Chapter 5: Meeting the Horned headed tribe

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(Astrid's pov)

I had to drag myself out of bed, though my body screamed for me to crawl back under the comfortable furs, I had training to do. I got dressed, braided my hair and made my way downstairs to see my parents eating breakfast, they looked up and smiled at me. 

"Ah Astrid! Come! Breakfast is ready, you don't want to train on an empty stomach now do you?" My father asked, I shook my head and sat down to see a plate of eggs, apple slices, a loaf of hot bread and a mug of water. As I started eating, my mother tucked in a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Daring, are doing alright? You haven't been... yourself since Hiccup's death." I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply, I let Hiccup down, we were friends once and he needed a friend desperately during his last few days of life. 

And I let him down. 

"No Momma. I'm not fine. I-I let Hiccup down. We were the best of friends as children, and he needed a friend, I could've rekindled the friendship we once had, but I forsook him, just like everyone else here." I said in a stern tone, my father however shook his head. "Stoick's pathetic excuse of a son didn't deserve your friendship dear, you needed to focus on restoring our families tainted honor." I looked my father and saw the seriousness in his eyes, I wanted to protest, but I wasn't in the mood for an argument, so I just nodded and finished eating my breakfast. 

Its been days after Hiccup's death by the Night Fury, and everyone threw a massive party, even the chief himself seemed pleased to be rid of his now dead son. I however didn't attend the celebrations because it would sicken me to literally insult Hiccup even further. 


I had a larger goal in mind. I'm going to avenge the person I should've protected from Snotlout and everyone else. I'm going to become Berks finest warrior and every kill, human and dragon will be in Hiccup's name. Its the least I can do to honor his name. I head on down to the woods to start my training, I wouldn't become Berks finest overnight. 

(Hiccup's pov)

The Boneheads have really come respect my leadership. Almost overnight, they gave their late chief a proper funeral, carved his skull into one of the pillars in the Mead Hall and made sure that his name will always be remembered amongst them. 

As my first act of chief to the Boneheads, I gathered their top warriors, elders, leaders and generals to discuss our next course of action. I had been discussing my plans for vengeance and that in order see my vengeance complete, we needed to recruit those who hated Berk as well, and the closet neighbors to the Boneheads were the Horned headed tribe. However, my advisors informed me that the Horned headed tribe were more animalistic then man, and that they'll tear apart anyone who isn't one of their own. 

I however was laughing out loud like I had heard the funniest joke ever, when I calmed myself I nodded. "Excellent. The more bloodthirsty they are, the better, they'll make a fine addition to my army." I then looked over the map of the entire Viking world, I then pointed to where the Horned headed tribe was located, then I gazed into the eyes of those who shivered and trembled at the name of the Horned headed tribe. 

"I will be going there and extend an invitation to them. And require those who wish to join me, those of you who shiver and cower in fear? Leave now. This is no place for cowards." I say coldly, I look around those who let their fear grip them. I then see Torvi step up, as well as handfuls of boys and girls my age, I then glare at the adults and snort in amusement. "You call yourselves Vikings? This lot has more courage than all of you combined. LEAVE!!!" I roar out, they flinched at my tone and leave, while those who had balls of iron remained, I smirked at what I had. 

"Those of you who stayed here? You will take those cowards titles, positions and power, I do not have the time to deal with those fools." I then look at my new council and nod. "Now, prepare yourselves, we leave at nightfall." 

(Thirty minutes later)

I entered my chambers to see Toothless nuzzling the two Red Death eggs, as I was dressing my my black armor, I added red slashes across the torso and a dragons maw on the left shoulder pad. 

Red Maw. 

Huh, I guess I now know what I'll name my alliance to those who join me.

I then heard the eggs cracking, Toothless leveled his head close to the eggs, once the shells cracked open, two little Stokers fell on the floor, they looked up at me and yawned gently. I snort and crouch down to inspect them both, I hum in fascination. One male and one female. Well, I'd raise them to be better alphas then their tyrant of a mother. 

"Well well, these guys are pretty cute as babies, unfortunate they won't stay that way." I say casually while both the Stokers lick my hands, Toothless bounds over to me and sniffs the two Stokers, he then warbles gently. 

::Who are we going to entrust these two with? They cannot accompany us on the way to Horned headed tribe::

Toothless says, I nod in agreement and think, I then think of just the person to watch over these two future alphas. "Don't worry bud, I know just the person for the job." I say in assurance, I then finish gathering what I need and head outside with Toothless close to my side, as we reach the harbor, I lay eyes on who I'd entrust the Stokers to. 


She turns around and quickly bows down before me. "Chieftain Haddock. H-how may I be of service?" She asked, I then showed her the two Stoker class hatchlings, she looked at them with awe then back at me. "Y-you want me to watch over them?" She asked, I nodded in confirmation. "They are to be bathed, fed and taken care of while we're gone, I'm in need of them when they grow larger." I say in a firm tone, she nods quickly and extends her arms out, I place the two Stokers in her arms. 

"I will look after them, you have my word." She assured, I hummed in acknowledgement and head toward the Boneheads flagship, me and Toothless walked up the gangplank and landed on deck, I then turn to the ships captain and nod at him, the captain barks orders and we sail to where the Horned headed tribe would be located. 

I enter my chambers within the ship and lay down on my bed, I sigh contently as the warm furs surround my body, I drag a heavy bear fur around my body and nuzzle into my bed. "Might as well get some sleep." I murmur to myself, I see Toothless approach the side of my bed and lay down, I smiled and scratch my friends head. 

"Get some rest bud, who knows how long this trip will take."

::As you wish my friend::

I was still exhausted from my day of fighting in the arena, after bathing in my opponents blood, I took an hour long bath and stayed up later than I should have to make further plans I had for my Red Maw alliance. But I won't dwell on that right now, it didn't take me long to close my eyes and let sleep consume me. 

(Normal pov)

Stoick and his best warriors were making one last attempt to locate the dragons nest, something miraculous had happened after Hiccup's supposed death, the dragon raids had stopped. At first the Hooligans were eager to throw a massive celebration, but Stoick said that he and his best would investigate Helheim's Gate to see why the dragons are no longer raiding. 

They entered the fog bank and evaded the multitude of sunken Hooligan ships, they Hooligans stood at the ready for a dragon to pounce on them, but no dragons attacked, in fact, not a sound was heard, except for the churring of the water and the creaking of the ship. 

"Where are those devils?" Stoick murmured to himself, however, once they exited the fog bank, they saw a massive volcano, and... colossal bones littered on the beach. Once the Hooligans ship touched down on the beach, Stoick got out of the boat and approached the colossal bones and examined them, Gobber was right behind him and examined them too. "Beard of Thor, whatever this bugger was... it was bloody massive." Gobber whistled in shock, Stock placed his hand on one of the massive ribs, he then turned his eyes to the skull. 

The skull had been stripped of its teeth, but the skull itself was larger than their ship. Can this... thing been responsible for the Dragon War? Regardless, a smile graced Stoick's lips and he started laughing, he then turned around to face his fellow Vikings. "The war is over!! Lets go home and throw a week long celebration!! We've suffered the nuisance of dragons for three centuries, now they've moved on!!" The Hooligans roared in agreement, all except Gobber, the blacksmith examined the massive bones a little longer before Stoick's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. 

"Gobber!! Come on, this celebration will be one for the ages!! We're inviting our allies and friends and drink ale until we drop!" 

The blacksmith nodded and traced his fingers over the colossal bones one last time before returning to the ship. 

(Hiccup's pov)

I heard a knocking on my door, I stirred out of my sleep to see Torvi at my doorway, she smirked lightly at me while crossing her arms around her chest. "I apologize to disturb your slumber chief, but we've arrived." She announced, I groaned lightly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I then turned to her and nodded. "Thank you Torvi, I'll be on deck soon enough." She bowed her head and gently closed my door. 

I shook Toothless shoulder lightly. "Wake up bud, we've arrived at our destination." I slide out of bed and wash my face, Toothless gets up and stretches while yawning loudly, he then makes his way toward the door, once I finish washing my face, I grab what I need and head up to the ships deck. Once Toothless and I reach the deck, the freezing winds seem to reach my bones, I shiver, but wrap my heavy bear fur around my body, I look around to see we've entered a large river bank and I can see the Horned headed people. 

The women and children are gathering good while looking intensely looking at us, we then entered a large harbor to see the Horned headed tribe. The warriors all wore the skulls of rams, cattle, and other beasts that have horns, and they were huge men, the women too looked ferocious as their male companions, maybe even more. Once we dropped anchor at the harbor, I exited the ship first to see a large man had hazel eyes, he had a thick braided blond beard, he was wearing the skull of a beast with four horns on his head, this man was wearing heavy furs around his exposed torso, his bulky arms had traditional Viking tattoos, he wore a heavy belt around his torso, he had what appeared to be bird skulls dangling from his belt, and he wore thick, heavy winter boots. 

Beside this man, he was accompanied by four massive wolves, the massive man stopped as he saw the rest of my crew, including Toothless, the wolves started barking at Toothless, but Toothless stayed crouched and just growled at the wolves. 

"I am Gudmundr, chief of the Horned headed tribe. To whom am I addressing?" He asked, I stepped up and nodded in acknowledgment to Gudmundr's words before addressing myself. "I am Hiccup Haddock III, chieftain of the Boneheaded tribe, and I've come here to extend an invitation of conflict with the Hairy Hooligans of Berk to you and your people." I say, Gudmundr hums in acknowledgment, he then extends his arm, pointing toward the Hall. "Perhaps we should discuss this by the fire and a warm meal." He says, I nod in agreement, and urge my people to follow, but leave a handful of our warriors to protect the ship. 

"Toothless, stay with them and guard the ship." I say, he gives me a disapproving look and growls in displeasure. 


"I know bud, I'll be safe." I assure him, he nods and heads toward the ship, we then head toward the Horned headed tribes Hall to discuss my invitation. Once we entered, we all sighed in contentment to be out of the cold, Gudmundr led us to his head table and he ordered his slaves and servants to prepare a warm meal and freshly brewed ale. 

"So, Hiccup Haddock, you're the son of Stoick the Vast. Word has travelled that you've been...killed by a Night Fury." He says, I however scoff at that ridiculous claim and extend my arms out. "Here I am. And as you clearly saw, my Night Fury hasn't eaten me." I say, Gudmundr smirks and nods. "Indeed." The bulky man pets his wolves heads and then turns back to me. "You want to wage war with the Hairy Hooligans and those who support them. Why?" He asks, I scratch my head and look into the chieftains eyes. 

"Those... people tortured me, beat me down with their fists and words, and they... raped me." I seethed out, remembering Snotlout ramming that wooden pool in my ass, I wanted to return the bitter favor and cackle at his misfortune, my people and the Horned heads around gave me pitiful looks, I however stabbed a dagger into the table and barred my teeth. "I do not seek anyones pity for my misfortune. All I want is for Berk to suffer, as I have suffered. They deprived me of food and water, cutting me off from basic necessities to even live. I WILL inflict them the same torture they gave me, only my wrath will burn brighter than the sun." I take my dagger out of the table and point it at Gudmundr. 

"Rest assured Gudmundr, if you join me, I will ensure that your people will be treated fairly,  equally, and we will look after each other." I leaned forward and added. "Plus, I can help your people train dragons in order to protect themselves." I said in a persuasive tone, Gudmundr looked to be heavy in thought, he had seen me side by side with Toothless, that alone would be enough to have anyone join me, but everyone was different, and I wanted to turn the Horned headed tribe to my side fairly. 

Finally after a solid minute, Gudmundr looked up at me and smiled. "Vikings on the backs of dragons? We can rule the world." He said, I grin and nod. "Trust me, once I have all the Vikings who hate Berk, we won't attack Berk right away, I need the warriors, captains commanders, generals, and chieftains under my command to respect my authority and leadership, so we will wage a conflict in the unknown regions of the world, then once we've returned from our conflict, we return to the Barbaric Archipelago and see Berk suffer..." I then see our ale and food brought to us, I then grab my mug and raise it. "...what say you Gudmundr? Would you like to see the unknown regions and show the world why Vikings are feared? Or would you like to decline and continue living here and not being able to see a whole other world beyond this one?" I ask, waiting for the chieftain to reply back. 

He looks at me and raised his mug and smirked at me. "Skoal." I grin widely and nod at him. "Skoal." We all then take huge gulps of our ale and dig into our warm meal. Now, it was time to gather the rest of those who hate Berk, wage a foreign war to earn the trust and respect of those under my command and return to Berk and inflict them with fifteen years worth of suffering they inflicted on me.

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