Chapter 10 Busted Big Time?

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    previously in Chapter 9,  The mayor turns to Chloe Bougerious and says, "Wait, what was that noise?"

    Current chapter,  Chloe looks at her and says,  "I assure you everything is just fine, Miss Cesaire."

     "I do not believe you."  Mayor Cesaire says.

    "I  do not either,"  Alix says.

   "What?  You do not really believe her do you?"  Chloe says with rage in her voice.

   "As a matter of fact, I do believe  her."   Mayor Cesaire says.

    "What?  Why?  I  pay all my maids the amount that suits them."  Chloe Bougerious says.

     "Yes, but that does not explain the abuse."  Mayor Cesaire says.

     "Surely, you do not believe everything you hear!  It is not true."  Chloe protest.

     "She is absolutely, horrid I tell you!"  Alix says.

     "I am the best boss in the world!"  Chole brags.

     "No, you are the worst boss ever!"  Alix remarks.

      "Do tell me more."  Mayor Cesaire says.

      "Okay, well she is wicked!  She is never kind to anyone, especially, Marinette."  Alix says.  She has a tear form in her eyes as she thinks about her best friend.  She has not seen her in a few days.

      Meanwhile, Marinette looks around her more and gasps when she realizes she knows where they are right now.   She frowns as she thinks about the irony of it all.

     Marinette's  POV:  I came this close.  This close to my freedom.  I can not stop now.  If I do who knows what sorts of horrible things, Miss Bougerious will do to Alix  let alone anyone else.  I must put a stop to her once and for all.  I  will!   I will succeed!  I  just know it! 

    "Marinette, what is it?"  Adrien ask as he gently sets her down.

    Marinette responds, "It is just I recognize where we are right now."

  " Oh, and where is that to be exact?" Adrien replies.

    "We are not far from that traitor's office.  I can tell."  Marinette says.

  Marinette starts to head in the other direction.  Adrien watches as she does.  He wishes he could stop her, but even he can not when she full of determination.  This  he knows as he can see it in her eyes.

    Adrien's  POV:  Wow, when Marinette puts her mind to something, she really puts her mind to it.  I can sense she plans something big.  What on earth could it be?   I wonder, if I can be of any help to her.  It  is not like I know what she is up to anyway.  I mean she does not exactly share much with me.  In fact, she never shares anything with me beyond the cell we are in for the past few days before we got out and found ourselves here.  Where ever that is!

     Marinette keeps on until she arrives outside the office.  She frowns a bit.  She keeps her guard outside the room.  She waits for just the right moment before she does what she came here to do.

 Mayor Cesaire says rather loudly,  "Well, where is she then?  Tell me the truth!  Where is Miss Dupain-Cheng?" 

 "Well, you see I uh..." Chloe Bougerious says.  She is not about to say what she really knows.

   "Here I am!"  Marinette says as if right on cue.  She has bruises all over her arms and face.  She has quite a few scratches as well.

   "Wait, where did you come from anyway?"  Chloe says.  She panics when she sees Marinette.

   "Oh, you thought you could get rid of me that easily did you?"  Marinette says as she smirks.

   "Yes, she is right, you know."  Adrien says.

    "Who are you ?"  Mayor Cesaire says when she sees a boy in a cat outfit.

Adrien replies,  "Oh, me!  I am Adrien!  You see, Miss Bougerious here had us both in captivity for awhile now." 

 "What? " the mayor says.

 "She kept us both against our will in the damp, dark, dungeon below." Adrien says.

   "Is this true?"  Mayor Cesaire ask.

  "Yes, what he says is true!"  Marinette says.

 "Oh, Marinette!  I am so glad you are here!"  Alix says.  She runs over to her best friend and hugs her.

   "Wait, they do not know anything!  I am not that cruel."  Chloe protest.

    Alya ignores her and pulls out her phone. She immediately dials the police to explain all that has taken place lately.  She waits to see what happens and smiles when someone responds right away.  She tells them all that she knows.

   Chloe tries to run off in the hopes to escape before the police arrives at the hotel.  

   "Oh, you are not going anywhere!"  Alix says.  She smirks big time.

     Alix's  POV:  My boss might be one full of deceit, wickedness, and more.  Yet she lacks one thing, she is not good on her feet.  For that matter, she is not very good at anything. Not unless you count hatred, envy and such.  

    Chloe takes off, but as she does she trips over the mop and pail that Alix has left out.  She mutters something under her breath that no else can quite comprehend (Spanish for understand).  

    Alix only smirks big time.  "Told you!  I hate to break it to you, Miss Bougerious, but you are busted!  Big time!"  Alix says.

    "I can not agree more."  Marinette says.

    "I  must say the same goes for me too, young ladies!"  Adrien says.  He winks at Marinette though as the girls talk between themselves.

    Alix giggles.  She thinks, so I was right?  Adrien totally likes my best friend!

   The police arrive shortly and arrest Miss Chole Bougerious for many accounts of abuse, for two accounts of  kidnapping, forced captivity,  one account of  wrongful   enslavement, and alright wicked behavior.  The police figure she will be out of business for a long time.  

    Chloe scowls as the police takes her away.  She does not like the handcuffs as they pull at the hairs on her wrist.  She is one angry woman.

    Chloe's  POV:  I can not believe it.  The police took me away!  Me, the richest woman in all of Paris, France!  Why I just can not believe this.  

     to be continued in Chapter  11  Now what am I to do?

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