Chapter 10: The Start of Revenge

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Elron flicked his tail forward, releasing a spray of metal spikes into the ship's main control room. Every single human in the control room was hit with a single spike, the other's flew around and hit the maib controls of the ship, destroying them. He then swooped down and landed on the ship,.

There was no one around, or not that he could see. It soon changed as a rain of bullets hit him in the side, fired from a assault rifle. Elron turned around and snarled at the human, a missiled hit him in the side, making him stagger. He growled again then turned towards the man who had shot the missile, ignoring the rain of bullets afterwoulds. 

Elron spotted the man on the roof of the control centre. Elron opened his mouth and let loose a large stream of the metal towards the centre. It hit, causing the metal to spray everywhere. The metal solidified, making the front of the ship shiny, trapped in solid metal. Elron then shot another tail spike towards the placve where the other human was hiding, squering him through the metal create he was behind. 

The ship started to tilt forwards, the extra weight making it very heavy. Elron opened his wings and lifted himself into the air. The ship starting sinking slowly, very slowly, to slowly for Elron. He flew towards the ship's side, which was now suspended in the air. He hit the side with his claw, then started ripping it. He clawed the ship until there was a gigantic hole in the side. 

Elron poked his head through the hole. There was a corridor with doors on either side. Elron smiled then let loose a large stream of metal into the whole, filling the corridor with iron. He stopped when all the walls and roof had been covered in metal. The ship creaked as it slowly started to tilt to the side. 

Elron flew out of the hole as it submerged into the water. Water flooded into the hole, creating a small wirlpool in the water. He flew off, leaving the ship to sink. 

The next ship was a large aircraft carrier. It had already noticed that the other ship was in trouble. Elron spotted three planes heading towards where he was. They flew strate towards him, positioned in a perfect V shape. Suddenly the two outer one's pealed away from the front one.

'A pincer attack,' thought Elron, 'I didn't know human's were that smart, not that it'll do them much good.'

When the first plane got close enough Elron launched a ball of liquid metal towards it. The plane attempted to swurve out of the way, but the glob hit the edge of the plane's wing. The extra weight caused the plane to spin out of control and plumit into the sea. The pilot ejected from the plane. He pulled a cord and a parachute shot out from a backpack that the pilot had on his back. Elron flew past, cutting the strings attaching the chute to the backpack. The human fell hopelessly towards the ocean.

Bullet's hammered into Elron's side and a plane swooped past. Elron turned to chase it but it was way to fast. He might have been able to catch it without his metal armour, but definitly not with. The next plane flew past, letting loose another clip of bullet's on Elron. He snarled and snapped at the plane, but it was already out of range. He shot a glob of metal after it but it was already long out of his range. 

The first plane swooped back on him, shooting him again. Elron growled as the plane escaped again. This continued for about half an hour, and Elron was getting annoyed. He was also beginning to get tired. Hovering in one place in full metal form for a long amount of time was starting to drain his energy. 

'Oh this is it,' thought Elron.

Spikes suddenly grew from his wings and body. They covered him so he looked more like a flying porccupine. He leveled his wings in the air, then started to spin, like helicopter blades. One of the planes were starting to fly back towards him, probably something the pilot would regret later. 

Spikes suddenly exploded from Elron's body, shooting everywhere. The pilot didn't stand a chance. Five spikes hit the plane, two on each wing, tearing them both off, and one went straight through the cockpit, killing the pilot easily. The plane crashed into the ocean. 

Elron stopped spinning. The other plane had managed to escape. It was flying away from him. Elron watched as it circelled around and started to fly back towards him. Elron snarled at it. He let the armour around him retreat back into his shell. He started to fly towards the plane, building up speed as he went. It started to shoot. Elron twisted out of the way of the bullets, flying upside down. One of them pinged of the top of his metal head. As the plane flew below him, or rather, over him, he turned quickly, so he was facing horizontal. His wings hit the plane's wing, cutting it clean off. The plane crashed into the ocean, which was followed by a large explosion. 

Elron let his armour fall back down around him. He turned to the aircraft carrier and was met face to face with a missile. It hit him square in the face, causing the dragon to backflip in the air. He started to fall towards the ocean. He couldn't get his wings open in time and he plunged into the water. 

On the ship the captain spoke through his mike.

"Direct hit," he said, "Target down."

Suddenly the water in front of the boat exploded, causing a massive wave to hit the boat. Elron hovered in the air, his amour had been retracted, allowing him to swim. Now he put it back where it was before. He opened his mouth and let loose a large squirt of metal, covering the bridge. 

Elron swooped down and landed on the ship. He was exhausted. 

'I should fight on the land, or boat, whatevere this thing is, from now on, I'm to exhausted to do any more fighting in the air,' he thought. 

He was interupted from his thoughts when a missile hit him in the side. He staggered slightly. He turned the direction where the missile had come from, and growled. There were at least twenty human's all lined up, RPG's over the shoulders.

"Fire!" one of them yelled.

They all fired at once, causing over a dozen rocket's to be shot towards him. Elron hurridly put his wings over his head. The missiles slammed into him, every one sending a shock through his body. He slid back a few metre's, but held firm. Eventually the rockets stopped coming. He was surrounded in smoke and dust. He snarled, those humans would pay dearly. 

He pounced out of the smoke and landed right on the line where the humans were. They all cried out in surprise. They probably thought he had been killed with the amount of rockets. Elron swung his tail around, turning it into a double sided blade. Five humans were cut in half. 

Elron lashed out with his claws, tearing them to peices. One of them pulled out a pistol and started firing. Elron lashed out with his head and bit the human in half. He spat out the remains, he hated the taste of humans. The last few managed to get through a door in the side of the large building like structure. Elron bit down at the last one, and was met with a taste of a metal door. He roared in rage and stripped the door from it's hingers. The humans inside cowered in fear. Elron opened his mouth and let out a blast of metal, covering the humans and turning them into metal statues.

He then sat back, catching his breath. He took a rest for about five minutes then launched himself into the air. Dragon's have a lot of stamina, and they can recover it very quickly. The ship was still afloat, it was larger then the last one and would take a lot longer to sink. A fire dragon would be able to sink a ship like this no problem, but for him it was a bit harder. 

First, he destroyed all the planes around him, and the helicopters, just in case on of the humans managed to get to them. He then flew down to the side of the ship and started to rip at the side, tearing another large hole. Water swurled inside and soon enough the ship started to tile towards the side, and it began to sink.

Elron, finished with his work, sped towards the other ship, ready to sink it as well. This one was a battle cruiser, made to fight other ships. It had large guns mounted on all sides. They were large, as long as Elron was, head to tail.

'I don't want to get hit by whatever those things shoot,' he thought.

The humans in the ship saw him coming. The guns turned towards him, and fired. The gigantic bullets missed by a long shot. The guns were made for hitting large objects, like other ships. To hit Elron, they would have to be extremely lucky. Elron flew towards the ship, swurving all over the place, trying to keep the guns from having a clear shot.

When he was close enough Elron launched a glob of metal at one of the cannons, hitting it right on the nozel. The metal solidified, and the gun fired. The bullet hit the metal and the whole gun blew up. The ship shuddered, but managed to stay afloat.

'This ship was made for battle,' thought Elron, 'It'll be a lot harder to take down then those other to.'

A machine gun started firing from the roof of the bridge. Elron snarled as the bullets bounced halmlessly of his metal armour. He shot a glob of metal towards the gun, covering it and the human operating it with metal. 

'I'll just have to make it so heavy it won't be able to float,' he thought.

He opened his mouth and let loose a mother load of metal. In seconds half the ship was covered in iron, and it began to tilt towards the back. Elron quickly covered the last part in metal and the ship slowly sunk into the ocean.

Elron smiled as he watched. The sun was now setting and it would be night soon. He started to make his way towards land, it was time to put his plan into action.


Hey guys! Long time no see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll post the next one as soon as I am able. See Ya!


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