41. Spaces Apart

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It was night time. Eden had just finished her evening Maths classes. After school some evenings  she attended extra tuition classes. She had a long commute but it was worth it. Now that her father afforded to pay more assistants at his chemist she didn't go to help her father every night. Instead she could come to extra tuition classes to help her studies. She was attending a prestigious private school on a scholarship and as her senior was approaching she needed to keep her top grades up to get into a good college. So she did not mind coming to attend classes during evenings late into the night a few times a week. However the neighbourhood did not seem very friendly so late at night. As she was walking to her bus stop, there were some drunk people on the streets and she even witnessed a fight. Suddenly a group of guys appeared and started whistling at her and following her. She walked as fast as she could feeling uncomfortable. There were many of them.

As she turned left to lose them she found herself in an alley way. She decided to run as fast as she could. She ran and ran. She found herself face to face with many men in suits who were carrying packages around trucks. She gulped. They looked scary. They had stopped working and had noticed her looking at them.

One who had a clipboard in hand raised an eyebrow "What are you doing on this property?"

She wanted to run away. But as she turned she found herself face to face with a line of bulky men in suits who were looking at her in a serious and threatening way.

The rough voice of the man with the clipboard came "I asked you a question. What are you doing here? This is a private property? Didn't you see the signs that said private road, no entry unless driving an authorised truck? Or are you a spy?"

Eden turned around in shock "A spy? I am not a spy. Some men were following me. I ran here. I am sorry. I will take my leave."

The man said "Not so fast... We will take you to our boss, he will decide if you get to walk away free... You are a trespasser." He turned to two men nearby "You two. Take her to the boss. Now."

Eden said "There is no need. Let me go..."

Two bulky men approached her. One said "Follow or we drag you. Your choice."

Eden sighed and said "I follow."

Eden followed the man and his buddy followed her. She murmured "There is no need to take me to your boss... There is also no need to call the police because I trespassed..."

The man who was leading the way laughed "The police? You have no idea who you are dealing with... The police would be the least of your worries if our boss decides not to believe your little story. Our boss is way above the law..."

Eden felt chills run down her spine and her ray of hope of reasoning with the boss vanished suddenly. Who were these people? Who was this boss? What he had said did not sound good at all? Who was she exactly dealing with.

The men entered the warehouse that was huge. Many packages were piled up all across and more men were around talking or carrying packages. They reached the far end and a set of stairs came in sight. The one leading said "Our boss's office is on top of the stairs. He will decide your fate. It won't be long before you find out the boss's verdict..."

Eden followed the men up the stairs. Two bulky men were standing guarding a door. Her heart was beating fast. She was getting more nervous as the time passed. He had said she was going to get a verdict. As though she was going to be put on trial for a crime.

The man leading the way said "I need to go in to see the boss... Is he in? If not I will have to take him to the underboss on site..."

Eden did not know who would have given her an easier verdict. The boss or underboss. They could not be so different.

The two guards nodded. One said "The boss is in..." They then parted and opened the door for him. He went in .

Eden was looking around thinking if it was a good idea to make a run for it now. She would have thought it was a misunderstanding and she could clear it up with the boss. But the way that man had laughed and had responded when she had said police involvement was not needed had really thrown her off. She was going to panic mode now. He had told her her that his boss was above the law and was going to deal with her how he wanted. What was this boss going to decide for her? She was so worried now as the man came out of the door.

The man announced. "You can go in now." He then turned to his buddy "Let's go."

The guards gave her a threatening and intimidating look as she was frozen in spot.

One said "Go in..."

The other said "Can't you hear?"

She took a deep breath. If she was going to get hurt by this boss or get any unfortunate end here, she was going to face it with dignity. So she wordlessly walked to the door as they opened it for her. She heard the door close behind her. She found herself faced with another door. She opened the door and saw an empty room which looked pretty luxurious for an office in a warehouse in the middle of no where. Sofas, warmth and a few desks alongside a library. There was even a bed in a corner. The office was huge. She looked around. Then she noticed Luigi's voice shouting. Luigi's voice. What on earth? She walked towards the direction of the voice. She opened a door. There was a smaller office there. Luigi was standing shouting into the phone as he was standing next to a desk with a telephone on it "I said no. We don't accept tardiness. Be on time or face the consequences." He then put the phone down. He then fixed his tie as he murmured "Idiots..." He then turned around and came face to face with Eden. He said "Woah.. Eden? What are you doing here?"

Eden's heart beat was slowing now. She had been through enough shocks for today. So Luigi seemed to have some kind of authority here. At least she felt safe. She then suddenly felt dizzy and fell. All went black suddenly.

Luigi shouted "Eden." He managed to catch her in his arms before she fell. He carried her bridal style to the next room as he whispered "Eden... Are you okay? Please be ok..."

So Eden was the young girl who had trespassed? He had been asked to see her and deal with her. But what on earth was she doing there?

Luigi gently laid her down on the bed and took a deep breath. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. He wanted so badly to touch her beautiful her and run his hands over it to comfort her and whisper comforting words to her. But she was not his girl yet. As much as he told himself she was his girl, she had not accepted it and they were not partners. He reluctantly looked away and said. "Right. Where was I? Oh... I need to get a doctor..." He then started walking away.

As Luigi was about to leave the room, her voice stopped him in his tracks "Don't leave me here..."

Luigi turned sharply and looked at Eden. Her eyes were open as she was rubbing her head. "What happened?"

Luigi said gently as he started walking towards her "Take it easy Eden. You just fainted."

He said quickly "Don't move okay. I will get you a doctor and will come back."

Eden remained laying down on the bed as she was staring at him "I do not need a doctor. I will be fine... I just need to lie down and rest for a few minutes..."

Luigi pulled a chair and sat down close to the bed looking at her "If you don't want a doctor what can I get you? Do you want some water?"

Eden said "No. I will be fine... I just need to lie down... But if you want to get me anything... get me an explanation... Do you know the boss here? Do you work for them? What would your boss do when they finds out I trespassed? When do I have to see them... Do I have to see the underboss if the boss is not here? Oh my god... I am in trouble Luigi..." She was worked up again. She did not feel at ease here... Who was this big boss who seemed to be above the law? And could Luigi get her off the hook here? What was his position here?

Luigi said "Calm down... You do not have to see anyone here or answer to anyone... The boss here is me..."

Eden gasped and looked at him with her mouth open and seconds went in silence. She then found her voice " What? You are the boss? How can that be? You are sixteen... And at this time of night?"

Luigi shrugged "Well... It is not that hard... This is a very small task I have been given by my father to manage the transfer of this warehouse to another location... Well. The men work for my family. I run this particular task. My father is very busy this week... Normally he does not need to do much business in the evenings and at night... But business can happen at any time of the day... So I could help and came by... You help your father with his pharmacy business .... I help my father with his business..."

Eden was taking in the information "So... These scary men work for your family? They listen to you?"

Luigi nodded "Yes...Now tell me what are you doing here?"

Eden explained what happened. She noticed how Luigi's expression hardened as she explained how she had been chased and had ran away.

Luigi took a deep breath. He shook his head "You should not have gone to your classes around here. It is a rough neighbourhood..."

Eden said "Well. Obviously this neighbourhood is good for your father to do business in..."

Luigi said "No... We do not do business here normally. This is one chaotic neighbourhood. We bought this property because our some of our clients want some no man's land rendezvous... Eden... I want you to stop attending these classes here. It is not safe for you here at night..."

Eden said "I have to attend extra classes. I can't not go... I like the teachers..."

Luigi sighed "All right... I will speak to this private tuition place. I will tell them to rent some other building near our school so you do not have to come around here... I know that place you said you attend... That is a rented place..."

Eden sat up on the bed "You would do that? You think you can convince them?"

Luigi said "Yes. I am pretty sure where I direct them to move to will be much cheeper for them to rent... I will make sure it is sorted out by the end of tomorrow..."

Eden said "Oh. Thank you Luigi... That means a lot..."

Luigi said to himself "No. You mean a lot." He said to Eden "Ok... Is there anything you are missing in your story? You should tell me now?"

Eden said "What do you mean? Those men asked me if I was a spy... I am not here to spy..."

Luigi shook his head "No. That is not what I meant. I am not saying you are lying... I asked if you have missed any detail... Tell me... Has anyone hurt you?" He balled his hands into fists "Has anyone touched you?"

Eden noticed his fisted hands. Damn he was so terrifying now. She was so happy no one had hurt her or touched her. There was no doubt in her mind Luigi was going to go after them. His eyes said it loud and clear. He did not need to say his threats out loud. For some reason Luigi radiated so much danger at that point. He managed these scary people in this rough neighbourhood. It said he must have been equipped to handle it... So far she knew Luigi's father was a business man who worked with the Fontana family who her aunt Eleanor had secretly married into. But she had no idea what kind of business they did. The Fontana family were crime families. If Luigi's father worked with them he must have been able to handle them with his men and resources. Obviously Luigi's father's business gave the impression they were quite powerful.

Eden stated "No. I did not miss any details Luigi... I should tell you to calm down now... I am fine. No one hurt me or touched me..." She saw then how he visibly relaxed slightly.

Luigi stood up "Great... Now... Let's go... I am going to take you to a doctor and then can take you home..."

Eden said "I do not need a doctor or a ride. I can catch the bus..." His eyes said to her to stop talking. He stared at her silently and then shook his head "I was not asking... You will come with me Eden... I need to get a doctor to check you out... Then I will take you home... I am not negotiating here..."

Eden could see he was not going to accept arguments. She saw a side of Luigi there that she had not seen before. A powerful side. A side that had authority... He could have control only if he demanded it and when he did so there was no hope of changing his mind by the determined look in his eyes. His eyes dared her to argue back and defy him... But she was most touched by his caring side that she was not really minding his bossy side or paying that much attention to it. She had been lucky he was the boss there or it could have been a lot worse. She was relieved. Very relieved.


Eden was brought home by Luigi and they sat down in the car while the chauffeur stepped outside. Luigi seemed to be from a very wealthy family. He had a chauffeur and body guards. Slowly it was sinking in that his family were important in the business world and were not ordinary. She did not want to ask him about his family though. She not not in a habit of pushing people to tell her the details of their personal lives unless they wished to share it. And besides she trusted him. She felt safe around him. He had made it clear how much he cared for her.

Luigi said "I guess this is goodbye. You must be tired..."

Eden said "Thank you for taking me to see a doctor and bringing me home today."

Luigi said "Don't mention it..."

Eden said "Do you want to come in? You did so much for me today... You saved me from getting into trouble for trespassing.... The least I can do is offer you a cup of tea...."

Luigi said "There is no need to offer me tea. I did the least anyone would do in my situation. I have to return to the warehouse... Maybe another time... You must be tired. Go and rest... Besides your family might not expect company right now so late at night..."

Eden said "No. I am alone tonight ... My parents are at work. My mother is a nurse and her shift changes from time to time. She is working till midnight tonight. My father is at the chemist ... My brother is staying the night at Linda Lawrence's house..."

Luigi said in disbelief "What? Ethan is allowed to go to his girlfriend's house and stay the night?"

Eden said "Well... She has a brother... He is in college. Ethan is technically there to learn from his skills in journalism and photography... Of course he gets to hang out with Linda too but he is there for her brother... Anyways... Do you want to come in for just a cup of tea?"

Luigi said "No... I should go..."

Eden opened the car door "Fine... See you tomorrow in school..." She then turned towards him "Thank you again..."

Luigi smiled "There is no need to thank me ..."

It happened within a split second. Eden leaned closer to him and got closer and closer. His body froze as he felt her kiss on his cheek. He just could not believe it. Eden had just given him a kiss on the cheek. What? How?

Eden pulled away and smiled "Thank you Luigi. See you tomorrow." She quickly turned and ran out of the car.

Luigi needed a minute to just get his head around what had just happened. He closed his eyes to picture that moment again. She had kissed him. He was so shocked but happy at the same time. Was he getting closer to becoming her man?

The car door opened and she announced "Sorry. I left my bag." She then grabbed the bag from inside the car and said "See you later..."

Luigi said "Wait..." But she had closed the car door already. He contemplated to go to her and talking to her. It was a polite simple kiss on the cheek for thanking him but it meant so much more to him. It meant she saw him worthy of receiving a kiss from her. That was something he had never thought he would achieve any time soon. He decided against discussing this kiss with her. He gestured to the chauffeur who had been waiting outside to get in and drive him away.

Eden got into her house, dropped the bag and closed the door soundly behind her. She leaned to the door and closed her eyes while taking deep breaths. Why was she feeling like this? So nervous? She had said goodbye and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. Then why did she feel her cheeks heating up and she needed to get so much air. What had just happened? Who was this Luigi? What did he do to her with his presence and existence? Well, that day he had saved her for sure. Those scary strange men where going to take her to someone called underboss if he wasn't going to be in his office. She did not like her chances with encountering that underboss at all. Luckily Luigi had been around and had wrapped his safe blanket around her. If only he wrapped his arms around her... She shook her thoughts. What was going on with her? She was starting to warm up to Luigi. That was it.

Eden went inside the house to keep herself busy and go back to her normal routine. But she just had a feeling if she got closer to Luigi her life was not going to be the same again. Her instinct was telling her this over confident jock who also worked for his father and governed a bunch of intimidating men in his spare time was not her type and could turn her life upside down if she let him into her life more and more. It had just occurred to her how much she did not know about him. He had secrets. He did. It was obvious he lived in a different world to her where the rules were different. She was smart enough to see it. His people worked with her aunt's husband's family who were self confessed criminals. Luigi's world could not have been far from their world based on what she had witnessed that night. But something told her, she could handle being part of his unknown world. Something told her to not let anything change between them and continue their friendship at its normal pace. Something told her he was worth knowing.


It was still night time but not the bed time of the Bellagio household. Lena and Gabriela were sitting around a campfire picking up marshmallows from a huge bowl and putting them on skewers. They were getting them ready to get them roasted as they were laughing and joking.

Just then Gianluca and Christian walked by as they were talking. They had decided to take a walk.

Christian's attention went to what the girls were doing. He asked "Woah. Are those marshmallows? Can I have some?"

Gianluca rolled his eyes. He said "Christian. You can't be serious. We are not invited to the girls' party." He then followed Christian who walked towards the girls. Christian got limited supply of sweet treats at his home so roasted marshmallows got his attention for sure.

Christian said "It is your house... You can invite yourself to any party at this place and take me along with you...."

Gianluca said "Hi. Do you mind if we join?"

Gabriela was hoping Gianluca was not going to be affected what she had discussed with Christian. She could see he was calm and did not seem to be in a bad mood so maybe Christian had managed to calm him down when he had blown up his fuse over the information she had shared. Christian had the skill of diplomacy just like the skill of war.

Gabriela said "Join us? Ok... If that is how you want to spend your time tonight..."

Christian smiled brightly as he sat next to Gabriela opposite Lena. "Oh yeah. I would love to roast some marshmallows... I haven't had any in ages..." He then reached his hand into the bowl full of marshmallows picked up a fistful. He then started eating them.

Lena said "They are meant to be roasted. They taste nicer when they are roasted."

Gianluca took a seat next to Lena and said "Oh... He will try the roasted ones too... Don't worry about that... Isn't that right Christian?"

Christian chuckled as he finished eating his marshmallows "Yes Lena. Don't worry about me... I know what I am doing..."

Gabriela was silent roasting marshmallows finding the fire easier to stare at rather than Gianluca who was sitting opposite her.

Lena said to Gabriela "Let me get some more skewers so the boys can roast some marshmallows too..."

As Lena left them to walk to the tree house to get skewers, Gabriela looked up at her brother worriedly. "Did Christian tell you?" He must have. But she wanted Gianluca to get right to it if he had something to say.

Gianluca looked into his sister's eyes. He stated calmly "Yes... He did..."

Gabriela asked unsure "And... are we going to talk about it?"

Christian replied "No. You won't... He said he wishes you told him everything before but it is better late than never... But there is one thing you should say now...  Do you have any special requests about his grave... Like a poem or something..."

Gianluca sighed as he gave Christian a hard look "Christian. Stop. Not everything is a joke..." He then turned to his sister "Christian and I had a long talk about Marcello Rizzi... He said to me that you do not like that guy... So I am not going to discuss him with you .... If you told me that you actually liked him... then I seriously would have liked to have a talk with you... As long as he is just some regular guy to you, I have no reason to get annoyed..."

Christian said "Yeah. Relax Gabriela..." He then reached his hand to the marshmallow bowl and grabbed another fistful.

Lena just arrived back with the skewers. She said "Oh. I think I will need to get some marshmallows too... We won't have enough for everyone..."

Gabriela was relieved Gianluca was not too mad. She did not like her brother's angry side at all. He was pretty scary when he was angry. She stood up " I will get it. I have to go back to the mansion to get some... You see I did not think we will have guests dropping by. I thought one bowl would be enough..."

Christian stood up "I can come and help you in obtaining the marshmallows from your sweet jars and of course maybe picking up some other stuff to roast from that candy cabinet of yours full of jars."

Gabriela walked away to the mansion and Christian tagged along with her.

Lena just realised she had been left alone with Gianluca. She got on with roasting some marshmallows while looking at the fire. After a few seconds of silence, she said "Aren't you going to roast anything?" She turned to him and noticed he was just staring at her. She blushed.

Gianluca said "No. Christian likes roasted marshmallows. I don't like sweet treats that much..." He thought to himself "But I like hearing your sweet voice and looking at your sweet face..."

Lena nodded and looked away at the fire.

Gianluca broke the silence "Lena... I just want to say.... I am so happy that you have accepted to be my girlfriend... You have no idea... But... You can talk to me Lena... If you think going on dates or anything we do is too much, you can tell me... I will give you space..."

Lena took a deep breath " Gianluca... I do not need space.... I actually don't want it.... I did need space and time before... Now I don't.... I feel like... I want to get to know you... I don't mind spending time with you... I enjoyed our talk at the restaurant..." She was telling the truth. When Gianluca was in relaxed and calm mode it was so easy to talk to him. But when he was bossy like how he was in school clubs and when he was in business mode, she felt more shy and more nervous to hold his gaze and talk to him.

Gianluca's heart was jumping up and down so much. He couldn't help smile "Thank you lena..." That was all he could say. He could not express how he was feeling then.

mInutes went past. Lena took the marshmallows off the fire and blew air on them to cool them down. As she was eating them when there was just silence between her and Gianluca, finally Gabriella and Christian arrived.

The next few minutes was spent on roasting marshmallows and eating. After they were done roasting and eating, Gabriela said "Now that you boys have eaten our marshmallows, you have to stay for the game we play too. This game we were going to play is more fun when we have more players."

Christian asked "What game?"

Gabriela answered "Since there are 4 of us, we can do it in pairs. Lena pairs up with Gianluca and I pair up with you... The first player states three facts about themselves. Two are true and one is false. The second player guesses which one is false. The first player is the winner if the second player can't guess correctly. The second player wins if they guess correctly. Now... comes the fun part. We have written a bunch of ideas for what the loser should do on pieces of paper and have placed it in a bag. The loser picks one and takes action." She then picked up a black bag away from fire and showed it to them and put it down closer to the fire within reach of everyone.

Christian said "Sounds fun... I am in..."

The game began with Christian. He stated three facts about himself.

Gabriela said "Fact 1 is false..."

Gianluca sighed "How can you get that wrong? It is fact 2 that is false."

Gabriela said "Damn it." She reached her hand over to the bag and picked up a folder piece of paper. She opened it and read it out loud "Describe the very attractive qualities of the winner that you like and admire..."

Christian said "That is an easy one... My qualities are... too many to count..." Even though he was looking at this game as fun he was curious to know what she liked about him.

Gabriela narrowed her eyes at him and then shook her head. "You are so arrogant, annoying and cocky..."

Christian said "So are those the qualities you admire about me? I will keep that in mind..."

Gabriela said "You did not let me finish... I was saying you are all those things but... you can be so ... reliable, loyal and .... honourable.... I forget all that sometimes."

Christian was blown away. So she did like something about him. Bonus. He was not just her brother's best friend. She knew what he admired about her. Her honesty.

Gabriela turned to Lena "You go first... Ladies are first as we know..."

Lena nodded. She stated three facts about herself.

Gianluca had no idea. All facts seemed correct. He just guessed "Number 3 is false...."

Gabriela said "Oh my god. How did he know that?"

Gianluca was surprised "Number 3 was false then?"

Lena nodded "Yes. You won..." She then reached her hand into the bag and picked up a folded piece of paper and read it out loud "Do something that you want to do but you do not dare to."

Lena said "I need to think... It is hard... I must think about it..." Lena then looked thoughtful as she went silent.

Gianluca noticed her deep thinking. She did not want to make her feel uncomfortable so he said "It is just a game Lena. You can always say pass..."

Gabriela nodded "Yes Lena... You can put it back and pick another one if you don't want to do it... It is just a game..."

Christian said "I disagree with you two... The rules have to be followed in every game."

Gabriela sighed and turned to him "Cocky, annoying and arrogant... You have those qualities for sure... I was 100% right..."

Christian said "You also said I am reliable... So rely on me to give the right judgement here..."

As Christian and Gabriela were arguing, Lena sat closer to Gianluca and looked into his eyes "There is something I want to do that I am scared to... There is a reason for it..." She then leaned close and kissed Gianluca's cheek. She then pulled away and looked down... "Sorry."

Gianluca was shocked "Lena..." She kissed him and he loved it. He wanted to shout on rooftops that Lena had just kissed him. He touched his cheek and took a deep breath "Lena.... Is this what you really wanted to do?"

Lena explained as she looked down "I wanted to give you a thank you kiss ever since you saved my life in Kavannagh territory... You are worth being my boyfriend Gianluca... You showed you cared about my safety... You showed me actions speak louder than words when it comes to a friendship... You have honour..." She looked at Gianluca "I just do not know why I did not appreciate what I had in front of me... all this time... I really mean it when I say I want to get to know you and be your girlfriend..."

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