep such secret from you when I know you deserve to know..."

Luigi deafened "Look. This order was not because my father wanted to keep this a secret from you or anything. It was for your own safety... He was worried you might do something...And now that they could be doing business on this country's shores, the risk is higher to you but only if you go looking for Salvatorio... My father does not want to involve you and does not want you to involve yourself when you are so young... You could have a lifetime of this rivalry Gianluca... He is a Romano. They do not let go of the women they love... They fight forever..."

Gianluca said "Then Belaggios and the Romanos have something big in common then..."

Luigi said "Maybe... But I do not think there is much else that your family may have in common with the Romanos. How much do you know about Salvatorio and his family?"

Gianluca said "My grandfather said they have honour and fight fair...How much do you know about them?"

Luigi said "They are dangerous and they do not play by some of the rules that we do...

Gianluca said "I do not care who they are, what their history is, what their rules are... All I need to know is... one of them is after my woman...And I am not giving her up...Not without a fight..."

Luigi said "You do not know the half of it... Let me tell you about Salvatorio and what he is really like. I saw a glimpse of his mind back there when I visited Sicily three years ago... He was not someone I wanted anywhere near my sister..."

Gianluca said "There is no need to tell me more about him... I do not care... I do not need to know him... I am ready for him to come at me if he decided to or when he decides to do so... I will try to protect Lena... But Luigi... I expect honesty from you from now on... I mean it... You give me excuses. You have reasons to hide secrets from me... I do not like it... Be honest with me... We both want to protect Lena. Then is it too much to ask from you to tell me any crucial information like this concerns Lena? He loves Lena... But I am her boyfriend now... I have the right to know such information... Do not keep me in the dark again Luigi..."

Luigi nodded "I will not keep you in the dark intentionally... I promise you... I did not want to go against my father's words on this matter...I agree with him. I think it is unfair to involve you in this when my sister is still very young and unmarried where the responsibility of protecting her is with my family... Not you... But I see your point. It is your wish to know such information and you say you would have done the same for me. In that case I will tell you everything I know when it concerns my sister..."

Gianluca said "Finally. I hope we now have an understanding..."


Christian was training with his baseball team. This was the day of one of Christian's home games. The match was an important one for Christian. Not because the opponents were one of the serious contenders for the end of season trophy but because Gabriela was going to be there cheering his team. As part of the initiation for the astronomy club, he had asked her to cheer for the baseball home games of the Irish school that season. Gianluca and Luigi as the captain and vice-captain of the Italian's School did not like that at all.

Gianluca had been speaking to Christian about this asking him to cut the season long commitment to a month. Christian had said he will think about it. Gabriela was the cheer leading captain of the Italian School. They needed her to be there full time. He did not want to let her go. Gianluca could ask all he wanted. He was not going to change his mind for him. But he knew if Gabriela really wanted not to cheer for two teams, Christian would have cut this commitment short as much as it would have annoyed him. For now, Gabriela had not complained. By the looks of it she was enjoying herself that morning as she was laughing and joking with the cheer leading team of the Irish school on the training field that was right next to the training field that the baseball team were practicing on that morning.

Gabriela was practicing with the Irish cheer leading team where Ciara was the captain leading the team's morning exercise. It was fun. This was a small price to pay to be in the astronomy club. They had the most exciting program. She did not care how many home games she had to cheer for. She was willing to do the initiation that had been asked of her. The training was alright. The girls got on well with her. Even Dina O'Brien and Sorcha McNab who were from two Irish-American crime families were civil with her. This was Kavannagh territory. But if she ever trespassed into their territory there would have been more hostility. Her status as a Bellagio gave her immunity basically in any territory of any close friends of the Kavannaghs. But of course, she knew there could still be in some kind of trouble if she was ever caught in any Irish ruled territory for no good reason. Christian had to use his influence to save her if she ever was in trouble where enemies of the Italian-American families operated. Currently, she had no plans to raise the tensions or by ever getting caught in cross fire though.

Gabriela could see the contrast in how Dina and Sorcha were behaving in the cheer leading team compared to how they acted when they went hunting for boys to torment and threaten.  They were different when they were around girls mostly. They did not feel the need to show off their dominance as much. Also glancing at their boyfriends who were practicing on the field next to them with the baseball team had seemingly put them in a good mood. They kept looking at them and laughing with each other and making comments about the two boys. Dina was now dating Connor and Sorcha was dating Dean. Gabriela could see how happy and carefree the girls were when they were relaxed and not having cruel intentions towards the males they targeted. Gabriela did not approve of how they hurt people for no good reason but had nothing personal against these two girls even though they were technically enemies of the Bellagios.

Ciara looked over at the baseball team who had now stopped practicing. Some were having water, some were collecting equipment and a few had started walking away to the direction of the locker rooms. Christian, the team captain was talking to Connor. Ciara looked at her watch. "I think we are ready to perform for the home game now... Let's go drink some water and then we go back to the locker rooms."

The girls cheered and followed Ciara's lead towards where a number of water dispensers were placed with paper cups.

As Ciara and her girls walked in the direction of the water dispensers the crowd of boys suddenly dispersed, as they drank quickly and sprinted away. Ciara sighed. It seemed like the Sean effect again. But she was sure the quick dispersing was because of the presence of other girls in the group following her too.

Ciara spotted Sean making his way to the water dispenser she was heading towards.

Ciara picked up an empty cup and poured water inside. Sean approached her as she was drinking water. Sean said "Hi."

Ciara stopped drinking and turned to him "Hi."

Sean said "I was watching you during practice. You are a great leader. You manage your team well."

Ciara said "Thank you."

Sean picked up a paper cup and started dispensing water in it.

Ciara finished drinking from her cup. She put the cup in the bin and started walking away but stopped when she heard his voice "Ciara."

Ciara thought she could walk away in peace. She turned "Yes."

Sean said "You left your badge."

Ciara just noticed she had left her badge on top of the water dispenser when she had taken it off. She said "Thank you. Can I have it back?"

Sean said "Sure. I will give it back to you after you come back from the locker room. I will see you in the cafeteria once you leave the locker rooms. Let's have a drink before the lessons start."

Ciara was so annoyed. He wanted to make sure she did not make a run for it after getting changed in the locker room. She was hoping to breathe more. But he just had to tag along everywhere he could.


Gabriela was walking towards the locker room and was passing  Christian and Connor on her way who had just finished talking when she approached them.

Christian looked at Gabriela "Hello Gabriela."

Gabriela said "Hello."

Christian walked alongside her towards the locker rooms. Christian asked "How was your first training session with the cheerleaders of the school? Did any of them give you a hard time?"

Gabriela said "It was fine. No one gave me a hard time."

Christian said "Great. I am glad you are on the cheerleading team today at our important home game."

Gabriela said "I am sure your team will smash them..."

Christian raised an eyebrow "You think?"

Gabriela said "Yes. I do actually. Your team is much stronger."

Christian was surprised she had just paid his baseball team a compliment. Christian said "How do you know? You have never seen us play."

Gabriela shrugged "I do read the school's newspaper. They do have small sports section with latest scores of both the Italian School and Irish school... I have followed your team's performance."

Christian said "You have? I had no idea."

Gabriela said "Well. The Italian School has no baseball team. So I root for yours. I always have. I like watching  baseball more than football actually."

Christian was so happy to hear that. He could not believe she loved the game that he did and actually rooted for his team.


Gianluca was walking through the school corridors and came across Lena's home room. He spotted her in a corner reading a book while sitting on a sofa alone. He approached her and stood next to her. "Lena."

He watched as Lena looked up as she heard his voice, she looked up "Oh. Gianluca. Hi."

Gianluca said "Hi."  He then sat down opposite her on a sofa.

Lena said "What are you doing here?"

Gianluca said "I wanted to talk to you."

Lena said "Ok." She put a book mark inside the book on the page she had just been reading. She put the book on the table. "What did you want to talk about?"

Gianluca said "I was hoping I could take you on a date after school today... Is it ok? Are you free after school today?"

Lena became thoughtful. Another date. That day? She was ready but she felt nervous slightly.

Gianluca noticed her hesitance. "Oh. We can go out another time if you don't want to go out with me today..."

Lena said "No. No. It's fine. I am free this afternoon." Then she noticed how Gianluca's face brightened up. He smiled and made her heart melt as usual.

Gianluca said "That's great. I will pick you up today before dinner. We are dining at a restaurant together for dinner. I have informed your parents about this."

Lena said "Oh. You have? What did they say?"

Gianluca said "I need to bring you home on time before your bed time. That is all." He then stood up "I will see you later..."

It was the end of the school day. Luigi had missed Eden so much. She was absent that day. He had gone looking for Ethan to ask why Eden was absent but he had been absent too. He had no idea why both siblings were absent. He had asked the school office to phone his father to ask to give him permission to miss the school clubs after school to leave early. His father had approved. He was going to go leave early and Lena was going to be picked up later on from school.

Luigi made his way to the car park and one of his father's chauffeurs opened the door to a car for him. He got in and gave the man the address to Eden's house. Ethan had given him the address and had told him he was welcome to come over any time. Despite the differences in their personalities, Ethan considered Luigi a friend. Ethan had never forgotten Luigi's act of saving him from getting hurt. He did not think anyone else would have been brave enough to come and break up that fight being outnumbered. He appreciated Luigi's act even though to Luigi it was nothing and he played it down.

Luigi reached Eden's house. He got off the car and told the chauffeur to leave. He then walked to the door and rang the doorbell. He pressed it a few times. He heard Ethan's voice from inside "I am coming."

The door opened and Ethan opened the door. He was surprised to see Luigi "Oh. Hi. Shouldn't you be in school Luigi?"

Luigi said "Shouldn't you?"

Ethan sighed "You have a point. Come in."

Luigi entered. "Where is Eden?"

Ethan said "She is in her room upstairs. She does not want to be disturbed by the way. But if you can get her to come out or maybe eat something  at least I would appreciate you trying."

Luigi asked concerned "Is she ill?"

Ethan said "No. She is just in shock. I was in shock too but I got over it. She hasn't. Let me give you a plate of sandwiches to take up to her room. She won't open the door for me. She might do that for you. I don't know.  When our parents come home they won't be happy to see her in this state locked in her room and they might blame me."

Luigi followed Ethan to the kitchen. He picked up a plate of sandwiches and handed it to Luigi. "Try what you can to get her out. Maybe bribe her with some science project promises or something. I am desperate for help to get her to get over her shock. Good luck." He then walked away to the living room.

Luigi carried the plate of sandwiches and walked past the living room where Ethan was busy watching TV now."

Luigi knew something pretty big must have happened to put her in shock. Whatever had happened must have meant more to Eden than it did to Ethan for some reason.

Luigi reached the top of the stairs and walked to the only room with a closed door. He knocked on the door.

Eden voice was heard by Luigi "Leave Ethan. I told you to stop bothering me."

Luigi said "It's me Eden."

Eden's voice came "Luigi. Is that you?"

Suddenly the door opened and Luigi came face to face with Eden. He looked at her up and down hoping she was ok. She seemed alright but her face looked sad. She looked like she had been crying before. Her eyes were slightly puffy.

Eden said "Did Ethan ask you to come here?"

Luigi shook his head "No. I noticed you and Ethan were absent at school so I came to check if you are ok. I was worried."

Eden said "Come in. I have questions."

Luigi was baffled. What was going on? Ethan had told him she had refused to come out when he had asked and now she was welcoming him into her bedroom of all the places with a little bit more enthusiasm than expected. And she had questions? About what exactly?

Luigi entered the room and looked around. The room was well decorated. It was tidy. Everything about it said it was Eden's. It was no where near as big as his bedroom but it was so organised and the space was well used.

Eden took the plate of sandwich from his hands and put it on her desk. She sat on a chair behind her desk and pointed to her bed "Sit down Luigi. We need to talk."

Luigi sat down.

Eden said "Tell me everything you know about the Fontana family."

Luigi gasped "What?"

Eden said "I need to know what you know. Are they bad people? Do they kill people for no reason? I want to know if my aunt Eleanor is in any kind of danger."

Luigi was just registering the information. So she had found out about her aunt's secret. But why was she asking him about the Fontanas? Did she know who his family was. There was only one way to find out. He asked "Why are you asking me? What makes you think I know anything at all?"

Eden sighed "Because Luigi... I am allowed to talk to you about them... I really can't ask anyone else besides you and the Bellagio family... That's what my aunt told me when she came to see me this morning when I was in such a state. My parents called her and asked her to come over and she did. She came to my bedroom and sat down and told me all about her life. She told me I am not allowed to tell anyone. When she saw the banners of my new school here she said she knows two families who attend this school that are no threat to the Fontanas for sure and I can talk to them about her secrets. She said the Alessandrinis and Bellagios understand."

Luigi still did not know what she thought of him and his family. Did she know he belonged to a crime family?

Luigi said "Eden. Why dont you eat something first? Your brother is worried you are not eating. Please eat something and I will answer your questions as much as I can..."

Eden could recognise the worry in Luigi's voice. He genuinely seems concerned. She could not say no to him when he asked with so much genuine concern in his voice. She just could not refuse his request. It seemed like seeing her troubled made him troubled too. She said "Ok. But you need to answer my questions..." She then poured herself some water from the jug that was on her desk into a glass. She drank some water. Then she took a bite of a sandwich.

Luigi felt better as he watched her eat. He did not want to see her refuse food. This matter was not her problem. It really was not worth her tears and distress.

Eden finished the sandwiches quickly and then said "Now. Tell me everything..."

Luigi said slowly "Eden... I do not know whats happened and what you have been told. Do you mind telling me what has started all these questions?" He was hoping she shared more information with him. He needed to know what she knew about him and his family.

Eden sighed. She nodded "Ok. Fair enough..." She then told Luigi everything about her visit to the businessman in town and what he had said. She went on "So after what he told me all this, I came home really upset. I went straight to my room and closed the door. I did not want to go to school in the morning. My parents tried to convince me to come out of bed. But I didnt. I accused them of not being honest with me... They called my aunt and she came by. She talked to me. She promised to introduce me to her family. She said ... that the Fontanas are a crime family and she is no longer ordered to not tell us anything... She is trusted by the family not to share secrets with us. Apparently when she had been first introduced to the family she had been quite defiant and had been a difficult daughter in law.... She was not trusted. But after years and years, she has finally proven her loyalty. They trust her... And they trust my family and my uncle too to be on good terms with them..."

Luigi asked carefully "Eden... You tell me that your aunt has now shared some family secrets with you... I dont understand why Ethan is ok with it but you are not... Has he not been told everything? or he was like you... in shock and he recovered?"

Eden said "Oh... Well he knows now too. He found out this morning as I was throwing accusations at my parents as they had come to my room. They called my aunt to come over. After my aunt left. My parents had to leave to go to work and they left Ethan to take care of me and watch over me to make sure I am ok. They left me with him... He is not in shock... Because... He is not as close as I am with our aunt Eleanor... I am so close to her. I do not see her often. But we have a bond. I have told her so much about me... I trusted her Luigi. I really did. I feel betrayed that she could hide such big secret from us... I just cant get over that she did not trust me or my family to understand her situation... I do not care that her father in law ordered her not to tell anyone about her but we are her family. She could trust us..."

Luigi said "Eden... I do not want to defend your aunt... But I do feel sympathy for her..."

Eden said "Of course. I bet you have secrets as big as hers that you havent told me. Right?" She laughed bitterly. She shook her head "I think nothing that you ever tell me will surprise me after my own aunt, my own blood has turned out to be someone completely different. For crying out loud, I have a cousin that I have never met... Can you believe it? This is madness." She then poured herself more water into her glass. She drank from it.

Luigi still did not know what she had been told about him and his family. He cared for Eden and her well being but she needed to know how much she knew about his family and of course the Belaggios. Her aunt had told her to trust the Alessandrinis and the Bellagios. Was she told that the two families were like the Fontanas?

Eden put her empty glass down after drinking all the water in the glass. She said "Luigi. I do not know why my aunt thinks your family and the Bellagios are trusted with her secret. I do not care. My parents think maybe your family and the Bellagios have done business with the Fontanas... We know your families are wealthy business owners and you go to that prestigious private school... Maybe that is why they trust you... Who know? It is not hard to imagine... I do not want to even know why and how they trust your family or the Bellagios... The less we know the better or rather that is what my parents and Ethan say to me... All I can say is... that I am glad that there are some humans I can talk to about this without worrying about the serious threats to us that my aunt warned me about if I talk to anyone else. All I want to know is this... Do you think... my aunt is in danger? Do you think my uncle and my family are in danger. I know there are different types of crime families out there. Those who are engaged in illegal businesses from time to time and leave normal people alone as long as they dont get in their way ... And also there are those who are real real bad guys and they just do bad things to innocent people... for no reason at all... Tell me... What kind of people are the Fontanas?"

Luigi started speaking "Eden... Your aunt trusts them. Doesn't she?..."

Eden said "I need to know what you think of the Fontanas and this situation. I do not want to know what my aunt thinks of it all... Maybe love has blinded her to the reality of her life. Who knows? I am not happy that my aunt Eleanor has betrayed my trust... I wish she had trusted me with her secrets. I would have understood. Even after my parents and my uncle were told, she was the one to tell them not to mention anything to me and Ethan... Well, Ethan and I are sixteen years old. We are mature enough. We can understand that we should not betray anyone's trust and we understand what a life and death situation means... I can not understand why she did not trust me or Ethan... But I care about my aunt Eleanor alot. I want her to be safe and I want her children to be safe too... Tell me Luigi... Tell me should I be worried?"

Luigi looked into Eden's eyes and said "Eden... I can say with confidence... That you should not be worried about anything... I do not know much about the Fontanas... But I will put all my power and energy into finding out their intentions towards your family with whatever resource I can access. I promise you Eden... If there is any danger... I will tell you... For now, please be at peace..."

Luigi's words were so honest. So pure. So true. The truth in his words were just warming Eden's heart. He sounded like he cared about Eden's family... like his own. That was how Eden had felt in that moment. That really touched Eden's heart. She instinctively reached her hand over and put it over Luigi's hand that was on his lap.

The action surprised Luigi. He looked into her eyes searching for what was on her mind right now.

Eden said "Luigi. Thank you. This means so much to me... I know I can trust you..."

The closeness made Luigi's heart jump. This was the closest he had gotten to Eden.


Thank you for reading. The next chapter is updated too... 34. talking at the Diner...update your wattpad library if you cant see the chapter.... Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and what you think will happen next :-)

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