Ch. 31 - What Happened?

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November 3rd, outside the bus

Ricky: Hey, babe.

Mykailla: Mykailla is typing...

Mykailla: Why are you up? It's three in teh morning..

Ricky: Ricky is typing...

Mykailla: **The

Mykailla: I meant the

Ricky: Lol, I know.

Ricky smiled slightly at his phone as he texted his girlfriend.

Ricky: What are YOU doing up?

Mykailla: ... You should be in bed, babe.

Ricky frowned slightly at his screen. Had she purposely ignored his question?

Ricky: So should you.. Are you okay?

Mykailla: Yeah, I'm okay. I just.. I want you here. With me.

Ricky: I know. I'm sorry,

Ricky got interrupted halfway through his text, by Mykailla's face coming across his screen. He chuckled as he slid the green 'answer' icon.

"Hi." He greeted her quietly, taking a drag off of his cigarette.

"Hey," Mykailla replied, sniffling.


Ricky frowned.

"Mykailla, honey, what's wrong?"

"I, uhm," Mykailla's voice cracked. "I--" She let out a quiet, seemingly muffled sob.

"Hey, shhh. It's okay." Ricky tried to calm Mykailla. "You're okay."

She gulped. "Rick, I-I.."

"Mykailla," Ricky said calmly. "Take a breath." She did. "Now, what happened?"

"I-I don't-- I c-can't--" She broke down, and Ricky felt awful. He couldn't be there for her.

"Mykailla, sweetheart," He said quietly. "It's gonna be okay. Listen to me, darling. Can you hear me?"

"Y-Yes." She choked out.

"Just lie down, and take a couple breaths. Just close your eyes.. You'll be alright. I'll stay on the line. Just try to calm yourself."

Ricky heard rustling, and Mykailla shakily breathing in and out.

Ricky thought a moment. What's something he could sing her? She always used to love his singing voice... So Micah told him, anyway. He supposed he wasn't supposed to know that.

"Hello darkness, my old friend," Ricky started quietly after a moment. Mykailla loved this song. "I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping," He leaned against the bus, and dropped his cigarette, smothering it beneath his shoe. He continued. "Left its seeds while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains within the sound.. Of silence."

"Ri-Rick?" Mykailla murmured.


"Keep sing-ing. Pl-please." She sniffled.

Ricky smiled slightly, before continuing once more. "In restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone. 'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp.. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light, that split the night.. And touched the sound.. Of silence."

"And in the naked light I saw, ten thousand people, maybe more." He heard Mykailla join in, making him smile. That was her favorite part. "People talking without speaking.. People hearing without listening." Mykailla's voice disappeared, but Ricky continued. "People writing songs, that voices never share.. And no one dare disturb the sound.. Of silence." Ricky sighed quietly.

""Fools," said I, "you do not know, Silence, like a cancer, grows. Hear my words that I might teach you, take my arms that I might reach you." But my words like silent raindrops fell, and echoed in the wells.. Of silence." Ricky looked down at his feet, and kicked at the pavement.

"And the people bowed and prayed, to the neon God they made.. And the sign flashed out its warning, and the words that it was forming.. And the sign said, "The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls.. And tenement halls." .. And whispered in the sound.. Of silence.."

There was silence on the phone, and Ricky waited a moment, before speaking once more. "Mykailla? You still there?"

"Yeah." She replied quietly, sniffling. "Thank.. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled slightly. "Are you okay, now?.. Can you talk about what's bothering you?"

"I, uhm.. I.."

"You don't have to. It's up to you."

"... Maybe I'll talk.. A-about it, when you get back."

"Alright." He murmured. "Do you need anything else?"

"No," Mykailla yawned. "But, you sh-should get some sleep.."

"I will, if you will."

"Okay.. I love you."

"I love you, too. See you soon."

"Yup. Bye, baby. Th-thanks, again."

"No need to thank me." He smiled slightly. "Goodbye, Sweetie. Sleep well."

"You too."

And with that, they both hung up.

Ricky looked at his phone, as it went back to his home screen.

What had happened?

With a frown, Ricky grasped his phone tighter, staring at the now-black screen.


"Chris," Ricky pulled Chris' bunk curtain open. He thumped Chris' temple, making the singer roll over.

Ricky huffed, scowling. He punched Chris' arm, making him jolt up, hissing when his head hit the top of the bunk.

"Fucking ow." He grumbled, rubbing his head. He turned to face Ricky, who was using his phone as a light, casting weird shadows across his face. "What?" He closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead.

"I need your help." He whispered, frowning.

"What time is it?" Chris mumbled, opening one eye to look at Ricky.

"Three. But--"

"Then why the fuck are you waking me up?" He hissed.

"It's about Mykailla." Ricky muttered, looking about briefly. Chris blinked a couple times, then rolled his eyes subtly.

"What about her?"

"She called me. Crying."

That woke Chris up a little more. He quietly, carefully, slipped out of his bunk, and stood up slowly. Ricky stood as well, and Chris stretched his arms above his head, wincing slightly when he hit the ceiling.

"Let's go outside." Ricky mumbled, walking past Chris.


"Okay, what's up?" Chris rubbed his eyes, before slipping his hands back into his sweater pockets. "Tell me what happened."

Ricky pulled out his phone, then opened up his texts. He handed Chris his phone. "Read those."

Chris gave Ricky a look, before taking his phone. He read the messages, frowning slightly. "... So what?" He handed the phone back.

"After those, she called me. I answered, and said hey. She was, or had been, crying.." Ricky sighed, powering off his phone, and slipping it back into his pocket. "I asked her what was wrong, and she wouldn't-- or couldn't-- tell me. She started sobbing, when I asked her to explain."

Chris' brow furrowed, and he leaned against the bus. "..."

Ricky was growing impatient.

"Well? Has this happened before?"

Chris bit his lip ring briefly, before sighing. ".. Yeah. It has."

"When? Why? What happ--"

"It was when her dad died." Chris said, interrupting Ricky. He paused. "Well, some point after he died. I don't know how long after.." He shrugged. "She loved her father very very much, and they were close." He sighed, shaking his head. "She got so angry.. At herself, and just the army in general. She didn't know what to do, she told me.."

Ricky was starting to get worried. "And..?"

"Her mom was traveling for her job, Micah was hanging out with you.. No one was th--"

"Chris, what did she do?!" Ricky snapped.

"She hurt herself." Chris snapped back. "She hurt herself, and almost died, from what I was told. No one was there to talk to. She didn't even call me."

"What did she do?" Ricky asked quietly.

"I don't know, and I don't plan on asking. Ever."

"Is.. I mean.. Why would she break down today, though?"

Chris shrugged, looking down at the pavement. "I don't know.. Maybe this is the anniversary of his death."

Oh no.

"Chris, we-- I-- We have to go. Now." Ricky started pacing briefly. "We have to go to her--"

"Call Micah." Chris said calmly, grabbing Ricky's arm to stop him. "He knows how to handle it."


"It'll be okay.. She'll be okay. She's tough."

Ricky pursed his lips, that oh-too-familiar crying sensation tingling his eyes.

He was not going to cry.

He was not going to cry like a big baby.


"..." Chris sighed, removing his hands from his pockets, and holding his arms out a bit. "I don't care if it's not manly, or whatever, but you need a hug."

"I--" Ricky started.

"No one has to know, and besides, you can suck it up. You need a hug. Don't deny it, you motherfucker."

Ricky huffed, then proceeded to awkwardly wrap his arms around his tall tree of a friend.

"There we go." Chris sighed, hugging him back. "... No homo." He added, jokingly.

"Ruined it, you fucker." Ricky muttered, though he was slightly amused. Chris pat his back, then pushed him away.

"Hugs over." Chris chuckled, and pat Ricky's shoulder. "She'll be okay. Don't worry."

"Shit!" Ricky exclaimed, immediately feeling around for his phone. "I have to call Micah!"

Chris sighed, rolling his eyes subtly. "It'll be fine. Good night, Rick." He pat his friends shoulder briefly, before walking past him.

"Hey, Chris?" Ricky grabbed Chris' arm, making the latter glance back.


"Thank you." He smiled slightly, dropping Chris' arm.

Chris nodded once, smiling, before going back to the bus.


Chris: Please check on Mykes.

Chris sent Micah a quick text, before powering off his phone, and rolling over in his bunk, trying to get back to sleep.

I hope you're okay.

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