Chapter 12: Mass Attack

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Scarlet felt herself being led through the corridors, she was almost being dragged. The human with her quickly got her to the surface. The whole place was filled with dragons, there were at least a two hundred dragons. Scarlet was forced to line up with a few other dragons. She looked around to the others, they were looking confused.

"Do you know what's happening?" said a fire one next to her.

"I think so," replied Scarlet, "You know how dragons are disappearing."

The other dragon nodded.

"They are trying to stop that," continues Scarlet.

"Oh," said the dragon, "But why send lots of us."

"If they only send a few they always get defeated," replied Scarlet.

A human came up beside her and strapped a saddle onto her back. He clipped a rifle to the saddle then climbed up onto her back.

"Do you have an idea what happened to them?" said the other dragon.

Scarlet nodded her head, "I don't know if you know Elron. He was the metal dragon. A human helped him break free and I think he has been rescuing dragons. I hope he will be ready for this."

"I hope it's really him," said the dragon.

Scarlet smiled and nodded. A human crawled up the dragons back.

"What's your name?" said Scarlet.

"I'm Reserline," said the dragon,

"Good to meet you, I'm Scarlet," said Scarlet.

Reserline nodded. They stood in silence, waiting for the humans on there back to get ready. Scarlet noticed that the human on her back had a RPG. That would be painful, for anyone that got hit that is. 

Finally everyone was ready. All the dragons were lined up in rows, all facing towards one of the men in the front. He was sitting on a wind dragon, which was actually very rare. He had a rifle in his hand and ammo clips strapped across his chest. he raised his gun to the air and fired a single shot. Everyone immediatly went quite.

"Get you dragons ready," he said, "We fly now!"

His wind dragon opened her wings and lifted herself into the air. One by one the dragons started to follow, until they were all in the air. Scarlet was somewhere in the middle. She was flying beside Reserline. They flew out over the desert.

An earth dragon was sitting in a tree. He was staring up at the sky. He spotted a dark blob in the distance. It grew bigger and bigger until the dragon could make out dragons. He growled in surprise when he saw them. He started to count. When he got to a hundred he started to worry. Eventually he managed to count two hundred dragons. 

He jumped to the floor and faced towards a path that led further into the forest. He opened his mouth and let out a very large earth ball. He let out another, then another.

Elron was standing in the middle of the forest. There were at least a hundred dragons around him. They were doing different things, talking or play fighting and some were just chilling on the floor. Elron was busy making the final touches to his metal nest, when he saw the first earth missile fly past. He was imadiatly exited, this ment there was dragons.

Another one flew by, then another, then another. Each missile represented one to ten dragons. If it was large then it ment the number the missile represented was over five. Elron counted them as they flew by. Thirty, fourty, fifty, sixty, he started to worry. This number of dragons had never been sighted before in one group. The missiles kept coming until Elron finished counting. Twenty missiles, that ment anything between one hundred and ninety one to two hundred.

He growled, this was going to be very bad. He only had one hundred a fifty dragons. He looked towards Roackata, who was looking at Elron expectantly.

"Get all the other dragons, we're going to need as much as we can to settle this bunch," he said.

Roackata nodded. He growled in dragons language for masseges to be sent out to all the lookouts and hunting groups, and to stay low. The dragons went to work, quickly. A few flew out into the trees to find some hunting parties, and the another one went around and let of a fireball in each direction, telling the other dragons to come in. Eventually all the dragons were assembled.

"A huge group is coming our way," said Elron, "We need to get ready, they have nearly two hundred dragons with them."

A few of the other dragons gasped.

"But if we can pull this off, we will have an extra two hundred dragons with us, so let's do this thing," said Elron.

A few of the dragons growled in response. 

"We'll do what we always do and wait for them to pass over us, keep yourself hidden," said Elron, "Don't make a peep. When they pass rise into the air, far above them. And fly towards them. We should be able to easily catch up. Drop on the back half of the army, kill the humans and if you can get rid of the device. Otherwise just hold the dragon down until you can find someone else. Any questions?"

A dragon raised his wing.

"Yes," said Elron.

"What happens if we accendently kill a dragon?" he said.

Elron hesitated, "Just try your best not to."

The dragon nodded.

"Okay!" he said, "Now hide!"

All the dragons went into a well practiced routien. Everyone went quickly and quietly into the bush. The lighter coloured dragons, like the fire ones, pared up with another, darker coloured dragon. The darker coloured ones put there wings over there partner and suddenly everything looked natural, except for the slight glimmer of colour within the forest.

Elron was hiding with Roackata, his wing over his friend. He watched as the first few dragons flew over there hiding spot. The sky went dark as the rest of the dragons appeared in the sky. They flew over the hiding dragons with out so much as a peep. It took almost a minute for them all to finally get over the forest.

Elron waited a few seconds the lifted himself up. Roackata and him ran towards the clearing and lifted themselves into the air. Elron flew at the front, the other dragons flying behind him. They quickly caught up to the gigantic mess of dragons. Elron scanned the pack, but couldn't find who he was looking for. He growled, he really hoped she was there.

They were now above the dragons, fully above. Elron picked a dragon near the front to go for. It was a water one, that looked pretty strong. He flashed his wings back to the dragons, signaling for them to dive, then they all dived. They were surprisingly silent for a large pack of dragons. The humans didn't even know what happened as the dragons smashed into them, ripping the humans to shreads. 

Elron reached out with his talons and hit the human off the water dragon and landed on top of her. He reached out with his tail and cut the divice of quickly, freeing her. 

Scarlet didn't even know what happened. She had been flying along, having a nice chat with Reserline, then suddenly a large earth dragon smashed in her. She was completely helpless as they fell towards the floor. The earth dragon suddeny spread his wings and the landed gently on the floor, but he kept her pressed down so she couldn't move.

"Hey," said the earth dragon, "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just waiting for another dragon, so they can free you."

Scarlet froze at that. They were trying to free them.

'Elron was succesful!' she thought and she let go a huge sigh of releaf.

Elron was flying through the dragons, easily killing the humans and letting the dragons free. He had long since become a master at freeing dragons. It was quite easy, just stick his tail into the little hole, wriggle it around and the device would fall off. 

He freed at least five dragons before the humans realised what was going on. One got out his assault rifle and fired and Elron. Elron quickly turned his back to the human and the bullets pinged of his shell. He let the armour fall around him them shot the human of the back of the dragon with a metal spike from his mouth. He freed that dragon instantly.

The other dragons were rising up to the battle. The humans had a little less then a quarter of there army, and that was getting wiped out pretty quickly. The leader of the human army looked back to see what had happened. He gasped. There was hardly anyone left, but one thing stood out, it was the metal dragon. They had thought he had been killed a month ago, when he hadn't returned from his mission. Really he had just broken free, and was now freeing all the other dragons.

"So that's what's been happening," he said to himself.

He reached for his radio, and put it to his mouth.

"This is luetenant Cook here," he said, "The metal dragon has broken free from the device and found out how to rescue the other dragons. I don't think I'll make it through this but be assured, the metal dragon will come for you."

With that he put away his radio and took out his rifle. He launched a hail of bullets towards Elron, knowing it wouldn't do any damage. Elron flew towards the captain. He launched a glob of metal towards the captain, hitting him square in the face. He instantly froze up from the metal and fell of his dragon, towards the ground. 

Elron freed the wind dragon that the front human had been sitting on. He realled around to see that the other dragons had already been taken care of. He smiled, this mission had been very successful.


Hey guys, new chapter. I'm sorry if this went a bit fast, but all well. I'll write the next chapter soon. Vote and comment if you enjoyed. See Ya!


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