Cover Ideas

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So, obviously, the current cover for AMT isn't that exciting, and rather just a drawing I did of Moth and Milkweed.

So, I came up with ideas, and only one person came back with their vote, so thank you, Finch.

I decided it be better to out it here, so here are the ideas I came up with.

1. Moth (foreground), Hickory (mid ground, blacked out except for his eyes looking down at Moth) with the hot desert sun in the background. It's hard to out into words, really, so I might do a quick sketch later to show everyone what I mean.

2. Milkweed and Moth doing the 'relfection' in the water trick. I might not use this and this is an idea I'm using for another book, but I always liked this idea.

3. Mothtail with his back turned, but looking over his shoulder to the reader with a solemn look with amber eyes narrowed and staring down at him from the top of the cover.

Just the ideas I already came up with, I'm always open for suggestions, and I'm working on chapter 3, so stayed tuned for when I finally have get it ready to publish!

Take care!

Drawings of Moth and other characters I did

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