Chapter 27 Alix is Furious?

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      Alix continues to scream at him,  "Get lost!"

        "Oh, come on Alix!  Is that any way to treat an old friend?"  Roy ask

      "Old friend, haha!  You are my ex-boyfriend because you are cheater!" Alix scoffs.

      "Babe, she does not like us!"  Roy's  girlfriend Barbara whines.

      "Roy, just scram!  I do not want you here!"  Alix says.

    "Oh, come on Alix!  Just let us inside." Roy says.

     "No!  You beat it! " Alix remarks.

    "Babe, lets just go!"  Barbara says.

     "Alix, come on be reasonable now!"  Roy says.

     "Roy, she is not worth it!"  Barbara says.

       "I do not ever want to see you again!  So leave and never come near us ever again!"  Alix says.

        Alix slams the door in their faces. She stands there with a look of fury in her face.   "Ugh, I can not believe he has the nerve to show his face her and with her!  The girl he told me was just a friend!"  Alix says to herself.

      Roy and Barbara walk off together.  Neither of them can understand why the woman who came to the door would refuse to let them inside, but there is not a thing they can do about it. So, they leave and go back to Roy's  place.

     Alix's  POV:

     Roy and Barbara, what a crazy pair!  What did I ever seen in him is beyond me?  Now, I just want him gone for good!  I mean it!  I could care less if I never see him again!  Goodness, why on earth did they even bother to come here?  For that matter, how did he find out where I was?  

     I did not keep track of him for years.  As far as that part of my life goes, it is all over!

   I need not bring it up again!  I much rather dwell on the hear and now!  This makes way better sense as it now that I have someone new, or at least I hope I do!   I  love Robbie now!  Oh, Robbie, I do wonder ,how you are this evening?    I wore my green dress, and I hope you like it!


       Meanwhile, Adrien makes it to the parlor to find Marinette on her own and distraught as ever.

       "Adri, why?  Why do you hate me?"  Marinette says.  She still does not know he is in the room yet.

     "Marinette, I am sorry."  Adrien says.

    "You are right, I should give you the space you need."  Adrien says.

     "Adri, it is just that I am afraid whoever is after Alix and I will find us.  Then, they will strike again and take us out!"  Marinette remarks.

     " I will not let anyone hurt you. You know that right?"  Adrien says.

     "I never did ask you to protect me."  Marinette responds.

    "I know, but I want to keep you safe."  Adrien says.

    "No, you can not.  You must never put yourself in harms way for me."  Marinette says.

    "What?  Why not?"  Adrien says.

   "I c-could never forgive myself  if something should happen to you."  Marinette says.

         Adrien hugs her and she hugs him back.  They both forget all the craziness around them for the moment.  They both think, well this is rather nice.  

       Marinette breaks the hug.  She looks at him sadly. 

      "I mean it.  I can not let you get hurt." Marinette says.

      "I suppose it is best, if I just leave."  Marinette remarks.  She thinks, I can not loose him!  I not sure why, but I just can not.

     Marinette's  POV:

     Adrien your  too important to me.  I can not let someone take you from me!  If you protect me, I might never recover.  I have to go.  I must.  I have no choice.   There is no other way.  As much as it scares me to leave, I will if it means you are safe.  I see you look at me and can tell you do not want me to go. 

   Why must you look at me as if  I someone special?  It is just me some silly girl you gave a doll back too once you found it years ago in the past.  I am not that big of a deal.  Now you are important.  You are meant to be here, you have to for your kingdom.   No one would miss me if I were gone. Well, maybe Alix would and Adrien, but no one else. So, for the best of everyone, I will go!  I will leave so everyone else can be okay.  It is fine.  You all strong enough to get along without me.

   Adrien's  POV:
    I look at her!  I wonder what she thinks in that head of hers?   Why is so stubborn?  I long to protect her because I love her!  Can she not see how much she means to me?  I would give my life for her, if it meant she would still be here!  I can not let her go!  I refuse to let her leave.

    How do I convince her to stay?  I can not hold her against her will.  I know that as much as anyone. I suppose, I will have to speak to Alix about it and quick!  I will not tell her about the royalty stuff though as it must remain a secret.  No one else must know. I have enough sense to realize this.  I do wish, Marinette would not push me away!  

 Out of all the woman, how did I end up in love with Marinette?  I suppose in some small way I have always love her ever since we first me as children.  I know it is crazy, but it is true.  I will never give up on her!   I give my word on this!

   to be continued in Chapter 28  Jail Bust?    


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