Ch. 4 - Sleep Mumbles and Gay Accusations.

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A/N This one is hella long. I'm sorry!! T^T


Chris woke up with a groan, rubbing his eyes with his free left hand. His right arm was occupied with holding Mykailla. He looked over at Ricky, who was still asleep and curled up against the armrest of the couch, arms wrapped around himself.

Wasn't he wearing a sweater?... Hm. Guess not.

Mykailla chuckled quietly in her sleep. "Stop, Ricky." Chris finally looked down at Mykailla, who was mumbling stuff about... Ricky?

"Uhm.." Chris whispered, mostly to himself, looking around the room. He ran his hand through his hair and got out the tangles.

"... No." Mykailla mumbled, snuggling closer to Chris.

Chris chuckled quietly, looking to Ricky. "Rick." He whispered. "Hey, Ricky."

Ricky stirred slightly.

Chris groaned quietly, rolling his eyes. "Seriously." He reached over with his free hand and smacked Ricky's shoulder, causing him to jump slightly, quickly lifting his head up to see who smacked him.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Chris whispered teasingly to Ricky, smirking.

Ricky glared slightly, then rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "A**hole." He muttered groggily, then yawned.

Chris chuckled. "I know."

He was about to say something, when Mykailla sleep-mumbled again "F*ck you, Ols...on."

Ricky sat up all the way, hearing his last name. He took his feet off the couch and placed them firmly on the floor. "What'd she just say?" Ricky asked Chris, raising an eyebrow.

"F*ck you, Olson, I believe." Chris answered, standing up, which caused Mykailla to fall against Ricky's side. Chris stretched and yawned.

"Smarta**." Ricky rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair and looking down at Mykailla while doing so. "You know what I meant.

Chris chuckled quietly. "Mhm." He bent down and picked Mykailla up in his arms. Much too light, for a nineteen-year-old, Chris Commented to himself, frowning internally. "Chill a minute. I'm going to put her in her room."

"Okay.. Do you know what time it is?"

"Five-something. I'll look again after I get her to bed."


Chris nodded, exiting the room and heading upstairs.

After watching Chris leave, Ricky groaned, running his hand through his hair again.

Was Mykailla actually talking abo-- Well, sleep talking about him? He wasn't sure what to think about that.. Right now, he just needed coffee, which he couldn't obtain until one of the Bates was awake. He didn't know if they even owned a coffee maker. Though Micah's house is practically his own home, he's not very observant. "I need coffee so bad right now." Ricky sighed quietly, standing and stretching.

"You don't need coffee." Chris came back down, surprisingly not making any noise on his way back from upstairs. He was also carrying what seemed to be a sweater. Ricky's sweater. "Oh yeah, and why was Mykailla wearing your sweater?"

"I do need coffee," Ricky yawned out, stretching again, raising his arms up above his head. The satisfying pops of his joints made him moan quietly in satisfaction. "Mmm."

Chris threw Ricky's sweater on the coffee table and yawned a bit himself. "I don't get how that can feel good." He said, referring to Ricky popping his joints. Ricky just shrugged in response. ".. And you didn't answer my question."

"Which question?" Ricky asked, looking around for his beanie, only sparing Chris a glance.

"Why was Mykailla wearing your sweater?" Chris chuckled. "And mumbling things about you?"

Ricky ignored him, up until he saw a small piece of black material peeking out of his sweater pocket. "There you are." He muttered, leaning forward and plucking his beanie from the pocket of his sweater. He placed it on his head and adjusted it slightly until he was satisfied that it was on correctly. He turned back to Chris and said matter of factly: "She was cold last night, and she wanted my sweater." He decided to leave out the part about the cuddling, shrugging. "And I honestly have no idea why the Heck she's sleep-talking about me."

"Uh-huh, suuuure." Chris rolled his eyes playfully, smirking slightly.

Ricky rolled his eyes as he flopped down onto the couch again. Chris sat down next to him. "Ah, relax. I'm just teasing.' He smacked Ricky's arm lightly.

"Yeah, yeah." Ricky rolled his eyes again. "What time is it?"

Chris looked at his watch again, then showed it to Ricky.

"Five forty-two." Ricky nodded.... Then sighed loudly, leaning back and covering his face with his hands.

"You're so dramatic." Chris said, chuckling.

"I neeeeed coffffeee, Chriiiisssss."

"Noooo yoooouuuu doooon't, Riiiick."

"Yessss I doo--"

"Could you guys be any louder?" Micah said, walking through the living room and to the kitchen. He was fully dressed, presumably about to go to work.

"If you want me to," Chris grinned, cupping his hands around his mouth, about ready to scream.

Ricky laughed quietly, smacking Chris's hands down. Chris chuckled, shoving Ricky playfully as payback. "Fun wrecker."

"Not to be mean," Micah interrupted their playful bickering while starting up the coffeemaker. "But why are you guys still here?"

Ricky rolled eyes playfully, crossing his arms. "Yeah, that wasn't mean at all."

Micah shrugged, turning to lean against the counter. The living room and kitchen had no wall in between the two. "Just a question."

"If you must know, Mykailla was still scared of being up in her room alone, and she asked us to stay."

Ricky cut in. "Well, she really just wanted Chris, but I was just... Here, so.. Yeah."

Micah acknowledged what Ricky said, but half-glared at the two boys. "You guys weren't sleeping with her upstairs, were you?"

"No." Chris and Ricky said in a matching deadpan voice at the same time.

"I know the rules, Micah." Chris said, crossing his arms and sighing.

"Okay, good." Micah nodded slightly, then turned back to the coffee machine. He grabbed a mug and a travel mug from the cupboard, set them down and grabbed the coffee pot from the machine. "You still want coffee, Rick?"

"Ricky." Ricky corrected Micah. "And yes, please." He stood and walked to the kitchen. Micah poured his coffee into the travel mug, and Ricky's into the burgundy mug that he had grabbed from the cupboard.

Ricky leaned against the counter. "Still got coffee creamer?" He asked as Micah snapped a lid onto his travel mug and nodded, pointing to the fridge. "Thanks." Ricky nodded, pushing himself away from the counter to go to the fridge.

"Coffee addicts." Chris chuckled as Micah walked from the kitchen into the living room, then to the front door.

"You like coffee too, Cerulli." Micah chuckled, taking out his car keys. "I gotta go, guys." Before the boys could say their goodbyes while he could still hear them, Micah opened the door and slipped out, closing it behind him, with only a quiet click made from the locks.

"Bye." Chris and Ricky said in unison, Chris waved slightly though, and Ricky was busy pouring coffee creamer into his coffee. They knew he wouldn't say bye back, but still.

Chris took out his phone and began checking his messages as he heard the rev of an engine fade off into the distance.

After Ricky was done, he cleaned up the small mess that Micah had made and put the coffee creamer away.

"Hey, Chris?" Ricky started, taking a sip from his coffee as he entered the living room.

Chris looked up at him. "Yeah?

"Mykailla doesn't like me very much, I have figured out over time." He said nonchalantly as he went over to one of the two armchairs in the room. Both chairs were set so they were aimed towards the coffee table, and Ricky sat down in the one closest to Chris so he wouldn't have to be so loud. He pulled his legs up on the chair and criss-crossed them beneath himself, resting his coffee in his lap.

"Why would you say that?" Chris asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

Ricky sighed quietly. "The look she gave me before we started the movie? When I said she would be scared because she was a girl? I was joking."

"Oh," Chris chuckled. "She just doesn't like the girl stereotypes... You know, about them knowing nothing but cooking and cleaning.. Being scared of everything. She just didn't get that you were joking, I guess."

Yeah, I remember that she didn't like them.. That's why I did it.. Ricky thought to himself, then gave a small nod, looking down at his coffee. "Well.. I think I kind of creeped her out yesterday too..."

"What did you do?" Chris asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Nothing bad... Per Say." Ricky sighed, looking up and at Chris. "You know that small balcony they have up there? Upstairs?" Chris nodded and Ricky continued. "Well, I was looking out and watching the town while I was smoking my cigarette.. 'Cause, you know that Micah doesn't like it too much when I smoke in here."

Chris rolled his eyes subtly, nodding again. "Well, after I was about halfway through, I decided I should come back inside.. As I was walking down the hall, I saw that Mykailla's bedroom door was open-"

"Okay, get to the point!" Chris interjected, groaning.

"I'm working on it!" Ricky huffed. "Annnnnyway, I saw her sitting on her bed drawing and I just kinda.. Stood there. In her doorway.. Smoking the rest of my cigarette."

"... And?"

"That's it. I stood there, watching her.. Briefly. I just wanted to see what she was drawing, but I forgot to ask when she looked at me." Ricky looked at Chris briefly, then looked down at his coffee again. "She blushed.. It was kinda adorable." After he said that, he cleared his throat loudly and took a sip of his coffee, then said, "kinda." Then also felt the need to add, almost inaudibly, "she's still a b*tch, though."

"Don't call her that." Chris said, narrowing his eyes at Ricky slightly. He sighed quietly, then joked. "Does someone have a cruuuuusssshhhhh~?"

Ricky rolled his eyes, looking up again and bringing his coffee mug up to his lips.

".. Do you have a crush on her?" Chris asked somewhat seriously this time. You can never really pinpoint what Ricky is thinking about.

Ricky lowered the coffee mug from his lips. "No, I do not."

"Are you sure?" Chris asked, half-grinning as he reached over and smacked Ricky's knee lightly a few times. Ricky chuckled a bit and swatted Chris's hand away. "Stop."

"Alright, alright." Chris laughed. "I'm just teasing."

"Yeah, I know." Ricky nodded, smiling fondly at his friend as he took another sip from his coffee. Chris pulled a really dorky face at Ricky, almost making him spew his coffee.

"Out the nose! Out the nose!" Chris chanted.

Ricky was trying really hard not to laugh as he set his mug on the coffee table as to not spill it.

Chris made the face again, and Ricky had to cover his mouth with his hand so he didn't spew his coffee. He waved his hand at Chris in the "stop doing that!" Motion as he looked away, then tried to swallow without choking.

Chris laughed, throwing his head back and wrapping his arms around his stomach. "That was priceless!"

"A-A**hole!" Ricky half choked half laughed out, wiping his mouth and looking back at Chris. He kicked Chris' shin.

Chris, who was still kinda laughing, was about to give a snarky response as he kicked Ricky lightly back, when the quiet sound of footsteps descending the staircase diverted both boys' attention to the archway that separated the main hall and staircase from the living room.

Ricky was still coughing quietly, holding his fist over his mouth to try and muffle his coughs as Mykailla entered the room. Her hair was all jacked up, but it still looked semi presentable, and she had her arms wrapped around herself... She looked really cold.. Then again, wouldn't you be cold if you were wearing shorts and a tank top in December weather? Even in the house it was still freezing!

(*media*) In hindsight, wearing pink and black zebra print booty shorts, and a loose, thin, tank top, wasn't a great idea.. Mykailla mentally scolded herself for her weird habits.

"Hey, Mikey. You look cold." Chris stated, still chuckling a bit and holding his arms out. "C'mere."

Mykailla yawned, shivering slightly and walking over to Chris. She plopped down next to him and snuggled close, bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "Who took Ricky's sweater from me?" She asked groggily, removing one arm from around her knees so she could rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Him." Ricky answered her, nodding towards Chris as he leaned forward again and grabbed his coffee, then leaned back and took a long drink. He rested the coffee mug in his lap again, then gave Mykailla a proper greeting. "Good morning, by the way."

"G'morning." She sighed quietly.

"How'd you sleep?" Ricky questioned politely, tilting his head slightly and raising an eyebrow. Acting as if what happened last night never happened, that cheeky b*stard.

"Fairly well for sleeping on the couch, thank you." Mykailla answered him in a dull voice, leaning forward to snatch his sweater from the coffee table. "You?" She put it back on, making Ricky smirk slightly. "I slept good too, thanks." He answered.

"You could just use the blanket that's right beside you, you know." Chris interrupted the morning greetings going on between Mykailla and Ricky, pointing to the blanket that was, in fact, right beside her. He was referring to her taking Ricky's sweater again because she was cold.

Mykailla mock pouted, zipping up the sweater and holding it close. "But his sweater smells good."

"See? She likes my cologne!" Ricky grinned, pointing at Mykailla, then Chris with a "Ha! Suck it, b*tch!" Look on his face. Chris was not a fan of Ricky's cologne.

Chris scrunched up his nose. "That stuff smells nasty."

"It smells like.." Mykailla brought the sleeve of the sweater up to her nose and took a long sniff, then thought a minute. "... It smells kinda like Old Spice and Axe, but.. " she sniffed it again. "But with, like, a hint of peach.. Or mango, or something."

"Peach? Mango--" Ricky laughed after a minute. "It's just regular Axe. You are smelling your own fruity perfume."

"Dork." Chris chuckled.

Mykailla rolled her eyes. "Whatever. The mix of all of them smells good."

"Okay, okay." Chris chuckled again, raising his hands in surrender.

"Point two," Ricky held up both his hands, both pointer fingers sticking up. "Ricky and Mykailla!"

"Why two? If you guys are a team, you only get one!" Chris huffed, mock offended.

"No, it's one point for each of us." Ricky answered matter-of-factly. "Because we're not a team."

"Why not?" Mykailla butted in.

"Because you're on the couch with the enemy."

"I'm not the ennneeemmmmyyy." Chris mock whined.

"Ricky says you are, so you are."

"Thank you."

"You wanted a war?" Mykailla shouted. "You've got one," Ricky joined in for the last part, smirking at Chris. "Motherf*cker!"

"Haha, very funny." Chris huffed. "And this isn't a war!"

"It is now." Mykailla giggled pushing herself away from Chris and going over to sit by Ricky's chair.

"What even- why are we, quote-unquote, fighting?"

"Ricky's cologne." Mykailla answered without missing a beat. "Duh."

"Yeah," Ricky pointed down at Mykailla, bringing his mug back up to his lips to finish his coffee.

Chris rolled his eyes playfully, crossing his arms.

"And, so far, we're winning." Mykailla grinned triumphantly.

Ricky chuckled, then leaned forward as much as he could, trying to put his empty mug on the coffee table. He had to reach really far, with his little arms. He ended up putting his hand on Mykailla's head to steady himself.

Mykailla looked very unimpressed.

Chris bit his lip to keep from laughing.

Ricky finally was able to set his mug down on the table safely.

"Excuse you, Mr. Olson." Mykailla crossed her arms, still with a look of "seriously.".

"Wha- oh! Sorry. I couldn't reach." He leaned back into his chair, trying not to chuckle. He tried to pat down Mykailla's messed up hair.

"She's going to beat you." Chris laughed. "Just- Just leave her hair alone."

"Sorry." Ricky almost seemed to giggle. Soooo sincere, Olson.

Mykailla raised her arm up in the air. "Gimme your beanie. Now."

"Hm, lemme think about that." He looked away in thought, then back at Mykailla with a deadpan look. "No."

"Boy," Mykailla said, trying to sound imposing, as she sat up on her knees and turned around to face Ricky. "My hair looks like sh*t now, thanks to you and your short arms. Gimme that beanie."

"My hair looks bad too!" Ricky huffed, covering his head with his hands.

"... I will sit on you."

"Whoa! Sh*t just got REAL!" Chris gasped in mock surprise.

"F*ck off, Chris." Mykailla laughed, then turned back to Ricky seriously. "Seriously, I will sit on you. Please give me the beanie."

Ricky shook his head, not taking his hands off.

Mykailla rolled her eyes playfully, then stood up, fixed her/Ricky's sweater and then... Proceeded to sit in Ricky's lap, his legs were still crossed beneath him, so Mykailla had to sit with her legs hanging off the side of the chair in order for the both of them to stay comfortable.

".... Hi." Ricky said unsure, leaning back slightly, hands still holding the beanie on his head.

Mykailla poked Ricky's chest. "Beanie. Give it."

Ricky shook his head once again.

"Dude, just give her the beanie." Chris, who was on his phone, secretly getting his camera ready so he could video this. "She's not gonna give up, or get off. Trust me."

"He knows stuff." Mykailla nodded and tried to grab Ricky's beanie again.

"Mykailla! Stoopppp!" Ricky mock whined.

Chris had started recording about ten seconds ago.

"Noooo!" Mykailla grabbed the back of the beanie and tried to pull it off his head. "My hair looks terrible! I need it!"

"Then go get your- stop you're gonna stretch it! - Brush!"

"I'm lazy, and it's colder upstairs than it is down here!"

Ricky was leaned back a far as humanly possible, without knocking the chair over. "So why don't you pull up your hood?!"

"...." Mykailla leaned away slightly, thinking. "..." She huffed and pulled away more so she could pull up the hood of her sweater. He had a point.

Ricky sighed loudly in relief, leaning back so he was sitting up normally again. "Thank you."

"I still want the beanie." Mykailla mock pouted, pulling the hood back slightly.

"Maybe I'll get you one for Christmas." Ricky mentally slapped himself for even bringing that up. Now he'll have to. Greeeat. He removed his hands from his head and rested them on Mykailla's abdomen. The latter rolled her eyes.

"Killjoy." Mykailla muttered.

"MCR." Ricky muttered back, smirking.

Mykailla couldn't help but giggle slightly. He understood her reference. He may be a jerk, but he has good music taste.

"Annnnd cut!" Chris chuckled, stopping the video, then powering off his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"What?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Chr-" As Mykailla got it, she scowled at Chris. "You did not take a video."

"I miiiight have." Chris smirked.

"Christopher Cerulli.."

"She full first-named you." Ricky chuckled. "You're in trouble nooow~"

Chris ignored Ricky, still smirking slightly. "Yes?"

"Christopher. Cerulli." Mykailla repeated. "You better delete that right. Now." Mykailla hated having her picture taken or being on any video. Chris knew this, and was just being a good friend... And by good friend, I mean being a complete and total f*cktard.

"Maybe I'll just show the rest of the guys before I delete it."

"Don't you da-"

"C'mon, Mykailla.. It won't be that ba-"

"You know that you're in the video too, right?"

"Duh. But-"

"You know how stupid we looked?"


"And you also see the position we're in, right?"

"Uh.." Ricky finally leaned back a bit to observe. "..okay." He looked at Chris. "Delete that. The guys are gonna think that we like each other."

"That we like each other?" Mykailla scoffed. "I'm in your lap, wearing your sweater and it probably looks like I'm not wearing pants in the video because my shorts are kinda short... Kinda a lot short. They're gonna think a little more than just 'like'."

"..." Ricky let his eyes roam Mykailla's body, taking note of the small random Sharpie tattoos along her ankles, legs and thighs.. As well as her short shorts. "..." He got an idea and smirked. "Hey, wanna play the nervous game?" He asked, completely undermining what Mykailla said.

"The wha-aa-t g-game?" She asked, stuttering slightly. Ricky started running his hand along Mykailla's inner thigh slowly.

"The nervous game." Ricky answered, still smirking. Mykailla quickly grabbed Ricky's hand, stopping it from moving any further, glaring slightly. Ricky chuckled. "You don't wanna play?" He smiled innocently.

"Not while Chris is a few feet away.." Mykailla muttered, eyeing Chris. Was she blushing? Ricky nodded in understanding, still half-smiling.

Not while Chris is a few feet away?

Does that mean she'll wanna play later?

Oh, Ricky had the dirtiest thoughts in his mind now.. She may be a b*tch, but, f*ck, was she good...

"Hey. You." Mykailla whispered, snapping her fingers in Ricky's face, making him jolt back slightly. He raised his eyebrow, mouthing a "what?"

"Are you okay?" She questioned. "You kinda had a deer in the headlights look.."

"Yeah. Fine." Ricky answered, shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts.

"He was having another psychic vision about the Universe." Chris joked, waving his hands around and making 'psychic noises'.

Ricky and Mykailla both gave Chris a deadpan look. Chris shrugged, half-smirking slightly.

"Or maybe he was just fantasizing about Ryan."

"Chris, do NOT go there." Ricky warned, giving Chris a warning glare.

Oh yes. The whole band was well aware of all the ships.

"Have fun with that." Chris side-whispered to Ricky, pointing at Mykailla when he said 'that'. "Hold down the fort, guys." Chris told Ricky and Mykailla in a normal tone as he stood. "This guy has to use the restroom, then call his mother to wish her a happy birthday."

"Have fun." Mykailla told Chris, chuckling.

"Also!" Ricky added. "Tell your mom I said hi, and happy birthday as well." Chris nodded as he exited the room and went to his first stop; the restroom.

Now. Back to the Ship. Sitkolson seems to be the most popular on Tumblr right now. Sucks for Ryan and Ricky.

"Sooo.. What about a ship type thing that I'm gathering exists?" Mykailla was confused. "Ryan is gay?"

"What? No!- Wait, hold up." Ricky interrupted himself, then looked at Mykailla pointedly. "Why did you say it like that?"

"Say it like.. What?"

"'Ryan is gay?'" Ricky copied what Mykailla said moments ago. "You said that like I'm gay and it's a surprise that he would be gay too."

"Wait, so ARE you gay?"

"What?! No! When has my sexuality ever been a question? Do I LOOK gay?!"

"Uh, well, a... little. Sometimes."

"Wow." Ricky gave a Mykailla a deadpan look, crossing his arms. "..."

"Ah great. Are you pissed at me now, is that it?" Mykailla asked dully.

"A little bit, yeah."


"Because I. Am. Not. Gay."

"I never said it was a bad thing."

"I know, and being gay isn't a bad thing. It's just the fact that you thought I was gay.. Since when have you thought I was gay?"

"Kinda.. About.. Maybe the third time you came over?"

"Myk-- Seriously? That was almost two years ago!"

"Well? I- Even though we-.. You still could have been!"

Ricky groaned, uncrossing his arms and rubbing his face.

Mykailla huffed. "The fact that you're not poppin' a boner whilst having me almost half-naked in your lap is not helping towards the 'not gay' thing."

"Mykailla, that's not how guys work." Ricky sighed, running his hands down his face, shaking his head. "You kinda have to have a legit connection with someone, as well as a sexaul attraction to someone, before you get turned on by any of their.. Activities?.. Being Demisexual is a thing." He said 'activities' as a question, almost. He was trying to figure out if that was the right word.

"Mhm.." Mykailla hummed a response. "So... I could do this," She rolled her hips down slightly against Ricky's crotch. "And you wouldn't get a little bit hard?"

"Hey," Ricky quickly tightened his grip on Mykailla's sides, keeping her from doing that again. "No. Stop."

"You don't like me like that, and we're not even friends." Mykailla smirked. "So this shouldn't turn you on."

Ricky gave her a deadpan look.

"..." Mykailla gripped Ricky's shoulders slightly tighter, rolling her hips against his slightly harder. Ricky's grip on her made that slightly difficult, but she managed, judging by the strangled noise Ricky just made.

"Mykailla," Ricky took a deep breath, then sighed slightly. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm a weirdo."

He gave her a look, then repeated himself. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm just trying to figure some things out."

"What things?"

"Well, for one, trying to figure out if you are, in fact, gay."

"Mykailla! I'm. Not. Gay!"

"Are you sure?" Mykailla asked.

"Yes, Mykailla, I'm sure." He scoffed, then pushed her away slightly. "Now get off of me."

Mykailla rolled her eyes, but got off.

"Thank you." Ricky sighed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He groaned quietly, rubbing his face. "... Okay." He seemed to sigh quietly again as he grabbed his empty mug off the coffee table. "I'm gonna.. Go put this in the sink."

Mykailla just nodded, as Ricky left.

As Ricky emerged from the kitchen, he had his mouth open, beginning to say something. He quickly shut it as he realized a certain brunette was missing from the room. "Sh*t. F*cking great." Ricky muttered as he heard a door slam shut upstairs.

Soon after the door slam, right as Ricky was about to plop back down on the couch, Chris's, surprisingly soft, footfalls could be heard coming down the stairs.

"Hey, uh-" Chris started right as he entered the room, but cut himself off after seeing Ricky's face that practically read "f*ck off I'm done".

"I was gone for like twenty minutes. Why that face?"

"Tell you later." Ricky ground out, looking up the stairs and at the door that led to Mykailla's room. He clenched his jaw tightly, glaring slightly as he looked back at Chris.

".. Okay. Uhm, why did I hear a door, Mykailla's door, I'm guessing, slam shut on my way back in from the balcony?"

Ricky ignored his question, still looking pissed as he started to walk passed Chris, to the front door. "Let's go. It's almost seven."

"Hold up." Chris demanded, narrowing his eyes slightly as he put a hand on Ricky's chest to stop him. "What the Hell happened in the twenty minutes I was gone? What did you do?"

"I did jack sh*t!" Ricky snapped, shoving Chris's hand away. "Take me home. Now... Please." He shoved past Chris as he headed towards the door.

"Ricky! We're not done with this conversation!" Chris grabbed Ricky's arm tightly. "What happened between you two?"

"You're not my parent, don't act like it." Ricky snapped again in a dangerously low tone of voice. "you are only three years older than me." He snit, ripping his arm out of Chris's grasp. "If you want to know so bad, talk to Mykailla. After you bring me home."

"... Fine. Whatever. You still have to get your sweater though." Chris sighed deeply. He was so confused, and he really didn't want to fight with Ricky right now.

"It'll be fine. Let's go." Ricky said, shaking his head as he went to the door. Chris followed wordlessly.

As they left the house, they were hit with a blast of icy December wind, making Ricky wrap his arms tightly around himself and shiver. It had gotten a lot colder than it was yesterday. Chris locked the door behind them, then took off one of his two coats and gave it to Ricky. "Here."

"Thanks." Ricky shivered out, pulling the coat on, which was still warm from Chris' body heat. He did not anticipate it to be this cold out in the morning. I mean, there was barely an inch of snow on the ground. Come on! There's gotta be at least three before it should be this cold out.

Chris unlocked his car, making the headlights flash.

"C'mon." Chris started towards the car, the snow crunching beneath his feet. "Stop ogling. Take a picture of the Winter Wonderland type scenery if you must. Let's go. You're the one that wanted to go home."

"I'm coming." Ricky sighed. He was just observing the, as Chris put it, Winter Wonderland scenery. It was quite nice... Peaceful, almost.


Like I said; long. I'm sorry! Dx

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