Large Unmentionables Trigger Warning

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Warning: this fairytale contains no unseemly acts of a sexual nature within its pages, nor uncouth language to be found.

Well, upon second thought, there just so happens to be a bit of uncouth language that certain unsavory characters, such as a thief and a villain judge fit to use, but other than these few exceptions, the language is couth and the sentiments and actions pure.

Why, then, you ask me is there a warning? An excellent question, whose answer will become readily apparent. For this is a tale of a young knight of most noble countenance, whose very presence causes the underclothes of innocent maidens and worldly vixens alike to fly off or melt in a puddle at their ankles, but who is still a virgin on the eve of his 24th birthday. If you are curious to know more about this knight's unusually large, weighty, portentous, monumental, illustrious, tremendous, and quite frankly walloping prophecy which states he is destined to marry a frog and satisfy the wildest dreams of an entire country of women, by all means, click the shiny orange button. Thus our story begins!

*** A sexy and fun novella of epic proportions, appropriate for all discerning ages.  ***

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