Chapter 24 The Secret Lab?

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         Sabrina's  POV:

          As she sits around in jail she can not seem to understand why the police would ever bother to arrest her.  She reasons, it was Chloe who was abusive to her employees. All I ever did was her taxes and other paper work.  How could I be put here against my will?  It is so not fair she thinks to herself.

        "Chloe, why am  I even here?"  Sabrina whines.

       "How should I know?"  Chloe remarks.

      "Well, it stinks, I tell you!"  Sabrina replies.

      "What stinks?"  Chloe remarks.

      "That I never got to finish my research that is what!"  Sabrina says.

     "Research?  What do you mean?  You were an accountant!"  Chloe responds.

   "Yes, well for you that is true.  However, on my days off I was an scientist as well." Sabrina says.

    "Wow, that is so cool!  I never knew you were such a nerd! Haha!"  Chloe laughs at her.

     "You may tease me now, but I almost have a break through when it comes to my work in the lab."  Sabrina says.

    "I take that back, you are lab rat!"  Chloe scoffs.

     "Ugh, how did I get you for a roommate?"  Sabrina ask.

     " I could ask the same question!"  Chloe retorts.

      Chloe's  POV:

       It  has been months since I was first brought here to this cell.  My trail was so short and private.   I have no clue as to why the police ever chose to arrest Sabrina!  I mean if you just look at her you can clearly see she is no criminal.  She is too smart for that sort of thing.  It must have been some mistake they brought her here let alone put handcuffs on her prior to this.  

     Even on the news it says the police have very little proof of what they accuse her of anyway.  I mean imagine  Sabrina, the daughter of the police chief, some sort of  crook who hurts innocent humans.  This is so below her it makes one laugh!   Yet, she is her and in my cell too.  I personally, wish they would either switch her to another cell, or let her go.  

    The only crime she can be guilty of his lack of good looks, a bad taste in fashion, and being good at math.  Oh, and she is an expert at science too as she claims to have some lab.  What is she talking about anyway?   No one else has ever heard about any such lab!  Could it be she operates in secret with a special place for her research as she says?   Maybe, or perhaps, she is just plain crazy!

    "Sabrina, enough with your whiny behavior!  Some good it ever does anyway!"  Chole says.

     "But Chloe!"  Sabrina whines.

      "But nothing, just calm down!"  Chloe says.

  Sabrina remarks,  "You do not understand.   I was never one to gripe before, but now I know I must get out of here!  I will!  I tell you and soon will complete the project.  Then, they will all be sorry! "  

   "I think you are off your rocker!" Chloe remarks.

    "I am not mad."  Sabrina scoffs.

     Elsewhere, stands a lab that only four people know exist...

        Sabrina is one of them.  The others are Lila, Kagami and finally Aurore.  The last three use to work with Sabrina.  Only now, Sabrina and Lila have been taken in by the police.  

     So, now Kagami and Aurore continue on with the work with an knowledge from those on the inside. It is a hush hush operation.  This is to ensure no one else finds out what they are up too.  It will keep them from behind bars.  

     Kagami's  POV:

      I can not believe Lila was so careless.  Now wonder, the police brought her in like they did!  Well, it is only a matter of time before they discover she was the one to poison Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who turns out to be the long lost daughter of a  dead king and queen.  As in this girl is a princess!  No wonder she was taken in for her lack of proper id!

     To top it off, Chloe and Sabrina are in prison too. Chloe for abuse which is just plain shameful and Sabrina whose charges still puzzle me to this day. To hear them talk you would think, Sabrina was a murderer!  Why the very idea is absurd!  There is no way she could hurt a fly!  Let alone a human being!

       "Aurore?"  Kagami calls out.

      Kagami puts her hands on her hips. She thinks, honestly that girl!  Where on earth could she be?  She takes a look around. Still she does not see her.  She has no clues where the girl could have gone.

      "Sorry, Kagami !  I was late."  Aurore says.

     "Where on earth have you been?"  Kagami remarks.

     "I have to be sneaky as the police are everywhere.  It seems since the arrest of Lila they have grown suspicious of  anyone lately.  I have no ideas as to why.  I mean neither one of us has done anything as crazy as her, right?"  Aurore responds.

     "I should think you would know this by now!  I mean, good grief!   There is no way, we did anything wrong."  Kagami says.

     "Yes, well I feel bad for Sabrina."  Aurore says.

   "As do I, but the research must go on just the same!"  Kagami remarks.

    "Yes, you are right as rain!"  Aurore says.

    Aurore's  POV:

   Sabrina is in the slammer.  The poor girl should never have put her trust in Chloe!  If I did not know any better it was her boss that chose to drag her down with her!  It seems like something she would do too.  I mean how else do you explain all the stuff  people accuse her of anyway?

    Sabrina is one of my very best friends!  She is rather good scientist too!  I can not see her as the type to purposely harm that Alix girl!  It is not like she could have anything against her.  Everyone knows Alix is just a maid!   What could anyone have against this girl?

    "Kagami, how could say this about Sabrina?  Why it is not true!"  Aurore protest.

     "I know, but there is nothing more we can do."  Kagami says.

    "Yes, but it is just so crazy!"  Aurore whines

    "I know this, you know this, but no one else does."  Kagami says.

       Narrator's  POV:

       Aurore gets back to work.  Kagami does too.  Both continue the job where the others left off.  It seems fit to do so during such a time as this.  This is the only way to find the cure!  

    Back to Sabrina...

       In her mind...

       I thought I could get away with it!  I was close!  So, close to her ruin! Close to the end, of Alix Kubel!   Yet, the police found me and next thing I know I am here.  Ugh, I need to find a way out of her because the job must come to a close.  It must!  It must indeed!  

 *Author's  note:   What on earth is Sabrina going on about here?   Why is she against Alix?  

    to be continued in Chapter  25   Everyone is Better?  : Adrien and Marinette's  Quarrel?

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