Chapter 16: Massacre

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(Edward's pov)

The raw strength that these heathens possessed was... terrifying. Out of the flames, hundreds of heathens broke through our lines, thanks to that... abomination of a man. 

His hands pulsed and burned with crimson and he fired some sort of natural force out of his hands which sent my men flying into a burning crisp. He then transformed back into a man and I laid eyes on him, but what shocked me even more was that it was a... boy. 

These heathens are being led by a boy?

Regardless, this boy has been possessed by the forces of evil and is leading an army of vile killers and sinners to take everything we love away from us. I saw men wearing the skulls of beasts with massive war hammers and other brutish weapons and were breaking our lines quite easily. 

"Hold the line! Fight for your nation! And fight for your God!!" I roared out over the mayhem, I had my sword drawn and saw a heathen charge me, I quickly swatted away the enemies attacks and cut him down, I could see my fellow kings and their armies were all struggling; the fire was causing smoke to fill our lungs and with the pressing attacks, we'd pass out out from air loss. 

"Push through!! We need to get out of this kill box! MOVE NOW!!!" I ordered, I then urged my horse to leap over my soldiers as we made it out of the kill box, I gasped and panted heavily as I was finally breathing fresh air, I could see handfuls of my allies making it out of the kill box, but many were shot down by arrows and by... 


I urged my horse to move as I could see armored dragons with... riders?! These heathens that rode the dragons hovered above the kill box and were blasting it away. I could hear the agonizing screams in the air,  I even saw handfuls of men exit the kill box that were being killed by flames, finished off by heathens and by the enemy dragons. 

"Fullfør dem!!"

I heard a loud voice roar out, I turned back toward the kill box and I could see the boy emerge from the fire without the flames even touching his body, he gazed right into my eyes, and in that momentary gaze, I knew that this boy had endured... unimaginable suffering, pain, and torment. Now he's spreading that bottled up pain on the world. He gave me a predatory smile that sent chills crawling down my spine, he then sprinted toward me. 

If I kill this boy, the heathens leadership will be crippled. 

I urge my horse to charge, I raise my sword ready to strike down this blight off the face of the earth, the boy sprints toward me at inhuman speed, as he gets closer, he draws out his flaming sword and slides down and slashed my horses legs off, I scream as I get hurled into the air and land into the mud and gore slicked earth. My head throbs and pounds in agony at the impact, I slowly get back up and nearly fall back down, but I regain my footing. 

I look around to see my fellow Englishman being slaughtered from the ground and in the air. I could see the mountain sized heathens easily crush my mens skulls, to my disbelief and shock, I see female heathens on the battlefield, and by the look of them, they're even more ferocious then male companions. 

Regardless, this isn't a battle, its a massacre. 

I could see the heathens boy leader approach me, his armor had blood spatter on it, as did his face, his auburn hair was slicked back, but with a few strands sticking on his forehead, and his forest green eyes blazed hotter than the sun itself. 

This boy twirled his sword in hand and easily hacked any of my men that confronted him, he swatted, parried and anticipated my mens attacks like it was child's play. I shakily got into a battle stance and saw the grin on the boys face grow as he laughed at me then spoke.

"Mennene dine kjemper som barn."

I gave him a confused look, I did not know what he said, he clicked his tongue and finally spoke the English tongue. "I said your men fight like children." He said in a taunting tone, my blood boiled at his words, this vile soul dares violates our lands, slaughters and enslaves our people, robs from the people and the churches and dares insult our armies?!

"When we arrived in your waters, I expected your lands to hold a great challenge for the Red Maw! Perhaps not." The boy then got into a battle stance and licked his lips and smirked. "Come then, King Edward. Give me a challenge!" He taunted, I picked up a stray shield on the ground charged toward this pagan dog. 

(Hiccup's pov)

This wasn't even a battle, it was a massacre, the Saxons did not know how to fight us and our dragons, yes they cut handfuls of us down, but for everyone of our men they killed, we killed ten of theirs. 

I then locked blades with Edward, he tried bashing his shield into me, but I sidestepped his attack and he lost his footing and tumbled into the mud and gore slicked ground. "Whoops. Are you alright?" I taunted out, Edward got up and growled in frustration, he then charged me again, I swatted away everyone of his attacks and was analyzing his fight pattern to locate a weakness. 

Even though he was on the offensive, I only let him have that advantage to look for the quickest way to wound him and his ego. I then spotted a fatal flaw in his fighting style, when he tried stabbing me, I sidestepped the attack, that left his back exposed. I then slashed his back, leaving a sizable gash their, causing him to scream in agony and look at me with horrified eyes. 

"Y-you... w-will not... t-ta-take... England!!" He snarled out, I merely laughed and shook my head. "At this rate? England will be nothing more than a scorched memory, after we've enslaved your people, taken your treasures, and added your resources to our own, England will be nothing more than a mass graveyard." I said confidently, I could see the rest of the Saxon kings and their armies lay eyes on the thousands more warriors I had charge as well as dragon riders. 

I could see each chieftain on chariots, their chariots had blades on the wheels, so they cut down any Saxon in the way and the chieftains too cut down the enemy with their weapons of choice. 

"SAVE YOURSELVES!!!" I heard Edward roared out, he then ran away, like a coward, he then climbed on a stray horse and ordered a full retreat. "RETREAT!!!" He and the rest of the Saxons ran for their lives, while the stragglers were easily picked off by the rest of us. 

The Red Maw let out cheers and roars of triumph; all of us were drunk off of our first major victory against England, I smiled at the sight of my warriors embracing each other, kissing their lovers and resting their foreheads against each other. Toothless too was covered in grim, blood and gore, he let out a might roar and the dragons let out fire and they too roared in triumph. 

Toothless nuzzled into my stomach, I hugged his head and scratched his chin as I looked back toward the fleeing Saxons, we had them on the run, but now wasn't the time to let up, we needed to continue to hit them hard, soon, the whole of England will belong to the Viking empire, well, my empire that is. My lieutenants all approached me while grinning at me, clearly they now respected me as a battle tactician and leading our warriors on the front lines. 

"Battle well fought Lord Haddock." Alvin said with a laugh, I smirked and nodded in agreement, I then shrugged. "Well, it was more of a massacre than a battle. We showed the Saxons who we are..." I then turned to my inner circle and my warriors, they then all bowed down to me, the dragons too bowed their heads at me and Toothless. "...we will continue to hit the Saxons where it hurts them the most. Today? Was only a taste of the potential battles we'll face. But today? We celebrate!!!" I roared out, everyone roared in approval and continued cheering. 

I then look out toward the horizon and smile wickedly. "And soon, Berk too will fall in ruin and despair." I mutter to myself, I cannot wait to see the looks on the Hairy Hooligans faces when they learn that I live and will return the torment they inflicted on me, but I shall return it to them tenfold, and those people will wish I was dead. 

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