Eleven: Back in the Saddle

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Il Répoute burst into his eldest son's room, driven to extremes by the report Rebec had croaked out before collecting all the dirty dishes strewn about the library.

Seth whimpered, hands and legs splayed in the most unseemly manner (and not in the least fitting for the future ruler of Darndiddle), stretched to the four posts of his bed. His male members flopped, shriveled and sad.

He yanked the underwear from his son's mouth. "Tits on a sailor! What happened here? You were supposed to seduce her. She's our ticket to legitimacy, you know that." Il Répoute paced the room.

"She pricked me with a needle! I didn't touch her, I swear. I tried to bed her, like you said, but then she offered to do things, kinky things and I agreed. Then she...she..." When his words faded to gibberish and blubbering, Il Répoute had to take a moment and seriously rethink the situation.

He wanted to be king himself, but he knew the real power was always behind the puppet. It had to be his son. Besides, he was already married and as much as he disliked his wife, murder was not his forté.

The crying continued. "I'll never touch another woman in my life. You can't make me. Even if you force to marry that horrible wench, I won't consummate it. I won't, do you hear me?"

"There's nothing for it. You'll have to man up. Suck it up. Take one for the team."

"But she jabbed my family jewels with a needle and she must be the ugliest woman in Darndiddle! We all call her Toad. Why do I have to marry her, dad, why?"

"You know why."

"But can't you make Everett do it?"

"Your brother is twelve and your other brothers are even younger. No. You are a man now, Seth." He took a deep breath. "Son. What you need is to get back in the saddle. Today. No. Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning."

*** They call her Toad? Hmm. I bet there is a story behind her toady appearance! ***

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