Ch. 38 - Rubber Bands.

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A/N We ALL know how tough and hurtful it is, to get rubber bands out of your hair. >,<


"CHRIS." Ricky shouted, huffing in annoyance as he sat on the side of the tub.


"Get your scrawny dumbass in here!"

Chris snickered. "Where are you?"

"The bathroom-- And don't you crack any jokes!"

"Coming." Chris chuckled quietly. He smirked when he saw Ricky's frazzled self; his hair a frickin' mess, not made better by the rubber bands-- That he may or may not have put there--, no shirt, and a grouchy expression.

"You get over here, and help me." Ricky scowled, standing up. "You put these damn rubber bands in my hair, you fuckin' twat."

Chris scoffed in amusement, leaning against the doorframe. "And what makes you think I'll help you?.. After what you did to me?" He mock pouted. "That was pretty mean, Rick."

Ricky glared. "..."

".. Geez, fine." Chris sighed quietly, rolling his eyes playfully. "Sit down, you drama queen."

"Fuck off- Ow, Chris." Ricky winced as Chris started trying to remove the rubber bands. "Watch it." He sat down on the side of the tub again.

"Sorry." Chris apologized, though it would have seemed more sincere, if he hadn't been smiling. "And what does 'twat' even mean?"

"Ask Myk- OW! - Mykailla, sometime."


Munchkin: Hey, Chrissy. Question

Jackass: What?

Munchkin: What should I change your caller ID to?? On my cell?

Chris raised an eyebrow at his phone.

Jackass: Isnt it just "Chris"?.. You know, my name?

Munchkin: Lol, yeah, no. When we were fighting I changed it.

Jackass:... To what?

Munchkin: You're gonna laugh. It's great

Jackass: What. Is. It?

Munchkin: 'Jackass'.

Jackass: How nice of you. e.e

Munchkin: Ah, you deserved it.

Jackass: What-ev-er.

Munchkin: I'll just change it to chrissy. How's that? :3

Jackass: Better than Jackass ~.~

Munchkin is typing...

Munchkin: There, done. <3

Chrissy: Lol, thaaaanks.

Chrissy: Also, I have a question for you.

Munchkin: Okay, hold on. I'll call you

Chrissy: K.

Chris exited out of his messages just in time, before Mykailla called.

"Hey!" Mykailla greeted happily. "What'd you need?"

Chris chuckled. "Hi. Okay, so Rick and I have a little.. Er.. Prank war going on, as you know--"

"Which you started!" Ricky shouted from the kitchen. Chris was in the front lounge.

"You just took it too personally--"

"Shut up." Ricky threw a Cheez-It at Chris. "Go back to talking to my girlfriend."

"Wow," Chris snickered, picking up the small cheese cracker, and threw it back at Ricky; who dodged it. "Never thought I'd hear you say that."

"Say what?" Mykailla asked, confused. She only heard about half of the things that were said.

"Nothing." Chris chuckled.

"I LOVE YOU, MYKAILLA." Ricky shouted, hoping Mykailla would hear him.

She did. She giggled. "Chris, tell Rick that I love him too."

"She says she loves you, too." Chris relayed to Ricky. The latter smiled happily, then sat down at the table to eat his snack in peace.

"Anyway," Mykailla chuckled. "What was your question, friend?"

Chris chuckled quietly. "Okay, so Ricky got upset at me earlier, and he called me a twat.. He told me to ask you what that meant."

Mykailla facepalmed, though no one could see. "... It's rather vulgar."


Mykailla sighed. "It either means you're being stupid or obnoxious, orrrrr it means, uhm.. A girl's lady parts."

Chris' eyes widened slightly. "It means what?"

"Oh, you heard me."

"Dude." He scowled at Ricky over his shoulder. Ricky wasn't even paying attention.

"What did you even do, anyway?" Mykailla asked. "He wouldn't just randomly call you a twat."

"Oh, just a harmless prank." Chris bit back a giggle. "To get him back for the honey."

"... Uh-huh.." Mykailla wasn't convinced. "How 'harmless'?.. You know how much of a sensitive prick he can be, sometimes."

"Did you just call Rick a.. A prick?" Chris chuckled.

"She called me a what?" Ricky demanded, frowning at the back of Chris' head.

Chris waved a dismissive hand. "Er.. He used to be." Mykailla amended.

"Nice save." Chris' lips quirked slightly.

"I try." Mykailla snickered. "Hey, for your next prank on him, you should do something with glitter glue."

"Glitter glue, huh?"

"Yup. Purple."

"Sounds good." Chris smirked, ideas already forming. "Hey, listen. I gotta go. It was nice talking to you."

"Mhm. Bye, friend~"

"Bye, Munchkin." Chris hung up his phone.

"What'd she call me?" Ricky asked again.

"A sensitive prick."

Ricky looked hurt, though tried to hide it.. She was joking.. Right?..

Okay, that hurts a little.

"But," Chris continued, noticing Ricky's hurt expression. "She followed that with 'he used to be a prick, anyway'."

".. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Wasn't my phone call." Ricky shrugged, seemingly agitated. "It's none of my business." He scoffed, leaning back in the booth, and crossing his arms. ".. It's old news. We're not enemies, I'm not a prick, and she's not a damn motherfucking bitch anymore."


Chris frowned. "Don't call her names."

"I said she used to be that." Ricky snapped.

"Hey, dude, chill." Chris raised his brows. "What's up?.. That was a major overreaction."


".. Rick?"

Ricky pursed his lips. ".. I just don't like it when she brings up the past, you know?" He paused. "I was shitty to her, I know that. I don't need to be reminded of that."

"I get it, I do, but geez. Chill." Chris chuckled. "She just said one small thing. We didn't dwell on the subject."

Ricky just shrugged.

"... You wanna see her again, huh." Chris guessed. "I mean, that's probably why you got a little defensive, right?.. You're stressed without her."

Ricky shrugged again. Like the little kid shrug, where they know the answer, they just don't wanna say it.

Chris paused. ".. Because, I mean, if I had to go more than two months without my new girlfriend, I think I'd go crazy." He tapped his fingers on the table briefly. "... Maybe you could go visit her."

Ricky scoffed. "Right. Like I can do that."

"No, you could." Chris said. "We have to drive for a couple days to get to the next state for the next show, and you could just meet us there.. You know, spend some time with Mykailla, get some attention for your di--"

"Chris," Ricky gave him a look.

He just chuckled, and continued. "You could leave tonight, spend some time with Mykes, then leave the next day, and meet us at the venue."

Ricky's face lit up. "You'd let me do that?"

"Well, I mean, it's not like I 'let you'." Chris chuckled again. "You could leave whenever, wherever, or however you want; except when we have shows. I didn't give you permission, I just gave you the idea."

Ricky smiled. "Thanks. I'm gonna.. I'll go pack some overnight stuff, and go find a bus stop, or something." He chuckled.

"Okay." Chris smiled. "Have fun.. Surprise her, okay?.. Don't tell her you're coming."

"Wasn't planning on it." Ricky stood up, a smile still on his face. "I'll tell her that everyone misses her.. Do you think I should do some cheesy shit, and bring her some flowers?"

"If you can manage to find some," Chris laughed lightly, nodding. "Yeah. Do some cheesy shit, and bring her some flowers."

With that stupid smile still on his face, Ricky left for the bunks. He had to pack!

"Oh!' He added. "Don't do anything to my bunk, while I'm gone! Got it?"

Chris smirked to himself. "Got it!"


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