Chapters 6

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That's not funny
Within days there were thousands of shuttles were ready for launch. Only a mere 200,000 people were selected . Their chances of survival were near zero but this wasn't the time to consider zero as a answer . They had to take a leap of faith . As days ticked by people grew suspicious of no information being conveyed by the world leaders. It was only until the last shuttle was launched did they come to know they were left abandoned

(Back to the day the moon disappeared)
Andre enters the tent where Luna was resting

Andre (deeply saddened) - something happened

Luna (excitedly) - what happened did they find it?

Andre (confused ) - Find what?

Luna - According to legend the Goddess Selene kept a small replica of the Moon that is a exact twin to our moon . They have been searching it for years .

Andre - No Luna it's not that ...there was a accident your Mom and Dad are no more ..we can't enter the temple as it's possible others may lose their life . I'm sorry Luna.

Luna - What? This is not funny . Something is not right.

Andre - It's the truth Luna .

Luna breaks down and begins to cry bitterly. She and Andre are soon distracted when they hear the television which was on
" Citizens of the world , at 11:03 PM CET the Moon disappeared (pause ) more information to follow "

Luna - This is surely not a coincidence, Mom and Dad enter Selene's forbidden temple and the Moon dissappears at the same moment.

Andre - This not the time for Theories we need to go to France for the evacuation.

Luna refuses but Andre forces her to the car as he vowed to Dr.Eve and Dr.Johannesburg to protect Luna if anything happened to the two of them.
He starts the engine and begins driving.
Luna looks behind at the cave as they drive out , she begins tearing up filled with sadness.


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