Chapter 3: Meeting the Bonehead tribe

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(Normal pov)

::Are you certain these people even exist Hiccup? I see nothing but fog::

Toothless said in a bored tone, Hiccup rolled his eyes and replied back. "They have to exist, everyone believes that they were all but dead, if they've somehow managed to survive, then I wish to speak with them and attempt to recruit them to our cause." Toothless snorted in acknowledgement while keeping a close eyes on the two Red Death eggs strapped to both the left and right sides of his body.

Hiccup and Toothless had been traveling further North of the Barbaric Archipelago in search of Viking tribes that were said to be all but gone, they were looking for two tribes specifically: the Boneheaded tribe and the Horned headed tribe. Both these tribes were some of the very first to settle in the Barbaric Archipelago, but as the Dragon Wars began, they vanished off the map and many believed they were all dead.

But Hiccup didn't believe it so.

Due to them traveling further North, the colder temperatures forced Hiccup to put on his heavy winter gear, the wore a thick bear skinned coat that also had a hood, gloves, and socks to protect his feet from frostbite. He then rubbed his chest while still flying Toothless, he teeth slightly chattering. "We're getting close." He said, Toothless however turned his head to look at his rider with a disbelieving look.

::And how would you know that my friend?::

Hiccup exhaled and vapor exited his mouth, he looked toward the still foggy horizon. "I just know we are bud, trust me." He answered his dragon while still looking out for any signs of civilization.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the duo exited the fog and what they laid eyes on had their mouths agape, there was land, but it was unknown land, Hiccup quickly pulled out his telescope and suddenly laid eyes on a massive mountain that had a... dragon shaped head carved into the stone, but it was a dragon he did not recognize.

The duo then spotted a massive village, Hiccup scoped out what they'd be dealing with, the people were definitely Vikings, but their colors of their flags were black and emblems were of a dragon skull with ram like horns and two massive fangs in the bottom row of the teeth. Hiccup continued looking at the people, specifically the warriors, they wore skull like masks and with charcoal smeared over their bodies.

::Who are they Hiccup?::

Toothless asked, Hiccup lowered his telescope and grinned. "Boneheaded tribe." He said, he then heard roars, he raised his telescope again to lay eyes on... dragons. Not just any dragons, but Boneknappers. And what shocked Hiccup even more were the Vikings that were on the dragons backs. "Toothless, take us down bud." Hiccup said, Toothless turned to look at his rider with a disapproving look.

::Hiccup. We know nothing about these people or the dragons that are down there, what if they kill us the moment we land?::

Hiccup shrugged and answered. "I'm a Viking bud, its an occupational hazard." Toothless rolled his eyes and groaned in disapproval, the boy patted his dragons head and scratched his head. "Bud, please, trust me. If something goes wrong, just... fall back and by all means, keep those two eggs safe." Toothless bared his teeth and growled at his rider.

::I will not leave you behind. Ever::

Hiccup nodded in understanding and held a hand out. "And I thank you for your loyalty Toothless, I do. But I need you to protect these eggs more importantly, I can take care of myself, thanks to my secret training." Hiccup looked directly into Toothless's eyes. "Do you understand me bud?" Toothless's hard gaze softened, he believed in his rider, his friend, and his brother, so he nodded and warbled gently.

::I do. Just don't die, I'm grounded without you. I-I'd be lost without you my brother::

Hiccup smiled at his friend and hugged his neck. "As would I Toothless, but this needs to be done. Take us down." He said firmly, Toothless nodded and they descended down to the Boneheaded tribe.

The moment they landed, the tribes warriors and Boneknappers rushed toward them and readied themselves for a fight, even the whole village was gathering to lay eyes on Hiccup and Toothless.

"A Night Fury!"


"Who is this boy?"

Hiccup looked around and laid eyes on a mountain of a man approach him and Toothless, which Hiccup assumed was the tribes chieftain. The mans beard was braided, his brunette hair was done in a braided bun, he wore black armor with bones strapped to his shoulders, around his bulky chest, and forearms.

"Who are you?" The chieftain asked, Hiccup bowed his head and introduced himself. "I am Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, and I seek to wage a war against the Hairy Hooligans of Berk. And I humbly extend my hand out to you in invitation." Hiccup extended his hand out for the chieftain, the chief looked at Hiccup's hand and then back at his face.

"Haddock. You are the son of Stoick the Vast. The Haddocks are our sworn enemies." The Boneheaded chieftain then turned to his warriors and nodded, they then dragged Hiccup off of Toothless, the Night Fury was about to attack but Hiccup shook his head. "No bud!! Go!! Protect the eggs! I'll find a way out of this!! GO!!!" Toothless was about to protest but two Boneknappers charged Toothless, the Night Fury leaped into the air and dodged their attacks and ran for it, though it killed him in the inside, leaving his rider behind at the mercy of these people.

Hiccup panted heavily and held his hands out as spears and swords were pointed in his face. The Boneheaded chieftain looked down at the boy and sneered. "So, Stock sent his runt to finish us off? What a joke. You do not appear as the average Viking." The chieftain chuckled and continued. "Perhaps you're Stoick's bastard son, a Haddock would look nothing like you." The chieftains words and insults made Hiccup angry, reopened old wounds and were honestly a waste of time.

"What should we do with this boy chief?"

One of the warriors asked, the chieftain looked down at Hiccup and smirked. "Well since he is the son of our enemy, we shall truly see if his words prove true or if this was Stoick's plan... enslave him." Hiccup's breath halted in his lungs. He was to become a thrall?!! Oh, he was in deep trouble now.

(Thirty minutes later)

Hiccup was hurled into a cell along handfuls of other slaves, the boy groaned in pain and slowly got back up and heard the guards that tossed him in chuckle in amusement as they then exited the jails. Hiccup approached the bars of the cell and gripped them, he growled and then shouted. "I swear to the gods!! I'm not associated with Stoick!! I want the man to suffer!!! LET ME OUT!!!!" Hiccup tugged at the bars, even though he knew it would be a fruitless attempt.

"Shhh!! Save your strength."

Hiccup turned around to see a girl around his age, he examined her, she was pretty, she has azure eyes and brunette hair. The boy released the bars and sat next to her. "How long have you been a slave?" She closed her eyes and tried to hold in the tears swimming in her eyes. "Since I was five winters old. Pain, suffering and cruelty is all I've ever known." She then looked into Hiccup's eyes, she then asked him. "What is your name?" Hiccup sighed and answered her. "My name is Hiccup Haddock III. What's yours?" She nodded in acknowledgement and answered him. "I'm Anna Arnason." He smiled at her and extended a hand out for her. 

"Its nice to meet you Anna." He said, she looked at his hand and gave him a soft smile. "Likewise." She grasped his hand and they shook hands, when they let go of each others hands, Hiccup leaned up against the wall and sighed heavily. "This wasn't part of my plan." He mumbled, Anna however heard him. "Plan? What plan?" She asked in curiosity, Hiccup looked at her and gave her an answer. "I came to these lands to offer these people an opportunity, but now they've imprisoned me and believed I'm a spy for the very people I wish to destroy." Anna felt a chill crawl down her spine at the dark tone in his voice, it made her quite nervous. 

"W-what people do you want to destroy?" She stuttered, Hiccup spat out with a venomous tone. "The Hairy Hooligans of Berk." She could see how much pain, suffering and heartache this boy had endured just by looking into his forest green eyes. "I have vowed to rain hell down upon them, so for now? I'll ket them believe that I'm dead, and when the time comes? I'll unleash hunger, famine and plague upon them all. But even that wouldn't be enough, no... I think I'll enslave them all; force them to endure unimaginable labor, work them until they drop, until they're stomachs feel as though they'll devour themselves and until it feels as if they're sweating blood..." Hiccup looked to see the horrific look on Anna's face, she backed away from him slightly, he sighed heavily, got up and moved to the opposite side of the cell. 

"Like I need friends, I don't need friends that are human. Toothless accepts me just the way I am, because he's suffered at the hands of humans just like me." Hiccup mumbled to himself, the boy glared at Anna, who quickly averted her gaze and looked at the ground. This girl was so... petty, had low confidence, and had a weak spirit. 

Much like himself years prior. 

Deciding to keep to himself for now, Hiccup sat down in the nearest corner, and leaned his head back and drifted off to sleep, he quietly began humming a song that his mother used to sing to him when he was a baby, although he couldn't remember his mother, he could never forget the song she sang him. 

"A chief does not cower in the face of danger. He stands tall and he conquers the world..."

He smiled at that line in particular, it suited him so well, his new cause, his new purpose in this life, he let a lone tear slide down his cheek as he then shuddered out quietly. 

"I love you mother."

He then drifted to sleep and dreamed about how he'd be able to survive in the coming days. 

(The next day)

Hiccup was dosed with ice cold water, his eyes opened wide as he gasped at how the cold air licked at his now wet body, he saw the guards toss him his confiscated winter clothing and they did so for the other slaves in their cells. 

"UP!!! Your masters are hungry! FEED THEM!!!" 

The slaves ran out of their cells and went to go and satisfy those they were above them. Hiccup slowly got up and was personally escorted by the guards to the Bonehead chieftain, they entered the Hall and it was a very impressive Hall to say the least. The Hall was two times bigger than the one in Berk, there were wooden skulls of both man and dragon that were carved along the pillars keeping the Hall standing, and the craftsmanship of the tables and chairs was very well done. 

Finally, the Boneheaded chieftain came into view, he was seated at his throne and was petting a massive Boneknapper, thee dragon laid eyes on Hiccup and snarled at him, though Hiccup stood tall and firm; he would not show any signs of fear. 

"Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Chieftain Gunnolf, I've earned by seat of power by fighting off a pack of timer wolves when I was your age, with nothing but a shield and dagger. I was told not to return to my village until I returned with meat. I returned with a bounty of meat and my people praised me for my prowess against the viscous timber wolves that rest in the forests here." Gunnolf then rose from his throne and looked down at Hiccup. "So tell me, Hiccup Haddock, are you here to prove yourself to Berk? Or here to satisfy your murderous father?" 

Hiccup answered Gunnolf. "I'm not here on Berks behalf, or my pathetic excuse of a father. I'm here because I want to recruit Berks worst enemies together so we can destroy Berk and all of its allies." Hiccup then looked directly into Gunnolf's eyes. "What do I need to do to prove myself to you that I'm not on Berks side?" Gunnolf pursed his lips and shook his head. "Nothing. You bear the name Haddock, that alone makes you our enemy." Hiccup however wouldn't take that for an answer. 

"What did my bloodline do to you? Why do you hate the Haddocks?" 

Gunnolf sat back down and sneered at Hiccup before answering his question. "When Vikings first came across these lands, our people and the Hairy Hooligans inhabited together, but because of our... beliefs and our attraction to dragons, specifically the Boneknapper, the Haddock in power at the time had our people slaughtered, only handfuls of families and warriors of our people escaped with our lives. Since then we've done whatever it took to ensure our peoples survival." The man then gestured to everything around him. "Our home, our dragons, everything we have is because our ancestors made the ultimate sacrifice, each skull you see: dragon and human is of our ancestors and their dragons, they made this place what it is today, and we honor their legacy by continuing to practice our traditions, bonding with the Boneknappers and amassing our army to return to Berk and make them pay."

Hiccup then extended his hands out. "Then we understand each other! You want revenge, as do I! Why not help each other? We can make Berk pay for what they did to us both! What say you?" Hiccup was silently praying to every god in Asgard that Gunnolf would change his mind, the chief looked into Hiccup's eyes and made him a deal. "If you wish to see Berk burn like the rest of us... then prove yourself worthy of joining us. We let slaves battle to the death in our arena with the opportunity to earn their freedom. You will do the same. Survive against our captured enemies, traitors, and other filth that deserve death... and I will allow you to join us in our quest for revenge." 

Hiccup bowed his head in thanks, Gunnolf then ordered his guards to escort Hiccup to the arena and prepare for combat. 

(Stoick's pov)

As the days passed by, Astrid returned to the village with Hiccup's dagger in hand and three dragon scales that were pitch black. And there's only one dragon we know of that is as black as the night sky. A Night Fury. 

When word spread throughout the village of Hiccup's demise by the Night Fury, the people celebrated at the news, Hiccup the Useless was no more. In fact, I ordered that the celebrations be taken place, Hiccup was... he was never a Viking. He wasn't the heir I desired, so I suppose the gods actually did me a favor and relive me of the burden of my disappointment of a son. 

He never took things seriously, he never followed orders, and he despite hours of trying to teach him the Viking way, he wouldn't listen. The way I see it, my son died the night Valka was taken by that four winged dragon. 

I was seated on my throne and witnessed the Hooligans celebrate Hiccup's demise, I did notice several individuals that weren't present. Our blacksmith Gobber, the Hoffersons, the Ingermans, the Acks and our elder Gothi. I suppose they held pity for Hiccup, no matter, soon that... boy will be forgotten and life on Berk will be so much simpler without us cleaning up after his fiascos during the ends of dragon raids, none of us out looking for him when he "explores" the forests, and making sure he doesn't blow up the entire village with his pathetic inventions. 

I sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of my nose, for fifteen years I've had to put up with that boy, now my burden is removed and I can catch a breath. No son of mine would behave or think like Hiccup would. 


My son would be strong, cunning, respects Viking tradition, walks talks and thinks like us and obeys me. 

"Oh Val... if only you were still by my side. We could've have more children and certainly one of those other children would eclipse that embarrassment I once called son." I mumble, regardless of being in heavy thought, several of my good friends offered me honeyed ale and join them in celebration, after much convicting, I got off my throne and joined my people in celebration. 

Hiccup the Useless is no more. Soon, I must choose a replacement heir to succeed me, and restore the Haddock name to its former glory.

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