Chapter 2 Accident or What?

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         It is now, two days later.   The mayor, Alya   is ready to go!   Her  speech is  ready  now!  She goes outside, stands behind a huge stand and speaks into the microphone so that the citizens of Paris, France may hear her!  She does hope it will some how be a huge help to both those poor and rich alike.  She hates to think, that anyone will be left out of such an important event as this one.   As she speaks many stop right where they are to listen to what she has to say.

       This time, Marinette is on time for work. She is glad too!  At least this way, her boss will not dock her pay for tardiness. She is so happy about this she does not watch where she steps. She is also a bit clumsy as well. She knocks over a huge potted plant. She  looks at the mess in dismay.   She thinks, oh no !  What will Chloe say if she sees this?   How will she react?  Will she fire me once she finds out I have made a mess of one of  many ferns?  It is not like I did it on purpose, or anything.

     Adrien just so happens to decide to leave his home for a bit. He is still in his usual cat boy disguise much to the disgust of Natalie.  He figures it is just as well. This way no one will recognize him!  He does not really want to catch the attention of anyone.  He enters the hotel just as Marinette trips and falls into the plant.

     The vase shatters, as the pieces scatter all over the rug, and so on!  It is not a pretty sight to see.  Anyone else would think it was a wreck to say the least.  There is dirt everywhere too.  Dirt and glass shards on the rug, the floor and the walls.  It will take ages to clean all this up!  

       "Oh, no!  What a disaster!"  Marinette exclaims when shes the damage she has made to the poor fern, the room and her clothes.  She is still in shock about the matter and unsure what to do?

      "Here, let me help you, Miss!"  Adrien says.

     "I must not let you do any such thing!  It was my fault really."  Marinette protest.

      "Yes, but what kind of gentlemen lets a lady deal with such things without any help?"  Adrien remarks.

       Marinette looks at him in surprise and blushes.  She is taken aback about his behavior. She is not sure what to think about the kindness this stranger shows towards her.   She thinks his outfit to be a strange one indeed.  She dares not to say a word about it, so as not to offend him.  She recalls how early on her mother taught her to show politeness to others no matter who they are in life.  To this day she tries so hard to do so even though it has been years since her mom's death.  Yes, her mom who she loves dearly is gone.  Gone for good!  

      Before either of them can begin to clean up any thing, Marinette whinces from the pain. It seems she was hurt from one of the pieces of glass.  By the looks of it, it was her hand that was hurt.

       Chloe enters the room right then.  She sees the mess and is furious!

          "Why, Miss Dupain-Cheng, what ever is the meaning of this?"  Chloe yells when she sees the awful state of the room. 

         "Do not yell at her Miss!  I mean, it is not her fault. Really!"  Adrien says.

     "Oh, and how would you know anyway?"  Chloe says.  She thinks, the boy to be off his mind.  Why else would he be here in her hotel with such a peculiar suit, and such a  disrespectful behavior as his.  She wants him out  of   her hotel this instant.

     "Well, you see  Miss,..." Adrien begins.

    "Stop right there, it is Miss Bougerious to you and everyone else!"  Chloe snaps at him.

     "Miss Bougerious, Miss Dupain-Cheng here was just giving me a nice tour of your lovely place here when I bump into this here plant and she tries to stop it from tipping over!  Only it fell anyway and well that is how this mess got here!"  Adrien lies.

      "Well, now then, I suggest since you are responsible for this that you stay and help her clean it up!  See to it you do!  Then, be gone! "  Chloe says.

       "Yes, Miss Bougerious, I intend too."  Adrien says.

    Chloe walks off. She still  wonders if the young man tells the truth, or not?  Well no matter, if he helps her clean it up than the room will be back in tip top shape in no time.  She goes back upstairs.  She sits on her bed and thinks, goodness!  A hotel is harder to manage than I thought!  How on earth does my father expect me to do such a thing for long?   It is just a tiresome job!  Someone has to do it though.

      Marinette looks at Adrien in amazement.  The stranger stood up to her boss for her!  Why?  It is not as if he owes her anything.  He never even met her before, and probably wishes he had not.  Very few people do these days especially after they find out she is a maid, and an orphan on top it.

      Adrien just winks at her. He gets a broom and begins to sweep up some of the dirt. He stops when hears Marinette moan in pain.  He is sure of it.  The girl is hurt.  

     "Here, let me see!"  Adrien says.

    "It is nothing, really!"  Marinette says.

     "Nonsense, I know it is not true." Adrien says.

    " Fine, here take a look!"  Marinette says and shows him her hand.

    "Your hand it is   bleeding!" Adrien says.

    "It is no big deal!  It is only just a scratch." Marinette says.

    "I must insist that I help you, Miss."  Adrien says.

        Marinette says nothing further to him. She only looks on in surprise, as he cleans the wound, puts some sort of ointment on it and bandages it up.  She is not sure what to think about his actions.

       "See there, good as new!"  Adrien says.

    "  You did not have to do this you know.  You need not fuss over my hand."  Marinette says.

    " Haha, you are one funny girl!  Most people say thank you when some one helps them, but you seem to be unappreciative of  it.  You truly are very odd indeed!"  Adrien says.

      "I suppose you are right. Well, in that case thank you kind sir for your help."  Marinette says.

     "You are very welcome.  You may call me Adrien!"  Adrien says.

    "Adrien?"  Marinette ask.

    "Yes, that is my name."  Adrien says.

    "Oh, in that case, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"  Marinette says.

     "Marinette, wow!  That is such a nice name."  Adrien says.

    "Thanks, but we must really get to work on the mess now."  Marinette says.

       Adrien sighs he had forgotten all about the mess.  He nods his head.  He picks the broom back up and gets back to work. 

       Marinette  bends over and picks up a few loose leaves from the plant. She throws them away.  She comes back and finds the room to look better than it did before they used their team work to clean it.

      "Wow! "  Marinette exclaims.

     "It was nice to meet you, Miss Marinette! " Adrien says.  He winks at her and leaves to go home.

      Marinette does not respond.  She just gets back to work. She is unaware that Alix looks at her in wonder. Her friends seems to sense something is up at the way Marinette's face seems to shine some how as she hums while she works.

       "Marinette, what is with you?  I mean why the bandage?"  Alix ask.

       "Oh, this?  Well, you see the thing is..." Marinette begins.  She tells Alix the whole story about what took place earlier. She makes sure not to leave anything out.  When she finishes Alix looks on in surprise.

       "What?"  Marinette says.

       "Some one has an admirer, Marinette!"  Alix teases her.

       "Oh, do not be silly.  Alix, it is not like that he and I only just met today.  There is now way he could think about me in that way."  Marinette says.  

         "Well, I still say he likes you!"  Alix says.

    to be continued in Chapter  3   Alix  Teases Marinette!

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