Ch. 12 - Early Morning Texts for Stupid Things.

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This lovely Thursday morning, Micah woke up extra early before work so he had time to call, er, text, Chris and ask him to take Mykailla to the eye doctor later in the day.

She is going to be so pissed at me, he thought with a chuckle. At least I'm getting Chris and not Ricky.. THAT would be a train wreck. He snickered at his last thought, then unplugged his phone from it's charger.

Micah: Hey, Chris. I have a request for u.

Christopher: dude, at 4:30 in the morning??

Micah: Haha, sorry, man. Why are u even up?.. Anyway, I had to ask u something b4 hand

Christopher: christopher is typing...

Christopher: Reasons, lol. And only bc I love you and your sis. what's the thing u needed to ask?

Micah: I wanted to know if u could take Mykes to the eye doc later roday?

Micah: TODAY.


Christopher: LOL!! Roday. XD Nice.

Micah: Stfu, Cerulli. -.- Anyway, will u do it? Take Mykes to the eye doc later?

Christopher: Yeah, sure. How much longer b4 she can drive by herself?

Micah: About a month. She's seriously chomping at the bit, and i feel awful.. Anyway, I have to go soon. Thank u.

Micah: micah is typing...

Micah: Also, she might be mad at u.. just tell her I told you to bring her, and to be mad at me not u.

Christopher: It's no problem, dude. Thanks for the heads up, lol. I'll try to calm her down b4 u get home.

Micah: Lol, thanks.


At ten 'o'clock, Chris came to pick up Mykailla and take her to the eye doctor.

After about thirty minutes of arguing, questions of why Chris was there at ten, and why Chris didn't make coffee, Mykailla gave in and let him take her to the eye doctor. The car ride was fairly calm, though with light, mostly playfully banter about how annoying Micah and Chris are. Mykailla knew they both loved her and just wanted to help, but they really didn't understand that her eye was fine now.. A little sore and itchy, but fine.


About an hour of the hassle at the eye doctor's office, they sent Mykailla and Chris away with only some eyedrops, and care instructions for Mykailla. All that for freaking eyedrops.

An actually fairly entertaining drive home later, Mykailla and Chris exchanged their goodbyes and gave each other hugs. With a small smile, Mykailla waved as Chris pulled out of her driveway. He smiled back, then turned around and sped away.

"Careful, led foot." Mykailla said, chuckling quietly. She shook her head and turned around, then headed to the front door, and entered the house. She then proceeded to go into the living room with every intention of sitting on her butt all day.


A loud slam of a door, then a massive crash of, what sounded to be boxes of sorts, woke Mykailla from her little nap.. As well as making her fall off the couch, knock over the bowl of popcorn that was sitting next to her, and fling the TV remote halfway across the room via the floor.

"What the Hell?!" She flailed around, trying to stand. "Oh my GOSH!" The frazzled girl picked up the popcorn bowl that had fallen, though leaving the spilt popcorn on the floor for the time being. "Micah, you little--"

"You can call me names after. Come help me pick these up!" Micah huffed loudly. Mykailla groaned, setting the popcorn bowl on the coffee table.

She came into the hall, then helped Micah pick up all of his boxes. "The Hell are you even doing with all these?"

"These are gifts, smart one."

"Gifts for what?!"

"Why so snippy?" Micah raised an eyebrow, walking past Mykailla and putting his boxes into the closet, then beckoning Mykailla over to put the boxes that she held in the closet too. "And they are for work!.. Mostly."

"I am 'snippy'," Mykailla started, glaring slightly. "because, for one, you woke me up. And for two," Mykailla got slightly more angry. "SOMEBODY told my best friend to come pick me up at TEN O'CLOCK this morning without TELLING ME for a freaking eye doctor appointment THAT I DIDN'T NEED!!" She almost yelled the whole sentence. Her voice got slightly higher near the end, and Micah couldn't help but chuckle. He put a hand over his mouth, then cleared his throat and tried to get the amused smile off his face.

"Okay. I'm sorry." He grabbed the boxes Mykailla held, and placed them in the closet as well.

"Bull. Sh*t." Mykailla glared halfheartedly, then sighed, rubbing her hands up and down her face. Her eye didn't hurt nearly as bad as it did yesterday, so it really didn't bother her when she touched it.

"No naughty language in this house, Mykes." Micah reprimanded, half-serious.

Mykailla narrowed her eyes, before crossing her arms and stomping out of the room childishly.

Micah couldn't help it.

He busted up laughing as he watched Mykailla stomp out of the room.

The brunette flipped him off with both middle fingers behind her back, as she left the room to go to the kitchen. Micah chuckled again, shaking his head. "Love you!" He shouted to Mykailla with a grin, hanging on the banister of the stairs, waiting for her reply.

"Bleh!" Was Mykailla's reply, making Micah laugh quietly as he swung himself around and went upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. I love that little Munchkin.


Mykailla sighed dramatically as she opened the refrigerator, hanging on the doors lightly as she searched its contents for something to eat. Her stomach grumbled, and she rolled her eyes. "I'm finding food. Shut up."

And then her eyes landed on one of the most glorious of foods that is better the next day.


Cold pizza.

Six pieces of cold pizza.

"Yes!" Mykailla exclaimed, doing a little dance. She forgot about the pizza, honestly. She grabbed the plate of pizza, a two-liter of Dr. Pepper, then closed the fridge. She set the items on the counter, then thought a moment. "Hmmm.. Oh!" She whirled around, and grabbed her secret stash of Oreos that she hid behind the microwave. "Yeessss." Mykailla grinned, then looked between the Oreos, pizza, and soda.

So much junk food, but...

"... I'm gonna get fat," Mykailla grabbed the plate of pizza, the soda, and the Oreos. "But, I deserve this." She smiled happily as she left the kitchen, her arms full.

"Dammit!" She groaned as she entered that living room. She forgot about the popcorn that she had spilled earlier.

With a loud groan, Mykailla went back into the kitchen, set her food items on the counter, and got a broom and dustpan. She trudged back into the living room. "Technically, this is Micah's mess." Mykailla muttered as she swept the popcorn into the dustpan. "He woke me." She went back into the kitchen, dumped the popcorn into the trash, put the broom and dustpan back into their respective spots, grabbed all of her food again, and marched through the living room to go upstairs to her room.

Loud music + Junk food = Happy Mykailla.

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