Chapter 20 Marinette Remains Unconscious?

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      There is a knock at the door.  Natalie stands up.  She opens the door to the parlor and gasps.  She can not believe the sight before her very eyes!  She turns to Adrien and ask,  "What on earth took place here?"

      Adrien tries to remain calm, but finds it hard as he worries for her deeply. 

       "Marinette was in shock and she kinda passed out."  Adrien says.  His face is sweaty and a bit washed out.  He appears to be distraught!

      "Wait, just a minute mister!  Who are you?"  Alix remarks.

     "Excuse me, but is that any way to treat your boss?"  Natalie responds.

     "Boss?  Wait, this cute guy without the mask on is our boss?  I thought the guy with that ridiculous cat get up was the boss!"  Alix remarks.

     "Marinette, oh my goodness!  What happened to her?  Is she alright?"  Alix goes hystrical when she realizes the seriousness of the situation.

        "I am not ridiculous young lady and furthermore, get out of my parlor right now!"  Adrien says.

        Alix looks at him in surprise, but does as he says. She exits the parlor immediately unsure of what to do next.

         Natalie gets out her phone and calls for help for Marinette.  "Yes, this is an emergency!  I am sure of it, now get me some help please!  Marinette Dupain-Cheng is unconscious.  She fainted!"  Natalie says into the phone.

         Adrien just holds her in his arms and gently sets her down near the fire place.  He puts a blanket behind her head and another under her feet.  He gently brushes some hair that came loose from the hair band from her eyes.  He holds her hand in his own.  He looks at her in love.  He sobs.  

       "Oh, Marinette! Marinette, please be okay!  I  do not know what to do if  I..." Adrien says sadly.

            Natalie looks at Adrien out of pity.  She can not stand to see him this way.  She can see it in his eyes and hear in his voice that he worries deeply about the woman he loves.  She can tell.  She only wishes she could do more to help the young woman.

          A    few minutes later a  siren is heard as the emergency crew pulls up outside the mansion...

             Alix leads the workers right towards the area where Adrien took her best friend.  Now she paces the hall as the people get to work.  She bites a finger nail out of worry.  She feels silly now.  She feels like a stupid, foolish girl, why Marinette is her best friend and she was jealous of her earlier.  Now though she just worries for her health.  She shudders to think what would happen if Marinette should not make it.  She feels a single tear fall to the floor.

            Alix's  POV:  Marinette, you can not do this to me now !  More importantly can you not see how much Adrien loves you?  He may be our boss, but he truly loves you!  I can see it and I admit I was jealous at first. Only now, I just think of how cute a couple you two would make.  Come on Marinette, you have to pull through this and make Adrienette happen.   You got that girl?   You can do this!  I know you can because I have seen how strong you are when you stood up to Chloe that one time!  Now , get better soon and then kiss that man of yours.

            Adrien's  POV:  I see the help arrive to the parlor.   I explain the best I can what took place, but leave out the whole disguise thing.   That is really none of their business anyway.  I just do not know what to do.  I see them take her away from me, out to an ambulance and feel like my heart might burst from my chest.   I can not stand it.  

         Adrien's  POV:   How could this happen?  How could she get all pale and just pass out on me?  I do not get it.  I never once brought any harm to her.  Wait, I know it must be from when she worked for Chloe before she worked here!  Is that really it though?   Could it be, Chloe somehow poisoned the one I love?   I shudder at the very thought as I try to visualize her being hateful enough for such a  horrible deed.  I recall the dungeon and decide that anything is possible with this rotten lady.  Why then is it that Alix seems just fine?

       In Marinette's  unconscious mind...

         As   I remain in a coma, the last I recall is   Adrien begging me to stay with him!  I feel a blush come to my cheeks at the memory despite my unconscious state that I am in right now.  I wish I knew what it was that put me in such a state.  I do not get it, why did he return my family crest to me and how does he know I am royal.  It is not like I ever spoke of such things to anyone.  It was a promise I made to my mother before her death never to tell a single soul about my heritage.  Not even Adri was to know.  I  told mother, I would keep this secret hidden.  I thought there was no way anyone could know this since then.   Only, my new boss Adrien who turns out to be my child hood friend, Adri  knows I am royalty.  How? 

    Natalie's  POV:   I watch Adrien sob as his beloved Blueberry Gal as he calls Marinette now that he knows she is his childhood friend is taken away.  I feel bad for him.  As his stepmother, I try my best to see to it  he knows that he is loved.  Only it is not the same for him since the death of his father, nor since she, Marinette came back into his life.  I can tell she is important to him.  His smile seems to be different when she is around.  I can sense he loves her with all his heart and with his very soul.   What am I to do?   I am not sure how to comfort him now that the woman he loves struggles for her very life.

   Chapter 20 published March 17, 2019 and edits made March 18,2019

    to be continued in Chapter  21   The Poison Almost Snuffs Her Out?

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