58. Control

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Christian balled his hands into fists and put them the pockets of his long coat. He turned around slowly. He laid eyes on the man who he recognised immediately. He knew he was looking at Adelmo Leone. He had seen his pictures. He wore black. Just black. The cold grey eyes of his was looking at him up and down with an unreadable expression.

"Finally I am meeting you... Finally.... After all these years...  You have left your grandfather's fortress... I am Adelmo Leone by the way... And I always wanted to meet you..." Adelmo then walked slowly towards Christian as he was looking at him intensely. "How did your grandfather let you out of his territory all unprotected?"

Christian just stared at him blankly with a hard expression. 

Adelmo asked as he approached Christian while his stare did not leave Christian's "Did you tell him you were coming here today?"

Christian just stared at Adelmo.

Adelmo  was looking at Christian with an unwavering stare "I asked you a question kid. Don't keep me waiting..."

Christian stared back at him defiantly. He was there for answers. He had plenty of questions. But being there had stirred some emotions inside him. He didn't know where to start and what to do. He wanted to attack this man. His grandfather had said Adelmo had ordered his parents to die. But Christian wanted some answers and hear this man out before he did anything. 

Adelmo stood in front of Christian and then raised his hand. He put his hand under Christian's chin and tilted it upwards "You look like him... You look alot like your father..." 

Christian narrowed his eyes. Christian was trying hard to hold back his rage at this man who without a doubt felt nothing but hate towards his father. How could he mention his father in front of him? Christian reminded himself that was there to hear the true account of what had happened. He had to control his emotions.

Adelmo Leone let go of Christian's chin but kept staring into Christian's eyes "You may look like your father but your spirit is as fearless as your mother... The same spirit I fell in love with..."

Christian saw red. He raised his hand to punch Adelmo but he caught his wrist when Christian almost hit him. Adelmo sighed and said "Tsk tsk.... Christian... You have courage.. Alot of it... I kill men for doing much less...  No one has ever tried to strike me and has lived...." He then leaned closer and whispered in Christian's ear "Except your mother of course...." Adelmo let go of Christian's wrist and warned "I will let your disrespect go just like I always did with your mother when she disrespected me..." 

Christian took a step back shaking his head. He said as calmly as he could "Adelmo Leone... Respect is earned... I feel no respect for you... You hated my father and had eyes for his woman..."

An emotion crossed Adelmo's eyes as he took a step towards Christian and spoke with meaning behind each word "He had eyes for my woman actually." Christian subconsciously took a step back.  Adelmo  said harshly "He took my woman away... I met her first... And for that reason and that reason alone, I hated your father... I hated him with a passion... I wished more than anything that your mother had chosen me over him but she didn't. She chose your father .... And she even had a child with him... You.... Right now I am looking at a young man that should have been my son... How can I feel anything but rage and hate towards your father?" 

Christian's back hit the wall. Christian had just realised he had taken steps back and had retreated as Adelmo had taken steps closer towards him as he had declared his love for his mother. The love this man felt for his mother was real. There was no doubt about it. His declaration of affection towards her was very intense. That made Christian question the theory that this man had ordered his father to die. He looked into this man'e eyes. Could this man bring himself to make his mother a widow? He wasn't sure. He couldn't believe he suddenly had doubts. His grandfather had said this man had caused his parents and uncle to die. Could his grandfather be wrong? 

Christian breathed as he was looking at Adelmo  "Did you actually order people to kill my father?" His question came out as a whisper.

Adelmo raised an eyebrow "So you are here to ask questions? Is that why you risked your life to come over here? This is a no go area you know. Even cops don't show up here..." He then smiled as he looked around shaking his head "Your mother did that too... She would sometimes come to see me risking everything knowing she was an Irish coming to Italian territory. When she married your father, her visits were less frequent and but she still came to see me. She came over mostly to insult me and tell me to back off. But still she came over...."  He then walked away to the table that was covered with a variety of small liquor bottles. He picked up a liquor bottle and drank from it as he looked outside the glass windows that showed a clear view of the boxing rink.

Christian wanted to insult him for mentioning his mother in that way. How could he talk about a married woman like that but his strong sense of justice was taking over. He had to know the truth. He slowly walked towards Adelmo "Did you? Did you order my father's death? Did you order my uncle's death? I was told you did by my grandfather... He said my mother was not the target and you didn't want to kill my mother and she just was killed in cross fire... Is it true? Did you order my father and uncle's death that night?"

Adelmo finished his small bottle and thew it soundly in the bin making Christian jump as he looked at Christian with dead serious eyes "Don't insult me.... I would have never endangered your mother. Never..." He then looked at the boxing rink as the match was continuing. He put his hands in his pockets and stared into the distance silently.

Christian walked slowly to Adelmo and stood next to Adelmo as he also stared at the bloody battle on the boxing rink as a big crowd of men were cheering and watching around the rink "Then why does my grandfather says you killed him? My grandfather found evidence of it... My father  even had evidence you were after him when he was alive..."

Adelmo turned slowly towards Christian and said with a serious tone "I hated your father... I hated him with a passion... He took my woman away... He married the woman I loved... He shattered my dreams of family life by marrying your mother...  But I did not ask anyone to attack your father, uncle and your mother that night..."

Christian asked with urgency in his tone "If you didnt, then who did... All the evidence my grandfather has found is against you... My grandfather cant be wrong... Even my father knew you were after him... My father couldn't be wrong about who was after him... He had evidence you were watching him and were going to strike him. He expected you to strike...." He didnt care about this man's history with his parents. He wanted justice and truth right now.

Adelmo laughed bitterly and looked into the distance at the boxing rink "Oh I wanted to strike him. I was going to....Make no mistake...  I was just waiting for the opportunity to strike him but not to kill him... I couldn't do that to your mother... I couldn't kill the father of her only child... But I was after him... Revenge was on the cards until someone struck before I did..."

Christian asked as he looked at Adelmo "So it was not you that night? Are you telling me you are innocent?"

Adelmo said as he was looking away "I had plans to crush your father Christian. I do not deny that. But I had nothing to do with the events of that night... When you suspect me it really insults me and I feel like putting you in your place very badly. I could show you some tough love like a father teaching his son a lesson... I want to... The urge is strong... But I am trying to remember your mother's face in my head and stop myself from disciplining you for accusing me of such crime..." 

Christian argued "But all the evidence pointed to your involvement. I accuse you because of evidence...."

Adelmo turned to Christian and said with a hard tone "Evidence? Who's evidence? The evidence your father gathered and your grandfather's evidence?" He shook his head and laughed bitterly. 

Christian was waiting for Adelmo to speak. He had to know the truth from this man.

Adelmo turned to stare at Christian "You dare come in here and insult me... And I let you get away with it... You actually dare accuse me of a crime I would have never carried out... I wanted to crush your father. I wanted him to suffer... I did ....  But what happened that night was not by my orders or anyone from my circles..." 

Christian couldn't react. He felt his throat becoming dry not able to form words. What he could he say to this declaration.. 

Adelmo closed the distance and stood in front of Christian. He looked at Christian with hardened eyes "If you were anyone else, I would have kicked your backside for your insults so badly until you begged for mercy... And then I would have put a bullet in your brain." He then looked at him up and down "But her blood runs through your veins... The blood of the only woman I have ever loved and ever will..."

Christian had no doubt that the emotion in this man's eye was real. He couldn't be lying. Christian finally managed to compose himself and whispered as Adelmo was staring intensely at him "So... If you didn't kill my parents and uncle then who did?... All evidence of the crime that night points towards you..."

Adelmo narrowed his eyes "What do you think? Do you believe I ordered the hit?..."

Christian said honestly "No... Not any more..."

Adelmo raised an eyebrow "No?"

Christian nodded "Yes. I believe you are telling the truth... I believe it when you say that night you didn't strike my family..."

Adelmo  stared at Christian "What makes you believe I am telling the truth? Your grandfather and your father have given you plenty of evidence by the sounds of it... Dont you want to see some evidence first?"

Christian said with certainty in his voice "All the evidence points to you being guilty but I don't see any lies in your eyes... You loved my mother enough not to lie to her son. Thats what I see in your eyes..... Its clear to me it was not your order that was carried out that night... But I now need to know if you didnt order that hit then who did... I need to find out..."

Adelmo stared at Christian with an unreadable expression and for the first time a hint of worn out smile came to his lips "She always used to do that?"

Christian asked confused "What?"

Adelmo said as he shrugged "She always listened to people before she judged them... Even her enemies... Thats how she became friends with me.... You have alot of your mother in you than you think Christian... I heard you are linked to the Bellagios... Despite your grandfather's hate towards Italian crime families, you overcame the odds and formed a friendship with a Bellagio and even are dating one... Only your mother could pull a stunt like that... That's your mother's side in you..."

Christian didnt have time to think over what Adelmo was saying. He didn't care. Christian rubbed his forehead "This conversation is getting longer and longer... I am not here to listen to anything about the past unless its about what happened that night that made me an orphan... I only care about finding out who did order the hit.  I need to find the truth and get justice for my family members who were murdered before their time... If it's not you then who did it? Do you know?"

Adelmo Leone took a step back. "I do know... And the ones responsible have never been brought to justice. They are alive and well.... I have no reason to tell you who did it..."

Christian was shaking his head in disbelief "You... You know who ordered that hit? And they are alive? Then... Didnt you bring them to justice at least for my mother...""

Adelmo shook his head  "I have my reasons for taking no action...."

Christian asked confused "It makes no sense... If you loved my mother wouldn't you want to bring her murderers to justice?"

Adelmo said "Its not meant to make sense to you... But it makes sense to me.." 

Christian stared blankly at Adelmo unsure what to say. He then heard screaming and pleas. He turned to look at the boxing rink that was visible through the office windows. People outside could not see inside Adelmo's room but from the room a clear view was visible. The boxing match had turned to a bloody massacre now it seemed. The winner was obviously superior. The crowd had gone crazy as the dominant opponent was bashing the unfortunate victim on the floor.

Adelmo said "Life is a battle ground Christian... It is not always right to strike first.... Sometimes its best to pick our battles and wait for the right moment... In a boxing match,  sometimes strong opponents tease the weaker side and don't finish them immediately even though they can. But sometimes they strike and knock out the opponent with one punch... The best contenders are ones who are in full control of the game..."

Christian said as he was looking at the boxing rink "This is unnecessary..."

Adelmo said "What is unnecessary?"

Christian said as he turned to Adelmo "Waiting is unnecessary in this case here. This match must finish now... There is no reason to go on..."

Adelmo said "Is that what you think?"

Christian nodded "Yes..."

Adelmo said "Alright." He walked away. 

Christian watched as Adelmo walked to the door and gave some orders in a low tone that Christian did not hear. He then closed the door and walked to Christian.

Christian asked "What do you mean?" He then noticed cheering sounds. He looked at the rink and saw the game's winner being announced and the crowd .

Adelmo said "Its all about control... I ended the match when I wanted... Matches normally here could even go to the death...  Whatever the boxer decides happens.... Some of the people in the crowed have bet on the man on the floor dying in the match... You see.... Anything goes in a lawless boxing match. unlike the matches you find on TV."

Christian turned to Adelmo who was staring at him "This level of brutality in not needed in a boxing match ... A boxing match should not become a death sentence..."

Adelmo said "It shouldn't be? But it can be.... This is our world Christian. A lawless world.  Its not about laws... Its about control... The ones with power only control what goes on... We dont have to live by any laws... We dictate our own..."

Christian was staring at Adelmo silently unsure what to think of his intentions and statements.

Adelmo explained "Back to your question... Why aren't I telling you who ordered the hit on your parents and uncle? And why haven't I taken revenge? It's about control Christian .... I have valid reasons.... I can control what happens in this battle... I have power. I have knowledge... And I have patience.... And I have a common enemy with those guilty of that crime..." He then walked away.

Christian looked at Adelmo and watched him as he approached his liquor table in the corner. He picked up a small bottle and opened it." 

Adelmo said as he was taking sips from his bottle  "I have use for them... I have use for the ones who ordered the hit that night....  They can take revenge on a common enemy that I want destroyed... They are working hard at it right now actually still to this day... They ordered the hit that night and framed me in some ways... They pretended to be from my camp when they gave orders to assassins... Your grandfather thinks it was me... It wasn't... Let him think its me... He doesnt have long to live either way... They will strike him... Very soon... I hate your grandfather more than I hated your father. He is an enemy I want gone... Its business..."

Christian was shaking his head in disbelief "The common enemy you want destroyed is my grandfather? Really? So you would give up on getting justice for my mother because you want my grandfather to suffer? Is that it?"

Adelmo nodded as he put away his empty bottle of liquor "Oh... No. I wont give up on any revenge Christian... Once they destroy your grandfather I will go in take revenge... I would rather sit back and enjoy the show... I like a good show... You should be able to tell, it is one of my hobbies..." He nodded towards the boxing rink. "And I like control. Anyone with power likes control and dictates their own terms in our world...."

Christian was in shock "I cant believe this... So... You wont tell me who wants to destroy the all Kavannaghs?..."

Adelmo turned to Christian "No one said anyone wants to destroy all the Kavannagshs. Did you hear me say that?"

Christian said "No... But... If they strike my grandfather they strike me too.... The last of the Kavannaghs..."

Adelmo said "They wont hurt you... I am certain.... You are not the target...."

Christian asked "How can it be? Which enemy of my grandfather wants to kill him and leave me alive?...."

Adelmo looked into Christian's eyes "Your mother's family..."

Christian froze "What?"

Adelmo explained "Your mother's family ordered the hit on your father and uncle that night.. They wanted to hurt the Kavannaghs... It was an act of revenge in business... But your mother managed to get herself to your father and uncle to warn them that their lives were in danger... Your parents and uncle were ambushed suddenly before they could escape death..."

Christian shook his head "I dont believe you... Why would my mother's family do this? They have never attacked my grandfather.... They hated my grandfather and the Kavannagh family but they have never attacked or caused any difficulties in all the years I have known them..."

Adelmo said "Their revenge was complete when they killed your father and uncle so they backed off knowing they hurt your grandfather enough... They wanted to watch him suffer and get satisfaction... The job was done... That was the end of it... Vengeance can taste too good you dont need to taste it more often than you need to..."

Christian started taking steps backwards "You are lying... That is not true... You just want to make me believe that you are innocent for some twisted reason... The Armstrongs would not do anything to harm my mother.... I know they loved her... The pain I see in the eyes of every single member of the Armstrong family is not something they can fake... Are you saying it's all an act?"

Adelmo said "Of course they are sorry they killed your mother.... I agree with you on that... Your uncle and father were the targets but your mother was killed too... How do you think that made your mother's family feel?... The Armstrongs are not saints but their hearts are not made of stone... Your mother's death crushed them. The Armstrongs are mourned losing your mother but never mourned your father or your uncle to this day... You must know that I am right... How many times have any member of the Armstrong family expressed their condolences about your uncle and father... Never ever..."

Christian shook his head "That is impossible... It makes no sense...."

Adelmo took steps towards Christian "Is it too hard to imagine that the Armstrong family who dislike your grandfather and everything about the Kavannagh family have committed a crime like this? I dont find it too hard to imagine... Dont let emotion cloud your judgement Christian..." His voice turned angry "They killed your mother and they are breathing... I let them live... I did not go after them all because of you..."

Christian took steps backwards and his back hit the wall. There was nothing but murder in this man's eyes and there was nothing but sincerity in his voice. Christian was shocked. Was Adelmo Leone telling the truth? 

Adelmo's expression darkened and he spoke with a voice filled with rage "I waited years Christian... I waited years to meet you... I could not bring myself to kill some of the only close relatives you have left... I would have declared war on the Armstrongs... I would have taken exact revenge on them... I would have killed two male heirs from them and one female partner to exact revenge at least by now... But I couldn't do this to you Christian... Not then... You were so young..."

Christian felt like he was suffocating. He was not sure if he could breathe at that point. He had held his breath until Adelmo finished his rant.

Adelmo closed his eyes and put his hands on his hips. 

Christian let out a breath he was holding. He did not know what to think? He couldn't think. His mind was blank... He was in total shock. He was telling the truth.

Adelmo opened his eyes. His voice was lower but he sounded as livid "They covered their tracks well you know... They did... The Armstrongs hid their involvement... They hid it well... They even framed me... They gave orders to the men who killed your mother through middle men making the mercenaries believe that I was giving orders to kill your father and uncle... Whoever your grandfather interrogated named me as the one who ordered them to do the hit... I had the motive... It made sense... But I never ever would have given such order that endangered your mother... I loved your mother..."

Christian closed his eyes. 

Adelmo spoke softly "I loved her Christian... And now when I look at you, I am reminded of her... ... You should have been my son...  You have her blood in your veins... I care about you like you are my son."

Christian opened his eyes and looked at Adelmo and said "I shouldn't trust you... You were my father's enemy... You were after him.... You admit you want my grandfather dead and he is your enemy even now..."

Adelmo said "I dont deny I hated your father... I dont deny that I wanted to hurt him... But I did not want him dead... I was not going to achieve anything by doing that... I knew your mother would not have forgiven me if I did that... I could never make her mourn your father... Ever... She was full of life... I was in love with her livelihood... She was lively like you... She never cried... Just like you... She loved music like you... And she befriended an Italian just like you... I was from an  Italian crime family... Her enemy and your father's enemy because they belonged to Irish crime families... Your mother didnt care... Your mother had no prejudice... Her livelihood is within you... And it reminds me of her... Alot... You are alot more like her than you think..."

Christian looked at Adelmo with disbelief "How do you know so much about me? How can you? Do you have spies in the Kavannagh family?"

Adelmo nodded "I have enough sources to get information on you... I have watched you from far but I could only hear about you from middle men... I have no spies near you... I never wanted to... I wanted you to come to me... I wanted to give you time to grow up..." He then looked him up and down "And what a fine young man you have turned out to be... A very brave young man... Your mother would have been very proud of you if she was alive..."

Christian sighed and leaned the back of his head against the wall as he closed his eyes and thought hard. He had to think. He had to think hard. "My mind is a mess right now... I need to think..."

Adelmo said "You handled meeting me better than I thought... You are in control of your emotions... Much like your mother.... She was a strong woman... A woman worth fighting for... A woman worth dying for... You must not think highly of me and I understand that... But know that my love for your mother is real..."

Christian opened his eyes and stared at Adelmo and looked into his eyes "You know what I think.. I have no reason to believe you, except... the look in your eyes when you mention my mother... That is real... You loved her... I believe you when you say you would have never hurt her... But I cant imagine the Armstrongs being guilty... I just cant... Unless I hear them admit it or I see hard evidence...."

Adelmo said "That wont be a problem ... You can go to the place where they are going to have your grandfather surrounded and have him killed tonight... You can see for yourself the other side of the Armstrongs..."

Christian felt his heart drop "What? What are you talking about?"

Adelmo said "Why do you think your grandfather came back... He knows there is a big threat against him..."

Christian said "He said its you... He said you have come close...."

Adelmo nodded "I have come close.... But to watch him die...."

Christian felt like his heart was beating out of his chest "You .... What?"

Adelmo said "Your mother's family want to complete the revenge on your grandfather... Its a business feud that goes back for years and years... Your two grandfathers don't like each other... When your mother married your father it angered your mother's family... But they didnt object... They thought it was the best cover. So they could strike the Kavannaghs, pay men to do it and frame someone else... But when your mother died they backed off to watch your grandfather suffer... And they let him raise you... They kept on neutral terms with your grandfather. Now that you are close to adulthood they have decided its time to finish him off... So here we go... They want to frame me again... And no one will suspect it... Not even you... Unless I take you to the scene of your grandfather's death... They want to do it personally..."

Christian couldn't get his head around it. His heart was beating so fast. He was feeling all kinds of emotions. Sadness. Betrayal. Panic.

Adelmo said " You really dont need to believe what I told you... I told you because you had the right to know... Its your choice to believe what I said... But I can show you proof. I can take you where they are meeting your grandfather and deciding to ambush him there..."

Christian said as he was feeling his heart hurt ""I have to save him... I have to warn him... My grandfather..."

Adelmo said "Thats not one of your options.... Did I tell you you have the option to warn him?...  It's too late to save him.... Good luck finding him right now....Besides even if you could warn him, do you think the Armstrongs would give up just like that? They are prepared to strike. They will until they succeed.... But there is one thing I can do... I can take you where they want to ambush and kill him tonight. I told you I hate your grandfather with a passion.... He is the father of the man who took my woman away... He is also the man who quite frankly  is a pain in the backside in the business world... I wont mourn him when he dies... I know you will... I know it will pain you... But you are now old enough to understand business and revenge."

Christian was looking at Adelmo with disbelief. "My grandpa Kavannagh  is the closest man I have ever known to a father all my life... I wont let him die... I will try everything I have to save him..."

Adelmo said "You cant stop the cycle of revenge and bloodshed... Once your grandfather dies, the Armstrongs will rest easy but  then I will make them start paying for what they have done to your mother.... I will take revenge on them slowly until  your mother is finally avenged but coincidently your grandfather will be avenged too once I am done with my revenge plan. You dont have to wipe out and entire family to destroy them... Only a few members will be enough to make them mourn for decades to come just like how they destroyed your grandfather and his life by taking out the lights of his eyes, both his sons...."

Christian said in a pained voice as he was shaking his head "All I know right now is... I want my grandfather to be safe.... I want my grandfather to live... I want to save my grandfather. My grandfather needs to live and see me get married and have children.... Thats his wish... I want him to see that day... I have to save him.... This cant be the end... How can I stop the Armstrongs?"

Adelmo said "You cant control every battle Christian. Sometimes in a battle, someone more dominant than you takes control.... You can fight back... But the dominant side always win and takes full control.... Always...."

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